L1-I Fundamentals of Computers 40 60 L1-II Presentation Software and Computer Communication 40 60

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Scheme of Computer Courses to be introduced at under graduate level

Compulsory paper for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com.

SN Paper Name Theory Practical

marks marks
Level-I (Certificate Course in Computer Education)
L1-I Fundamentals of Computers 40 60
L1-II Presentation Software and Computer 40 60
Level-II (Diploma Course in Computer Education)
L2-I Spread Sheet and DBMS 40 60
L2-II Desktop Publishing 40 60
Level-III (Advanced Diploma in Computer Education)
L3-I Programming in C language 40 60
L3-II Web Designing 40 60

1. Duration of theory exam : 3(three) hours

2. Duration of practical exam : 3(three) hours
3. Question paper shall be arranged by the university
4. Instruction to the paper setter/students in the theory paper:
“The examiner will set total 10(ten) questions covering the entire
syllabus. Student will attempt any five questions. All questions will carry
equal marks.”

Level-1 (Certificate Course in Computer Education)
Paper L1-I: Fundamentals of computers
Computer: Definition, Characteristics of Computers, Basic Applications of
Computer, Generations of computers.
Components of Computer System: Central Processing Unit (CPU), input/output
Devices, computer Memory: primary and secondary memory, magnetic and
optical storage devices, Concepts of Hardware and Software.
Data processing: concepts of data processing, Definition of Information and
data, Basic data types, Storage of data/Information as files, Representation of
Operating system-MS-Windows
Operating system-Definition & functions, basics of Windows. Basic components
of windows, icons, types of icons, taskbar, activating windows, using desktop,
title bar, running applications, exploring computer, managing files and folders,
copying and moving files and folders.
Control panel – display properties, adding and removing software and
hardware, setting date and time, screensaver and appearance.
Using windows accessories.
Word Processing-MS Word
Word Processing Basic: An Introduction to Word Processing and MS-Word,
Working with documents, using tables, pictures, and charts, using mail merge
and sending a letter to a group of people, creating form letters and labels,
collaborating with workgroups, modifying a report, macros.
Presentation software-MS Power Point
Creating and enhancing a presentation, creating and publishing a web
presentation, modifying a presentation, working with visual elements, delivering
a presentation and designing a template.
Software Lab
1. Create a new folder and do the following:
1. Make a word document in it.
2. Make an Excel document in it.
3. Make a new folder in it

4. Rename the initial folder
5. Move the initial folder
6. Copy the initial folder.
7. Delete the initial folder
2. Implement the various well known features of Windows operating system
such as Notepad, WordPad, Paint, System tools, Entertainment etc. enclosed
in StartProgramsAccessories.
3. Implement various display properties by right clicking on the Windows
4. Explore the taskbar of Windows.
5. Set the wall paper and screen saver.
6. Set the data/time.
1. Create a document and
a. Put Bullets and Numbers
b. Apply various Font parameters.
c. Apply Left, Right, and Centre alignments.
d. Apply hyperlinks
e. Insert pictures
f. Insert ClipArt
g. Show the use of WordArt
h. Add Borders and Shading
i. Show the use of Find and Replace.
j. Apply header/footers
2. Create any document and show the use of Fileversions.
3. Create any document and show the difference between paste and paste
4. Create a document to show the use of Washout/Watermark.
5. Implement the concept of mail merge.
6. Implement the concept of macros.
7. Implement the concept of importing a file/document.
8. Implement the concept of merging the documents.
9. Crate a student table and do the following:

a. Insert new row and fill data
b. Delete any existing row
c. Resize rows and columns
d. Apply border and shading
e. Apply merging/splitting of cells
f. Apply sort
g. Apply various arithmetic and logical formulas.
10.Create your resume using General Templates.

Paper-L1-II: presentation software and computer communication
Presentation software- MS-PowerPoint
Creating and enhancing a presentation, creating and publishing a web
presentation, modifying a presentation, working with visual elements, delivering
a presentation and designing a template.
Computer communication
Basic of Computer networks: LAN, WAN, MAN.
Internet: Introduction to internet and its application/services.
Service on Internet: WWW and web-sites, Electronic mails, Communication on
Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator.
Surfing the Internet: Giving the URL address, Search, Moving Around in a web-
site, Printing or saving portion of web pages, down loading
Chatting on Internet
Email: Basic of electronic mail, Creating Email id, Mailbox: Inbox and outbox.
Using Emails: Viewing an email, Sending an Email, Saving mails, Sending same
mail to various users, Document handling: Sending soft copy as attachment,
Enclosures to email, sending a Portion of document as email
MS-Outlook: Read mail and news, composing message, sending and replying e-
mails, maintaining address book, finding people, attaching files.
Software Lab
Presentation software- MS-PowerPoint
1. Make a presentation of College Education System using
a. Blank Presentation
b. From Design Template
c. From Auto Content Wizard
2. Make a presentation on “Wild Life” and apply the following:
a. Add audio and video effects
b. Apply various Color Schemes
c. Apply various animation schemes.
d. Apply Slide Show

Computer communication related practical
1. Connect the Internet; open any website of your choice and save the
2. Search any topic related to your syllabi using any search engine and
download the relevant material.
3. Send any greeting card to your friend.
4. Create your E-Mail ID on any free E-Mail Server.
5. Login through your E-Mail ID and do the following:
a. Read your mail
b. Compose a new Mail
c. Send the Mail to one person
d. Send the same Mail to various persons
e. Forward the Mail
f. Delete the Mail
g. Send file as attachment
6. Surf Internet using Google to find information about your state
7. Surf Internet using Google to find Tourism information about your state
8. Surf Internet using Yahoo to find Hotels around your state
9. Surf Internet using Google to find information about educational
institutes for teaching M.S in comp science in India
10.Surf Internet using Google to find information about Indian Cricket team

Level-2( Diploma Course in Computer Education)

Paper-L2-I: Spreadsheet and DBMS

Spread Sheet
Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet and Ms-Excel: Application/usage of
Electronic Spread Sheet, Opening of Spread Sheet, menu bar, Creation of cells
and addressing of cells, Cell inputting.
Manipulation of cells: Enter texts numbers and dates, Creation of tables, Cell
Height and Widths, Copying of cells.
Functions: Using functions: mathematical, statistical and financial function.
Spread sheets for Small accountings: Maintaining invoices/budgets, Totaling of
various transactions, maintaining daily and monthly sales reports.
Charts: drawing different types of charts.
Database Management System
Introduction to data base: Definition, components, advantages.
Ms-Access: Starting access, opening a database file, introduction to database
windows, saving and closing a database file, using the help menu.
Working with databases: using the database wizard, working with datasheets,
moving between records and files, using goto, updating records, selecting rows
and columns, changing column width, saving and exiting a datasheet.
Working with tables: Creating a new database, adding tables to database,
adding fields to tables, inserting a field, setting a primary key, adding and
sorting records, setting relationships.
Creating reports, forms and queries, using wizard and design view.
Software Lab
1. Compute the division of each and every student of a class.
2. Generation of Electricity Bill
3. Generation of Telephone Bill
4. Generation of Salary statement of an employee
5. Generation of Mark Sheet of a student.
6. To compute mean/median/mode.

7. Generate graph to show the production of goods in a company during the
last five years.
8. Compare the cost, overheads and sales figures of a company for last three
years through appropriate chart.
9. Create any worksheet and apply various mathematical, statistical and
financial functions.
10.Generate the following worksheet
Roll No. Marks
2050 67
2051 49
2052 40
2053 74
2054 61
2055 57
2056 45
and do the following:
a. Crate chart of the marks.
b. Compute sum of marks using autosum, autocalculate and sum
c. Compute average of marks.
d. Show pass or fail if marks are above 50 or less than 50
e. Put header and footer in the spread sheet.
1. Create a Student database in Design View, by using Wizard, and by entering
2. Create a query on Student database in design view and by using wizard.
3. Create forms of Student database in design view and by using wizard.
4. Create reports of student database in design view and by using wizard.
5. Create data access pages of student database in design view and by using
6. Implement the concept of Macros in MS-Access.

Paper-L2-II: Desktop publishing
Adobe Photoshop:
Using standard toolbox, option bars, palettes, document window, view area, use
of plug ins, brushes, defining and customizing images, canvas, rotation of
images, creating new images, mixing changing attributes, colors, distorting
images, applying filters to images and web based picture designing.
Adobe PageMaker:
Toolbox, control palette, colors palette, paragraph view, styles, layers, master
layers, scripts, command reference, opening and creation of publications, tool
box, viewing pages, deleting pages, default preferences, templates, master
pages, guides, grids, text objects, column balancing, jump lines, story and
layout view, composition and tracking, grouping and ungrouping, cropping and
copying of images, text, indexes, and table of contents, using table in
PageMaker, importing and exporting links, image setter and film preparation,
font substitution and printing of publications.

Software Lab
Adobe Photoshop
1. Editing of a photograph.
2. Finishing of a photograph.
3. Borders around photograph.
4. Changing Background of a Photograph.
5. Changing colors of Photograph
6. Editing color combination of image
7. Removing side effects from figure
8. Printing a photograph.
9. Creating 3-D Photographs.
10.Removing red eye effects and others using photoshop
Adobe PageMaker
1. Prepare any visiting card
2. Make a Marriage card

3. Prepare various types of greeting cards such as B’Day Card, New Year
Cards, Diwali cards etc.
4. Make advertisements for Newspaper
5. Prepare banners
6. Making of Posters

Level-3 ( advanced Diploma Course in Computer

Paper-L3-I: Programming in C language

Programming fundamentals:
Planning the computer program, Algorithms: construct, characteristics,
Flowchart: symbols, Decision tables: types of decision tables, structured
C language:
Data Types, Operators and Expressions: Character set, C identifiers and
keywords; variables and constants; basic data type arithmetic, relational,
logical and bit-wise operators; increment decrement and ternary operators;
typedef, struct, enumerated data types; type conversion.
Control Flow: Various if statement; while, do-white and for loops, switch, break
and continue statement; go to statement.
Arrays: Declaration, initialization and operations on arrays;
Software Lab
1. Program to compute the compute the average.
2. Write a program to check whether a number is even or odd.
3. Write a program to check whether a number is prime number or not.
4. Write a program to check whether a year is leap year or not.
5. Write a program to find largest of three numbers.
6. Write a program to check whether a character is vowel or consonant using
switch statement.
7. Write a program to find sum of ‘n’ natural numbers.
8. Program to compute the factorial of a given number.
9. Program to generate Fibonacci series.
10.Program to compute Least Common Multiple (LCM).
11.Program to compute Highest Common Factor (HCF).
12.Write a program to insert an element in an array.
13.Write a program to delete an element from array.
14.Write a program for linear searching.
15.Write a program to implement bubble sorting.

16.Program to find the largest and smallest element among ‘n’ numbers.
17.Program to add and subtract two matrices.
18. Program to compute the transpose of a matrix.

Paper-L3-II: Web Designing
Scripting Language
HTML: Basic tags, HTML basics, document tags, empty tags, using lists in web
sites, nested and unordered list, menu list, absolute links, relation links in web
sites, image and image maps, creation of tables, forms, frames, and their
division. Use of colors, headings and animation.
Web authoring tools
FrontPage: FrontPage express and explorer, FrontPage editor, application of
themes, formatting of text on web page, creation of web pages, web sites,
hyperlinks, images, image boarders, formatting, multimedia, sound and video
effects, enhancing tables, rows and columns, cells, frames and frame
properties. Tasks views, web wizards, radio buttons and command buttons.
Macromedia Flash: View movie, movie properties, grid, oval tool, creating
symbol, gradients, rectangle tool, pencil tool, grouping, layers, renaming layer,
adding new layer, rotate and scale, changing the order of layers, keyframes,
motion tween, adding sound, importing sound, stopping the action, adding
button, text tool.
Software Lab
1. Create any webpage using following HTML tags:
a. Background Colour
b. Font (Colour, Size, Face)
c. Bold/Italic/Underline
d. Big/Small
e. H1, H2, etc.
f. Marquee
g. Ordered/Unordered List
h. Data lists
2. Create Employee Table and apply various operations on it using HTML.
Also put Border around the table.
3. Create Internal and External Hyperlinks in a Webpage.

4. Implement the concept of Frames in a Webpage.
5. Insert an image in a Webpage.
6. Design Home page of your Institute
7. Design Web page for tourism spots in your area
8. Prepare your CV and link on the web page
9. Use animation of image in a web page
10. Insert a table and perform table handling in web page
1. Use front page to create a new page using different text styles
2. Use front page to create a new page showing text and table box
3. Use front page to create a new page using clip art gallery
4. Use front page to create a new page using image from a scanner
5. Use front page to create a web page of your institute
6. Use front page to create a web page showing tourism spots of your
7. Use front page to use table handling in web page
1. Create a blank flash document
2. create a flash movie and customize the movie setting
3. Set frame rate, background color, dimensions to define size of movie.
4. Use of zoom tool from tool box.
5. Creating a shape with oval tool.
6. Add text to a button.
7. Make button symbol interactive (use of edit symbol button).
8. Add key frames to a button symbol time line.
9. Add sound to a button.
10. Verify changes with test movie.
11. Add layers to a movie.
12. Animate text with tweening.
13. Add a text field containing a string of text that will change every time a
user presses button.

14. Add action script to the button enabling script to change the contents of
the text field every time a user clicks the button.
15. Test the movie with flash player, return to main window and save the file.
16. Embed a flash movie in a web page.


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