Pendekatan Tipologi Dalam Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat
Pendekatan Tipologi Dalam Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat
Pendekatan Tipologi Dalam Pengembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat
Residential solid waste is being a critical problem in many cities including Jakarta.
Community-based management is the most important strategy even when
sophisticated treatment such as bio-energy or waste industrial park would be
implemented soon, as every waste processing needs separated wastes.
Increasing the participation through community-based management is more
effective than change people’s perception and behavior on domestic wastes. In
some cases, to change community behavior in waste separation and recycling
need more than ten years i.e. at Kampong Banjarsari, but with appropriate support
system on social planning only took two years i.e. Kampong Rawajati. The
implementation constraint of this programme is on replication or expandability of
the programme to implemented in another place. There are also lack of
government’s significant efforts to push and to support that action. It’s true that
some communities develop the same model, but without acceleration and
expandable programme, the significance of that effort is very poor. This study
tried to ellaborate the model of a system based on spatial analyses to determine
residential typology and found five residential types i.e. high,middle-high,middle,
middle-lower and lower level of residential, quantitative analyses to determine
typology of community participation and found four types of community participation
i.e. moral-normative, moral-remunerative, calculative-remuneraive and calculative-
coercive. Qualitative analyses had been ellaborated to determine authority or
goverment policies typology especially on strengthening the government institution
and limiting the scope of government function. Breaking down from these
classification, three strategies could develop, namely community participation
strategy, infastructure development strategy and institutional management strategy.
Implementation of these models could accomodate the heterogeneity of
communities and give positive impact on social acceptability.
Key Words : Typology approach, community-participation, residential solid
1.1. Latar Belakang
Sebagian besar sampah di DKI Jakarta plastik 13,25 persen dan sampah kertas
berasal dari rumah tinggal atau permukiman 20,57 persen, maka program daur ulang
(52,97 persen). Dengan komposisi sampah sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan(1).
organik sebesar 55,37 persen, sampah Apabila setengah saja dari sampah organik