About Jam

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Assistant Professor
[email protected]
M.S., Indiana University.
Diploma, New York Film Academy.
Mr. Jamal Morelli joined the University for a
New Africa (UNA) as an assistant professor
of English and Communication in 2021. He
received his M.S degree as a Music Major in
Double Bass Violin and Composition from
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and a
Diploma in Digital Filmmaking from New York
Film Academy. He spent several years at
American Language Center in Fes and
American School Fez working as a Teacher in
English. He started his work on ISAT
ENGLISH as a director in 2019 where he
several students at all levels of training and
1. Professional affiliations
• ISAT ENGLISH, Director / Co-owner, September
2019 to Present.
• American School Fez High School, Science
Teacher, October 2017 to October 2019.
• Amicitia American School, Fes English as a
Second Language Teacher, October 2017 to
• Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Hassan II,
Neurology Dept, English as a Second Language
Teacher, October 2017 to Present.
• American Language Center, Fes, English as a
Second Language Teacher, February 2010 to
October 2017.

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