AAPG International Conference Barcelona, Spain September 21-24, 2003

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AAPG International Conference

Barcelona, Spain
September 21-24, 2003

Sabrina Amodio1, Francesco P. Buonocunto2, Bruno D'Argenio2, Vittoria Ferreri1, Luciano Gorla3 (1) Earth Science
Department, University "Federico II", Largo San Marcellino 10, 80138 Naples, Italy, e-mail:
[email protected], (2) Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero, "Geomare Sud", National Research
Council, Calata Porta di Massa, Porto di Napoli, 80133, Naples, Italy, (3) Eni, Agip Division, Via Maritano 26, San
Donato Milanese, Italy

Cyclostratigraphy of Cretaceous shallow-water carbonates. Case-histories from central and southern Italy.

Centimetre-scale analysis of shallow-water carbonate sections has allowed to recognize orbital forced cycles in the
Cretaceous of Italy. Three case-histories from Late Barremian to Early Albian of central and southern Apennines (Italy)
are presented here. We show that the vertical arrangement of depositional and early diagenetic features allows
elementary cycles and their organization in bundles and superbundles to be recognized. This hierarchy of cycles,
controlled by high-frequency sea-level changes, is related to the Earth's orbital periodicities and appears to be
superimposed on lower frequency cyclic intervals (Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends). Based on the above
stacking pattern of cycles, both superbundles (corresponding to long-eccentricity cycles, about 400 ky) and
Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends are interpreted in terms of depositional sequences in order to attempt a
regional- to global-scale high-resolution correlation. Finally, for each studied succession the minimum sedimentation
time is estimated.

Many shallow-water carbonates carry clear evidences of astronomic control on the sedimentation via the climatic
signature on it (allocyclicity), even though some local interference may give rise to non-periodic cycles (see e.g.
Einsele et al., 1991; De Boer and Smith, 1994). Microstratigraphy (centimetre-scale analysis) is among the main tools
to recognize high-frequency cyclicity recorded in carbonate platform strata (D'Argenio et al., 1997; 1999; see also
D'Argenio and Ferreri, this volume). We have used this approach to essay high-precision chronostratigraphic
correlations. To this purpose three Lower Cretaceous case histories are discussed here (Fig.1): the 165 m thick Upper
Aptian-Lower Albian Serra Sbregavitelli section (Matese Mountains, central-western Apennines, D'Argenio et al., 1999;
2003), the 280 m thick Lower Barremian-Lower Albian Monte Raggeto section (Maggiore Mountains, southern
Apennines, D'Argenio et al., 2003; Wissler et al., 2003) and the 130 m thick Aptian S. Maria 4 AGIP core (drilled in
central-eastern Italy, Amodio, 2000).

Microstratigraphy and Cyclostratigraphy

For each studied succession microstratigraphic analysis has allowed us: a) to recognize lithofacies and their
associations as well as to assign them to different sedimentary environments of a large carbonate platform domain
(from peritidal-supratidal to open lagoon, Table 1); b) to individuate early meteoric diagenetic modifications (e.g.
paleokarst-microkarst, paleosols), recurring at specific horizons (normally bed surfaces); c) to tabulate the above
data as columnar sections showing elementary cycles (Fig.1, column a) and their grouping (bundles, superbundles,
Fig.1, column b), as well as lower-frequency cycles (Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends, T/RFTs, Fig.1, column c).

A high-frequency eustatic control, modulated by Earth's orbital perturbation is suggested by early meteoric diagenesis
directly superimposed on subtidal deposits, as well as by the hierarchic cyclic organization (2 to 5 elementary cycles
form a bundle, while 2 to 4 bundles form a superbundle). In a more rescricted domains sometimes few bits lack due
to non sedimentation and/or erosion. In this context the elementary cycles are considered to record the precession
(about 20 ky) and/or the obliquity (about 40 ky) periodicities, while bundles and superbundles correspond to the
short- (about 100 ky) and long-eccentricity (about 400 ky) cycles, respectively (Brescia et al., 1996; D'Argenio et al.,

Copyright © 2003 by AAPG

Table 1. Lithofacies and lithofacies associations of Serra Sbregavitelli and Monte Raggeto sections and of the S.
Maria 4 core their environmental interpretation. M.: mudstone; W.: wackestone, P.: packstone; G.: grainstone;
F.:floatstone; R.: rudstone; B.: boundstone.

1997; 1999; 2003). Finally, the T/RFTs may be related to extended eccentricity periodicities (Fischer 1991, Ferreri et
al., 2003). On this assumption, a minimum time-duration of 4.5 my and of 13.5 my may be estimated, for Serra
Sbregavitelli and for Monte Raggeto sections, respectively, while about 4.6 my are suggested for the S. Maria 4 core
(Fig.1, column b).

Sequence Stratigraphy
Based on their cyclic stacking pattern the studied successions have been also considered in terms of sequence

Fig. 1. Composite log of the studied sections and their location. The column on the left of each section
represents the vertical distribution of the lithofacies associations (see legend for symbols). Column a) The sharp-
cornered curve shows the high-frequency environmental oscillations (elementary cycles) as revealed by vertical
succession of lithofacies and lithofacies associations and by the related early diagenetic overprint (em1 indicate
microkarst while em2 thicker vadose caps and pervasive paleokarstic features). Key to lithofacies associations
see Table 1. Column b) High-frequency hierarchical organization of the elementary cycles into bundles (on the
left) and superbundles (on the right). Column c) Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends (T/RFTs).

Fig. 2. High-resolution correlation between the discussed Cretaceous sections: S. Maria 4, Serra Sbregavitelli and
Monte Raggeto, interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy, and plotted against the Tethyan 3rd order
stratigraphic cycles of Hardenbol et al., (1998). Our previous studies (Wissler et al., 2003) have shown that both
the Magnetozone M0 and the equivalent of the pelagic Selli Level (Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a) can be found at
Monte Raggeto (superbundle R14 and superbundles R16-R18, respectively). The correlation proposed here allows
the long-distance correlation shown in D'Argenio et al., (2003) to be extended back to the Barremian/Aptian
boundary, and the magnetostratigraphic and carbon-isotope events occurring at M. Raggeto to be located in the
time-equivalent superbundles of S. Maria core (superbundle SM1 and superbundles SM3-SM5, respectively).

stratigraphy, even though they have a prevailing aggradational expression. To minimise the effects of the lack of one
or more elementary cycles, due to the more protracted sea level lowering, we have chosen the superbundles as
depositional sequence equivalent (D'Argenio et al., 1997; 1999). On this assumption the sequence boundaries (SB) are
located in correspondence of the superbundle limits, while maximum flooding surfaces (mfs) are indicated by the
occurrence of the lithofacies suggesting the most open depositional environments. Moreover for each superbundle two
basic systems tracts are recognised: a transgressive and a highstand systems tract (Fig. 2). Using the same approach
also the Transgressive/Regressive Facies Trends may be discussed in terms of depositional sequences (D'Argenio et al.,
1999; 2003), the related sequence boundaries occurring in correspondence of the SB of the more restricted (and
normally thinner) superbundles, and the mfs coming about within the more open (and normally thicker) superbundles.
On these bases a comparison between our T/RFTs and the third order cycles of Hardenbol et al., 1998 is attempted in
order to propose regional- to global-scale high-resolution correlations.

High-Resolution Correlation and Chronostratigraphy

Based on sequence stratigraphy criteria, taking into account the Barremian/Aptian transition, as suggested by the
location of the magnetozone M0 within the superbundle R14 of Monte Raggeto (Wissler et al 2003), and assuming the
Palorbitolina lenticularis biostratigraphic interval occurring in the M. Raggeto section (superbundles R13 and R14) and
in the S. Maria 4 core (superbundles SM0 and SM1) as coeval, we propose the high-resolution correlation shown in
Figure 2. This allows the global chronostratigraphic correlation (D'Argenio et al., 2003) with the Tethyan 3rd order
Stratigraphic Cycles of Hardenbol et al. (1998) to be extended back to the Barremian/Aptian boundary. Moreover the
equivalent of the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event Selli Level (OAE 1a, Weissert et al., 1985; 1998; Erba and Larson,
1998), individuated at M. Raggeto (D'Argenio et al., 2003, Wissler et al., 2003) may be also located in the S. Maria 4
core. Based on our cyclostratigraphy studies, that are corroborated by carbon-isotope stratigraphy (D'Argenio et al.,
2003) and magnetostratigraphic studies (Wissler et al., 2003), we have assembled an orbital chronostratigraphy for
the Aptian interval. On this basis a time duration of about 8.0 my is suggested for the stratigraphic interval from the
Barremian/Aptian Boundary to the Aptian/Albian Boundary (Fig.2). This value appears to fit the 8.8 my of the
Gradstein et al. (1995) geologic time-scale, whose stages are calibrated in million of years with an uncertainty
estimated at each boundary (± 1.4 my for the Barremian/Aptian boundary and ± 1.1 my for the Aptian/Albian

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