Project Name: Krishna Tower. Location: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu. Prelimary Design of Structural Member: 1) Beam

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Project Name: Krishna Tower.

Location: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu.

Prelimary Design of Structural Member:

1) Beam:
Depth of Beam, Dbeam = 1/10th to 1/15th of the span.
Span = 16'-6" = 5.0292 m
For Long Span, Dbeam = 1/10 to 1/15 of 16'6"
th th

Range = 1.100 to 1.650 f

Range = 0.335 to 0.503 m

Adopt Depth = 450 mm (1'-6")

Width of Beam, bbeam = 1/3rd to 2/3rd of the depth.

Range = 150.000 to 300.000 mm

Adopt Width = 250 mm (10")

As per IS 13920:2016
Clause 6.1.1, beam width-to-depth ratio should be >0.3
In our case of preliminary sizing, b/d = 0.56 OK

Clause 6.1.2, Min width of beam to be 200mm

In our case of preliminary sizing, b = 250 mm OK

Clause 6.1.3, Beam depth D <= 1/4th of the clear span

In our case of preliminary sizing, D = 450 mm
1/4th of the clear span = 1101.050 mm OK

As per IS 456:200
Basic value of span to effiective depth ratios for spans up tp 10m = 26
(For continious beam condition)
In our case of preliminary sizing, L/D ratio = 11.18 OK

2) Slab:
Thickness of Slab = 1/28th to 1/32nd of the span.
For Long Span
Span = 16'-6" = 5.0292 m
Thickness = 0.180 to 0.157 m

For Short Span

Span = 15'-3" = 4.6482 m
Thickness = 0.166 to 0.145 m

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Adopt Thickness of Slab = 200 mm

For span greater than 3.5m we use deflection criteria of beam in the case of slab as well.

As per IS 456:200
Basic value of span to effiective depth ratios for spans up tp 10m = 26
(For continious beam condition)
In our case of preliminary sizing, L/D ratio = 23.24 OK

3) Column:
Taking half the span of effective span as 8.25 f = 2.5146 m
Calculating Load on one side of column
For commercial building taking Live Load as 3.5 kN/m2 edge centre
Total Live Load = 22.131 kN 44.26249 88.52498
Self weight of slab = 31.616 kN 63.23213 126.4643
Weight of floor finish = 6.956 kN 13.91107 27.82214
(Assumed 50mm thick and 22kN/m2 unit wt.)
Weight of beam = 7.072 kN 21.21694 28.28925
Weight of wall = 25.448 kN 76.34326 101.791
(Assuming on 80% of total weight of wall)
93.223 kN 218.966 372.892

For central column total weight on one storey = 372.892 kN

Total weight for 12 storey = 4474.704 kN

For edge column total weight on one storey = 279.669 kN

Total weight for 12 storey = 3356.028 kN

For corner column total weight on one storey = 186.446 kN

Total weight for 12 storey = 2237.352 kN

Assuming 2.5% of steel and for Fe415 and M25 grades of material
According to IS 456:2000 Cl 39.3 for axially loaded column
P = 0.4*fck*Ac + 0.67*fy*Ast

For central column

5906609 = 0.4*25*Ac + 0.67*415*0.025*Ac
Ac = 348446.8 mm2
Side = 590.294 mm
Adopt Size = 625 mm

For edge column

4429957 = 0.4*25*Ac + 0.67*415*0.025*Ac

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Ac = 261335.1 mm2
Side = 511.209 mm
Adopt Size = 525 mm

For corner column

2953305 = 0.4*25*Ac + 0.67*415*0.025*Ac
Ac = 174223.4 mm2
Side = 417.401 mm
Adopt Size = 425 mm

4) Preliminary Sizing Summary

Structural Member
b (mm) D (mm)
1) Column
Central Column 625 625
Edge Column 525 525
Corner Column 425 425
2) Beam 250 450
3) Slab - 200

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