Table of Specification

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III-Central Luzon
Schools Division Office of Bulacan
District of Bocaue
L.P. Gonzales Road, Bunducan, Bocaue, Bulacan


First Periodic Test
S.Y. 2017-2018
No. of No. of Item Specification
Code Learning Competency %
Days Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
1. Adds and subtracts simple
fractions and mixed numbers
without or with regrouping
4 8.89% 4 A.1-4

2. Solves routine and non-routine

problems involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions using
appropriate problem solving
2 4.44% 3 A.5-7
strategies and tools

3. Multiplies simple fractions and 2

M6NS-Ib-90.2 mixed fractions 2 4.44% A.8-9
4. Solves routine or non-routine
problems involving multiplication
without or with addition or
subtraction of fractions and mixed
fractions using appropriate
4.44% 2 A.10-11
problem solving strategies and

5. Divides simple fractions and mixed

M6NS-Ic-96.2 fractions 2 4.44% 2 A.12-13
6. Solves routine or non-routine
problems involving division without
or with any of the other operations
of fractions and mixed fractions
2 4.44% 3 A.14-16
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools
7. Adds and subtracts decimals and
mixed decimals through ten
M6NS-Id-106.2 thousandths without or with
4.44% 2 A.17-18

8. Solves 1 or more steps routine and

non-routine problems involving
addition and/or subtraction of
M6NS-Id-108.2 decimals and mixed decimals using 6.67% 3 A.19-21
appropriate problem solving 3
strategies and tools

M6NS-Ie-111.3 9. Multiplies decimals and mixed 6.67% 3 A.22-24

decimals with factors up to 2 3
decimal places

M6NS-Ie-111.4 10. Multiplies mentally decimals up to 4.44% 2 A.25-26

2 decimals places by 0.1, 2
0.01,10, and 100

M6NS-Ie-113.2 11. Solves routine and non-routine 6.67% 3 A.27-29

problems involving multiplication
of decimals and mixed decimals
including money using 3
appropriate problem solving

M6NS-If-113.3 12. Solves multi-step problems 6.67% 3 A.48-50

involving multiplication and
addition or subtraction of 3
decimals, mixed decimals and
whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools

M6NS-Ig-116.3 13. Divides whole numbers by 4.44% 2 A.30-31

decimals up to 2 decimal places 2
and vice versa

M6NS-Ig-116.4 14. Divides decimals/mixed decimals 4.44% 2 A.32-33

up to 2 decimal places 2

M6NS-Ih-116.5 15. Divides decimals up to 4 decimal 4.44% 3 A.34-36

places by 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. 2

M6NS-Ih-118 16. Divides decimals up to 2 decimal 4.44% 3 A.37-39

places by 10, 100, and 1 000 2
M6NS-Ii-119 17. Differentiates terminating from 4.44% 2 A.40-41
repeating, non-terminating 2
decimal quotients

M6NS-Ii-120.2 18. Solves routine and non-routine 2 4.44% 3 A.42-44

problems involving division of
decimals, mixed decimals, and
whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools.

M6NS-Ij-120.3 19. Solves multi-step routine and 3 6.67% 3 A.45-47

non-routine problems involving
division and any of the other
operations of decimals, mixed
decimals, and whole numbers
including money using
appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.

TOTALS: 45 100% 50 33 17

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