Course Syllabus - Honors Molecular Genetics - Valencia High School Mr. Klinger
Course Syllabus - Honors Molecular Genetics - Valencia High School Mr. Klinger
Course Syllabus - Honors Molecular Genetics - Valencia High School Mr. Klinger
Mr. Klinger
e-mail: [email protected] Web: Grades:
Phone: 294-1188 x208
Course Description
Molecular Genetics is a one semester elective laboratory course for high ability 11-12 grade students who have
completed general biology and general chemistry with a ‘B’ or better. This is a college level course using college
text books. It is designed to meet the needs of students who may be thinking about careers in the bio-medical fields
or for students unsure of their future career choices who enjoy the challenges of the biological sciences. It is for
students who show creative ability, independent thinking, and feel ‘at home’ in the laboratory. The students time is
devoted to reading, lectures, and laboratory sessions and one independent project.
Units of Study
Class Grades
Molecular Genetics is accepted by the UC and similar universities for the science requirement. Current class grades
are posted and updated on The Campus Portal is only used to post progress report and
report card grades. A login will be provided for you during the first week of the semester;
please speak with me if you are having issues accessing your grade.
Work Assignments
Students are expected to take notes; participate in class discussions; comply with the reading assignments and
sometimes come in and work in the lab or on the computer before, during and after school. We have an Internet
connected computer stations in the lab as well as a dedicated computer lab in the center of the building.
As this is a lab based class, students are assessed in both traditional written forms as well as in their ability to
perform laboratory skills. Lab practicums are implemented to ensure that students are learning proper skills to
successfully complete the lab experiments. The final exam is a comprehensive final that covers all labs performed
through the semester.