College of Engineering
No.: (42)
Seismic Stratigraphy
The concept of sequence stratigraphy was first developed by Peter Vail in the
1960s. While he was a senior scientist at Exxon, he come up with three core
concepts that define sequence stratigraphy. 1) Seismic reflections are generated
by physical bedding surfaces, 2) Seismic reflections create patterns or
sequences that can be used to interpret depositional environment and lithology,
and 3) Unconformities that form sequence boundaries are the same age when
located in multiple basins are located. Vail also believe that eustacy is the main
control on unconformities, sedimentary systems, and system tracts within a
stratigraphic sequence.
The branch of geology that deals with the definition and description of
major and minor natural divisions of rocks ... and with the interpretation oftheir
significance in geologic history, specifically the geologic study of the form,
arrangement, geographic distribution, chronologic succession, classification,
and especially correlation and mutual relationships of rock strata ... in terms of
their origin, occurrence, environment, thickness, lithology, composition, fossil
content, age, history, paleogeographic condition, relation to organic evolution,
and relation to other geologic concepts.
Strata: The term stratum, derived from the Latin verb struo, to strew
or layout, means a bed or mass of matter spread out over a certain surface by the
action of water or in some cases by wind. The deposition of successive layers of
sand and gravel in the bed ofa river or in a canal affords a perfect illustration
both of the form and origin of stratification. A large portion of the masses
constituting the earth's crust are thus stratified, the successive strata of a given
rock preserving a general parallelism to each other, but the planes of
stratification not being perfectly parallel throughout ....
sections can often be subdivided into units that have common characteristics but
that differ from adjacent units. The separation of seismic data into such units is
the branch of seismic stratigraphy called seismic sequence analysis. Figure 1.12
almost naturally subdivides itself into these separate units. The separate units
are distinguished by different reflection characteristics, that is, different seismic
facies, the indicators of the depositional environment. The belt of oblique
reflection patterns across the center of separates regular, fairly smooth reflection
events above the belt from very irregular reflections below. The velocity of the
sediments that constitute the oblique portion varies appreciably, and the variable
travel time through this unit creates undulations and other irregularities in the
deeper reflections. Higher velocity distinguishes the portions of the oblique
refle-etion that are predominantly carbonate.
(3) noise.
Stratigraphic Traps
Processing Objectives
Data processing usually has one of four objectives:
(1) The improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio, either by enhancing the signal
or attenuating the noise. This is the objective of most seismic data processes,
which are generally designed to attenuate specific types of noise.
(2) The repositioning of data elements (migrating). The data on unmigrated
seismic sections are referenced to the locations of the source and receivers,
usually being plotted at the midpoint between them; migration repositions data
to the locations of the reflecting points.
(3) The measurement of "attributes" of the data, including velocity, amplitude,
frequency, polarity, and other measurements.
(4) The display of the data in a manner easily understandable by an interpreter;
display parameters include the use of optimum scale for the particular
interpretation objectives and displays that combine various types of
measurements, such as color displays.
1. Seismic Sequence Analysis: This will define the genetic packages related
to the seismic sequences and system tracts by finding discontinuities.
2. Well-Log Sequence Analysis: Use well log information to try to
determine lithofacies to then estimate where the sequences and system
tracts are located. They are double checked by trying to correlate the
seismic data with global cycle charts.
3. Synthetic Well - to - Seismic Ties: This step is to link seismic data to the
well data depth. This allows for geologists to plot individual wavelets
from each interface.
4. Seismic Facies Analysis: This step determines as many variations within
the individual seismic sequence and system tracts as possible in hopes of
determining lithofacies or fluid changes. This should also located where
discontinuities occur.
5. Interpretation of Depositional Environment and Lithofacies: Use the
seismic data as well as the known geologic information of the area to
determine environment of deposition and lithofacies.
6. Forward Seismic Modeling: This step serves multiple purposes. One is to
interpret stratigraphy and fluid composition near or at the seismic
resolution. Two, is to create a geologic cross section using seismic
information. This shows stratal surfaces and impedence contrasts. Three,
is to create a basin simulation model.
7. Final Interpretation: Using all the information gathered in the past six
steps is to make an interpretation that makes sense.