Systems Module 12

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 Merciful and Forgiving father, we praise and thank You for

sending us holy men whose virtues inspire us to become
 We ask you to guide us through your Holy spirit. Help us to
do what is good and avoid what is bad. Help us to be
concerned with spiritual things rather than material
things. Make us become worthy of Your kingdom.
 We ask this through Christ our Lord.

 Amen.
Respiratory System

The functional unit of the respiratory system:

it is where gas exchange occurs  

The Respiratory system supplies oxygen to

body tissues and to remove carbon dioxide,
which is a waste product, from the body
A. The Upper Respiratory System
 Nasal Cavity
 Oral Cavity
 Larynx or Voice Box
 Trachea or Windpipe
 Pharynx
 Epiglottis
 Esophagus

 Cavity – lined with cilia and mucous that clean, warm, and moisten the air  
 Cavity or Mouth - is an alternative way for air.
 – where oral cavity and nasal cavity meet  
 contains two vocal cords. Air moving through larynx creates voice sounds.
 (windpipe) – a tube lined with cilia and mucous, surrounded by rings of  cartilage
for support, which branches into 2 tubes
 is a flap of tissue that guards the entrance to the trachea, closing in order to
prevent food or fluid from entering the lungs.
 the passage leading from the mouth and throat to the stomach.
A. The Lower Respiratory System
 Bronchi
 Bronchioles
 Alveoli
 Lungs
 Diaphragm
The Lower Respiratory System
•Bronchi – 2 tubes lined with cilia and mucous, surrounded by rings of cartilage
 for support, which enter the lungs and branch into many smaller tubes called

•Bronchioles – lined with a mucous membrane, and at the end of each tube are
 the alveoli

•Alveoli – millions of air sacs found at the end of bronchioles; the walls are thin,
 moist and surrounded by capillaries

Lungs- are elastic organs with sponge-like tissue.

Diaphragm- is the strong wall of muscle (dome-shaped) that separates the

chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
Movement of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
In and Out of the Respiratory System

air from Nasa l
cavities Pharynx Trachea Bronch i

Oxygen and
carbon dioxide
Bronch i Bronchioles Alveol i Bronchioles
exchange at
alveol i

Nasa l dioxide-rich
Trachea Pharynx cavities air to the
The Mechanics of Breathing


Rib cage

Breathing is automatic, controlled subconsciously by the
respiratory center at the base of the brain. During breathing
at rest, the average adult inhales and exhales about 15 times
a minute.
 The process of breathing  The process of breathing
out and is usually passive in wherein it moves the
when a person is not diaphragm down and
exercising. When you expands the chest cavity.
exhale, the diaphragm
muscle relaxes.

It is the life support structure that nourishes your

cells with nutrients from the food you eat and
oxygen from the air you breathe.
The circulatory system functions with other body
systems to deliver different materials in the body. It
circulates vital elements such as oxygen and
nutrients and it also transports wastes away from
the body.
The circulatory system is made up of the
(1) heart,
(2) blood, and
(3) blood vessels known as arteries, capillaries and veins.
The major parts of the Circulatory System
 1. Heart- pumps the blood throughout the body.
 2. Blood Vessel- Carries the blood throughout the body.
 A. Arteries- carry oxygenated blood away from the heart
to the cells, tissues and organs of the body.
 B. Veins- carry deoxygenated blood to the heart.
 C. Capillaries- The smallest blood vessels in the body,
connecting the smallest arteries to the smallest veins. It is
the actual site where gases and nutrients are exchanged.
 3. Blood- carries the materials throughout the body.
The main components of human blood
 1. Plasma- tis is the watery portion of the blood. Blood
cells are suspended here.
 2. Red Blood Cells- Using hemoglobin, these cells carry
oxygen from the lungs throughout the entire body.
 3. White blood cells- these cells aid in the immune
response. They help fight off infections by engulfing and
destroying foreign invaders.
 4. Platelets- helps the blood clot
Types of Blood Circulation
Systemic (greater) circulation where the blood flows
from the left ventricle, through various parts of the
body, to the right atrium
Pulmonary circulation is where oxygen and carbon
dioxide exchange between the blood and alveolar air
occurs so blood flows from the right ventricle, through
the lungs, to the left atrium
The coronary circulation, or heart circulation, is the
circulation of blood in the blood vessels of the heart.
 Merciful and Forgiving father, we praise and thank You for
sending us holy men whose virtues inspire us to become
 We ask you to guide us through your Holy spirit. Help us to
do what is good and avoid what is bad. Help us to be
concerned with spiritual things rather than material
things. Make us become worthy of Your kingdom.
 We ask this through Christ our Lord.

 Amen.
What’s the Word?
 Procedure:
 All four pictures in each given set depict negative ways of
living. They are connected by one common word that
indicates the effect of one’s lifestyle on the functioning of
the respiratory and circulatory systems. The expected
answers are illnesses that are brought about by the
negative lifestyles. Complete the word by supplying the
missing letters of the word.
A____ A
A____ A
Guide Questions:
 1. What is common in each set of pictures?
 2.What are the negative lifestyles that are depicted in
the pictures?
 3. How can lifestyle affect the functioning of the
respiratory and circulatory systems?
 4. How can these negative lifestyles be changed?
 5.What might happen if a person goes on with a
negative lifestyle such as what were seen in the activity?
 After going through the module, you are expected to:
 1. Identify the effects of lifestyle to the respiratory and
circulatory system;
 2. infer how one’s lifestyle can affect the functions of
respiratory and circulatory systems;
 3. infer how to detect and prevent diseases in the
circulatory system and respiratory system;
 4. create a poster on effective ways of taking care of the
respiratory and circulatory system.
When you take care of your body,
your mind and heart will be
Keep well and good!
- May Natividad
Some common diseases of the
respiratory System
 1. Asthma- a common, continuing respiratory condition that causes difficulty
breathing due to inflammation of the airways.
 2. Chronic bronchitis- a disease that make the bronchial tubes swell.
 3. Emphysema- a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that
causes damage to the air sacs in the lungs or alveoli.
 4. Lung cancer- bumps are shaped in the lungs that cause cancer.
 5. Tuberculosis- mycobacterium targets the lungs and damages the other
parts of the body.
 6. Pneumonia- the swelling of alveoli is caused by bacteria, virus or fungi.
 7. Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19)- this new disease comes from a type of
coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms show up to 14 days. Some are
asymptomatic that no symptoms show, but they are already infected and can
spread the virus if not in isolation.
Some common diseases of the
Circulatory System
 1. Atherosclerosis/ Arteriosclerosis- makes arteries hard
caused by high consumption of a fatty diet that leaves fat
deposits on the lining of the blood vessels. These fat
deposits make the arteries rigid.
 2. Heart Attack- is caused when the heart is blocked from
blood supply due to blood clot.
 3. Myocardial ischemia- the build up of fat deposits
congests the blood flow from the heart.
 4. High Cholesterol- cholesterol-rich food excessive
consumption may lead to hypertension.
Some common diseases of the
Circulatory System
 5. Heart failure- the unstable behavior of the heart cannot pump
sufficient blood from the body’s needs
 6. Stroke- can happen if a vessel that supplies blood from the
brain either becomes blocked by a blood clot or bursts. These stop
blood flow and prevent oxygen from getting to the brain.
 7. High blood pressure (Hypertension)- the elevation of blood
pressure in the vessels gets too high that it can trigger other
 8. Anemia- the insufficient supply of red blood cells in the blood
can make you feel easily tired.

 1. Cigarette Smoking- it comprises a lot of substances that are

hurtful to both the smoker and the individuals around the
smoker. It compromises both the respiratory and circulatory
framework and even the entire body.
 2. Healthy Diet- A healthy dieting routine does not mean you
simply need to eat berries and greens but also other kinds of
foods. Eating a well-balanced diet can help prevent you from
having diseases. Your go-to guide on what’s optimal to eat is
the food pyramid. Remember: You are what you eat!
 3. Regular Exercise and Adequate Rest- Keeping your body
active can help your respiratory and circulatory system strong.
As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC)
suggestion, at least 150 minutes of exercise each week
improves the prevention of diseases.
 4. Proper Hygiene – Washing your hands appropriately for 20
seconds, particularly in the wake of wheezing, coughing, or
cleaning out your nose, assists with shielding you and others
from ailments, such as colds and influenza. Protect yourself by
wearing a protective mask. This is very important especially this
time that we are confronting a pandemic.
 Thebest way to prevent diseases in the
respiratory and circulatory systems is to have a
healthy lifestyle, which includes balanced diet,
regular exercise, adequate rest, proper hygiene,
and avoiding vices such as cigarette smoking and
alcohol drinking. Circulatory and respiratory
disease can easily be detected with regular health
check-up and physical screening.
Reducing the Risk on having Respiratory
and Circulatory Diseases
 Wash your hands often, especially when you are around people with colds.
2. Keep your hands away from your nose, eyes and mouth. These are the places

where viruses are most likely to enter your body.
3. Do not smoke or use tobacco products. Smoking irritates the mucous

membranes of the nose, sinuses and lungs, which may make them more
susceptible to infections.
4. Avoid exposure to chemicals. Do not spray or apply chemicals unless you are

wearing protective clothing, such as a particle-filtering respirator, safety
goggles, and gloves.
5. Exercise regularly.

Reducing the Risk on having Respiratory
and Circulatory Diseases
 1. Eat high quality Foods
 Diets containing five to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables, whole
grains and low-fat dairy products are most beneficial to the
circulatory system. Avoiding processed foods, foods that are high
in saturated and trans fats, and excessive alcohol consumption can
also improve your circulatory system health.
2. Maintain a healthy weight.
Being overweight can increase risk of high blood pressure,
diabetes and high cholesterol, all of which put you at increased risk
for heart attack and other circulation problems.
 Gibberish is a form of nonsense speech. Below are concepts discussed in our
lessons for this module. Identify each using the gibberish as your clue. Then
give the definition of the real concept.
 1. As ma
 2. High per tense shown
 3. Art at act
 4. Straw oak
 5. Crown ink brown kite is
 6. Hen pie see mwah
 7. High cool less tar role
 8. New moon yeah
 9. Exert size
 10. See girl rate

 POSTER MAKING: Information Dissemination on How to Take Care of the

Respiratory and Circulatory System
 Direction: On a short bond paper, design a poster which presents helpful
information to the public about effective ways of taking care of the respiratory
and circulatory systems. You may use any medium for your artwork (e.g.
watercolor, crayons, color pens). Your output will be assessed in accordance
with the following rubric.
Category 4 3 2 1
Presentation The poster clearly communicates The poster communicates The poster indirectly The poster does not sufficiently
the main idea and strongly communicates the idea and communicate any idea that can
promotes awareness. some of the important ideas and hardly promotes awareness. promote awareness.
slightly promotes awareness.

Creativity and Originality All of the graphics used on the Most of the graphics used on the The graphics were made by the The graphics were not made by
poster reflect an exceptional poster reflect the student student but were copied form the student.
degree of student ingenuity in their ingenuity in their creation. the designs or ideas of others.

Accuracy and Relevance of All graphics in the poster are Most graphics in the poster are Some graphics in the poster are The graphics in the poster are
the Content accurate and related to the topic. accurate and related to the accurate and related to the neither accurate nor relate to
topic. topic. the topic.

Required Elements The poster includes all required All required elements are Few required elements are Required elements are missing.
elements as well as additional included. included.

Effort The student gave an effort far The student completed the The student finished the poster, The student did not finish the
beyond the requirements of the poster in an above average but it lacks finishing touches or work in a satisfactory manner.
poster making. manner, yet more could have can be improved upon with
been done. little effort.
Module 1: Respiratory
and Circulatory System

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