Grade 6 Mathematics Learning Competency S.Y. 2017 - 2018: First Quarter
Grade 6 Mathematics Learning Competency S.Y. 2017 - 2018: First Quarter
Grade 6 Mathematics Learning Competency S.Y. 2017 - 2018: First Quarter
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
S.Y. 2017 - 2018
18 Divides whole numbers by decimals up to 2 decimal places and vice versa. M6NS-Ig-116.3 2
19 Divides decimals/mixed decimals up to 2 decimal places. M6NS-Ig-116.4 2
20 Divides decimals up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. M6NS-Ih-116.5 2
21 Divides decimals up to 2 decimal places by 10, 100, and 1 000 mentally. M6NS-Ih-118 2
Differentiates terminating from repeating, non-terminating decimal
22 quotients. M6NS-Ii-119 2
Finds how many times one value is as large as another given their ratio
27 and vice versa. M6NS-IIa-130 3
Defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio and proportion using concrete M6NS-IIb-131
28 or pictorial models. 1
Identifies the nets of the following space figures: cube, prism, pyramid,
54 cylinder, cone, and sphere using plane figures. M6GE-IIIc-32 2
Formulates the rule in finding the nth term using different strategies
(looking for a pattern, guessing and checking, working backwards)
55 e.g. M6AL-IIId-7 3
(the nth term is 3n+1)
Finds the area of composite figures formed by any two or more of the
64 following: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and semi-circle. M6ME-IIIh-89 2
Visualizes and describes surface area and names the unit of measure used M6ME-IIIi-91
66 for measuring the surface area of solid/space figures. 1
Derives a formula for finding the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids, M6ME-IIIi-92
67 cylinders, cones, and spheres. 2
Finds the surface area of cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and
68 spheres. M6ME-IIIi-93 2
Derives the formula for finding the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones,
71 and spheres. M6ME-IVa-96 3
72 Finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. M6ME-IVb-97 5
73 Solves routine and non-routine problems involving volumes of solids. M6ME-IVc-98 3
Creates problems involving surface area and volume of solid/space
74 figures, with reasonable answers. M6ME-IVc-99 2
Describes the meaning of probability such as 50% chance of rain and one M6SP-IVg-19
83 in a million chance of winning. 2
84 Quantifies the phrases “most likely to happen” and “unlikely to happen”. M6SP-IVh-20 2
85 Performs experiments and records outcomes. M6SP-IVh-21 2
Makes listings and diagrams of outcomes and tells the number of
86 favorable outcomes and chances using these listings and diagrams. M6SP-IVi-22 2