Bralower 1997 GSABull
Bralower 1997 GSABull
Bralower 1997 GSABull
T. J. Bralower*
P. D. Fullagar Department of Geology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3315
C. K. Paull
G. S. Dwyer Department of Geology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
R. M. Leckie Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
ABSTRACT The interval of decreased 87Sr/86Sr values in also well established (e.g., Denison et al., 1993;
the Aptian-Albian stages overlaps with the McArthur et al., 1993; Sugarman et al., 1995).
Large variations exist between published pulse of mid-plate volcanic activity that pro- The Sr-isotope composition of seawater is
mid-Cretaceous (late Barremian to early Tu- duced the Ontong Java, Manihiki, and controlled largely by variations in the input of Sr
ronian stages) seawater Sr-isotope stratigra- Kerguelen Plateaus. The exact age and the from continental weathering, hydrothermal cir-
phies; this has resulted in disparate interpre- shape of the trough, however, are consistent culation at spreading centers, and from carbonate
tations of crustal production rates. We report with increased spreading rates at oceanic dissolution. Therefore, changes in Sr-isotope
on a detailed investigation of seawater Sr-iso- ridges, given the existing data on the timing of ratios can elucidate the timing of orogenic events
tope stratigraphy based on foraminifers and, mid-plate volcanic activity. and the onset of glaciation (e.g., Raymo et al.,
where available, on inoceramid bivalves from 1988; Hodell et al., 1991), and has implications
12 mid-Cretaceous Deep Sea Drilling Project INTRODUCTION for the extent and timing of ridge-crest and mid-
and Ocean Drilling Program sections. The ef- plate volcanism, and possibly even eustasy (e.g.,
fects of diagenesis are assessed using scanning Major fluctuations in the strontium-isotope Brass, 1976). Increasing Sr-isotope ratios gener-
electron microscope observations and trace- composition of seawater are recorded in ally indicate periods during which the supply of
elemental analyses, but are best distinguished Phanerozoic marine carbonate strata (e.g., Veizer continental Sr (87Sr/86Sr ≈ 0.712) increased with
by comparing the 87Sr/86Sr values of similar- and Compston, 1974; Brass, 1976; Burke et al., respect to the supply of Sr from mid-ocean ridges
age samples from different sites. Strontium- 1982; Hess et al., 1986; McArthur et al., 1993; (87Sr/86Sr ≈ 0.703), and conversely decreasing
isotope analyses compiled from 9 of 12 sites Jones et al., 1994a). Because the ocean is well 87Sr/86Sr values suggest intervals when volcanic
that have detailed age control define one band mixed with respect to Sr (the residence time of Sr Sr increased with respect to Sr from the conti-
of common values. This band is used as a com- in the oceans is on the order of 106 yr and the nents. Because the absence of magnetic reversals
posite curve, which presumably represents mixing time of the oceans is on the order of 103 inhibits the dating of oceanic crust of mid-
seawater 87Sr/86Sr values. The composite yr), and because marine carbonates faithfully Cretaceous age, Sr-isotope curves have been used
curve shows a “trough” of markedly lower record oceanic Sr-isotope ratios at deposition on both sides of the debate over the existence of
87Sr/86Sr values in the Aptian and early Albian (DePaolo and Ingram, 1985), stratigraphic fluc- rapid sea-floor spreading in this interval (e.g.,
stages, higher but constant values for the mid- tuations in marine carbonates are assumed to be Jones et al., 1994b; Ingram et al., 1994; Heller et
dle Albian-Cenomanian stages, followed by a globally synchronous. For the parts of the time al., 1996). High mid-Cretaceous crustal produc-
decrease in 87Sr/86Sr values in the early Tur- scale where the seawater Sr-isotope curve is con- tion rates at ridge crests and in mid-plate settings
onian. fidently established, it can be used to provide age are inferred to have been associated with the as-
Variations between published mid- control for other sedimentary rocks and to model cent of a superplume from the mantle (e.g., Lar-
Cretaceous Sr-isotope records result from di- geochemical cycles. son, 1991; Larson and Kincaid, 1996), a scenario
agenetic alteration, analytical problems, and Significant advances have been made in the with significant implications (e.g., Hays and Pit-
the diverse biostratigraphic approaches and development of a Sr-isotope stratigraphy for the man, 1973).
assumptions used to estimate sample ages. Neogene (e.g., DePaolo and Ingram, 1985; Despite the significance of these data, avail-
When preexisting age data are made consis- Hodell et al., 1989; Farrell et al., 1995). Because able Sr-isotope records for the mid-Cretaceous
tent, the composite record shows close simi- seawater 87Sr/86Sr values changed rapidly for (late Barremian to early Turonian stages) possess
larities with data sets derived from measure- much of this time interval, Sr isotopes can be great variability. The original studies of Burke et
ments of macrofossils in land sections of used to date nonfossiliferous or poorly fossil- al. (1982) and Koepnick et al. (1985) show a
Europe and North America. iferous sediments with precision (e.g., Ludwig et significant amount of internal scatter, largely as a
al., 1988; McKenzie et al., 1988). Paleogene and result of diagenetic alteration. Data from more
*E-mail: [email protected] Upper Cretaceous Sr-isotope stratigraphies are recent studies show far less internal scatter. Pris-
Data Repository item 9752 contains additional material related to this article.
GSA Bulletin; November 1997; v. 109; no. 10; p. 1421–1442; 22 figures; 5 tables.
tine remains of Cenomanian-Turonian inoce- and higher latitude sequences, or between sedi- Time Control and Correlation
ramids and ammonites from the Western Interior ments deposited in pelagic and shallower water
basin of North America were used in the Sr- environments. Establishment of Ages and Biostratigraphic
isotope study of McArthur et al. (1994). Jones et We present an independent mid-Cretaceous Error. Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic
al. (1994b) measured 87Sr/86Sr values of original seawater Sr-isotope stratigraphy based on mea- control exists in all of the sections analyzed and
belemnites and oysters obtained from sequences surements of foraminifers and inoceramids from many are also constrained by planktic
in England, and Ingram et al. (1994) measured 12 DSDP and ODP sections. The deep-sea record foraminiferal biostratigraphy (Table 1). Only one
Sr-isotope ratios on apatitic remains of fish teeth offers advantages for establishing Sr-isotope site has magnetostratigraphy: basal Aptian mag-
concentrated from mid-Cretaceous limestone stratigraphies: (1) sections are usually more com- netic polarity zone M0 was identified at Site 641
sequences in Italy. Strontium-isotope values of plete than their shallower water counterparts; and (Ogg, 1988).
inoceramids from the Albian section of Deep Sea (2) cosmopolitan faunal and floral assemblages Chronological ages of all samples are estimated
Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 511 on the Falkland provide more direct correlation with major tec- using the integrated calcareous nannofossil-
Plateau in the South Atlantic were reported by tonic and paleoceanographic events, enabling a planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphic scheme of
Huber et al. (1995). Jenkyns et al. (1995) mea- thorough analysis of the causes of changes in sea- Bralower et al. (1993) calibrated to the time scale
sured 87Sr/86Sr values on Hauterivian-Albian water 87Sr/86Sr values. of Gradstein et al. (1994). The calibration gener-
shallow-water carbonates from Ocean Drilling ally follows Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994)
Program (ODP) Site 866 atop Resolution Guyot SITES, SECTIONS, AND METHODS and Erba et al. (1996), who calculated planktic
in the central Pacific. Large disparities continue foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil zonal
to exist between these recent papers. In particu- Sites and Sections ages from their relative positions in sections from
lar, the Sr-isotope ratios of Ingram et al. (1994) the Umbrian Apennines of Italy assuming constant
are noticeably higher than those reported by The 12 sites investigated are distributed sedimentation rates. The ages of all datum levels
other authors. throughout the major ocean basins (Fig. 1) and are shown in Figure 2.
The disparities among current mid-Cretaceous include pelagic and hemipelagic depositional Ages of samples in Sites 258, 511, 545, 547,
Sr-isotope stratigraphies may result from modifi- settings characterized by nannofossil-rich clay- 551, 641 and 763 are estimated by assuming con-
cation of original isotope ratios by diagenetic stone and chalk (Table 1). The sampled sites stant sedimentation rates between a series of
alteration, or analytical procedures that have compose an expanded, largely continuous, and planktic foraminiferal and nannofossil datum
sampled Sr from nonbiogenic sources such as well-recovered upper Barremian to lower Turo- levels (Table 2). We use the most reliable datum
clays. Errors also exist in establishing the ages of nian sequence. Sample spacing averages 1.5 m, levels in each section. Chronological ages of
the samples that come from a geographically equivalent to a temporal duration of about 150 samples from sections that are incomplete or
diverse set of locations. For example, it is often 000–250 000 yr at standard sedimentation rates poorly recovered are more difficult to determine.
difficult to correlate precisely between Tethyan for pelagic carbonates. At Sites 390, 392, 417, and 418, only one datum
Figure 1. Map showing location of Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sites investigated. The paleogeographic recon-
struction for the late Albian stage is after Barron et al. (1981).
Datum Age Site
(Ma) 258 327A 390* 392A† 417D§ 418B# 511 545 547 551 641C 763B
Base Kamptnerius magnificus 91.8 255.88
Top Microstaurus chiastius 93.5 389.50
Base Eiffellithus eximius 93.55 134.30
Top Axopodorhabdus albianus 93.9 263.00 138.77
Base Rotalipora cushmani 96.6 451.90
Base Lithraphidites acutum 96.8 267.18
Base Corollithion kennedyi 97.6 621.96 424.29
Base Eiffellithus turriseiffelii 101.7 358.00 297.40** 255.03** 436.42 360.83 757.81 457.80
Base Rotalipora ticinensis 101.7
Base Biticinella breggiensis 105.0 81.03**
Base Axopodorhabdus albianus 106.1 486.32
Base Tranolithus orionatus 107.3 447.43 494.28
Base Ticinella primula 109.5 149.54**
Base Sollasites falklandensis 111.44 313.59**††
Top Ticinella bejaouaensis 112.4 390.75
Base Prediscosphaera columnata 112.6 318.13** 528.75
Top Planomalina cheniourensis 112.6 82.31**
Base Ticinella bejaouaensis 114.3 490.50 464.83
Top Globigerinellodes algerianus 115.2 154.13** 490.43
Base Globigerinelloides algerianus 117.1 518.04
Base Globigerinelloides ferreolensis 118.2 523.76
Base Eprolithus floralis 119.0 337.70 510.90 222.70
Base Rucinolithus irregularis 121.0 248.70
Note: DSDP—Deep Sea Drilling Project, ODP—Ocean Drilling Program, FO—first occurrence, LO—last occurrence.
*,† ,§,#Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of these sites is revised after Gradstein (1978) and Miles and Orr (1980).
*Sample 5-1, 116 cm, is placed in the middle part of the Planomalina cheniourensis subzone of the Ticinella bejaouaensis zone on the basis of the pres-
ence of both nominate taxa. Sample 5-2, 101 cm, lies in the uppermost part of the Globigerinelloides algerianus zone. The FO of Ticinella primula lies be-
tween samples 4-CC and 5R-1, 88 cm.
†FO of Biticinella breggiensis (middle-upper Albian boundary) is placed between samples 3-1, 94 cm, and 3-2, 102 cm. The LO of P. cheniourensis lies
sence of T. bejaouaensis and T. primula. Core 17 lies in the upper Albian Rotalipora ticinensis zone based on the presence of R. ticinensis, and absence of R.
#Samples in core 32 are placed in the lower part of the uppermost Aptian T. bejaouaensis foraminiferal zone based on the presence of the nominate taxon,
Hedbergella trocoidea, “Globigerinelloides” gyroidinaeformis, specimens belonging to the G. blowi group, the nannofossils Eprolithus floralis and Parhab-
dolithus achlyostaurion, and the absence of the foraminifers Globigerinelloides algerianus, G. ferreolensis, and G. aptiense, and the nannofossil Predis-
cosphaera columnata. Core 33 is placed in the middle of the lower upper Aptian Leupoldina cabri zone based on the presence of the foraminifer G. blowi and
the nannofossil E. floralis, but absence of the foraminifers G. algerianus and G. ferreolensis.
**A sedimentation rate of 5 m/m.y. is used to calculate ages of samples from these datum levels.
††This datum level is assumed to lie close to the base of core 327A-21 on the basis of a comparison of the ranges of the S. falklandensis, P. columnata,
116 G. algerianus NC7B
base G. algerianus (117.1)
G. ferreolensis top M. hoschulzii (117.3)
118 NC7A top L. cabri (118.2)
C34N L. cabri base E. floralis (119.0)
NC6B base L. cabri (119.2)
C. litterarius top C. rothii (119.5)
120 E (NC6)
CMO base R. irregularis (121.0)
G. blowi
122 W. oblonga
124 CM1
Figure 2. The chronostratigraphic scheme utilized in this study. Integrated nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal zonation is after Bralower
et al. (1993), calibrated to the time scale of Gradstein et al. (1994), following Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994) and Erba et al. (1996). Ages of the
Aptian nannofossil subzonal datum levels are estimated directly from their correlation with foraminiferal datum levels or stage boundaries
where they correlate closely. In the Albian stage, where the sections studied by Premoli Silva and Sliter (1994) appear to be condensed, the ages
of nannofossil subzonal datum levels are calculated from their relative positions between the first occurrences of Prediscosphaera columnata and
Eiffellithus turriseiffelii in the expanded and apparently complete Albian section at Ocean Drilling Program Site 763 (from Bralower and Siesser,
1992), assuming constant sedimentation rates.
can be accurately determined in any continuous remaining on the sieves was washed onto filter study. To minimize instrumental variation, we an-
stratigraphic interval. Here a constant sedimenta- papers and dried in a 60 oC oven. alyzed three to six, usually five, SRM987
tion rate of 5 m/m.y. above and below this datum Foraminifers were picked for isotope analysis aliquots in each sample carousel, and used the
is assumed, a rate typical for Holocene calcare- using a binocular microscope. No distinction was values obtained to adjust the 87Sr/86Sr ratios of
ous oozes from the North Atlantic (Berger, made between planktic and benthic foraminifers. the samples. We accepted 0.710250 as the correct
1974). The major source of error in determining Where available, approximately 50 of the best 87Sr/86Sr value of SRM987. If, for example, the
the ages of samples is associated with the as- preserved specimens regardless of taxonomic values for the standards in a particular turret av-
sumption of constant sedimentation rates. This category were picked from the >250 µm fraction; eraged 0.710246, we added 0.000004 to the
error is significantly larger in sections that are in- if this size fraction contained an inadequate num- 87Sr/86Sr ratio for each sample. This procedure
completely recovered, because datum levels can- ber of foraminifers, as many as 150 specimens reduced the uncertainty for all 330 analyses of
not be placed precisely. In these cases the magni- were separated from the 125–250 µm fraction. SRM987 to ±25 (2σ). We analyzed 28 samples in
tude of the potential error approaches the Only in the upper Barremian–lower Aptian inter- duplicate (see footnote 1); for 90% of these sam-
duration of the zonal unit of interest, although we val of Site 641 was it necessary to pick the ples, the individual 87Sr/86Sr ratios were within
believe that the errors are much less than this. foraminifers from the 63–125 µm fraction. ±15 of the mean of the duplicate analyses. Inter-
Correlation with Previous Sr-Isotope Where other fossil material was present, e.g., nal precision for Sr-isotope analysis was typi-
Stratigraphies. Our calculated sample ages en- ostracodes or inoceramids, several fragments cally 0.0006% to 0.0009% standard error, based
able correlation with previously published Sr- were isolated for separate Sr-isotope measure- on 100 dynamic cycles of data collection.
isotope stratigraphies based on macrofossil bio- ments. A few bulk carbonate Sr-isotope analyses Tests were conducted to estimate variations in
stratigraphy (McArthur et al., 1994; Jones et al., were carried out at Site 763. 87Sr/86Sr values of the utilized fossil materials.
1994b) after these data sets were recalibrated to The degrees of overgrowth and infilling of Different foraminiferal fractions from the same
the Gradstein et al. (1994) time scale. The sec- foraminifers were noted in each sample. To doc- sample (combined planktics and benthics of all
tions investigated by Ingram et al. (1994) have ument preservation further, two typical size fractions, combined planktics and benthics
planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphic control foraminiferal specimens from each sample were >250 µm, separate planktics, separate benthics)
allowing direct comparison with the chronostra- observed in a Leica Stereoscan 440 scanning show negligible differences in 87Sr/86Sr values
tigraphic scheme derived here (Fig. 2). Samples electron microscope (SEM) at the University of (Fig. 3), justifying our measurement of mixed
analyzed by Ingram et al. (1994) were calibrated North Carolina–Chapel Hill. Several samples of foraminifers.
to the Harland et al. (1989) time scale, but the variable external preservation were broken open
data of Koepnick et al. (1985), which they incor- to observe the interior of the chambers. Energy 0.7074
porated, appear to have remained correlated to dispersive X-ray spectrometry was used to iden- A B
the Harland et al. (1982) time scale. In addition, tify nonskeletal mineral phases.
the biostratigraphy of samples from Site 167 in
Koepnick et al. (1985) was taken from Winterer Strontium-Isotope Analysis 2
et al. (1973) and modifications to the biostratig-
raphy of this site by Tarduno et al. (1989) Samples were dissolved in 500 µL of 1 M
resulted in changes in chronological ages of as acetic acid, centrifuged, and the decantate was
much as 10 m.y. To compare the Ingram et al. dried. The sample was then dissolved in 250 ml
(1994) stratigraphy with other data, we have of 5 N HNO3, loaded on a column containing 50
recalibrated the Koepnick et al. (1985) ages to µl of Eichrom SrSpec resin, washed with 750 µl
the Gradstein et al. (1994) time scale by (1) us- of 5 N HNO3, and the Sr was collected in 1 ml of U
ing the revised planktic foraminifer biochronol- H2O. Total procedural blanks were 100 to 200 B L U
0.7073 U K L
ogy of Site 167 from Tarduno et al. (1989), and pg. Small samples (0.2–1 mg) were loaded in
(2) assuming similar relative stage positions for TaCl5 on single Re filaments; larger samples K F
the ages given by Koepnick et al. (1985) for the (1–5 mg) were loaded on single Ta filaments. O F
Iranian samples. Samples were analyzed at the University of F R O I
North Carolina–Chapel Hill on a VG Sector 54 O M R N
Sample Preparation thermal ionization mass spectrometer in dy- R > A P I P O
namic mode. Fractionation is corrected using A 6 M L B N L B C
86Sr/88Sr = 0.1194. Strontium-isotope values are M 3 > A E O A E E
Although different processing techniques are
> µ 2 N N C N N R
used to extract foraminifers for Sr-isotope analy- archived in Table DR1.1 6 m 5 E O
ses (e.g., Hodell et al., 1989; DePaolo and During this study, 87Sr/86Sr analyses of 330 3 D 0 T H
Finger, 1991; Sugarman et al., 1995), we aliquots of Sr carbonate standard SRM987 µ U µ I I I I I
avoided use of chemicals such as Calgon and yielded an average value of 0.710246 ± 34 (2σ). m P. m C C I A C C D
kerosene to break up material because of uncer- Part of this uncertainty is the result of degradation 0.7072
D C.
tain effects on the Sr-isotope ratios. About 5 cm3 of the collectors used to measure the relative in-
of material was broken into pea-sized pieces in a tensity of the Sr ion beams. In fact, some collec- Figure 3. Comparison of 87Sr/86Sr values of
pestle and mortar. These pieces were soaked in tors were replaced twice during the course of this different fossil components in samples from Site
pH-9 buffered, deionized water with 10% H2O2, 511. (A) Sample 511-56-3, 43–45 cm. (B) Sample
1GSA Data Repository item 9752, a table of
and then placed on a shaker table overnight. The 511-55-3, 39–41 cm. Bulk foram—combined
strontium-isotope values, is available on request from
residue was passed through 250, 125, and 63 µm benthics and planktics; Dup.—duplicate analy-
Documents Secretary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder,
sieves with buffered, deionized water. Material CO 80301; e-mail: [email protected]. sis; Ostrac.—ostracods.
nannofossil zone NC8 (480 m below sea floor Hole 763B. The biostratigraphically complete
Foraminiferal Preservation [mbsf]) to close to 0.707450 at the base of zone upper Aptian to lower Turonian section at Site
NC9 (445 mbsf), and decrease slightly in zones 763 records no long-term trends in 87Sr/86Sr
Light microscope observations indicate that NC9 and NC10 (435 mbsf) (Fig. 5). Strontium- values measured on foraminifers (Fig. 8). In-
foraminifer preservation is variable between isotope ratios measured on inoceramids have stead, this section shows 2–20 m 0.0001–0.0003
sites and within individual sections. Scanning slightly less inter-sample variability, and have av- amplitude, multisample fluctuations. Bulk and
electronic microscope (SEM) inspection of the erage values that are 0.000016 lower than the inoceramid 87Sr/86Sr values are predominantly
wall texture and chamber filling suggests that, foraminifers. Between 493 and 481 mbsf, trends higher than those measured on foraminifers in
in many cases, light microscopic observations are different, and inoceramids record values of as the same samples.
are unsuitable for evaluating the diagenetic al- much as 0.0001 lower (Fig. 5). Other Sites. Strontium-isotope measurements
teration of the foraminifers analyzed. For exam- Site 545. Considerable intersample variabil- of samples from Sites 258, 327, 390, 392, 417,
ple, specimens from Site 547 which possess a ity exists in 87Sr/86Sr values in zone NC7 and 418, 551, and 641 are illustrated in Figures 9–16.
nearly pristine wall texture and appear translu- the lower part of zone NC8 (420–530 mbsf) In general, considerably less intersample vari-
cent in the light microscope are filled with (Fig. 6). Values appear to decrease upward ability is observed within individual nannofossil
sparry calcite or other authigenic mineral from 0.70745 at 530 mbsf to 0.7073 at 515 zones than between zones. Inoceramid 87Sr/86Sr
phases. Conversely, foraminifers from Site 641 mbsf. Strontium-isotope values fluctuate values are slightly lower than those measured on
that appear to be poorly preserved in the light around 0.7073 from 515 to 420 mbsf. Values foraminifers (Figs. 10 and 12).
microscope are nearly hollow and have only increase markedly between 390 and 375 mbsf
slightly overgrown wall textures. Foraminiferal across the unconformity between zones NC8 DISCUSSION
preservation in the sites investigated is summa- and NC9; the abrupt increase apparently results
rized in Table 3. Figure 4 illustrates SEM micro- from mixing of foraminifers of different ages in Monitoring Diagenesis of Samples
graphs of specimens showing the complete a slump in core 40. Thus Sr-isotope measure-
range of preservation observed. More detailed ments from this core were excluded from sub- The Sr-isotope composition of pore waters of
illustrations of foraminiferal preservation are sequent analysis. Strontium-isotope values re- marine sediments may be different from the
given in Fassell and Bralower (in press). main close to 0.70745 and show less variability carbonates with which they are associated
in zone NC10 and the lower part of zone NC11 (Elderfield and Gieskes, 1982; Richter and
Strontium-Isotope Data (360 to 260 mbsf). DePaolo, 1988; Paull et al., 1995), and recrystal-
Site 547. The 87Sr/86Sr values of foraminifers lization may lead to altered Sr-isotope ratios.
Site 511. Strontium-isotope ratios of at Site 547 show few consistent long-term trends However, the presence of secondary calcite does
foraminifers and inoceramids show similar strati- (Fig. 7). Samples between 780 and 740 mbsf tend not necessarily signify diagenetically altered Sr-
graphic trends for most of the section studied at to have higher values (approximately 0.70755) isotope ratios, because the Sr in the diagenetic
Site 511 (Fig. 5). Foraminiferal 87Sr/86Sr values than those above 700 mbsf, where values fluctu- calcite may be obtained from local dissolution
increase from close to 0.707250 near the base of ate between 0.70730 and 0.70755. (e.g., Jenkyns et al., 1995). Even small amounts
DEPTH (mbsf)
87 Sr/86Sr
90 100 110 120 0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076
430 L. CEN.
49 E. turr.
L 50
A. albianus
Figure 5. Strontium-isotope data from
450 M
foraminifer Site 511. Nannofossil biostratigraphy is
after Wise (1983), modified by Bralower
52 unzoned (1992). Planktic foraminiferal biostratigra-
S. falklandensis
P. columnata (NC8)
phy is modified after Bralower et al. (1993).
An age model is shown on the left; arrows
470 E signify tie points (see Table 2). The base of
54 core 49 is placed in the upper Cenomanian
480 stage, following Krasheninnikov and Basov
H. plan.
(1983). Cen—Cenomanian, mbsf—meters
R. asper
T. bej. CHALK
below sea floor.
P. angustus (NC7)
56 H. troc.
500 L
G. ferreo.
G. alger.-
C. litterarius
520 E
100 110 0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075
L. acut.
E. turriseiffelii (NC10)
E R.
300 gandolfii
320 34
35 Figure 6. Strontium-isotope data from Site
36 R.
340 appen.
545. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after
Wiegand (1984), modified by Bralower (1992).
360 R. ticin.
The planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy is
A. alb.
40 slump
modified after Leckie (1984). The position of
E 41
H. the slump is indicated. An age model is shown
P. columnata (NC8)
400 43 2). The key to the lithologic column is given in
Figure 5. mbsf—meters below sea floor.
T. roberti
T. bejaouaensis
420 45
440 47
P. chen.
48 bulk
460 L 49
P. angustus (NC7)
480 51 trocoidea
500 53 G.
520 55 G. ferr.
56 unzoned
87Sr/ 86Sr
96 98 100 102 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076
R. reicheli cushmani
L. acutum (NC11)
460 43
53 foraminiferal biostratigraphy is after Leckie
55 foraminifer (1984). An age model is shown on the left;
56 arrows signify tie points (see Table 2). The
E. turriseiffelii (NC10)
58 key to the lithologic column is given in Figure
59 5. mbsf—meters below sea floor.
R. ticinensis-R. appenninica
660 64
740 B-2
B-5 NC9B 2
780 B-6
100 110 ZONE SUBZ. 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076 0.7077
380 TUR. 22 NC12
L. acutum
R. reicheli
25 Figure 8. Strontium-isotope data
R. brotzeni
NC10B from Hole 763B. The nannofossil bio-
stratigraphy is after Bralower and
E. turriseiffelii
440 28 NC10A
biostratigraphy is from this study. An
bulk age model is shown on the left; arrows
B. breggiensis-
R. appenninica
31 NC9B
480 32
M 33
T. primula
P. columnata
35 NC8B
H. planis.
520 NC8A
P. ang.
38 2s
DEPTH (mbsf)
87Sr/ 86Sr
90 92 94 96 0.70735 0.7074 0.70745
K. mag.
Figure 9. Strontium-isotope
13 P. asp. analyses of foraminifers from
260 E. flo. Site 258. The nannofossil bios-
tratigraphy is after Thierstein
(1974). An age model is shown on
270 lithologic column is given in Fig-
ure 5. Turon.—Turonian, mbsf—
meters below sea floor.
280 foraminifer
E. turriseiffelii
at 358 mbsf
87 Sr/ 86 Sr
112.4 112.6 0.7072 0.7073
Figure 10. Strontium-isotope data from Hole
327A. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after Wise
and Wind (1977). An age model is shown on the left;
P. columnata (NC8)
the arrow signifies tie point (see Table 2). The key to
S. falklandensis
312 inoceramid
DEPTH (mbsf)
DEPTH (mbsf)
AGE MODEL 87Sr/ 86Sr
105 110 115 0.70725 0.7073 0.70735 0.7074 87 Sr/ 86 Sr
100 110 120 0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075
L inoceramid
B. breggiensis
A. albianus
H. planispira-T. primula
P. columnata
145 foraminifer
P. angust.
3 T. be.
P. chen.
P. chen.
P. angustus
W. oblonga
G. algerianus
155 90
Figure 11. Strontium-isotope analyses of foraminifers from Site Figure 12. Strontium-isotope data from Hole 392A. The nannofossil
390. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after Schmidt (1979), modified biostratigraphy is after Schmidt (1979), modified as part of this study.
as part of this study. Planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy is modi- Planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy is modified after Gradstein
fied after Gradstein (1978). An age model is shown on the left; arrows (1978). An age model is shown on the left; arrows signify tie points (see
signify tie points (see Table 2). The key to the lithologic column is given Table 2). The key to the lithologic column is given in Figure 5; mbsf—
in Figure 5. Camp.—Campanian, mbsf—meters below sea floor. meters below sea floor.
DEPTH (mbsf)
300 17 NC9
P. columnata
M 29
310 18 270
T. bejaouaensis
foraminifer 30
- H. planispira
280 E
320 19
P. angustus
T. bej.
330 20
P. angustus
L 32
L. cabri
C. litt.
340 E 21 33 2
Figure 13. Strontium-isotope analyses of foraminifers from Hole Figure 14. Strontium-isotope analyses of foraminifers from Hole
417D. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after Gartner (1980) and 418B. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after Gartner (1980) and
Siesser (1980). Foraminiferal biostratigraphy is modified after Siesser (1980). Foraminiferal biostratigraphy is modified after Miles
Miles and Orr (1980). An age model is shown on the left; arrows and Orr (1980). An age model is shown on the left; the arrow signifies
signify tie points (see Table 2). The key to the lithologic column is tie point and crosses indicating interpreted ages of samples (see Table
given in Figure 5; mbsf—meters below sea floor. 2 and section 2.2). The key to the lithologic column is given in Figure 5;
mbsf—meters below sea floor.
DEPTH (mbsf)
AGE MODEL 87Sr/ 86 Sr
118 120 122 0.7074 0.7075
P. ang.
220 L
6B 8R
C. litterarius (NC6)
240 M0
W. oblonga (NC5)
260 12R
270 13R
Figure 15. Strontium-isotope analyses of foraminifers from Figure 16. Strontium-isotope analyses of foraminifers from Hole
Site 551. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after Bralower 641C. The nannofossil biostratigraphy is after Applegate and Bergen
(1988). Planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy is modified after (1989), modified by Bralower et al. (1994). An age model is shown on
Graciansky et al. (1985). An age model is shown on the left; ar- the left; arrows signify tie points (see Table 2). Position of oceanic
rows signify tie points (see Table 2). Position of oceanic anoxic anoxic event OAE1a of Bralower et al. (1993) is shown. The key to the
event (OAE2) of Jenkyns (1980) is shown. The key to the litho- lithologic column is given in Figure 5; mbsf—meters below sea floor.
logic column is given in Figure 5; mbsf—meters below sea floor.
of clay in a sample can increase the apparent Trace-elemental analyses help identify sam- High Sr/Ca, Na/Ca, and Ba/Ca ratios in most
87Sr/86Sr values of carbonates, because some of ples with potentially altered Sr-isotope ratios. samples analyzed at Site 763 (Fig. 17) are
this Sr could be extracted during the preparation Diagenetic calcite tends to have lower Sr/Ca thought to result from the presence of zeolites ob-
of the sample (e.g., Dasch and Biscaye, 1971; ratios than biogenic calcite (e.g., Baker et al., served growing inside foraminifer tests (Fig. 4i).
Burke et al., 1982). We have attempted to re- 1982). Ratios of Na/Ca show the same pattern, Strontium-isotope values substantially higher
move adhering clay from particles prior to analy- whereas Fe/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios in diagenetic than those in contemporaneous sections (Fig. 18)
sis, and the dilute (1 M) acetic acid used to dis- calcite may be elevated compared to marine bio- probably result from the growth of these zeolites
solve samples minimizes the effect from any genic calcite (e.g., Veizer, 1983). Interpretation from fluids with higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios. We note
remaining clay. In all of the chalk samples ana- of trace-elemental analyses of foraminifers is that some of the Sr-isotope fluctuations at Site
lyzed, very little or no clay residue was ob- difficult, however, because a contribution of 763 appear to parallel those at other sites. For ex-
served, and such contamination seems unlikely. these elements may be derived from noncalcitic ample, increases in 87Sr/86Sr values in the lower-
However, some Sr extraction could have oc- phases coating the outside of tests and filling most Albian stage (between 112 and 110 Ma)
curred in claystone samples from Sites 545, 547, chambers. Certain phases, such as pyrite and Fe- correspond to an increase at Site 511 in this same
and 763 where light green clay residues re- Mn oxides, may contribute no Sr; others, such as time interval (Fig. 18). This suggests a systematic
mained in many samples after dissolution. clays and zeolites, may have high Sr contents, at addition of high-ratio Sr to each sample.
Trace-Element and Preservational Evi- least part of which may be leached by dilute Most foraminifers from Site 547 are nearly
dence. SEM observations show some over- acids during sample preparation. Because of filled with calcite (Fig. 4, j–l), and relatively low
growths of minute rhombs on the inside of cham- these problems, we use trace-elemental analysis Sr/Ca and Na/Ca ratios (Fig. 17) are additional
ber walls in almost all foraminiferal samples to identify diagenetically altered 87Sr/86Sr values indicators of diagenetic alteration. Trace-ele-
analyzed, regardless of their pristine appearance in a site-by-site basis. mental analyses can also be used to interpret Sr-
(Fig. 4). Volumes of these minute rhombs are Ratios of Sr/Ca, Na/Ca, Fe/Ca, Mn/Ca, and isotope records with large amounts of variabil-
negligible compared to the volume of primary Ba/Ca of all foraminiferal samples analyzed are ity such as the Aptian part of the record at Site
calcite in samples from the upper part of Site 511, plotted versus age in Figure 17. These plots show 545 (Fig. 6). Here there is a significant correla-
and Sites 258, 390, 392, 417, and 418. However, significant differences between sites. We believe tion between fluctuations in 87Sr/86Sr values,
in other samples, such as those from the lower- that these differences result from (1) contamina- and Sr/Ca and Na/Ca ratios (Fig. 19). Samples
most part of Site 511, and most of those analyzed tion with Sr-bearing phases such as clays and with higher 87Sr/86Sr values generally possess
at Sites 545, 547, and 641, pores and whole zeolites in some sites, and non-Sr bearing phases lower Sr/Ca and Na/Ca ratios, indicating a
chambers are infilled with secondary calcite such as Fe-Mn oxides in others, and (2) differ- larger proportion of secondary calcite. In the in-
(Table 3; Fig. 4). ences in the amount of calcite recrystallization. terval between 390 and 510 mbsf, therefore,
94 94 94 94
96 96 96 96
98 98 98 98
KEY: SITE 258 SITE 390 SITE 417 SITE 511 SITE 547 SITE 641
SITE 327 SITE 392 SITE 418 SITE 545 SITE 551 SITE 763
Figure 17. Trace- and minor-element:Ca ratios of foraminifers from all sites investigated plotted vs. the age of samples. A few outlier points
have been omitted for each ratio. For data compiled in Table DR1, see footnote 1 in text.
only the samples with the highest Sr/Ca (>0.9) effect of diagenesis on 87Sr/86Sr values. Above ramids possess more uniform trace-element con-
and Na/Ca ratios (>~8) are interpreted as reliable 481 mbsf, where preservation of both groups is tents (Fig. 20), we utilize them in developing the
carriers of original Sr-isotope ratios. Strontium- excellent, 87Sr/86Sr values lie largely within error seawater Sr-isotope curve.
isotope values from the Albian and Cenomanian limits (Fig. 5), suggesting a primary seawater Stacking of 87Sr/86Sr Values from Different
of Site 545 (390 to 255 mbsf) show much less record. Below this depth, infilling of Sites and Construction of the Composite
scatter (Fig. 18) and samples in this interval foraminiferal chambers increases and 87Sr/86Sr Record. When all of the 87Sr/86Sr values of con-
have generally higher Sr/Ca ratios (Fig. 17). The values progressively diverge from those of temporaneous samples from different locations
trace-elemental data suggest a lower degree of inoceramids. Alteration of foraminiferal 87Sr/86Sr are stacked (Fig. 18), a significant amount of
recrystallization or a lower clay content, and the values is indicated by increasing Mn/Ca ratios, scatter exists. However, when all of the samples
Albian and Cenomanian 87Sr/86Sr values from generally lower Sr/Ca values (Figs. 17 and 20) with indications of diagenetic alteration or sus-
Site 545 are thought to be reliable monitors of and anomalously low δ18O values (Fassell and pect age are removed, a much narrower band at
past seawater. Bralower, in press). Because the Site 511 inoce- the lower limits of the total range is defined
Comparison of trace-elemental analyses of ramid 87Sr/86Sr values show less variability, and (Fig. 21). We maintain that this band represents
foraminifers and inoceramids in samples from are generally slightly lower than those of the best record of seawater Sr-isotope variation
Site 511 provides an opportunity to evaluate the foraminifers (Figs. 3 and 5), and because inoce- and use the 87Sr/86Sr values in this common band
NC10B 547
R. brotzeni
E. turriseiffelii
R. NC10A
100 appenninica
102 L subticinensis
breggiensis praeticinensis A. albianus NC9B
104 (NC9)
T. primula
P. columnata
110 E
H. planispira
112 NC8A
T. roberti
bejaouaensis P. cheniour.
114 NC7C 545
H. trocoidea
P. angustus
G. ferreolensis
118 NC7A
C34N L. cabri
C. litterarius
120 E (NC6) NC6A
G. blowi
122 W. oblonga
124 CM1
Figure 18. The strontium-isotope data from all sites investigated. Disparities between nannofossil and planktic
foraminiferal biostratigraphies of individual sections lead to minor inconsistencies in ages plotted vs. the integrated
chronology (Fig. 2). The key to the symbols is given in Figure 17.
to define our composite record. The 150 data 545, and most from Sites 547 and 763 lie signifi- values begin to increase close to the Aptian-
points used in the composite record include: cantly above this band (Fig. 18). We maintain that Albian boundary, rise rapidly in the early Albian
(1) all measurements of foraminifers from Sites the 87Sr/86Sr values of these samples have and remain close to 0.70745 from the middle
258, 390, 417, 418, 551, and 641, (2) all inoce- increased during diagenesis. Albian to the late Cenomanian stages. A sharp
ramid analyses from Sites 327, 392, and 511 (and decrease in 87Sr/86Sr values occurs just above the
foraminiferal measurements in the former two Deep-Sea Sr-Isotope Stratigraphy Cenomanian-Turonian boundary; earliest Turon-
sites in samples in which no inoceramid analyses ian values average 0.70735. The curve produced
were performed), and (3) Cenomanian, Albian, The composite record shows a decrease in by local linear smoothing (hereafter referred to
and certain Aptian data points from Site 545 (see 87Sr/86Sr values from just over 0.70745 in the as the smoothed composite curve) accounts for
above discussion). Strontium-isotope values of late Barremian stage to just over 0.70720 in the most of the variation shown by the composite
some 230 samples, including many from Site late Aptian stage (Fig. 21). Strontium-isotope data set (Fig. 22A). One exception is in the latest
0 2
0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076 0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076
87Sr / 86 Sr 87Sr / 86 Sr
25 25
0 5
0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076 0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076
87Sr / 86 Sr 87Sr / 86 Sr
80 2.5
0 0
0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076 0.7072 0.7073 0.7074 0.7075 0.7076
87Sr / 86 Sr 87Sr / 86 Sr
Figure 20. Elemental ratios (µmol/mol) plotted vs. 87Sr/86Sr values of samples from Site 511. Open
squares refer to foraminiferal analyses from above 481 m below the sea floor (mbsf ) (section 511-55-1 and
up); closed squares refer to foraminiferal analyses from below 481 mbsf (section 511-55-2 and down); tri-
angles refer to inoceramid analyses.
R. brotzeni
E. turriseiffelii
R. NC10A
100 appenninica
102 L subticinensis
breggiensis praeticinensis A. albianus NC9B
104 (NC9)
T. primula
P. columnata
H. planispira
112 NC8A
T. T. roberti
bejaouaensis P. cheniour.
114 NC7C
H. trocoidea
P. angustus
G. ferreolensis
118 NC7A
C34N L. cabri
C. litterarius
120 E (NC6) NC6A
G. blowi
122 W. oblonga MANIHIKI
124 CM1
Figure 21. Composite Sr-isotope data set. All samples are plotted except those from Sites 547, 763, and selected
samples from Site 545 (see text for discussion). Disparities between nannofossil and planktic foraminiferal bio-
stratigraphies of individual sections lead to minor inconsistencies in ages plotted against the integrated chronology
(Fig. 2). Isotopic ages of mid-plate volcanic episodes are shown (dark shaded pattern refers to cluster of ages of
Ontong Java and Manihiki plateaus; light shaded pattern refers to total range of ages). The key to the symbols is
given in Figure 17.
0.7075 0.7075
0.7074 0.7074
0.7073 0.7073
0.7072 T C AL AP BA 0.7072 T C AL AP BA
90 100 110 120 90 100 110 120
Age (Ma) Age (Ma)
0.7076 CC
C Jones
et al.
al. D Jones et al. (revised)
0.7075 0.7075
0.7074 0.7074
0.7073 0.7073
0.7072 TT C AL AP BA 0.7072 T C AL AP BA
90 100 110 120 90 100 110 120
Age (Ma) Age (Ma)
0.7075 0.7075
0.7074 0.7074
0.7073 0.7073
0.7072 T C AL AP BA 0.7072 T C AL AP BA
90 100 110 120 90 100 110 120
Age (Ma) Age (Ma)
Figure 22. Comparison of (A) composite data set (this study) with data sets of (B) Ingram et al. (1994). Squares are data points of samples an-
alyzed by Ingram et al. (1994); circles are points taken from Koepnick et al. (1985) with revised biostratigraphy from Tarduno et al. (1989). Note
that biostratigraphic corrections result in age errors of as much as 10 m.y.; both Ingram et al. (1994) and Koepnick et al. (1985) data sets are cal-
ibrated to Gradstein et al. (1994) time scale. (C, D) Jones et al. (1994b), (E) McArthur et al. (1994), and (F) Jenkyns et al. (1995). Solid curve in
each graph (except F) shows the local-linear smooth of the data set (see Fan and Gijbels [1996] for a description of this technique); dashed curve
shows the smoothed composite curve. The kernel function used for the local-linear smooth is the Gaussian function with a bandwidth of 0.75 for
the data collected here, and 1.5 for the data sets of other authors. The higher bandwidth is a result of the lower sample density of previous stud-
ies. Because of the data gap in C and D, the data sets are divided in two at the gap, and two shorter curves are generated. The ages of samples in
F were calculated using tie points from the composite curve (A) as follows: 97 Ma—0 m below sea floor (mbsf), 104 Ma—250 mbsf, 107 Ma—350
mbsf, 114 Ma—434.5 mbsf, 122 Ma—900 mbsf, and assuming constant sedimentation rates in between. On the basis of analyses on NBS-SRM987,
we have added 0.00011 to the 87Sr/86Sr analyses of Koepnick et al. (1985) and 0.000025 to the values of Jones et al. (1994b), and subtracted
0.000025 from the values of Ingram et al. (1994). Positions of stage boundaries are shown.
Base NC9 Between Euhoplites nitidus and Dimorphoplites niobe Thierstein (1973)
Euhoplites nitidus Taylor (1982)
Between Anahoplites intermedius and D. niobe † Crux (1991)
Hoplites spathi Jeremiah (1996)
Base NC8 Between Dimorphosus niobe and Anahoplites intermedius Thierstein (1973)
Lyelliceras lyelli Afejuku (1980), Taylor (1982)
Middle of the Leymeriella tardefurcata zone§ Mutterlose (1992), Keupp and Mutterlose (1994)
Othoplites bulliensis Jeremiah (1996)
Base NC6 Between Parancyloceras bidentatum and Prodeshayesites fissicostatus zones Mutterlose (1992), Keupp and Mutterlose (1994)
Note: Accepted correlations shown in bold type.
*Would result in unrealistically high sedimentation rates for the upper part of the Gault Clay.
†Study more detailed.
§All other schemes result in unrealistically high sedimentation rates for the lower part of the Gault Clay.
#Investigations based on outcrops as well as cored boreholes.
123 Ma (weighted mean = 122.4 ± 0.8 Ma) (Ma- tect ridge jumps and plate reorganizations that, if decrease in seawater 87Sr/86Sr values may re-
honey et al., 1993; Tejada et al., 1996). Paleo- unrecognized, artificially inflate estimates of flect the long (several million years) residence
magnetic data show that interbedded limestone crustal production (Heller et al., 1996). The Cre- time of Sr as well as the time required for Sr to
and basalt at Ontong Java Plateau Site 807 are taceous long normal in the Gradstein et al. be leached from the new crust. If mid-plate hy-
normally magnetized and are thought to corre- (1994) time scale begins at 120.5 Ma and ends at drothermal activity were the sole source of vol-
late to the Cretaceous long-normal polarity in- 83.5 Ma (Gradstein et al, 1994). This implies a canic Sr (Ingram et al., 1994), and most of the
terval (Tarduno et al., 1991). Combined with shorter duration than that assumed by Larson volcanism on the Ontong Java and Manihiki
biostratigraphic data (Erba, 1994), this suggests (1991), and thus would increase somewhat the Plateaus had terminated by 120 Ma, as avail-
an early Aptian age (between about 120.5 and magnitude of ocean-ridge crustal production. able data suggest (e.g., Tarduno et al., 1991;
120 Ma in the Gradstein et al. [1994] time scale). Significance of Sr Isotopes to Crustal Pro- Mahoney et al., 1993), then the seawater Sr iso-
The inconsistency between the biostratigraphic duction Estimates. The Aptian-Albian decrease tope decrease also lags slightly the end of the
and isotopic ages from Ontong Java may suggest in seawater 87Sr/86Sr values is compatible with volcanic pulse (Fig. 21).
that the age of M0 in the Gradstein et al. (1994) increased rates of hydrothermal activity associ- Ingram et al. (1994) interpreted their Aptian-
time scale is slightly too young, or that the dura- ated with increased rates of ocean-crust produc- Albian Sr-isotope data in terms of two negative
tion of Ontong Java volcanism was longer than tion (Jones et al., 1994b; Ingram et al., 1994). excursions, each associated with the eruption of a
previous estimates (Tarduno et al., 1991). Al- However, the oceanic ridges (Jones et al., 1994b; large igneous province (Ontong Java and Ker-
though it is impossible to differentiate between Larson, 1994) and plateaus (Ingram et al., 1994; guelen Plateaus). However, local-linear smooth-
these alternatives, we assume the full range of Ingram and Richter, 1994) have both been iden- ing of all of the relevant data sets shows a single
Ontong Java ages from biostratigraphic, paleo- tified as sources of increased hydrothermal Sr. decrease in 87Sr/86Sr values in the Aptian-Albian
magnetic, and isotopic data (Fig. 21). The composite seawater Sr-isotope curve of- stages (Fig. 22, A, C and F), not two as would be
The Manihiki Plateau is isotopically dated in fers evidence for the timing of the potentially expected if the current dates for the Ontong Java,
only one location (123 Ma; Mahoney et al., enhanced mid-Cretaceous ocean crust produc- Manihiki, and Kerguelen Plateaus are representa-
1993). The large Kerguelen Plateau in the south- tion, as well as a sense of the relative magnitude tive. If volcanism ceased in most locations on
ern Indian Ocean apparently formed in a rela- of crustal production through time. The onset of Ontong Java by 121.5 Ma (Mahoney et al., 1993)
tively short period of time, between 114 and 110 accelerated crust production is well dated by the and on Manihiki at 123 Ma, there is a 6 m.y. gap
Ma (Whitechurch et al., 1992; Coffin and Eld- records derived from Sites 417 and 641. In both between volcanism on these plateaus and Ker-
holm, 1994), but this inference is based on iso- cases, the decrease in 87Sr/86Sr values starts sev- guelen at a time when Sr-isotope ratios in the
topic ages from only four locations. Rates of eral meters above M0 (Figs. 13 and 16). If a composite curve are descending rapidly (Fig. 21).
ridge-crest crustal production (e.g., Kominz, large plume is responsible for both the long- The timing of the onset of the early Aptian
1984) are complicated by the Cretaceous long- normal polarity interval and accelerated ocean- decrease in 87Sr/86Sr values combined with the
normal polarity interval, which makes it difficult ridge crustal production (Larson and Olson, shape of the composite Sr-curve suggest that
to assess relative changes in crustal production 1991), then the 0.5 to 1 m.y. lag between the be- either the current isotopic ages for the oceanic
over the 38 m.y. duration of the chron, and to de- ginning of the long-normal and the onset of the plateaus are not representative, or that leaching
of Sr from oceanic plateaus takes millions of Strontium-isotope values from Site 551 increase
years, or that another source, the ridge crests or just below the organic-rich sediments deposited Afejuku, A., 1980, Albian to Cenomanian calcareous nanno-
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