Computer Operator

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Learning Outcome
1.Demonstrate implementation of safe
working practices,environment regulation,
and housekeeping. NOS(SSC/N0101 and
2.Explain the role and importance of the
computer operator in supporting business

Knowing Computer/Introduction to computer

Hardware Basics
1. Install and setup operating system
and related software in a computer following
safety precautions.
(Mapped NOS: SSC/N3022)
2. Install different Operating System and all
other application software. (Mapped NOS:
SSC/N0305,SSC/N0901,and SSC/NOS0922)
Customize Operating System
and maintenance of system application
software.(Mapped NOS:
SSC/N0305,SSC/N0901, and SSC/NOS0922)
Typing Tutorial Basics
Create, format, and edit document using word
processing application software.(Mapped NOS:
Create, format, edit and develop a workbook by
using spreadsheet application software.
(Mapped NOS:SSC/N3022)
Create and customize slides for
presentation.(Mapped NOS:SSC/N3022)
Introduction to Internet, WWW and Web
Mailing-Communications and collaboration:
Browse, select, and
transact using Ecommerce

Online Security and Privacy

Safe working practices
1. Safety rules and safety signs.
2. Types and working of fire extinguishers.
3. Scope of the Computer Operator.

1. What is Computer, Components of Computer System, Cen

and Mouse, Other input/output Devices, Computer Memory,
Computing, Data and Information; IPO Cycle, Connecting keyb
Time Applications,Advantages and Disadvantages of Compute
1.Inside a Computer
Identify the internal components of computer,Button and Por
1.BIOS,View the BIOS settings and their modifications. Setting
2.Introduction to various types of memories and their feature
- Basic Hardware and software issues and their solutions.
-Usage of Application softwares and Antivirus.
1.What is an Operating System;
Basics of Popular Operating Systems; The User Interface, Usin
Moving Icons on the screen, Use of Common Icons,-Desktop,
- My computer (User folder in Desktop), network places.
- Recycle bin, task bar,Status Bar, start menu, tool bar, and m
- Windows Explorer.
Properties of files and folders.Viewing of File, Folders and Dir
folders, Opening and closing of different Windows; Using help
Common utilities.
3.System Configuration
4.User Account in Windows,Users and user account,Types of
Sitting Posture for Typing.
Placement of fingers on Keyboard.
Start with Home Row Practice.
Type without seeing keyboard.
Focus on Accuracy instead of Speed.
learn the correct hand position.
Introduction to the various applications
in MS office.- Introduction to Word features,Office button,too
Word Processing Basics
Opening Word Processing Package,Menu Bar, Using The Help
closing Documents, Save and Save as,Page Setup, Print Previe
manipulation, Document Creation,Editing Text,Text Selection
Thesaurus,Formatting the Text, Font and Size selection ,Alignm
Numbering, Changing case,Table Manipulation, Draw Table, C
Text in cell, Delete / Insertion of row and column, Border and
Using Spread Sheet: Basics of Spreadsheet,
-Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet- Opening of Spread She
- Saving Workbooks- Manipulation of Cells-Entering Text, Num
Date Series- Editing Worksheet Data- Inserting and Deleting R
-Formulas and Function-charts-Editing of Spread Sheet, -Conc
Introduction-Entering, Editing and Formatting Data-Formattin
Rows and Columns-Changing Views-AutoFill and Custom Lists
Referencing Formulas- Ranges and Dates-Lookups-Conditiona
-Formatting Charts-Adding Graphics to Spreadsheets-Outline,
Data- Collaboration- Printing-Outline, Sort, Filter, and Subtota
Microsoft PowerPoint
-Introduction-Applying Themes and Layouts to Slides-Working
Text-Outline View and Proofing Presentations-Adding and Rea
and Other Things-Charts-Adding Sound and Video-Adding Tra
Slides-Working with Smart Art-Printing, Sharing, and Exportin
Basic of Computer networks; LAN,
WAN; Concept of Internet; Applications of Internet; connectin
Knowing the Internet; Basics of internet connectivity related t
Web Browsing softwares, Search Engines; Understanding URL
e-governance website

Basics of electronic mail; Getting an email account;

Sending and receiving emails; Accessing sent emails; Using Em
Instant Messaging;
Creating and setting up your account.

Navigation around Canva's interface.

How to create a design from scratch using Canva
Quick tips to make your designs look good
How to choose the dimensions for your design
How to create a background for your design
How to add text, images and more
Selecting pre-made layouts and templates.
Adding artwork, images, text, and backgrounds.

Sharing your designs for social media platforms.

Downloading and printing your designs.
Introduction to E
Commerce and
 Building business on
the net.
 Payment and Order
Chargeback and
other payment
 Security issues and
payment gateways.

9.1 Threats to computer

9.2 Virus and its types
9.3 Anti-Virus software and Examples
9.4 Firewall and its use
9.5 Hackers and Crackers
9.6 Cyber-crime and Computer ethics
9.7 Cyber law and Importance
9.8 Backup and Restore
1.Visit Computer Lab and locate the electrical connections wi
2. Identifying safety symbols and hazard identification.
3. Practice safe methods of fire fighting in case of electrical fir
4. Use of fire extinguishers.

1.Identify External components and peripherals of a desktop

2. Computer connections with and without UPS.

1.Assemble components of desktop computer

2.Identify the front and rear panel ports and
connectors on a PC cabinet.
1. Make bootable USB DRIVE(use any open source software) a
2. Partition the disk, Format the drive.
3.Identify and rectify common hardware and software issues
4. Install necessary application software for Windows i.e. Offi
5.Configure Bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings.
6. Open Device Manager, find various devices and install appr
1.Open Personalize Setting and find Desktop icon setting, Scre
2.Open windows explorer and find different drives,files and fo
3.Open control panel and get familiar with different options a
4.Go to Windows Update in control panel. Check installed upd
5.Find out the system configuration
6.Create and configure user accounts in Windows OS. Create
7.Make Changes to an Account. Reset Limited user account p
8.Create a restore point.Practice System restore and try to re
9.Practice recovery of deleted data using open source recove
Beginner Typing Lessons Intro
Home Keys & Correct Finger Position
-Introducing Words & The Vowels E, U and I
-Introducing 3 Key Letters:T G & H
-Introducing Letters:W S L O Y
-Introducing Letters: V B N M
-Introducing Capitals! + letter C & punctuation , .
-Introducing letters A P Q Z & X
-Additional Drills
Common Letter Combinations
Using Word Processing Software
- Navigate within documents - Search for text- Link to location
-Move to specific locations and objects in documents- Show a
Format documents - Set up document pages- Apply style sets
- Configure page background elements- Save and share docum
print settings- Share documents electronically
-Format documents -Insert text and paragraphs - Find and rep
characters- Format text and paragraphs -Apply text effects- A
Format Painter- Set line and paragraph spacing and indentatio
Format text in multiple columns- Insert page, section, and col
Convert text to tables- Convert tables to text- Create tables b
spacing - Merge and split cells- Resize tables, rows, and colum
numbered and bulleted lists- Change bullet characters and nu
levels- Restart and continue list numbering- Set starting numb
modify bibliography citation sources- Insert citations for biblio
contents- Insert bibliographies-Manage graphic elements -Ins
graphics- Insert screenshots and screen clippings
- Insert text boxes- Format illustrations and text boxes -Apply
- Format graphic elements- Format SmartArt graphics- Forma
Spread Sheet Application
1.Manage Worksheets and Workbooks - Open files in MS Exce
existing Excel file 2. Import data - Import data from txt files- Im
- Cell referencing and linking Sheets.-Introduction to various f
3. Navigate within workbooks - Search data- Navigate to nam
workbooks - Modify page setup- Adjust row height and colum
4. Customize options and views -Display and modify content i
properties- Display formulas 5. Configure content for collabor
6.Manage data cells and ranges - Manipulate data -Paste data
rows- Insert and delete cells 7. Format cells and ranges -Merg
Painter- Wrap text within cells- Apply number formats- Conce
- Apply cell formats from the Format cells dialog box-Apply ce
8. Manage tables and table data - Create and format tables- C
Configure table style options- Insert and configure total rows
using formulas and functions - Insert references-Insert relativ
-Calculate and transform data- Perform calculations using AV
- Perform conditional operations by using the IF() function- Cr
finish options
 Customise select slide
87. Add animations (4 Hrs)
 Animate text and graphic
 Order shapes, images, and
text boxes
 Group shapes, images, and
text boxes
 Configure animation effects
 Configure animation paths
 Reorder animations on a slide
Manage collaboration (0.75 Hrs)
88. Add and manage comments
(0.75 Hrs)
 Add comments
 Review and reply to
Set-up digital communication
Use the Internet (10 Hrs)
Browse the Internet
Use e-mail
Use Social Media
Use the phone for online
View Network connections.
Connect a computer to a
network and share Devices i.e.
Printers, files, folders and
Work with various Network
a Gmail account
How to add astraight
Create phone and
number, recovery E-mail ID and 2 step
Draw theand
cable interface
punchofa e-mail
UTP and list down the use of differe
Howinto add
the hindisocket
patch language
and option in Gmail
Howtheto add a digital(4signature
connectivity. Hrs) in Gmail

• What is google drive how to upload a file on google drive
• Upload your practical file on google drive and give the perm
• Create a google meet link and add all the participants of yo
• To create Google form to collect data of class
• Create Google form to prepare question paper of Hindi,Eng
type questions.
• Learn how to sign up For Canva Software
• How to create a design in Canva with a customized size
• Create a Logo ,Visiting Card ,Flex(Banner), Posters,Invitatio
Certificates ,Resume,Notebook Cover Page,(Insta, Facebook,y
• Create Social Media handels of your company with atleast 2
136. Practice payment processing.
(4.5 Hrs)
e-Commerce (10 Hrs)
-Introduction to E
Commerce and
-Building business on
the net.
-Payment and Order
Chargeback and
other payment
-Security issues and
payment gateways.
-Identify common security

Explain Cyber security (2 Hrs)

- Secure computers & the
network (5.5 Hrs)
-Reduce cyber security threats
(2 Hrs)
-Secure a Wi-Fi Network (4
-Use Anti-Virus software (3
- Perform back-ups of files,
data & information

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