1 Basic Computer Skills Class Note
1 Basic Computer Skills Class Note
1 Basic Computer Skills Class Note
• As a web developer, you are most interested on web related files and the corresponding application
to open, create and/or modify them with.
• File types you need to master as web developer are:
▪ Text/code files (.html, .css, .js, .txt)
▪ Image files (.png, .jpg, .svg, .psd)
• Applications you need to master as web developer are:
▪ Text editors (Visual Studio Code, recommended, Sublime, Atom, Notepad++)
▪ Browsers (Chrome is recommended, forget the rest, Edge, Safari, Firefox)
▪ Image editors (Photoshop, recommended, Sketch, Paint/alternative to photoshop)
▪ Collaboration tools (Zoom, Slack, GitHub/Git)
• Why do we need text/image editors and browsers?
▪ As a web developer, you need to master your tools to create a new web file, to open and
check them if they are working correctly and sometimes a tool to debug and fix identified
▪ Your text editor, VS Code/Sublime, is your tool to create, edit and fix problems on your
▪ Remember that you would be working on the same file but opening it with different
applications for different purposes
▪ The two most important tools you use the most are your Text editor (VS Code) and your
browser (Chrome)
1.5 Understanding Visual Studio Code (VSC)
• VSC is a code editor that can be used with a variety of programming languages, including
JavaScript, Node.js and Python. Here are the most common tasks you do using VSC.
▪ Open existing folder or file
▪ Create a new folder in a specific location
▪ Create a new file in a specific location
▪ Make edits and save
▪ Renaming files and/or folders
• Here is a list of VSC extensions (add extra feature to VSC) you must install:
▪ Open in default browser (by peakchen90): to fast open html file in browser
▪ Live Server (by Ritwick Dey): Launch a development local Server with live reload feature
for static & dynamic pages
▪ Material icon theme (by Philipp Kief): provides lots of icons based on Material Design for
▪ Prettier (by Prettier): a tool that automatically makes your code more readable or formatted
▪ Auto rename tag (by Jun Han): automatically renames paired HTML/XML tags
▪ CSS Peek (by Pranay Prakash): to check the properties attached to a css class or id from
your HTML file. With CSS Peek, you can view a hover image of your CSS from within
you HTML file.
▪ Bracket colorizer (by CoenraadS): for colorizing matching brackets
▪ Indent rainbow (by Odewart) : makes indentation easier to read
▪ JS Snippet (by Gajesh Panigrahi) Javascript, typescript, bootstrap, ES6, typescript-react,
react, react-router code snippet
• As a web developer, there are two major things that you use your browser for:
▪ Opening an HTML file to see how it looks
▪ Debugging (identifying and removing errors, using the inspect extension)
• Things you can do to increase your efficiency in using your browser:
▪ Take advantage of chrome extensions. Ex. Adblockers, Developer Tools
▪ Customize your chrome browser to your likings
• Set it as the default browser
• Set the default download location
• Set the default search engine on it
▪ Understand how to clear browsing data
▪ Add chrome to your taskbar (Remove every other browser from there)
• Mastering Google
▪ Remember this is the main skill you want to master!! It is google researching that you need
to master more, not Node, or React or JavaScript
▪ Your main goal is decreasing the amount of time it takes you to SEARCH AND FIND an
▪ Use quotes to search for an exact word or phrase
▪ Search answers specifically from certain websites
• Ex. https://stackoverflow.com/ and https://www.w3schools.com/ should be your
go to website to find answers
▪ Search images using Google images
▪ To find a specific file from the internet, use “filetype:pdf “
▪ Master long tail search results by fully writing out your questions
▪ Please refer to this website for some google searching techniques:
• Below, you will find video resources from YouTube explaining in detail about computers and
operating systems. Here is a very good playlist that explains about computers:
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ5F7I7tnsc&list=PLpQQipWcxwt-xhJVJs7MCcU-
XzWYVsTQt (it has 25 videos with an average of 3 minutes each (total of an hour and a half)
o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2r-p7xc7c4 (Windows operating system)
o https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001789.htm (Most common file types on your
o https://time.com/4116259/google-search-2/ (Google search tricks)