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Project Based Learning in Wireless Communications Utilizing Deployed Wireless Networks

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Project Based Learning in Wireless Communications Utilizing Deployed

Wireless Networks

Conference Paper · May 2014

DOI: 10.1109/DICTAP.2014.6821715


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Yazan A Alqudah
University of West Florida


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Project Based Learning in Wireless Communications
Utilizing Deployed Wireless Networks

Yazan A Alqudah Michelle Mace

Communications Engineering Department Educational Consultant
Princess Sumaya University for Technology Amman, Jordan
Amman, Jordan
[email protected]

Abstract—Project-Based Learning (PBL) can significantly According to the American Society for Engineering Education
motivate students to learn engineering concepts. This paper (ASEE) [3], there is a distinct need for engineering education
reports on the experience at Princess Sumaya University for to change to meet new industry challenges and national needs
Technology of utilizing PBL to enhance the teaching of wireless in the field. “Today, engineering colleges must not only
communication course. In the project, students are asked to
provide their graduates with intellectual development and
collect real world measurements of cellular towers signal power.
The data is then plotted versus distance for different superb technical capabilities, but following industry's lead,
environments. Students are asked to share their measurements those colleges must educate their students to work as part of
and compare them to expected theoretically predicted values teams, communicate well, and understand the economic,
using known path loss models. This paper describes the project social, environmental and international context of their
and the feedback collected from students. professional activities. These changes are vital to the nation's
industrial strength and to the ability of engineers to serve as
Keywords—Project Based Learning; Path Loss; Radio Strength technology and policy decision makers.”
Signal Indicator (RSSI)
Furthermore, accreditation organizations such as ABET (The
I. INTRODUCTION Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) and
curricula design associations, such as IEEE/Association for
In recent years, accreditation institutions around the world Computing Machinery (ACM) and Computer Curricula 2001
have been seeking a change in the way engineering students have implemented objectives that should be added into the
are being taught. After studies were conducted with recent engineering curricula to better prepare engineers for their
graduates at the university level, research indicated that futures [4].
graduates were not well-prepared for their entry into a real-
world, industrial environment. Without proper skills in The Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology
working in teams, applying concepts learned in the classroom, (ABET), establishes criteria for universities to maximize
or engaging in real-world projects, students were ill-prepared learning among students and to better prepare them for their
for their post-graduate experience. future careers. The ABET criteria changes yearly to keep
Research indicates that the traditional “chalk and talk” method engineering programs competitive with the changing industrial
of education has not given engineers the skills they need for environment. ABET's criteria for accrediting engineering
post-graduate success [1]. According to research conducted programs for 2014- 2015 requires that engineering courses be
by Mills and Treagust [1], engineering students are graduating designed to meet a vast array of desired outcomes [2]. Criteria
with a good fundamental knowledge of engineering and 3 Student Outcomes, were designed as a guide for the skills
science concepts, but they don’t know how to apply this educators should design into the curricula to ensure that
information to the real world environment. This poses students achieve specific skills in their engineering
problems for future engineers being unprepared for their coursework by the time of graduation. ABET's Engineering
careers upon graduation. The traditional “chalk and talk” Accreditation objectives states that engineering courses should
method of education has not given students the proper skills encourage students to apply their technical knowledge (of
desired for future engineers such as working in teams, mathematics, science, and engineering) and be proficient at
applying concepts learned in the classroom, or engaging in identifying, formulating, and solving engineering problems.
real-world projects [2]. Students should be able to design a system, component, or
process to meet desired outcomes, (taking into account
economics, environment, health and safety standards, etc.)

ISBN: 978-1-4799-3723-3 ©2014 IEEE 378

conduct experiments, and be able to analyze and understand In [7], two different US-based universities collaborate to
data. Students should also be able to utilize modern create an innovative project-based learning experience that
engineering tools (such as MATLAB) that are needed for encourages students to work together in teams to build
engineering practice. wireless sensors that relays data over a radio-frequency link.
The course was designed to offer weekly seminars (from
either university), using interactive Internet conferencing.
ABET has recently adapted some “softer skills” into its Course lectures included telecommunication topics such as
criteria including the students ability to communicate signal processing, microwave systems, etc. One of the most
effectively, work in a team-based environment, act in a innovative aspects of the research was the long-distance team
professional and ethical manner, and possess the desire to be a collaboration between students from different universities.
life-longer learner. Unfortunately there had been a disparity Evaluations from students indicated that they valued the
between these educational standards and those actually course collaboration and the application of research projects
achieved by recent graduates. built into the course.

Given the objectives of the ABET criteria for university In research conducted by Fefai and Fagan [8], a wireless
graduates and the needs for today’s engineers; the traditional communications course benefited from PBL through the
“lecture-based” method of teaching engineering is simply not application of commercially purchased software. This course
sufficient. A more hands-on approach known as Project- integrated the CelPlan software to expose students to one type
Based Learning (PBL), has been introduced into engineering of software that is used in the industrial environment for
courses (in various disciplines) around the world. By research and development purposes. The aim was to improve
definition, ‘Project-based learning begins with an assignment the students’ overall knowledge of wireless concepts that are
to carry out one or more tasks that lead to the production of a used in real-world industries. This research is considered a
final product—a design, a model, a device or a computer work in progress and has not yet been evaluated for its
simulation. The culmination of the project is normally a effectiveness.
written and/or oral report summarizing the procedure used to
produce the product and presenting the outcome [5].’ Research conducted by Padgett, Black, and Ferguson [9] at the
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, features an innovative
By offering a hand-on, applied approach to learning, PSUT hands-on, project-based learning element, through the addition
hoped that students would have a learning experience that of a laboratory component that utilizes an infrared (IR)
would better-prepare them for future field work in their communication system. Students at the Institute participate in
respected fields of engineering. a multi-week laboratory project that drew off their course
content to construct, troubleshoot, and integrate subsystems
II. LITERATURE REVIEW into a communication system. Student feedback indicated that
the laboratories helped to reinforce concepts learned in class,
The application of hands-on learning techniques such as motivate the students, and enhance their problem-solving
problem-based learning or project-based learning (PBL) in skills. All of these of which are vital skills in the real-world
engineering are becoming more prevalent than in the past. setting.
Since its introduction, project based learning has shown to
greatly impact students knowledge of core concepts taught in Research conducted by Sarkar and Craig [10] was designed to
the classes, especially when it complements the lectures. attract students to a wireless networking course that was
hands-on, interesting and that would bring excitement to
In literature, Shankar and Einstein [6], introduced PBL to a topics that are typically considered “dry and boring.” The
wireless communications course in the junior year of an team of researchers developed low-cost projects used
undergraduate degree. Since most courses introduce PBL throughout the semester using Wi-Fi Modules and PC cards
prior to graduation (i.e. in the senior year or in graduate found in electronics stores. The aim of the research was to
courses), this class tailored the coursework to combine both provide a hands-on learning experience to students in an
lecture and PBL. This was accomplished through a series of introductory level course in wireless networking and
projects throughout the semester that covered a wide range of communications. The 3 different projects focused on topics
topics discussed within the course (including fading, path loss, such as a programmable interface controller (PIC) Sounds
and cell coverage). Upon course closure, the PBL method Generator project, the IR signs produced by TV remote
was evaluated by the professor through a survey. The survey controls, and setting up a wireless links between 2 different
indicated that the combined use of lectures, mini projects, and computers. Both student and faculty feedback indicated that
targeted homework problems were helpful to students in the projects were useful and valuable to students.
learning the new course content. It was especially helpful to
students because an appropriate course book was not readily Frolick and Fortney [11] enhance a first-year basic
available for this particular wireless communications class. engineering design course from a seminar-only course to one
that utilizes PBL. The course projects focus on the utilization

ISBN: 978-1-4799-3723-3 ©2014 IEEE 379

of a low-cost wireless circuit, the CricketSat, to perform a different environments. Students can then compare field
multitude of projects related to wireless sensor networks and measurements with theoretically predicted path loss. This
actuator projects. The course encourages students to work in paper build upon this idea and reports on actual
partnership to develop problem statements and projects. This implementation of this project at PSUT. Below we describe
brought what the authors have termed a “working reality” to the course coverage, methods and show sample results, and we
the course, which has shown to give second year students share students’ feedback.
more confidence in building, testing, and analyzing circuits.

In [12], Cassara, developed one of the first instructional III. COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES
wireless information network laboratories to better prepare
students for the post graduate careers in wireless. One hour of The Cellular Communication Course is a 3 credit, senior-
weekly lecture is followed up with a 4-hour experiment lab to level course, given in the 5th year of the undergraduate degree
reinforce lecture concepts. The laboratory is divided into in Electrical Engineering. The degree is obtained after
stations that include a “spectrum analyzer, digital storage completing 163 credit hours. The course covers fundamental
oscilloscope, RF signal generator, noise generator, true root topics in wireless communications including:
mean square (rms) voltmeter, dc power supplies, function  Cellular system design concepts and
generators, printers, desktop computer, frequency/event fundamentals, frequency reuse, channel
counters, double balanced mixers, and power splitters.” assignment, handoff strategies, system capacity,
Following each lab experiment, students are required to write trunking, grade of service
both a laboratory reports and present an oral presentation.
Utilized by more than 800 students to date, this laboratory has  Mobile radio wave propagation: large scale path
provided students with a hands-on laboratory experience that loss and propagation mechanisms and model.
augments their theoretical wireless knowledge.  Small-scale fading and multipath, Rayleigh and
Ricean Distributions.
Research by Chenard, Zilic, and Prokic [13] discusses the
teaching methodology and laboratory used in a course on  Modulation techniques for mobile radio.
wireless embedded systems. The course drew off of students’  Multiple Access Techniques for wireless
previous knowledge of digital systems, wireless networking, communications.
and computer architecture, to create a semester-length project
in the area of systems engineering. The course used a flexible  Wireless systems and standards
hardware platform to complement the teaching of the course.

Research conducted by Wang and Jiang [14], aimed to The outcomes of the Cellular Communications Course are:
simplify the teaching of wireless local area network (WLAN )
through simulation. Viewed as a “complex” topic, the authors
suggest applying NS-3, open source software, to better  Understanding the cellular and frequency reuse
enhance the teaching of the course. NS-3 is a network concept.
simulator that is often used in research and educational  Understanding of wireless propagation of
settings. This simulator improved the teaching quality and Electromagnetic wave (reflection, diffraction, and
stimulated student interest in the course. scattering) and associated losses.

In [15], Linn introduces a low-cost wireless laboratory that  Understanding and application of turnking theory and
application of Erlang B, and Erlang C formulas.
assists professors in the classroom by providing visual real-
time demonstrations in wireless communication systems. It is  Basic Design and Planning of a wireless cellular
also powerful enough to conduct research in the wireless system.
communications. Despite its low cost, the lab is quite
 Understanding some of the contemporary issues in the
comprehensive including complete transmission, channel
cellular communications engineering profession.
emulation, reception (coherent and noncoherent), and probing
capabilities. Student surveys indicated the effectiveness of the  Applying analog and digital communications
lab in the course. principles to cellular and wireless communications
The outcomes of the course are tailored to enable equipped
Utilizing live cellular network to augment the teaching of graduates who are able to join the telecommunications
wireless communications was proposed in [16]. Alqudah industry.
proposed utilizing operational WiMAX or GSM networks to
collect field measurements of Radio Strength Signal Indicator
(RSSI), by recording distance from serving tower and RSSI,
students are able to generate graphs of measured path loss for PSUT’s Electrical Engineering Program aspires to prepare
students for industrial entrance by giving them opportunities

ISBN: 978-1-4799-3723-3 ©2014 IEEE 380

to apply the engineering concepts they learn in the classroom When asked about the relevance of the project in reinforcing
to a real-world application. Since many of PSUT professors engineering concepts that were learned in classroom, nearly all
have worked in the industrial setting, they understand the need students strongly agreed with this premise and found the
for skilled and well-prepared engineers. project “useful. “ Everyone agreed that having the project deal
with a practical real-life problem made the course and the
The Cellular Communications course at PSUT was designed project more interesting. Students also felt that the project
to balance the teaching of engineering theories and concepts enhanced their understanding of cellular communication,
with the need to apply this information to a related project. In propagation models, and network coverage. All students
this project students are assigned to collect performance agreed that the effort and time spent on the project was worth
metrics of live cellular networks. At the beginning of the the outcome.
semester, the project was introduced to the students along with
the objectives, methods, and tools. Students are asked to
utilize their mobile handset to collect Radio Signal Strength When asked for suggestions to improve the overall project
Indicator (RSSI) in any geographical location they choose. experience, the number one suggestion from students was to
Along with RSSI, the student should register the approximate have more time allocated to complete the project. Some
distance from the cellular tower. students also mentioned needing more guidance on how to
write the research paper. When asked what they liked best
In order to study the effect of the terrain and operating about the project, the students mentioned the benefit of
frequency, students submit their readings to a shared folder working in a team-environment and having practical
created on the cloud (Dropbox®). Students are allowed to experience that allowed them to better understand the theories
collect the data set any time during the semester after the that were covered in the class lectures. A few students
project is assigned. After completing the data collection, mentioned that having more suggestions for where to locate a
students are asked to plot the measured RSSI vs. distance to better location to optimize signal strength would be valuable
calculate path loss and compare their readings to others. A in completing the project in a timelier manner.
typical graph looks similar to Figure below. Students are also
expected to compare the accuracy of different models covered
in the class in predicting path loss. Students submit a report at Table I: Student Response to the Cellular Survey Project-Based
the end of the semester that includes their collected data and Learning Initiative
other students’ data. Students are expected to explain the
results they obtained based on environment terrain, foliage, Neither
etc. Students are also required to present their work to the Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly
Agree nor
disagree disagree Agree Agree
class during the last week of the semester disagree

Overall the project

0 0 4% 39% 57%
was useful
Measured The project helped
Free Space to reinforce/learn
0 0 15% 46% 39%
-20 SUI 1 (A) concepts taught in
Received Signal Power (dBm)

COST 231 (suburban) the classroom

ECC Hata 2 (medium) Dealing with a real-
-40 life problem made
0 0 0 36% 64%
the project more
Project raised my
interest in cellular 0 0 15% 27% 58%
Project reinforced
my understanding
0 0 19% 54% 27%
-100 of propagation
Project reinforced
-120 my understanding 4% 0 4% 58% 34%
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
of cellular networks
Distance (m)
Project reinforced
my understanding
0 0 20% 20% 60%
of network
Fig. 1. Predicted and measured path loss using Radio Strength Signal
The effort/time
Indicator (RSSI)
spent on the project
0 0 8% 40% 52%
was worth the

ISBN: 978-1-4799-3723-3 ©2014 IEEE 381

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ISBN: 978-1-4799-3723-3 ©2014 IEEE 382

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