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Waste Tech. Vol.

10(2)2022:24-27, Lazarus Ramandei

Community Participation in Domestic Waste Management in

Vim Village Abepura District Jayapura City
Lazarus Ramandei1*
1Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Cenderawasih University Jayapura Papua
Email: [email protected]

Abstract - Household waste production is increasing every day as the number of products and consumption patterns increases. To overcome
the waste volume increase can be done by: reducing the volume of waste from the source through community empowerment. The research
on community-based waste management in Vim Village Abepura District Jayapura City aims to: (1) obtain an overview of community-based
waste management planning and process, (2) to inventory challenges and opportunities in domestic waste management, (3) community-
based waste management. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative, that is research which intends to describe phenomenon that
happened at research location. Data collection techniques include interviews, questionnaires, observations and documentation, while the
data analysis uses qualitative descriptive techniques. The result of this research concludes that domestic waste management in Vim Village
Jayapura City can reduce waste disposal to TPA, but not optimally implemented either in sorting and or in composting because of limited
facilities and infrastructure. The composition of waste generation in Vim Village Jayapura City consists of: organic garbage 50.75%, plastic
17.14%, 19.42% paper, glass/metal 12.70%. Organic waste utilized to compost will reduce waste generation and reduce environmental
burden, while sorting result not only can reduce waste generation but also can be sold or managed so as to increase revenue. Suggestions
based on the results of the research can be given as follows: (1) Government needs to do more socialization about waste management. (2)
Waste management is done with 3R principles (reduce, reuse, recycle).

Keywords – Evaluation, Waste Management, Community Participation

Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/wastech.10.2.24-27
[How to cite this article: Ramandei, L. (2022). Community Participation in Domestic Waste Management in Vim Village Abepura District Jayapura City.
Waste Technology, 10(2), 24-27 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.14710/wastech.10.2.24-27]

1. Introduction good cooperation between the government, business

The problem of waste is not a new problem in actors, and the community in overcoming the waste
Indonesia. The increasing volume of waste in line with problem. Referring to the UUPS, to overcome the problem
population growth and limited land for final disposal is a requires waste management programs in order not to be a
problem that must be solved immediately [1]. An effort that garbage dump in the landfill, but it can be turned into
has been done by the government in overcoming and something useful and valuable.
managing the issue of waste is the formulation of Law The basic concept of a waste bank consists of 5M,
Number 18 Year 2008 on Waste Management [2]. In the which stands for reducing waste, sorting waste, utilizing
UUPS, it is explained that waste management consists of waste, recycling waste, and saving garbage. From the
waste reduction and waste management [3]. The reduction concept of waste banks it is clear that this waste
of waste includes the activities of limiting waste piles, management cannot be done only by one party [6]. The
recycling garbage, and utilization of waste [4]. While the community participation in moving waste management is
waste handling activities include sorting in the form of important for the sustainability of the waste management
grouping and separation of waste in accordance with its organization.
type and the removal of waste from the waste source to the In addition, programs that have been encouraged by
temporary shelter (TPS) then to the final processing (TPA) the government to be implemented by the community are
[5]. the 3R principle (reduce, reuse, and recycle). The 3R
Waste management is not only the government principle is included in waste management that
obligation. Communities and business actors as waste significantly reduces, reuses, and recycles waste. This 3R
producers must also be responsible for keeping the principle is a principle applied from the community as a
environment clean and healthy. This means there must be a source of waste generation which aims at reducing waste
Waste Technology, Vol. 10(2), October 2022 – ISSN : 2338-6207
Waste Tech. Vol. 10(2)2022:24-27, Lazarus Ramandei

generation in landfills and reusing recyclable waste into 2. Methods

valuable crafts or products to sell. The community as the This research is descriptive qualitative, that is
main actors of this principle is expected to participate so research which intends to describe phenomenon in
that the problem of waste can be overcome. domestic waste management/area, which happens in Vim
Urban area such as Jayapura City is an area that Village. The use of qualitative descriptive method has
produces a lot of domestic waste. According to information advantages because the problems studied are not only
provided by the Department of Hygiene and Funeral of based on reports on an event or phenomenon but also
Jayapura City, the waste generated in Jayapura City reaches confirmed with other relevant sources [8].
700 tons per day. Of the 700 tons of waste, the amount of Based on the purpose of qualitative research, the
waste transported to TPA Nafri and Koya Koso reaches important sampling procedure is how to find key
1,226 m3 per day [7]. informant. The orientation of the respondent is not how
The implementation of waste management programs many people are the respondents but whether the collected
that have been targeted in Jayapura City still cannot reduce data are sufficient or not. Therefore, qualitative descriptive
the amount of landfill with maximum. It is caused by the research conducted is intended to explore and describe the
lack of public participation. The top down development phenomenon of management.
program is one of the reasons why the waste bank program Data collection is done through observation,
is not optimal yet. The community does not have a strong interviews, and questionnaires. Sources of supporting data
sense of ownership of the program so that the program that are in forms of documents that can be reports, notes as
does not run continuously. As a result, facilities that have well as other written materials which are official
been provided by the government, such as garbage chopper documents relevant to the research topic. The number of
machine become abandoned. The waste problem still population and sampling is determined by using Slovin
cannot be solved completely. formula. The samples are 32 people from some RW/RT in
As an effort to arouse awareness in handling Vim Village. This study uses abstractive inductive logic that
environmental problems, especially garbage and to create a is an analytical method that performs an analytical
clean and environmentally friendly residential approach using the researcher's perspective as the main
environment, a change of waste management paradigm analytical tool.
must be done by:
a. Reduction of waste volume from the source by 3. Results
selection, or processing with simple technology such Domestic waste produced in Vim Village from the
as composting with household scale or environmental calculation of research is that there is more inorganic waste
scale. than organic waste. Organic waste in Vim Village for now
b. Community participation in waste management has not been utilized to be compost.
coordinated by community self-help groups (KSM). From the data, it is known that the garbage from
This group is responsible for coordinating the household in research area of Vim consists of 50.75%
management of environmental hygiene. organic garbage and 19.42% paper waste, 17.14% plastic,
and 12.70% glass/metal. From the data, it can be concluded
that organic waste if processed again will have economic

Table 1. Composition of waste volume

Waste Type
Organic Paper Plastic Glass / Metal Total
No Observation
Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight
% % % % %
(kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr)
1 Day-1 0.31 54.39 0.08 14.04 0.1 17.54 0.08 14.04 057 100

2 Day-2 0.28 54.90 008 15.69 0.09 17.65 0.06 11.76 0.51 100

3 Day-3 0.27 48.21 0.11 19.64 0.09 16.07 0.09 16.07 0.56 100

4 Day-4 0.36 42.35 0.2 23.53 0.16 18.82 0.13 15.29 0.85 100

5 Day-5 0.23 52.27 0.1 22.73 0.11 25.00 0 0.00 044 100
6 Day-6 0.25 44.64 0.12 21.43 0.1 17.86 0.09 16.07 0.56 100

Waste Technology, Vol. 10(2), October 2022 – ISSN : 2338-6207
Waste Tech. Vol. 10(2)2022:24-27, Lazarus Ramandei

Waste Type
Organic Paper Plastic Glass / Metal Total
No Observation
Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight
% % % % %
(kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr) (kg/o/hr)
7 Day-7 0.24 41.38 0.12 20.69 0.1 17.24 0.12 20.69 0.58 100

8 Day-8 0.3 50.00 0.12 20.00 0.12 20.00 0.06 10.00 06 100

9 Day-9 0.31 48.44 0.12 18.75 0.11 17.19 0.1 15.63 0.64 100

10 Day-10 0.26 49.06 0.09 16.98 0.08 15.09 0.1 18.87 0.53 100

11 Day-11 0.23 50.00 0.1 21.74 0.06 13.04 0.07 15.22 046 100

12 Day-12 0.24 61.54 0.08 20.51 0.07 17.95 0 0.00 0.39 100

13 Day-13 0.23 54.76 0.08 19.05 0.06 14.29 0.05 11.90 042 100

14 Day-14 0.24 58.54 0.07 17.07 0.05 12.20 0.05 12.20 041 100

Average 0.27 50.75 0.11 19.42 0.09 17.14 0.07 12.70 0.54 100

Table 2. Composition and total amount of waste dump in Vim Village

No Composition Percentage (%) Weight kg/o/hr Economy Potential

1 Organic 50.75 0.27 Composting material

2 Paper 19.42 0.11 Recycling material
3 Plastic 17.14 0.09 Recycling material
4 Glass & Metal 12.70 0.07 Recycling material

Total Amount 100 0,54

Table 3. Economic value of potential utilization of waste components in Vim Village

Weight Number of Price
No Waste Component Percentage (%) Value (Rp)
Kg/o/ day People (Rp/kg)
kg/ day
1 Organic 0.27 50.75 205 55.35 1000 55350
2 Paper 0.11 19.42 205 22.55 500 11275
3 Plastic 0.09 17.14 205 18.45 900 16605

4 0.07 12 70 205 14.35 400 5740

Glass and Metal
Total 0,54 100 205 110.7 88970

4. Conclusions glass/metal. 49.52% organic waste, 18% plastic, 19.29%

Community-based waste management can reduce paper, and 12.52% glass/metal. The community-based
waste disposal. Based on the result of observation analysis, domestic waste management in Vim Village is implemented
the composition of waste generation in Vim is 50.75% only in the development stage so that in the future, the
organic garbage, 17.14% plastic, 19.42% paper and 12.70% community is expected to participate in utilizing the waste.

Waste Technology, Vol. 10(2), October 2022 – ISSN : 2338-6207
Waste Tech. Vol. 10(2)2022:24-27, Lazarus Ramandei

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