Sequence Stratigraphy

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Ife Journal of Science vol. 17, no. 2 (2015)



Oresajo, B. S. , Adekeye, A. O. and Haruna, K. A.

Dept. of Geology, Federal University Birnin Kebbi, Birnin Kebbi

Dept. of Geology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin.
E-mail: [email protected]
(Received: 5th May, 2015; Accepted: 24th June, 2015)

3D seismic data, wireline logs from six wells, checkshot and biostratigraphic data were used to subdivide the
stratigraphic section within the Emi Field, eastern Niger Delta, into packages of sediments bounded by
chronostratigraphically significant surfaces. The results revealed two sequence boundaries and three maximum
flooding surfaces, which subdivided the stratigraphic succession within the Emi Field into three depositional
sequences. Highstand system tract and transgressive system tract were identified within the depositional
sequences. Marker shales, characterized by index fossils Haplophramoides-24 and Bolivina-46, were used to date the
key bounding surfaces with the aid of the Niger Delta chronostratigraphic chart. Ages assigned to the sequence
boundaries were 5.6 Ma and 4.1 Ma. Based on log motifs and biostratigraphic data, the siliciclastic successions
penetrated by wells within the Emi Field were inferred to be deposited in a neritic paleoenvironment. Two major
faults, F1 and F3, ran across the study area and closures considered as good hydrocarbon prospects were
identified and delineated. Analysis of horizons within the sequences and individual system tract revealed that
hydrocarbon was hosted both in the transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract.

Sequence stratigraphic concepts in defining
sediment accumulation and preservation trends
within basin fills have become a highly successful
exploration tool in the search for hydrocarbon
resources. Thus, the subdivision of a basin's
sedimentary fill into time stratigraphically
constrained depositional packages is imperative in
unravelling its development and inherent
hydrocarbon potentials. Sequence stratigraphic
concept is increasingly finding new and unique
applications in the regressive siliciclastic
sediments of the Niger Delta Basin.
The petroliferous Niger Delta Basin is one of the
highest hydrocarbon producing basins with more
promising reserves yet to be discovered as
exploration proceeds to the deeper waters. The
lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Niger Delta
sediments cut across time lines and their lateral
associations suggest that the sedimentary deposits
were strongly influenced by eustacy and tectonics.
Sequence stratigraphy thus, facilitates the
subdivision of the Niger Delta into packages of
sediments that are essentially bounded together by
chronostratigraphically significant surfaces. The
aim of this research is to subdivide the
stratigraphic section within the Emi Field,

offshore depobelt, Niger Delta Basin, Southern

Nigeria into packages of sediments bounded by
chronostratigraphically significant surfaces
(condensed sections, their associated maximum
flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries).
The area of study, Emi Field, is located in the
offshore depobelt, Niger Delta, southern Nigeria
(Fig. 1) and covers an area of 58.24 km. The
Niger Delta Basin is located on the continental
margin of the Gulf of Guinea in the equatorial
West Africa and lies between Latitudes 4o and 7o N
and Longitudes 3o and 9o E (Whiteman, 1982).
Various works have been carried out in relation to
the sequence stratigraphy of different parts of
the Niger Delta. These include Bowen et al.
(1994), who established an integrated geologic
framework of the Niger Delta slope, by applying
established sequence stratigraphic concepts on a
seimic data set of the Niger Delta along with a
biostratigraphic data from twenty-six (26) key
wells. Stacher (1995) produced a delta wide
framework of chronostratigraphic surfaces, and a
sequence stratigraphic chart for the Niger Delta
using digitallly stored biostratigraphic data,
obtained from over eight hundred and fifty (850)
wells. Krusi and Idiagbor (1994) linked some
types of stratigraphic traps to incised valley


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Figure 1: Map of the South-south Nigeria Showing Hydrocarbon Fields and the Location of the Emi Field in the Offshore
Eastern Niger Delta (after Nton and Esan, 2010)

fills and lowstand fans. Thus, they were able to

improve the identification of stratigraphic plays in
the eastern Niger Delta. Ozumba (1999)
developed a sequence stratigraphic framework of
the western Niger Delta, using foraminifera and
wireline log data obtained from four wells drilled
in the coastal and central swamp depobelts. He
concluded that the late Miocene sequences were
thicker than the Middle Miocene sequences.
Nton and Esan (2010) employed the concept of
sequence stratigraphy in the Emi Field, offshore
eastern Niger Delta. Their study was based on four
wells, seismic data and biostratigraphic data. Their
results revealed two sequences boundaries and
three maximum flooding surfaces. This current
study is more extensive and it is based on wire line
log data from six wells, 3D seimic data and
biostratigraphic data. An evaluation of the fault
system within the field was also carried out.
Stratigraphy and Geological Setting
The Niger Delta is a large arcuate Tertiary

prograding sedimentary complex deposited

under transitional marine, deltaic, and continental
environments since Paleocene in the north to
Recent in the south. it covers an area of about
75,000 Km from the Calabar Flank and Abakaliki
Trough in eastern Nigeria to the Benin Flank in
the west. It opens to the Atlantic Ocean in the
south where it protrudes into the Gulf of Guinea
as an extension from the Benue Trough and
Anambra Basin provinces (Fig. 2). It is
characterized by coarsening upward regressive
sequences which reaches a maximum thickness
of 30,000 to 40,000 feet (Evamy et al., 1978). The
overall regressive sequence of clastic sediments
was deposited in a series of offlap cycles that were
interrupted by periods of sea level change. The
structural configuration and the stratigraphy of
the Niger Delta have been controlled by the
interplay between rates of sediment supply and
subsidence (Evamy et al., 1978; Doust and
Omatsola, 1990).

Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field


Figure 2: Map Showing Province Outlines and Bounding Structural Features in the Niger Delta Basin
(adapted from Tuttle et al., 1999)
This clastic wedge have been divided into three
large-scale lithostratigraphic units (Fig. 3); the
basal Paleocene to Recent pro-delta facies of the
Akata Formation, Eocene to Recent paralic facies
of the Agbada Formation and the Oligocene to
Recent fluvial facies of the Benin Formation
(Short and Stauble, 1967; Evamy et al., 1978;
Whiteman, 1982).
Six (6) exploratory wells and 3D seismic data from
within the Emi Field were collected. The wells are
as follows: Emi-1, Emi-2, Emi-3, Emi-4, Emi-5,
and Emi-6. Well logs including gamma ray,
resistivity, sonic, density, neutron etc were also

used. The summary of suite of open-hole

wireline logs data used for the study is shown in
Table 1. SPDC Niger Delta chronostratigraphic
char t, an adaptation of the global
chronostratigraphic chart of Haq et al. (1988) was
used along with the biostratigraphic data to assign
ages to the key bounding surfaces identified
within the Emi Field. This data set created broad
constraints on the interpretation of age and
depositional environments within the study area.
The interactive Sclumberger petrel software
package (2009 version) was used for the analysis
of the seismic and well log data. A simplified work
flow chart of the method adopted in this study is
shown in Figure 4.


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Table 1: Summary of Suite of Open-hole Wireline Logs Data used for the Study

Well logs
Bulk Volume
Gamma Ray
Shale volume


Total Porosity
Deep Resistivity
Bulk Density







Figure 3: Stratigraphy of the Niger Delta (adapted from Doust and Omatsola, 1990).

Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field


Figure 4: Workflow Chart.

Lithology was interpreted based on gamma ray log
signatures. Detailed observation of gamma ray
logs shows progressive alternation of sand and
shale. The upper part of the sequences across
wells in the Emi Field displays thicker sand
intervals than shale and a coarsening upward
trend. At the lower part of the wells, shale
thickness increases relatively to sand interval.
Within the logged intervals, the lithology is

dominated by alternating sand and shale with few

occurrences of silt occurring approximately in a
65:35 ratio (Fig. 5). Based on the varying
proportion of sand and shale with few
occurrences of silt and biostratigraphic data of
Emi 4 well, one major lithostratigraphic units was
identified: the Upper Agbada Formation. The
Agbada Formation in the Niger Delta has been
the target for drillings of reservoir rocks.

Figure 5: Sand/shale Lithologies Within the Emi Field


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Well Correlation
Well correlation for the Emi Field was done after
lithological interpretation based on gamma ray log
signatures. For correlation, the focus was on
mapping sequence boundaries and maximum
flooding surfaces. These surfaces were identified
based on the abrupt change in well log properties
gamma-ray, resistivity and density among others.
The following steps were taken in order to
correlate maximum flooding surfaces across the
field on well logs:

Points of highest gamma ray value and

lowest shale resistivity values were picked
as maximum flooding surface

Correlation of maximum flooding

surfaces in all wells within a background
of parasequence and parasequence sets
stacking pattern (Van Wagoner et al.,
1990; Neal et al., 1993 and Posamentier
and George, 1994).

Two sequence boundaries were identified across

the wells except in Emi-3 well where only one
sequence boundary was identified. Three
maximum flooding surfaces were identified
across the wells in the Emi Field with the
exception of Emi-2 and Emi-3 where only two
maximum flooding surfaces were identified (Fig.

Figure 6: Maximum Flooding Surface and Sequence Boundaries Interpreted on Well Section.


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Dating of Key Bounding Surfaces

The key bounding surfaces identified in the study
area are the maximum flooding surface (MFS) and
sequence boundaries (SB) with their
corresponding depths. The biostratigraphic
interpretation was focused on the identification of
major faunal abundance and diversity peaks, which
coincide with MFS within condensed sections,
while faunal abundance and diversity minima
c o r r e s p o n d t o S B. T h e N i g e r D e l t a
Chronostratigraphic chart aided in this
identification and is also used in dating the key
bounding surfaces.

The maximum flooding surfaces identified in the

study area correspond to the transgressive marker
shales of the SPDC Niger Delta
chronostratigraphic chart and they are marked by
Haplophragmoides-24 (6.0 Ma) and Bolivina-46 (5.0
Ma). Both marker shales were identified in the
Emi 6 well. Two sequence boundaries (SB) were
identified and dated with the aid of the SPDC
Niger Delta chronostratigraphic chart. The ages
assigned to them are 5.6 Ma and 4.1 Ma. The
sequence boundaries are represented in all the
wells. Table 3 shows the age and depths of the key
bounding surfaces as present in all the wells after
correlation of all the studied wells.

Table 2: Benthic Foraminiferal Zones Established for Emi-6 Well.

Depth (ft)

Benthic Zones


2000 -6810

Zone I


(Valvulina Flexilis)
6810 10796

Zone II

Late Miocene

Table 3: Age and Depths of Key Bounding Surfaces

Key Bounding Surfaces


Emi2 (ft)





5.0 Ma MFS
(Bolivina- 46)
5.6 Ma SB












6.0 MFS
(Haplophragmiodes 24)





4.1 Ma SB

Depositional Sequences and System Tract

The study interval was divided into three
depositional sequences in Emi-1, Emi-2, Emi-4,
Emi-5 and Emi-6 well (Fig. 7). Correlation across
the wells in the Emi Field indicates that sequences
are not all represented in the wells. Sequence 1 is
not represented in Emi-3 well. Sequence thickness
increases in sequence 1 and displays reverse
thickness trend in sequence 2, implying changes in
accommodation space relative to sediment supply,
beginning with high rates of accommodation and
evolving into low accommodation rates relatively.
Transgressive systems tract (TST) and highstand
systems tracts were recognized by stacking


patterns and bounding surfaces (maximum

flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries).
Lowstand systems tract (LST) is absent in the
field. This is probably due to erosion of older
deltaic complex built up across the shelf during
previous LST. System tract displays varying
degree of representation across the three
identified depositional sequences in Emi-1, Emi2, Emi-3, Emi-4, Emi-5and Emi-6 well within the
Emi Field. The transgressive system tract (TST) is
thickest in Emi-1 well in sequence 1 and relatively
less thick across the same sequence of other wells.
Highstand system tract (HST) is relatively thick in
sequence 1 of Emi-1, Emi-4, Emi-3 and Emi-5
(Fig. 7).


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Seismic Sequences and Maximum Flooding

Analyses of strata termination patterns present on
the seismic profile of Emi Field have assisted in
the identification of seismic sequences bounded
above and below by seismic sequence boundaries
(Fig. 9).
These sequence boundaries were
identified by stacking patterns in well logs and was
then transferred onto the seismic (Fig. 8).
Generally sequence boundaries are identified by
characteristics onlap and erosional truncation

patterns. These features are not present on the

seismic. Unconformity surface characterised by a
downlap at the top and an apparent truncation at
the bottom, represents the condensed sections of
the depositional sequence. The maximum
flooding surface is characterized by dipping strata
geometries on seismic section. The highstand
system (HST) was identified on the seismic
profile by clinoforms downlapping onto the
maximum flooding surface (MFS).

Figure 7: Stratigraphic Correlation Showing all 6 Wells in the Field of Study

Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Figure 8: Seismic to Well Tie Shown in Emi-2 Well

Figure 9: Reflection Pattern, Sequence Boundary and Maximum Flooding Surface Identified on
Seismic Cross Sections on Emi-2 Well



Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Structural Analysis of Seismic Section

There are two major faults (f1 and f3) that run
across the study area, these are identified as
growth faults (Fig. 10). The growth faults are subparallel to one another and trends in the east-west
direction. The faults are sealing on the up-thrown
side of the fault zone where most of the
hydrocarbons could be trapped.
In this study, the seismic section of Emi Field (Fig.
10) shows the effect of growth fault in an
expanded fault system, which is in agreement with

the work of Mitchum, (1977). All the seismic

sections were migrated and this allows for the
tying of seismic sections at the intersection point
between the cross-lines and in-lines. Most of the
major faults picked on the seismic records of the
Emi Field are counter regional growth faults
which are characteristics of the shelf edge,
offshore Niger Delta (Ojo, 1996). Prospect
regarded as good hydrocarbon areas have been
delineated in the structure contour map (Fig. 11
and 12).

Figure 10: Seismic Cross Section Along Inline 3 Showing Fault f1 and f3

Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field


Figure 11: Structural Contour Map of Sequence Boundary 1 Showing Prospect (PS) characterized by Well
Developed Fault System in South-western Flank of the Field

Figure 12: Structural Contour Map of Sequence Boundary 2 Showing Prospect (PS) characterized by Well
Developed Fault System and Anticlinal Closure in the South-western Flank of the Field.


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Interpretation of Stratigraphic Trends

The Emi Field stratigraphic intervals fall within
the Paralic sequence of alternating sand and shale
bodies of variable thicknesses. The sand/shale
ratios generally decrease with depth suggestive of
a fining downward motif. The entire sequence
constitutes an overall prograding delta with
periods of transgression. Three stacking patterns;
progradational, aggradational and
retrogradational patterns were identified together
with three maximum flooding surfaces. Log trends
generally change from thicker, sandier, blocky and
upward fining successions to thinner upwardcoarsening successions, suggesting a progression
from channel deposits to dominantly offshore
prograding lobes. This reflects a progression from
fluvial depositional settings to pro delta and deltaic
shorelines. The Agbada Formation is generally
interpreted to contain fluvial deltaic deposits
(Weber and Daukoru, 1975).
The maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) delineated
in the study area are interpreted to have developed
during the highest point of sea level rise and
maximum landward incursion of the shoreline.
They exhibit pelagic deposition and sediment
starvation on the shelf and slope, and separates
phase of shoreward retrog radation
(transgression) from those of basinward
progradation (regression). Three maximum
flooding surfaces were delineated across the field
and these correspond to the transgressive marker
shales of the Niger Delta chronostratographic
chart and they are marked by Haplophragmoides-24
(6.0 Ma) and Bolivina-46 (5.5 Ma). Two sequence
boundaries (major erosion surface) divides the
strata succession in the Emi Field into three
sequences, each formed during relative levels of
eustacy. Two system tracts were delineated. These
are the highstand system tract and transgressive

system tract. Lowstand systems tract are absent in

the study area and the probable cause is that
during transgression, older deltaic complexes,
built up and out across the shelf during the
previous lowstand system tract phases, which
eroded or overstepped the lowstand system tract,
a process which extensively redistributes sands as
sheet across the shelf.
The highstand systems tract (HST) overlies the
transgressive system tract (TST) phase in the
study area across the six wells studied. This occurs
when the sediment supply rate exceeds the
accommodation space, causing parasequence
deposition to either aggrade upwards or prograde
basinwards. The highstand systems tracts (HST)
in the wells are thick with mainly sandy units
occurring within its lithological sequence. The
sands within the highstand systems tracts HST
could serve as good reservoir while growth faults,
active in this area, could serve as conduits for
upward migration of hydrocarbon. The pelagic
shales of the transgressive systems tract could
form good cap rocks for the underlying and
overlying HST given the right conditions.
Stratigraphic correlation across the wells in the
Emi Field has shown sequence 3 to be the thickest
sequence within the field.

Hydrocarbon Potential
Analysis of horizons within sequences and
individual system tract reveal that hydrocarbon is
hosted both in the highstand systems tract and
transgressive system tract (Table 4). This is
further corroborated by the findings of Nton and
Esan (2010). Below is a table showing
hydrocarbon occurrences with their associated
system tract based on well log data interpretation.


Oresajo et al.: Sequence Stratigrapy and Structural Analysis of the EMI Field

Table 4: Hydrocarbon Occurrence and Associated System Tracts from Emi-4

Zone A
Zone A1
Zone A2
Zone B
Zone C
Zone D
Zone E
Zone E1
Zone F
Zone G
Zone H

Top MD(ft)

Base MD(ft)

Gross Int (ft)

Sw pay

Sh Pay









Two sequence boundaries (major erosion surface)

subdivide the stratigraphic succession within the
Emi Field into three depositional sequences, each
formed during relative levels of eustacy. Ages
assigned to the sequence boundaries are 5.6 Ma
and 4.1 Ma. The three (3) major depositional
sequences were identified in all the wells studied.
Three maximum flooding surfaces were
delineated across the field and correspond to the
transgressive marker shales of the Niger Delta
chronostratographic chart and they are marked by
Haplophragmoides-24 (6.0 Ma) and Bolivina-46 (5.0

Bowen, B.E.; Hall, D.J.; Rosen, R.N and Shaffor,

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Three parasequence stacking patter ns;

progradational, aggradational and
retrogradational patterns were identified in the
Emi field. Lateral continuity of facies depended
on parasequence associations. Most reservoir
units occur between the 4.1 Ma and 5.6 Ma
sequence boundaries (SB) as shown in Table 4.
The morphology and importance of reservoirs
and seals vary between system tracts. The
transgressive sands and the highstand sands
constitute good (potential) reservoirs. The
highstand shales and transgressive shales form
seals for the (potential) stratigraphic traps in the
Emi Field. Possible migration pathways include
carrier beds and faults. The integration of the data
sets has facilitated the understanding of the
process that generated the vertical stratigraphic
succession of sediments which are the
characteristic feature of the systems tracts across
the Emi Field.


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