Hypno Fasting FAQ

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Note: If you have any hypnosis/hypnotherapy-related questions or concerns that you'd like
answering before downloading the Hypno-Fasting MP3, scroll down to read through some
of our frequently asked hypnosis questions.

Hypnosis FAQs

Before you listen to your Hypno-Fasting MP3, you may have some questions about
hypnosis. So, here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive on the

What is hypnosis - is it even real?

Yes, hypnosis is 100% real, and scientifically proven to exist, but, in reality, hypnosis may
be different to what you might expect...
Hypnosis isn't magic or mind-control. You cannot be made to do things you don't want to
do, nor will you "black out" or "get stuck in hypnosis" (that's impossible). In fact, hypnosis is
a completely normal, natural state of mind, one that we all enter numerous times each day
(yes, including you). Hypnosis allows you to become very focused, to the point where all
other distractions can begin to become less important.

Contrary to what you may have seen in the movies, people in hypnosis aren't
unconscious... they're actually super-focused. It's very similar to when you get into a good
book/movie, and everything else takes a back seat. Hypnosis feels a bit like the moment
before you fall asleep, where you're aware, but not totally "with it". People often say that
hypnosis is one of the most relaxing experiences they've ever had!

Who can be hypnotised?

Pretty much everyone on the planet can be hypnotised to some degree, but some people
are naturally better at it than others. The majority of people (over 99%) respond to hypnosis
plenty well enough to easily benefit from this hypnosis MP3.

If, however, you're thinking more about the kind of hypnosis you'd see at a stage hypnosis
show, that's more like 20-30% of people. To be selected for a stage hypnosis show, you
need to be naturally highly responsive to hypnosis... but even if you're not, that's fine,
because you'll still be able to benefit from this MP3.

Who shouldn't be hypnotised?

Do not use this hypnosis MP3 if you suffer from any of the following:

Psychological disorders
Personality disorders
Severe (clinical) depression
Uncontrolled epilepsy/seizures
Brain trauma
Severe learning difficulties/cognitive deficits

Do not use this hypnosis MP3 whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and if you are
on any prescribed medications, get the "OK" from your doctor beforehand.

Finally, you must be able to understand the English language in order to fully benefit from
this MP3 (as it is in English).

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is a completely natural state, and one that we all experience multiple times each
day. Hypnosis can feel different for different people. During hypnosis, some people feel
heavy, like they're sinking comfortably into the chair/bed, others feel light and floaty. Some
people focus fully on what's being said throughout the entire session, whereas others "fade
in and out", focusing for a while, then going off into their own imaginations. Some people
simply feel like they're sitting/laying with their eyes closed and listening, whereas others
feel like they're having a totally different type of experience. It's a very individual thing and
whatever you experience in hypnosis is what's right for you. There are no "rights" and
"wrongs" when it comes to how you experience hypnosis.

Also, your experience of hypnosis may vary depending on who your hypnotist is, their
"delivery style" and also the specific techniques that are used during the hypnosis session.
The type of hypnosis used in the Hypno-Fasting MP3 is designed to help you to feel
relaxed, focused and comfortable throughout.

Will I lose control?

No! You are actually always in control when you are in a state of hypnosis. If the hypnotist
were to give you a suggestion that you morally disagreed with, you'd be able to either
refuse to go along with it, or you'd simply open your eyes and stop the hypnosis process all
by yourself.

All hypnosis is fundamentally "self-hypnosis", and rather than thinking of a hypnotist as

someone who "controls" you, think of the hypnotist more as a "map reader", and you're the
driver. The hypnotist suggests which direction you should go in, but you always have the
ability to choose to go in a different direction, if you want to.

Will I remember what's said?

Different people remember things in different ways, and some have better memories than
others. So, some people will remember the whole hypnotherapy MP3 in full detail, others
will remember parts of it, and some might remember less. All 3 responses are perfectly

It's often more a case of "duration". I mean, you wouldn’t remember every single detail of a
movie if you were asked about it afterwards, would you? You might remember the key
points, and some details, but not all of them. The same as you’d probably be equally hard-
pushed to remember every aspect of a half-hour-long conversation you had with a friend…
so, why would hypnosis be any different?

Know that if you need to remember something specific, you will be able to do so, but that if
you don't need to consciously remember what's said, then you can simply enjoy the
process in your own way, remembering just as much as you require.

Is hypnosis the same as sleep/unconsciousness?

No, hypnosis and sleep are two completely different things. Though some hypnotists
use the word "sleep", this is simply due to the way people look when in hypnosis (relaxed,
with their eyes closed). If you hooked a person up to a brain-wave monitor (EEG) machine,
and took two readings, one when hypnotised and one when they were asleep, the readings
would be very different.

So, people who are hypnotised are definitely not asleep, if they were, they wouldn't actually
follow the hypnotist's instructions...they'd be too busy sleeping! If sleep was the same as
hypnosis, don't you think our partners would already know that, and use it to their
advantage, telling us to wake up in the morning and make them breakfast in bed? (I totally
wouldn't do that though... in case my partner reads this... lol)

As well as not being asleep, you will also not be unconscious during hypnosis, in fact you
will be aware of what you're doing and what's happening around you (if you want/need to
be). Hypnosis requires conscious input, so being unconscious just wouldn't work.

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

Though it would be lovely to spend days and weeks in hypnosis (as it feels great), it is
impossible to get "stuck" in hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state, kind of like meditation is,
and you have as much chance of getting stuck in hypnosis as you would have of getting
stuck in meditation...which sounds pretty silly when you think of it like that.

To re-instate an earlier point; all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You are in control, so you can
always "wake yourself up" if/when you need to.

Is hypnosis magic?
No, in fact hypnosis is something that can be learned, just like a magician learns how to do
tricks, anyone can learn how to do hypnosis. Hypnosis is not the work of the devil, or
voodoo, it's the work of nature, because hypnosis is a brainwave state... It relies on
language, suggestions and compliance... So, it's not magic, but the results that can be
achieved with hypnosis can seem magical, as hypnosis (and hypnotherapy) can often help
people make changes and "shifts" happen faster than with other therapies, or when doing
things with willpower alone!

If you'd like more information on how you can learn to do hypnosis or hypnotherapy,
visit: Rory-Z.com

Are there any age limits?

There are no age limits (in the UK) on the use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes - this
may vary in different countries/states. However, (to re-instate) intermittent fasting is not
recommended for children (under 18 years old), as the body is still growing and changing,
and it's not something that you want to mess around with. There is no real upper age limit,
so it should be fine, assuming you're of good health and not frail. Again, if you're over 65, it
might be worth double checking with your doctor before you begin your Hypno-
Fasting plan.
If you have a question about hypnosis that wasn't covered here, please use the
contact form below to ask your question, and Rory will get back to you as soon as
he can...


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