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The document discusses design criteria for preassembly, prefabrication and modularization construction. It covers aspects like transportation design, lifting and rigging, engineering design as well as general design considerations that need to be followed.

Transportation design must consider standard Chilean road transport envelope, oversize and overweight transport limits, and maximum road transport envelope for the SGO project. Loading and design criteria also need to be established for oversize land and sea transportation.

Lifting design needs to consider weight allowances and safety factors. Rigging attachment points need to be designed to withstand lifting and transportation loads without failure or permanent deformation.

BHP Billiton Document Number A6YF-V0-2000-CT-DES-0001

SGO Project Revision Q, 21-Sep-2016

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Register of Reviews

Rev. No. Date Description

A 15/12/2015 For Internal Review

B 15/01/2016 For Client Review

P 03/02/16 Issued for Definition Study

Issued for Definition Study

Q 21/09/16

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

BHP Billiton Document Number A6YF-V0-2000-CT-DES-0001
SGO Project Revision Q, 21-Sep-2016
Contract A6YF Page 3 of 65


1.0 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.0 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.0 MODULARIZATION REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 8
4.0 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................. 9
5.0 DECISION TO MODULARIZE ....................................................................................................... 13
5.1 ADVANTAGES OF MODULARIZATION ......................................................................... 14
5.2 DECISION MAKING PROCESS ...................................................................................... 14
6.0 TRANSPORTATION DESIGN CRITERIA..................................................................................... 15
6.1 STANDARD CHILEAN ROAD TRANSPORT ENVELOPE ............................................. 16
6.2 OVERSIZE AND OVERWEIGHT TRANSPORT .............................................................. 17
6.4 GENERAL TRANSPORTATION DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ..................................... 20
6.4.1 Transportation Weight Allowances ...................................................................... 21
6.4.2 Loading and Design Criteria for Oversize Land Transportation .......................... 21
6.4.3 Loading and Design Criteria for Sea Transportation ........................................... 23
7.0 LIFTING AND RIGGING ................................................................................................................ 25
7.1 GENERAL LIFTING CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 25
7.1.1 Lifting Design Criteria ........................................................................................... 26
8.0 ENGINEERING DESIGN ............................................................................................................... 29
9.0 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................................... 30
9.1 ROAD DESIGN ................................................................................................................. 30
9.2 MODULES AND PLANT LAY OUT ................................................................................. 30
9.2.1 Identification of Modules on P&IDs ...................................................................... 30
9.2.2 Modeling ............................................................................................................... 30
9.2.3 Interfaces and Reference Point ........................................................................... 31
9.2.4 Model Reviews ..................................................................................................... 31
9.2.5 Load Combinations .............................................................................................. 31
9.2.6 Total Weight and Center of Gravity...................................................................... 32
9.2.7 Testing and Inspection ......................................................................................... 32
9.3 MODULES PRE-ASSEMBLY TOLERANCES ................................................................ 32
9.3.1 Structural .............................................................................................................. 32
9.3.2 Piping ................................................................................................................... 33
9.3.3 Piperacks ............................................................................................................. 34
9.4 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN ............................................ 35

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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9.4.1 General ................................................................................................................ 36

9.4.2 Level of Detail in Modeled Structures .................................................................. 36
9.4.3 Weights and Center of Gravity ............................................................................. 37
9.4.4 Structural Analysis and Design of Modular Facilities ........................................... 37
9.4.5 Lifting Lugs, Tie Down Points, Base Frames Shipping Beams ........................... 37
9.4.6 Piperack Modules................................................................................................. 38
9.4.7 Pre-Assembled Yard Modules ............................................................................. 39
9.4.8 Stairways and Stair Tower Modules .................................................................... 39
9.4.9 Structural Steel Pre-Assembly ............................................................................. 39
9.4.10 Vendor Shop Modules ......................................................................................... 40
9.4.11 Painting ................................................................................................................ 40
9.4.12 Foundations ......................................................................................................... 40
9.4.13 Testing and Inspection ......................................................................................... 40
9.4.14 Civil and Structural Module Design Deliverables ................................................. 40
9.5 ROTATING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................. 41
9.5.1 Dynamic Analysis ................................................................................................. 44
9.5.2 Vibration Limits to be used in dynamic analysis of module steel structures ........ 45
9.6 PIPING ENGINEERING AND DESIGN ............................................................................ 49
9.6.1 Module Piping Layout .......................................................................................... 49
9.6.2 Pipe Specifications ............................................................................................... 50
9.6.3 Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) ........................................................ 50
9.6.4 3D Modeling ......................................................................................................... 50
9.6.5 Instrument Air and Plant Air ................................................................................. 51
9.6.6 Piping Isometrics .................................................................................................. 51
9.6.7 Piping Materials.................................................................................................... 52
9.6.8 Stress Analysis Considerations ........................................................................... 52
9.6.9 Pipe Support Selection ........................................................................................ 52
9.6.10 Painting and Labeling .......................................................................................... 53
9.6.11 Cleaning and Flushing ......................................................................................... 53
9.6.12 Testing and Inspection ......................................................................................... 54
9.6.13 Typical Piping Design Deliverables for Modules .................................................. 54
9.7 PLANT LAY-OUT AND MECHANICAL ........................................................................... 54
9.7.1 Module Layout...................................................................................................... 54
9.7.2 3D Modeling ......................................................................................................... 55
9.7.3 Plant Lay-Out and Mechanical Drawing Extractions............................................ 55
9.7.4 Typical Plant Layout and Mechanical Design Deliverables ................................. 55
9.7.5 Equipment Shipping Loads .................................................................................. 56
9.7.6 Vendor Drawings.................................................................................................. 56
9.7.7 Vendor Shop Modules ......................................................................................... 57
9.8 ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION ...................................................................... 58
9.8.1 Modular Electrical Equipment Installation ............................................................ 58

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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9.8.2 Module Instrument Equipment Installation ........................................................... 58

9.8.3 Module Drawing Formats ..................................................................................... 58
9.8.4 Electrical and Instrumentation Modeling .............................................................. 59
9.8.5 Grounding ............................................................................................................ 60
9.8.6 Analyzer Systems ................................................................................................ 60
9.8.7 Modular Electric Heat Tracing .............................................................................. 60
9.8.8 Testing and Inspection ......................................................................................... 61
9.8.9 Typical Module Electrical and instrumentation Design Deliverables ................... 61
10.1 REQUEST FOR QUOTATION ......................................................................................... 61
10.2 VENDOR SUPPLIED SKIDS (SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS) .......................................... 62
10.3 BID EVALUATION PHASE .............................................................................................. 63
10.4 PURCHASE ORDER EXECUTION .................................................................................. 63
10.5 VENDOR DATA REVIEW PROCESS .............................................................................. 63
11.0 CODES AND STANDARDS .......................................................................................................... 64

Figure 6-1 Project Design Maximum Road Transport Envelope ..................................................................... 19

Table 4-1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 5-1 - Significant Cost Elements in Modularization.................................................................................. 13
Table 6-1 Weight Allowances for Transportation and Lifting .......................................................................... 21
Table 6-2 Design Forces for Land Transportation ............................................................................................ 22
Table 6-3 Table 6 3 Load Combinations for Land Transportation................................................................... 23
Table 6-4 Design Forces for Sea Transport ....................................................................................................... 24
Table 9-1 Vibration Limits..................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 9-2 Machinery Modularization Table......................................................................................................... 46

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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The purpose of this document is to describe the general design criteria required for preassembly,
prefabrication and modularization (PPMOF), as well as provide guidance in the preparation of
home office engineering deliverables for modularization. The document provides a common basis
for the design of pre-assemblies, prefabricated equipment and modularized systems or packages.
This document also supplements the overall Project Execution Plan and/or the Construction
Management Plan and should be considered in conjunction with those plans.

The purpose of the Design Guide for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization is to ensure

 The use of Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization is maximized in the SGO Project
 Constructability, maintenance and operability are considered in the design of pre-assemblies,
prefabricated equipment and modularized systems or packages.
 Engineering deliverables produced for each design area will be similar in format and will
convey the same information for fabrication of the modules.
 Module interconnects will be coordinated from area to area, and between disciplines.
 Supports will be similar and coordinated from area to area, and between disciplines.
 Tolerances will be controlled in a consistent manner.
 Standardized designs, details and equipment will be used to simplify the procurement and
materials management processes where practical.
 The field installation process will be identical for similar modules in each area.
 Ensure that the structure, equipment and contents are suitable for resistance to applied loads
whether external or internal, temporary or permanent, and transportation induced loads.
 A defined list of module documents are produced including sufficient drawings and data for
the planning of shipping, transportation and lifting.

The Module Design Guide is being issued to provide an initial design basis which may then be
modified as the project proceeds into Detailed Design, Fabrication, Assembly, Transportation and
Installation of Modules, Pre-Assemblies, and Pre-fabricated units for the Spence Growth Options
(SGO) project.

Modularization concepts shall be utilized to optimum level as practical, where relocation of site
work to Fabrication and Assembly yards to achieve overall cost and schedule advantages for the

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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This modular design guide covers the following major sections and topics:

 Definitions
 Decision to Modularize
 Transportation Design Criteria
 Engineering Design Criteria
 Construction Input to Design
 Additional Vendor Data required
 Codes and Standards
This document should be used by the EPC contractor to design, specify, procure and construct
modules, prefabricated equipment and pre-assemblies during the execution phase of the SGO

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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The following references related to modularization and transportation were used to develop
portions of this document:

Selection Phase Study

 BHP Billiton Document No. SGO-SPS-BEC-0000-G-CM-0001

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization
Definition Phase Study

 Route Study for Transport of Modularized Oversize Load for SGO Project
Ambitrans, September 2015
 Complementary Route Study for Transport of Modularized Oversize Load for SGO
Ambitrans, November 2015
Construction Industry Institute (CII)

 CII 283-11 Industrial Modularization – How to Optimize; How to Maximize.

Construction Industry Institute
 CII 171-1 PPMOF in Industrial Construction – A framework for Decision Making.
Construction Industry Institute
Chilean Government Standards for Transportation and Seismic Design

 Resolution N°1/1995
 NCh 2369-2003 Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
 Diseño Sísmico de Estructuras e Instalaciones Industriales
 DS-158 Decreto Supremo MOP 1910 – Fija Peso Máximo de Vehículos que pueden
Circular por Caminos Públicos. Ministerio de Obras Públicas. Gobierno de Chile
 MOP - Vialidad Sistema de Solicitudes de Sobrepesos y Sobredimensionamientos.
Ministerio de Obras Públicas. Gobierno de Chile

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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The following is a list of concepts and their definition that are used within this document:

Table 4-1 Definitions

Concept Definition
Actual Module Shipping Overall Actual measured weight of a completed module at
Weight Module Yard using load cells.
Centre of Gravity for a module with reference to Module Datum
Center of Gravity
Point in all three orthogonal directions, namely X, Y and Z axis
The cost delta methodology is based on assigning a monetary value
to the significant cost elements of the options being considered in
Cost Delta Methodology order to make a decision based on cost savings or cost additions.
The basic approach is to compare the costs of the significant or
sensitive elements to select a cost effective solution.
Based on preliminary design, modules which would qualify for
Optimum Loads, or exceed one of the parameters (like shipping
Critical Modules weight),or requiring tilt-up lifts; are identified by project team for more
focused reviews during detailed engineering phase to exercise better
control and design on them.
A pre-assembly that contains structural steel and mechanical
components such as idlers, pulleys, motors, plate work, etc. These
types of modules include standard conveyor tables, transfer towers,
head and tail frames, elevated galleries and will require coordination
Conveyor Section Modules
with the conveyor Vendor about the modularization requirements
established for the project. All modules design will be done by the
Vendor but reviewed and approved by the EPC Contractor. The
conveyor section modules may be preassembled on-site or off-site.
Maximum dimensions of entire module that will be transported on the
Design Maximum Road public roads with a special permit in accordance with the MOP
Transport Envelope regulations and the route survey performed on the proposed
transportation routes to the site.
Design Module Shipping Overall weight considered by the design structural engineer in lifting
Weight and transportation analysis & design of a module.
The Contractor selected to perform the detailed engineering,
EPC Contractor
procurement and construction of one of the Vertical Work Packages
A theoretical estimated overall shipping weight of a module including
Estimated Module Shipping
all components populated in the Module Log using input data from all
participating engineering disciplines.
Mechanical Pre-Assembly at A pre-assembly that contains only mechanical components to be
Yard preassembled at the Project Yard.
Plot plan layout prepared by Mechanical to show logical arrangement
of model areas generally for its geographical location to facilitate
Model Area key SmartPlant 3D setup for its seamless alignment with project
Plan construction work packaging plan. This ensures proper alignment and
control of the engineering deliverables and associated materials
packaging according to construction execution plan.
Modular construction involves building all or part of a facility’s units in
Modular Construction
one location, then transporting the units to the jobsites for installation.

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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A component of a Project Execution Plan (PEP) which outlines

modularization strategies for the project including modularization
Modularization Plan guidelines, extent of modularization, all modular interfaces and
related work processes, logistics and transportation findings and
guidelines, and on-site transportation & setting of modules.
A transportable pre-assembly of process plant components designed
to minimize site installation labor costs.
Out-to-out dimensions of entire module including its components
Module Envelope
considered for shipping, excluding shipped loosed components.
Plot plan layout prepared by Mechanical, with required inputs from
participating engineering disciplines and construction, graphically
Module Key Plan
showing locations of planned modules/Pre-assemblies along with
their list complete with overall module envelope dimensions.
A diagram prepared by structural design engineer, schematically
showing module lifting / transportation arrangement on a structural
Module Lifting
design drawing, and is based on rigging/transportation methods for
/Transportation Diagram
the projects after alignment with project construction / rigging and
transportation / Logistics specialists respectively.
A centralized Project Engineering document prepared to populate and
Module Log
maintain applicable relevant data for all modules and Pre-Assemblies.
MOP Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Chile
Module Reference point of each module is a reference point (as
origin) on a module, in order to define its relative position in the plant
coordinate system. Its location is indicated on structural design
(Module Reference Point)
drawing to support referencing during assembly, rigging,
transportation and installation.
Module having one or more of its parameters at the optimum for a
given transportation alternative, and will require permits and special
Optimum Load equipment for the shipping over the planned routes based regional
regulations, and is defined thru a logistics study (Route study)
performed by logistics group.
A module or pre-assembly that will be transported on the public roads
Oversized Load that has one or more dimensions greater than what is allowed by the
authorities for normal travel without obtaining a special permit
A module or pre-assembly that will be transported on the public roads
Overweight Load that has a gross weight greater than what is allowed by the authorities
for normal travel without obtaining a special permit
Module comprising of one or more layer of process piping, utility
piping and cable tray (if applicable) including their components,
Piperack Modules structural steel and supports. All work, including such activities as
hydro- and nondestructive testing (NDT), is to be completed to the
maximum extents possible Prior to shipment of the module to site.
A module composed of a major piece of equipment or vessel with all
associated components completely installed before shipment. When
a piece of equipment or vessel is too large to be shipped in one
Equipment Module piece, several sub-modules may be prepared and shipped for
assembly at site. All piping, insulation, instrumentation, cable tray,
wiring, lighting. All work, including such activities as hydro- and
nondestructive testing (NDT), is to be completed to the maximum

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

BHP Billiton Document Number A6YF-V0-2000-CT-DES-0001
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extents possible Prior to shipment of the module to site.

A module comprised of structural steel with electrical cable trays used
Cable Tray Module to carry field run electrical, instrumentation and /or communication
Pre-assembling of various materials, pre-fabricated components,
and/or equipment together by different crafts at location other than
final installed position for sub-sequent installation as sub-unit.
Pre-Assemblies In order to maximize work offsite it is not always practical to use a
module as described below. It may be possible to pre-assemble
components in an offsite location such as piping, instruments,
electrical lighting, etc.
Pre-assembled yard modules are combinations of a number of
separate components into a partially or fully complete unit. Typical
examples include fully dressed vessels complete with insulation,
platforms, ladders, walkways, mechanical equipment, piping, valves
Yard Modules
and instruments. It could include several pipe spools connected
together to form a pre-assembled unit. The pre-assembly yard
modules will be preassembled on-site.
Components of the module within the module envelope, or which
connect to the module, which could not be shipped / transported
Shipped loose components
within the module, as inclusion of these components in their intended
or items
installed position in the module would make the module to exceed its
optimum shipping limits.
When the bottom level steel members in the module and their
configurations are structurally inadequate to be used as shipping
Shipping Beam supports during module transportation, special structural members
designed and used by Module transportation contractor for shipping /
transportation of module are called Shipping Beam(s)
Dimensions (width, height and length) and weight of entire module as
Shipping Envelope
used for transportation purposes.
Mounting of a number of separate items of equipment on a common
base frame or “skid” is a well-established technique and often used
by manufacturers to “package” their own components into a single
Skid-Mounted Module
plant unit. The method can be used in many applications to combine
adjacent or connected items of equipment, i.e., combining rotating
equipment with drivers and compressors with receivers.
Equipment having one or more of its parameters exceeding ‘shipping
envelope limits’ along a given transportation route, necessitating use
Special Load of special haulage equipment and/or making minor modifications to
the facilities imposing restrictions, e.g. extra wide loads or higher
loads requiring temporary lifting of power lines.
Structural modules only comprising steel structures such as structural
Structural Steel Pre- platforms, pre-assembled steel frames, building sections and without
Assemblies piping, electrical or process equipment to be pre-assembled at the
Project Yard
A complete module composed of structural steel, stairs, landings,
Stair Tower Modules grating, handrail, lighting and electrical components assembled and
painted prior to erection or shipment.
Temporary Shipping Steel Structural steel members and their connection elements clearly

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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identified (thru special color code) within the module, which are
temporarily required to support pipes, equipment or other module
components during shipping / transportation. These are modeled in a
unique color in the 3D model, and are dismantled, as required, after
installation of the module in its final position.
Vendor modules assembled at their shop (also known as Skid
Mounted equipment) are combinations of a number of separate
components into a partially or fully complete unit. Typical examples
include hydrocyclones clusters or fully dressed vessels complete with
insulation, platforms, ladders, walkways, mechanical equipment,
Vendor Shop Modules
piping, valves and instruments. The vendor modules will be
preassembled at the vendor shop and shipped directly to the site.
Mounting of a number of separate items of equipment on a common
base frame or skid is a well-established technique and often used by
manufacturers to “package” their own components into a single unit.

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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When deciding to apply the concept of modularization to a system within the project, the
significant cost elements, both costs savings and cost additions, must be identified and
quantified. The most significant cost savings usually comes from reduced labor costs while the
most significant cost addition comes from the shipping, transportation, and handling of modules.
Table 5-1 below lists significant cost elements as well as some other considerations that may be

Table 5-1 - Significant Cost Elements in Modularization

Significant Cost Items to be Considered

Element (include any risk mitigation costs for each item)

Direct Wages, burdens, benefits (by craft), camp and catering costs ,
personnel transportation costs, scaffolding, fire watch, overtime,
small tools and consumables, equipment, module unloading,
setting, testing and inspection, productivity gains (shop plus
increased field).

Indirect Wages, burdens, benefits, builders risk insurance, workman’s

Field/Shop compensation insurance, temporary facilities, infrastructure
Costs improvements (haul roads, docks, staging areas, etc.) equipment, tools,
consumables, ocean freight, marine insurance, truck freight and
insurance, duties, export packing, heavy haul/heavy lift, permitting costs,
field staff, staff assigned to module facility, labor relations risk and
mitigation, QA and inspection costs.
Shop or Rates, overhead, profit, productivity.
Home office costs yard Engineering and design, project management,
procurement and expediting, expenses.
Material costs Quantity changes for piling, concrete, structural steel (permanent and
temporary), pipe, conduit, cable, etc. Also shop material costs versus
owner or general contractor, FOB costs, cost of predicted surplus
Schedule costs Value of each day to owner for lost profit, penalties, financing, etc.
Lump sum would focus on contractor costs such as overheads,
liquidated damages, incentives, etc
HSE costs Cost of mitigating health, safety and environmental risks
Other Owner Costs Disruption or shut down of operating facilities, operations and
maintenance, construction support

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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The use of modularization has the following advantages:

 Maximum shift of labor hours from the immediate work area off-site to fabrication
shop resulting in:
 A reduction of site congestion
 Allowing activities to occur in parallel that otherwise would not.
 Ease pressure on site staffing
 A reduction of overall construction labor cost due to differential in rates between
field and fabrication shop.
 Reduced equipment grouting requirements.
 Reduced quantities of concrete, resulting in overall reduced cost and schedule.
 Reduced construction schedule resulting in a reduced total cost for the project.
 Minimizes safety risks associated with elevated work and stacking labor.
 Reduction of site indirect costs (e.g. scaffolding, tools and consumables, construction
 Reduction in the number of personnel in the camp, and associated costs for camp
and catering.
 Maximize shop work to reduce weather impacts on productivity from large volume of
site work.
 Improvement in quality of workmanship due to more controlled production
The decision to modularize should take into account the implications of equipment sizes,
equipment elevations, process interactions between process blocks, equipment common
between two or more process operations etc. Engineering needs to advance its activities
in order to support the overall decision making process particularly in the process, plant
layout, mechanical, and piping areas.


Engineering should use a standard methodology for making tactical project decisions
regarding modular construction. The methodology should be based on an analysis of the
delta costs of the significant cost elements. The basic approach is to compare
alternatives by looking only at the items which vary significantly in cost rather than to
produce complete TIC estimates for each alternative.

The result is a simple and transparent method for early cost based decision making. The
technique can also be used to compare modular execution alternatives to an optimized
stick build scenario.

An expansion of the cost delta methodology can be used to select from multiple
alternative execution plans by presenting them in a decision matrix.

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These alternatives might include such options as:

 Truck transportable versus barge transportable or alternate transportation scenarios

 Variations in the scope of the modularized portion of the facility
 Location(s) of module construction facilities
 On-site stick built versus off-site assembly
 On-site stick built versus on-site pre-assembly at a site assembly yard
 Alternative setting methods and equipment
 Maximum and optimum module sizes
 Combinations of the above plus other project specific options
 Logistics and materials management is more onerous when supporting multiple work
 Jurisdictional documentation and reconciling quality documents in support of field
erection and completion requires management.

Options being evaluated may require information and analysis not always available
during initial planning; however, the basic model can be used to confirm that
modularization makes sense and later reapplied in a cost decision matrix to refine the
execution approach. Those systems which show a lower overall TIC using modularization
then with stick built construction should be selected.


A key element to any modular executed project is to assure the module transportation and
logistics is well defined and understood. The dimensional and weight limitations are key elements
which impact the overall design of the modules. The method or methods of transport is a key to
the design as transportation impact factors must be included in the design calculations for the

For design purposes a maximum gross vehicle weight and gross dimension limits has been
established for any vehicle using public roads. The maximum design road transport envelope is
an oversized and overweight load that will require special permits and have comply with special
restrictions. Special permits are issued by the governmental authorities to:

 Ensure safety of the travelling public

 Reduce impact in local communities
 Minimize inconvenience to the travelling public
 Minimize damage to the road way infrastructure
 Minimize temporary modification to road way infrastructure
 Facilitate the movement of commodities which are non-divisible, deemed impractical to divide
or uneconomical to transport at legal dimensions

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 Establish and communicate to the carrier a set of conditions for the safe movement of the


Under the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) regulation DS 158-2003 and Resolution No.
1/1995 of the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, the maximum gross
weight and dimensions of a vehicle traveling on the public roads without a special permit

 Weight: 45 metric tons

 Length: 18.6 meters for tractor and semi-trailer
 Length: 20.5 meters for tractor and trailer u other combination.
 Width : 2.6 meters
 Height: 4.2 meters

The Chilean legislation also defines the requirement of police escort when load and
dimension exceed:

 Weight: 100 metric tons

 Length: 30 meters
 Width : 3.6 meters
Heavier loads and/or larger loads may be allowed on the Chilean public roads if a special
transportation permit is obtained. A specific route analysis by a specialist on route
security is required when load and dimension exceed:

 Weight: 100 metric tons

 Length: 36 meters for tractor and semi-trailer
 Width : 4.5 meters
 Height: 5.5 meters

Table 6-1 Chilean Transport Special Requirements

Height Width Length Weight

Special Permit > 4.2 m > 2.6 m > 20.5 m > 45 Ton
Police Escort N/A > 3.6 m > 30.0 m > 100 Ton
Route Study > 5.5 m > 4.5 m > 36.0 m > 100 Ton

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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It is possible to transport oversize and/or overweight loads if special transportation

permits are obtained from the Chilean authorities. The type of information required to
obtain a special transportation permit depends on the weigh and/or size of the load. In
general, special transportation permits are required for:

 Loads between 45 to 70 t, a special permit is required using a standard

 Loads exceeding 70 t, but is less than 100 t, or any of the above maximum
dimensions is exceeded, and then the request for the special permits shall be
accompanied by a route study made by specialized engineers.
 Loads greater than 100 t, a route study plus additional documentation, e.g.
bridge evaluations, are required by the authorities to give the transportation
The MOP issues special transportation permits on a case by case basis depending on
the specific transport envelope for each load for which a permit is being requested.

a. Maximum Overweight Load

A transportation study conducted by Ambitrans Ltda. for BHP Billiton in
December 2015 shows that the maximum overweight load permitted for both the
route between La Negra – Spence Site and the route between Port of Angamos
– Spence Site is 150 metric tons. A copy of the presentation of this transportation
study is included in Appendix A.

b. Maximum Oversize without Physical Modifications to Roadway Infrastructure

A study conducted by Ambitrans Ltda. for BHP Billiton in December 2015 shows
that the maximum oversize shipping envelope that can be used without any
physical modifications to the roadways, signage, barriers or overhead
power/telephone lines is:

 Length: 25 meters
 Width : 6.0 meters
 Height: 4.2 meters (Total Height, load vary from 2.9 meters to .3.3 meters
depending on the trailers height as shown in Figure 6-1)
This oversize maximum shipping envelope that can be used without any physical
modifications is for both routes La Negra – Spence Site and Port of Angamos –
Spence Site.

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Figure 6-1 Project Design Maximum Road Transport Envelope


In the Selection Phase Study a Modularization Design Criteria was prepared that
established a design maximum road transport envelope of 8 m wide by 8 m high by 18 m
long with a gross load weight of 150 t or less. This design criteria was established based
on a transportation route site survey which was conducted to define the maximum
transport envelope appropriate for the existing roads. Evaluation was made for the routes
Port of Angamos to Spence, La Negra to Spence, and Calama to Spence

A transportation study conducted by Ambitrans Ltda. for BHP Billiton in December 2015
confirmed that a road transport envelope of 8 m wide by 8 m high by 18 m long with a
gross load weight of 150 t or less is the most cost effective oversize load. This 8 x 8 x 18
oversize load will require some physical modifications to the roadway infrastructure and
will require a special transportation permit from the MOP. Figure 6-2 below shows the
project design maximum road transport envelope:

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Figure 6-2 Project Design Maximum Road Transport Envelope


Module Frame

Although it is physically possible to move loads as large as 14m x 14m x 24m long, the
cost is extremely high due to the large amount of physical modifications required to the
roadways, signage, barriers, light poles, overhead power lines, overhead telephone lines,
etc. Therefore, except for special oversize loads, for the Spence SGO project the design
criteria of a maximum road transport envelope of 8 m wide by 8 m high by 18 m long with
a gross load weight of 150 tons or less should be used.

Special oversize loads, include, but are not limited to, the grinding mills shells, main
power transformers, GMD Stators, etc. and require a road transport envelope larger than
8m x 8m x 18m. The EPC Contractor shall obtain all the government permits required
and make all the road modifications required for these special oversize loads.

The EPC Contractor shall coordinate all special oversize loads with the Integration
Contractor at least 90 calendar days in advance of when the special oversize load must
be transported to the site.

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When designing modules and preassemblies, it is important to note the following items:

 The closer the center of gravity of the module is to the center of the module, the less
counter weight required to balance the load, thus lightening the shipping weight of
the module.
 The overall design maximum shipping envelopes are maximums and all items that
infringe upon this boundary need to be reviewed.
For modular design, it is generally more economical to design the lower transverse
members for the shipping case in the event that the module will be transported on this
beam. The final decision on the use of a temporary shipping beam rests with the module
transport contractor.

The means of transport is important in establishing the design criteria of the modules.
The following general points should be considered when designing modules:

 In general, modules being transported by road are placed directly on the bed of the
vehicle. The module cross members must be designed in a way that support the
module on the transporter in bending. Also, from a normal practice point of view, a
sheet of plywood is generally placed between the deck of the transporter and the
module to introduce friction between the deck and the module. This plywood
thickness must be accounted for in the overall height of the load.
 As a consequence of the modules being placed directly on the deck of the transport
vehicle, no permanent module features can protrude below the bottom flange of the
steel cross members of the module. This includes cable tray, electrical conduit, pipe
flanges or drain piping. This should be the normal design practice. If it is unavoidable
to have elements of the module protruding below the bottom flange of the cross
members, then the module will need to be transported on blocks or transport beams,
thus elevating the module and thus reducing the effective module design height
envelope. Alternatively, offending members may be able to be removed from the
module and shipped loose, but this practice is to be discouraged as it adds to the site
labor requirement.
 Use of transportation beams is discouraged because these beams:
 add to the height of the load, thus reducing effective module design height
 add weight to the load
 add costs because the beam must be procured, either as a rental from the
transportation contractor or through purchase.
 add costs due to having to dispose of the beams
 Method of hold down to the transport vehicle is usually by means of chains and chain
tensioners. The modules must have open steel members through which the chains
can be threaded or be equipped with specially designed eyes. In the case of
enclosed modules (for example electrical buildings) provision must be made on the
frame of the module for attachment of hold down chains. Any lugs provided for this

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purpose must be designed in a way that they do not protrude outside the
transportation envelope width.
 Consideration must be given to the length of the stub legs that protrude below
the elevation of the transport vehicle deck. Some transport jurisdictions allow a
limited under hang below the deck of the transport trailer, some do not.

6.4.1 Transportation Weight Allowances

The weight of each module or assembly and its center of gravity must be within
the limits set by transportation and lifting criteria. During detailed engineering
SmartPlant 3DTM software shall be used to obtain the weight and center of
gravity of all modeled elements of a module. If there are additional elements on
the module that were not modeled, e.g. vendor packaged equipment, then their
mass and center of gravity shall be manually calculated and added to the result
from modeled elements to obtain the total mass and overall center of gravity

During fabrication, the module fabricator must establish a work process for
weighting the fabricated elements, and for determining the center of gravity. The
weight to be used for transport purposes and for lifting purposes shall be the
calculated weight, as described above, and then depending on the level of the
design, an allowance is included to obtain the final transportation weight.

Table 6-2 Weight Allowances for Transportation and Lifting

Level of Design Allowance

Preliminary design 1.30

Detailed design 1.20
Material take off from detailed design 1.15
Actual measured weight of elements 1.12

Early in the fabricator process, the module fabricator shall submit a report to EPC
Contractor indicating total mass and center of gravity for each delivered module
or assembly, and the level of accuracy of the given values, The EPC Contractor
can use this information to develop rigging plans for lifting the modules or
assemblies This report shall include a drawing clearly showing the orientation of
the assembly and exact location of the center of gravity. The module fabricator
shall also provide this information on the design and erection drawings.

6.4.2 Loading and Design Criteria for Oversize Land Transportation

Modules may exceed the dimensions or weight capacity of a conventional truck.

In this case, land transportation will be by special purpose heavy haul
transporters, commonly known as hydraulic platform trailers (HPT). These
vehicles are rubber tired and usually are drawn by a tractor. The main features of
these vehicles are:

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 Available width range from 2.6 m to 4.8 m, with 2 to 6 axle sections. They
can be connected to form a platform with enough length and width to suit the
load size and weight.
 They incorporate jacking mechanism to raise or lower their carrying platform.
Commonly the stroke would range between 500 to 600 mm. This dimension
is relevant in the design thus loading and unloading of the assembled module
could be done just by taking advantage of this jacking system, without
additional assistance from other lifting equipment.
 During travel, the average height of the carrying platform is 1000 to 1500
To facilitate HPT loading and unloading, the design should avoid the use of
temporary braces that could interfere with trailer’s access. In addition, at any
temporary lay down, the assembly must be stored in such a way that allows the
trailer to back in beneath the unit and lifting it off the supports using the
hydraulics of the trailer.

The following criteria should be considered when designing a module for

oversize land transportation:

 The module or assembly shall be designed for transportation on a HPT

vehicle taking into account the appropriate geometric and structural
 Preliminary HPT dimensions to be used in design are: (a) Trailer width =
2600 to 4800 mm; (b) Height = 1000 to 1500 mm; and (c) Length = 24 m with
envelope constraints as noted in Sections 6.1, and 6.2 above.

Table 6-2 shows the design forces that should be used for design and fabrication
purposes: This is based on a trailer speed of 30 km/h.

Table 6-3 Design Forces for Land Transportation

Action Magnitude

Longitudinal acceleration (braking or accelerating – Al) 0.40 g

Lateral acceleration (horizontal curves – At) 0.25 g
Vertical acceleration (Av) 0.10 g
Design wind speed (W) 10 m/s
Forces caused by road longitudinal gradient (Gl) 7%
Forces caused by road transverse gradient (cross fall – Gt) 3%

The following load combinations shall be used for land transportation design:

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Table 6-4 Table 6 3 Load Combinations for Land Transportation

Combination Description

LC-01 Al + Av + W +/- Gl +/- Gt

LC-02 At + Av + W +/- Gl +/- Gt

Design accelerations and trailer dimensions are to be regarded as preliminary.

The EPC Contractor shall be responsible for performing all calculators, including
selecting the proper design accelerations, based on the actual size and weight of
the load and the actual trailer dimensions. The extreme of trailer’s width is unable
to support the modular assembly. Therefore, for design purposes, the reaction
shall be assumed to be exerted along a hard point 1000 mm inboard of the trailer
deck edge.

6.4.3 Loading and Design Criteria for Sea Transportation

In general, for sea transportation of modules, the following general loading and
design criteria are applicable:

 Modular assemblies shall be design to withstand the combination of sea

forces and wind loads. Preliminarily, barge size is to be assumed as being
30×100 m.
For temporary tie downs to the deck:

 Supplier shall check all modular assemblies to determine if a temporary

restrain system is required for sea transportation, primarily to prevent
overturning or sliding of the assembly over vessel’s deck during high winds
 If required, temporary tie downs or moorings shall be designed by the
Supplier or Fabricator to withstand wind and sea actions.
 Temporary stools at the base of the assembly shall be proportioned thus a
bearing pressure of 0.25 N/mm2 is not exceeded. This criterion is valid for
land transportation as well.
 Stools shall distribute the assembly load into the vessel’s deck framing
 Stools shall have enough structural capacity to transfer load generated at the
module due to sea transportation to the vessel’s framing system.
The following preliminary forces, based on a 30m x 100m barge, are to be used
for module design:

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Table 6-5 Design Forces for Sea Transport

Action Magnitude

Roll – Transverse acceleration (At) 0.8 g

Pitch – Longitudinal acceleration (Al) 1.0 g

Heave – Vertical acceleration (Av) +/- 1.0 g

Wind speed 30 m/s

These preliminary values are largely dependent on vessel size, module size, and
sea route among other factors. The Module Fabricator shall engage the services
of a qualified Naval Architect to assist in defining more accurate magnitudes for
marine actions affecting module design.

a. Temporary Supports and Attachments to Vessels

Piping and equipment in a module will be subject to marine acceleration forces
during transport. Fabricator/Supplier shall define and provide shipping restrains
for those elements, pad eye locations and attachment positions. Particular
attention shall be given to pipe hangers, tall/slender tanks in cantilever, and
lighting or instrument poles, among others.

Any form of temporary structure needed to stabilize or restraint a module or

equipment during sea transportation, being either structural members like braces
or just cables, shall be supplied by the Fabricator/Supplier according with theirs
freight studies. Also Fabricator shall provide adequate protective coverings from
marine conditions to the structure or equipment if deemed necessary.

Vessel’s deck strength and load spreading, as informed by the shipping

contractor, shall be taken into consideration in the design of modules or

Since the position of the module on the deck is unknown at the time of design,
conservative assumptions shall be made when evaluating marine induced forces
on the assembly. Also it must be noted that main axes of the vessel might not
necessarily align with module axes during sea transportation.

Safe access to lifting lugs and mooring pad eyes shall be provided by the
Fabricator such that personnel are able to connect and disconnect slings,
shackles or cables, at vessel loading, during sea transportation and when
arriving at final destination. Module layout design should consider platform
locations such they might serve as access platform during transportation and as
operation platforms once the module is set in place at site. If this is not possible,
secured scaffolding could be an alternative.

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Typical support points for modules are: (a) for pipe racks and conveyors, each
base plate. (b) For base frame modules, some hard point, like the intersection of
main girders. Attachment at such points will be to restraint vertical and lateral
movements. Expected reactions at those locations must be informed by the
Fabricator/Supplier to the shipping contractor to determine if any strengthening is
needed on the vessel’s deck.



 Modular assemblies are to be designed to maintain structural integrity during crane

lifts and be supplied with certified lifting attachments.
 Bolt on pad eyes are preferred.
 Fabricator/Supplier shall provide complete “under the hook” rigging instructions and
data, including total mass and relevant mass distribution, overall center of gravity
position and center of gravity positions of the relevant pieces of the assembly. All of
the above must be documented on rigging drawings. Rigging drawings shall clearly
show the designer’s intention for the lifting device, module, sling and spreader
arrangement, and must include:
 Total mass and relevant masses from heaviest pieces of the module
 Position of the overall center of gravity and position of secondary, relevant,
center of gravity
 Sling angles and lengths
 Spreader requirements
 A detail of the lifting lugs showing material, plate thickness, dimensions,
clearances and pin hole size. Lifting lugs detail shall be accompanied by design
calculations clearly stating the safety factor used for the lugs and for the bolting
or welding attachment to the structure.
 Crane base reactions and outriggers reactions have to be evaluated and verified
related to ground bearing capacity at the site of the lift. If required, special
foundations or soil improvements measures are to be implemented prior to
commencement of the lifting maneuver.
 All below the hook lifting devices, including slings, spreader bars and lifting
attachments on the module shall be designed and certified by a professional
 Fabricator/Supplier is expected to provide all below the hook lifting devices when,
due to assembly’s unusual geometry, high mass or awkward location of the center of
gravity, normally available devices on a construction site will not fit intended lifting

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7.1.1 Lifting Design Criteria

The following are preliminary design criteria to aid designers and bidders.

 Module lift points shall be located at module’s strong points and as

symmetrically as possible around the overall center of gravity of it. Also shall
be located above the center of gravity position, to avoid stability issues when
lifting the module, and to the greatest extent possible at similar heights on
the module. The distance between lifting points should not be less than half
the overall dimension of the total module length or width.
 When using inclined slings, padeyes or any other lifting attachments shall be
design for sling angles ranging from 50° to 70° from a horizontal axis. These
loads shall also be accounted for when designing the module.
 For single point lift only, any two diagonally opposite padeyes and module
members should be designed to take 100 percent of the total load.
 Lifting attachments and immediate module members to which they are fixed
shall be designed for a 50 percent impact factor. The overall module shall be
designed for a 25 percent impact factor. Finally shackles shall be selected
without increasing the load for any impact factor, since the design of those
elements already includes a safety factor of 5:1.
 For padeyes design:
 Padeye connection to the module should not cause tension to be applied
through the thickness of a plate or rolled element, as lamination faults
could cause a failure. If such a detail is unavoidable, then through
thickness testing must be performed to ensure laminations do not occur.
Where possible, padeyes shall be welded flat against beam webs or
attached with welding details which eliminate the possibility of lamellar
 For single point lifts, padeyes shall be aligned with the slings. For
inclined slings, padeyes shall be designed for the bending forces caused
by the horizontal component of the sling’s reaction. For vertical slings, a
nominal transverse load of 10 percent the sling load shall be applied at
the center of the pin hole simultaneously with the lifting force.
 There shall be no more than one cheek plate at each side of the main
plate. Cheek plates shall be circular with a radius equal to that of the
main plate minus cheek plate thickness. Cheek plate thickness shall be
less than, or equal to, main plate thickness.
 The pin hole shall be as smallest as possible and not more than 4 mm
(1/8 in) larger than the shackle pin. Pin holes shall be drilled, not flame
cut, and shall be line-bored after welding the cheek plates to the main
 Selected shackle’s width shall be at least 12 mm larger than the total
thickness of the padeye.
 Fabricator shall define and submit a procedure of non-destructive test to
be performed for the welds and materials of the pad eyes, including the

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members to which the padeyes are attached. Fabricator shall provide to

Rigging and Construction with documentation containing material
traceability, non-destructive test reports, and ultrasonic testing results for
plate lamination of tested elements.
 Lift beams and spreaders shall have a minimum safety factor of 3:1 on yield,
based on actual static load (without impact considerations). However, when
the magnitude and variations of the loads is predictable and environmental
conditions are well defined, and then some relaxation could be made on the
above stated safety factor according to ASME Code BTH-1 “Design of below
the Hook Lifting Devices”.
 Lift beam or spreaders must be proof load tested to 125 percent of its rated
capacity. Testing operation shall be witnessed by an authorized registered
 If the lifting device has a number of pieces or links that could be used in
different positions on the lift beam, then those links shall be tested
 All lift beams and spreaders must have and ID plate firmly attached to them,
with the following minimum information:
 Manufacturer’s name or trademark and address
 Serial number or unique identification tag
 Weight of the lift beam or spreader
 The rated load capacity
 If the intended loading arrangement is complex, a loading chart or diagram
shall be provide by the Fabricator/Supplier to illustrate its modes of use and
 A technical file for lifting devices shall be provide by the supplier and shall
 Calculations signed, and signed as check, all with numbered pages.
 A formal letter of certification which includes a statement of code or
codes upon which the design of the lifting device is based
 Clear statement of the Safe Working Load, along with a clear statement
of any restrictions or constraints
 Drawings of the lifting device
 The tests lift documentation
 Quality assurance documentation such as weld test documentation
 Welders’ qualifications
 Material certification
 Slings and shackles certifications
 All slings and shackles shall be proof load tested and supplied with the
associated documentation

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 A hard copy of the documentation shall accompany any devices delivered to

 An electronic copy of the documentation shall be submitted to the Owner
prior to delivery
 Individual certificates are required for each sling and shackle. That way, if
one of the items is lost or damaged, the particular certificate relating to that
item can be destroyed

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The EPC Contractor should maximize the work content in each module, with the main objective of
maximize the amount of men hours to be moved offsite, including but not limited to:

 Equipment
 Piping
 Steel
 Electrical equipment, materials and cable trays
 Low voltage electrical circuits
 Instrumentation
 Mechanical handling equipment where applicable
 Insulation, fireproofing and finish coat painting
 Hydro testing and pneumatic testing to the maximum amount possible per procedures
developed by Construction
The following design features should be considered:

 Safety in design in accordance with the engineering work processes established by the
 Utilize available space within the module as much as practical
 Bracing should be designed to be permanent and minimize use of temporary steel required
for transportation where practical. Moment connections are preferred as much as possible.
 Platform (checker plate or grating) areas will be minimized and provided only where access,
maintenance or lay-down areas are required rather than grating complete levels
 When the length of the piping headers that run between modules is longer than 2 meters a
structural cantilever shall be provided at each end of each piperack module to provide
support for piping headers during transport and installation. On a case by case basis, support
for platforms that provide continuous access between modules and access to site welds
between modules shall be reviewed.
 Pipe rack design should have a minimum of internal bracing, to maximize space for piping. To
be reviewed on a case by case basis
 Piping Tie-in Points should be located approximately 1000mm outside of column line to
ensure access for field welds as required
 Scaffold clips at piping tie points should be provided in the module to support constructability
at the site
 Temporary steel shall be identified in the model and in the structural steel design drawings.
Module yard will physically mark all temporary steel
Module configuration scoping will be determined during the EPC detailed design phase of the
project. Items which will be considered during the module configuration include overall size,

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setting method, level of complexity of the module, and long lead equipment and material delivery



The design of site access roads and internal site roads must be adequate to
accommodate the design maximum road transportation envelope. Sketches of the critical
curves and other potential problem areas should be produced to verify the unobstructed
passage of the largest modules.


In general, the layout of modules in relation to the plant lay-out should take into
consideration the following:

 Safety Distances
 Grouping of process equipment and associated piping for system completeness
within a module
 Grouping / separation of hazardous area systems
 Ergonomic aspects
 Efficient and safe operations
 Adequate maintenance access and lay-down
 Permanent maintenance requirements; lifting beams, gantry cranes etc.
 Unobstructed emergency escape routes
 Fire-fighting
 Module Transportation
 Construction activities

9.2.1 Identification of Modules on P&IDs

All modules shall be clearly identified on the associated Piping and Instrumentation
Diagram(s) and all interfaces and module battery limits shall be indicated.

9.2.2 Modeling

The project design model will be developed using SmartPlant 3DTM modeling software.
All modules shall be clearly identified in the project design model. Each module will be
defined as a separate geographic sub-area. Individual part file naming convention will
incorporate the module number. Design area modules segregation is necessary for the

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extraction of material by module across disciplines and module reviews of individual


Dimensional accuracy is achieved through execution utilizing the model and incorporating
a dimensionally correct equipment and bulk commodities database. The database will be
updated with vendor data when it was available.

9.2.3 Interfaces and Reference Point

The design system will be set such that it denotes each module as a discrete piece of
work as the modules may be manufactured at separate locations in a module yard or
vendor shop. The proper fit-up of modules and the associated structural, piping,
equipment and electrical/instrumentation in the field is assured through dimensional
control of the module drawings and other associated deliverables to the plant coordinate

Each module will have a designated reference point identified. The location of the module
reference point will be at the top of the base frame or base plate, at the center of the
southwest column or steel intersect point. The module reference point will be located on
the Equipment Location drawings and will be physically marked on the module.

Coordinates are required for module to module connections, equipment locations and in
some cases electrical raceway routing.

The module to module interface coordinates are required to ensure that modules can be
efficiently connected in the field in accordance with the Q/C Plan. This dimensional
information at module to module connections is used by the module yard to verify that
installation and location is in accordance with the construction documents. Each
individual interface location shall be checked and signed off prior to module shipment.

9.2.4 Model Reviews

There should be MR0 (Plot Plan validation) 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, 90% and 100% 3D
Model Review sessions during the EPC phase of the project (Referee to Job Bulletin JB-
8-A6YF-003). The model reviews will be attended by client personnel including
Operations and Maintenance personnel. All the same requirements and concerns
regarding safety, constructability, maintainability, operability, accessibility, standardization
and system functionality that apply to stick built construction also apply to modules and

Dedicated modules/preassembly model reviews meeting will be held during the design
process to ensure the general coordination and guidelines are being followed. The design
team and the construction team should attend these meetings and put special emphasis
to the standardization aspects.

9.2.5 Load Combinations

Load combination matrices will be produced for structural and piping elements in the EPC
detailed design.

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9.2.6 Total Weight and Center of Gravity

The center of gravity and the total weight of each module or preassembly should be
tracked, controlled and updated on a regular basis with the objective of make the
appropriate adjustments to the design, transportation method and lifting plan.

9.2.7 Testing and Inspection

The module fabricator shall be responsible for the Quality Control of the work. The
module fabricator shall perform all testing and inspection as required by the Project


9.3.1 Structural

A fundamental aspect to consider in the fabrication and erection of modules are

tolerances regarding steel and piping. Steel tolerance is made up of 3 components: mill
tolerance, fabrication tolerance and erection tolerance, which are defined in American
standards ASTM A6 and in CSA G40.20 for Canadian standards.

The tolerances of the structural steel do not greatly influence the fit up of the piping. The
module fabricators must ensure that the ends of the piping are perfectly lined up to where
they need to be prior to shipping. If the steel beam underneath the piping is off by a few
millimetres, it has no affect provided that the pipe is positioned in the correct location.

Recommendations in terms of fitting the modules on site are presented below:

1) For the field fit up of the modules for the steel - to - steel structural connections, if
modules have been set on concrete foundations with anchor bolts, it is recommended
to account for the larger tolerances of anchor bolt placement. For example following
the AISC recommendations for large baseplate hole oversizing (eg. 3" diameter hole
for 2" diameter anchor bolt). This usually allows the contractor to set the modules on
the foundations without any issues of baseplates not fitting over the anchor bolts.
2) Also on site this detail can be accommodated by field welding heavy plate washers to
cover the oversized holes.
3) Another recommendation is to oversize the holes in cap plates and base plates when
modules are stacked on top of each other. With a 1/8" oversize the connections are
still bearing connections, but it helps module-to-module fit up.
4) Care must also be taken when connecting side by side modules to each other; a
good detail uses end plate connections with a designed gap of 1/2" to 3/4". The gaps
are then filled in the field with shims before bolt up.

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9.3.2 Piping

As for piping, no tolerance should be allowed and no fill adjustment should be permitted
to design and fabrication. Below specific recommendations to be considered in the piping
design are presented:

1) Engineering must provide the following to the module fabricator:

a) Piping isometric drawings (including heat tracing and insulation)
b) Orthographic drawings (elevations and plans for pipe rack and equipment modules)
c) Module 3D model electronic file
d) Small bore piping details and locations
2) Where possible, piping should not extend below the bottom (or shipping) beam in
order to avoid interfering with the transport trailer and restrict the overall module
3) Piping tie in points should be located approximately 300-450 mm outside of Column
(back of pipe drop should be used to ensure access for field welds as required.
Insulation and tracing shall terminate approximately 150 mm clear of field welds.
4) Three point contacts are preferred for piping which changes direction. This eliminates
or minimizes expensive installation and removal of large pieces of temporary steel for
shipping purposes. Adding a dummy leg at the shop or carefully planning module
break locations can minimize shipping steel.
5) All piping shoes shall be clamped to the structural steel for shipping purposes.
Temporary clamps shall be used and sent back to the module assembly facility for re-
use once the module is set.
6) Piping must be far enough apart to make field welds accessible. Ensure sufficient
room and work areas are provided for field welds to be completed properly.
7) Minimize the number of module to site piping locations to reduce the amount of
scaffolding required (ideally locate this transition piping at the module to module
8) Establish tolerances for module pipe lengths requiring minimum cutting at site for
field connection and welding (no field trim allowance).
9) Expansion loops protruding from the module shipping envelope should be reviewed
to see if the loops can be placed inside the module and still satisfy the stress and
drainage requirements. If not, the loop and any associated cantilever support should
be pre-fabricated and shipped with the module.
10) High point vents should be located toward the outside edge of the module for easier
access by man lift.
11) Low point drains cannot interfere with steel, other piping or piping shoes.
12) All utility stations should be standardized for all units.
13) All vents for construction hydro-testing should be permanently closed with an
approved procedure at site.

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14) Gusseting of small bore piping should be done at the module yard.
15) Closure welds should be identified on piping design submissions.
16) When piping flange connections or closure welds are designed and approved for field
pipe connections between modules, the piping on the module must be hydro-tested
at the pipe fabrication or module assembly shop.
17) Site closure welds to be left uninsulated for inspection purposes and closure weld log
should be included as part of turnover package.
18) Closure welds should be added to punch list as a category B item for operations
inspection during service testing.
19) Any required heat tracing, insulation and cladding should be applied at the module
assembly shop after hydro-testing.
20) Pipe fabrication or module assembly shop hydro-tested lines will be marked or
tagged with the words “Hydro tested piping. Do not cut or weld”.
21) Clearly identify the materials supplied by the owner and by the contractor. Ensure
design drawings clearly indicate what materials are to be shop fabricated and what
are to be built at the module yard.
22) Line designation table (LOT) documents should clearly show hydro-test pressure.
23) Alternative hydro-test methods can reduce time, water and possible freezing by using
high pressure testing plugs from approved testing companies when and where
24) Large bore valves should be carefully reviewed as the bonnet often conflicts with
nearby lines. Carefully examine handles as these also frequently conflict with one
another. Smartplant model should show actual actuator dimensions.
25) Install any required miscellaneous supports before fireproofing.
26) For any control valves, and/or instruments which are generally not installed for the
hydro test, the required space for such items should be occupied by a dummy spool
piece (painted red for identification).

9.3.3 Piperacks

Specifically for piperacks, below recommendations to be considered in design are


1) Consider main piperacks supports ever 6 meter when possible. Consider less
spacing only when require by discipline and only on these areas.
2) Box in the electrical level to support rigging of the modules.
3) Structural discipline should maximize the use of stair modules where possible.
4) Piperacks should have a walkway on the electrical level to support the pulling of
cables. This walkway should consider man loading only and a tie-off method off. No
handrails are required.

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5) Even coordinates should be used for all piperack centrelines as this will simplify
surveying of the site (Example 82800 and not 8230), keeping on 100’s if possible.
6) Piping and Structural disciplines should review the possibility of common piperacks
elevation (these are generally based on the larges common pipe size exiting the
piperack or changing from on to the other. As wheel transitions instead of flat turns)
7) Electrical discipline should consider using available piperacks where possible and
reduce stick built supports.


In addition to normal operating conditions and the associated load cases and
combinations that module structures experience in their final installed positions, modules
are subjected to different support conditions and load cases and combinations during
erection, handling and transportation prior to being set in their final position. Accordingly
modules will be designed for these unique support conditions including loads and load
combinations for all conditions and states the modules will be subjected to. In addition to
in-situ conditions, design consideration includes loads during the module’s erected state
during yard fabrication and assembly, handling and transport and handling from the yard
to the modules’ final installed position.

 LIFT: When modules are lifted with cranes, a certified Rigging Engineer will provide
rigging plans to the design engineering group and design engineering will model the
support condition represented by the rigging plan and analyze the module. In
particular, if the rigging plan involves lifting other than vertical, this will be considered
in the design. When three or more support points are on a common line, supports will
be modeled as springs. In all cases the dynamic effects from lifting will be accounted
for with impact factors. Lifting lug design shall be coordinate with Construction to suit
rigging equipment.
 Land transport: When modules are moved by transporters, the PRE will provide
heavy haul plans to engineering, and Engineering will model the support condition
represented by the transport plan and appropriately analyze the module. The inertia
forces associated with land transport will be included in the analysis and design.
Differential movement of support points shall be considered.
 Sea transport: When modules are transported by sea, the support locations will be
confirmed and engineering will model the support condition for the sea state,
including inertia/wind forces and limiting sea states as specified by 3rd-party naval
architect. Stiffness of barge elements supporting loads will not be considered.
 Temporary supports: Where requested the Module Yard and/or Construction, the
temporary foundations/supports used at the module erection yard will be evaluated
for adequacy by Engineering.
 The EPC Contractor, or its transportation subcontractor, shall furnish and install all
temporary supports as required for transportation to the site. Upon arrival at the site,
the EPC Contractor, or its transportation subcontractor, shall remove all temporary
supports. All temporary supports shall be taken off-site for re-use or disposal by the
EPC Contractor, or its transportation subcontractor.

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 Temporary steel: For each of the above conditions, temporary structural members will
be added as necessary to resist stresses and deflections that may occur only during
handling and transportation and included in the analysis and design. Where these
must be removed, these will be identified on the design drawings. Bracing should be
designed to be permanent and minimize use of temporary steel required for
transportation where practical. Moment connections are preferred as much as
possible. Temporary steel shall be identified in the model and in the structural steel
design drawings. Module yard will physically mark all temporary steel.
 The EPC Contractor, or its transportation subcontractor, shall furnish and install all
temporary steel as required for transportation to the site. Upon arrival at the site, the
EPC Contractor, or its transportation subcontractor, shall remove all temporary steel.
All temporary steel shall be taken off-site for re-use or disposal by the EPC
Contractor, or its transportation subcontractor.

9.4.1 General

Structural framing plans and steel detailing shall be developed for each individual
module during the detailed design phase of the EPC contract.

9.4.2 Level of Detail in Modeled Structures

 Structural framing and bracing

 Grating, checker plate or non-skid late decking, platforms, handrails and
 Ladders and stairs
 Equipment supports
 Temporary beams, supports, and bracing
 Gusset plates estimated sizes
 Lifting lugs or support stands – Consider standardization for early fabrication
along with criteria for multiple uses as much as practical.
 Lifting lugs will be designed to suit the actual shackles that will be used by
lifting contractors
 Do not mix lug ratings on an individual module
 Handrail, piping, E/I or other major systems shall not obstruct lifting lugs
 Structural bill of materials that can be extracted on a module-by-module
 Special steel piping support
 EWP, CWP and tag definition

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9.4.3 Weights and Center of Gravity

The Structural Engineering discipline should provide the structural steel weights
and corresponding Center of Gravity coordinates are obtained for each structural
module from modeled Structures which will include temporary steel. Weight is to
be tracked in accordance with weight and Center of Gravity procedure.

9.4.4 Structural Analysis and Design of Modular Facilities

The structural design of a module requires additional analysis and design load
cases because in addition to the overall standard design load cases, each
module is also designed for lifting and transportation.

These additional load cases require that the structural design criteria include the
appropriate dynamic load factors to account for the lifting and transportation load
cases. The following are the additional activities that the structural engineer
typically considers during the design of a module project:

 Design of the module structural frame for the lifting, transportation, and
erection load conditions
 Design of lifting lugs for module lifting and setting as required
 During transportation, minimize the deflection of any overhang portion of the
 Work with Mechanical to finalize temporary equipment supports & guides and
design conditions for shipping
 Approve steel general arrangement drawings for the modules
 Provisions of the infrastructure needed to facilitate the module concept
 Define limitations imposed on operational sea-states as shown by the loads
specified in the design guides
 Define acceleration load characteristics of crane lifting and trailer

9.4.5 Lifting Lugs, Tie Down Points, Base Frames Shipping Beams

The following will be considered:

 Applicable Crane Codes shall be followed

 Two crane lifts (if applicable)
 Standardization of lifting lug spacing, and lifting lug design as much as
 Standardized lug locations
 If a module is designed to be lifted, it is preferable to lift a module from the

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 A certified Rigging Engineer shall develop preliminary lift plans for each
module or type of module
 Consider tie down points near the module baseplate for transportation
 All Modules shall be designed so that they can be moved by a self-propelled
modular transport
 Modules shall be designed such that they can be supported during assembly
at the module yard
 Tie-down points will be designed in conjunction with the transportation
fastening required by the EPC Contractor’s Transportation Subcontractor.
Once the lifting conditions are identified, the lug design loads (L) are calculated.
The lug design loads will be increased by 50% to account for impact (I). Limit
state design with a load factor of 1.2 will be used to design the lugs. Lifting lugs
will be designed considering vertical slings, but to account for unintended or
accidental side loading, a lateral force equal to 10% of the design lifting loads will
also be applied to the lug with

P = 1.2 (L + I) and H = 0.1P

9.4.6 Piperack Modules

Main unit pipe racks and interconnecting pipe racks that are to be modularized
will be comprised of the following components:

 Structural Steel framing

 Personnel walkways, stairs and ladders if required
 Piping
 Cable trays
 Light fixtures and receptacles (if applicable)
The piping will extend beyond the main column at each end of the modules.
Cantilevered supports for piping will be provided at the ends of the modules as
needed to mitigate the effects of transportation on the pipes.

For example a 6m column spaced rack will have a 3m cantilevered section which
will be made up of a 2m structural cantilever that will serve as a pipe support
structure along with a 1m section of cantilevered pipe. This arrangement allows
for the pipe to be supported.

The piperack modules planned to be shipped with legs will be designed with
removable transverse beams for shipping. For cassette type modules the lower
portions of the columns will be stick built, fireproofed structural steel or cast-in-
place concrete. In the latter design, the module lowest level transverse beam will
be designed as a permanent beam and shipping frame unless otherwise noted.

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Piperack bents may also have knee braces, temporary framing, or moment
connections to add transverse stiffness to the module. Cable trays will ship
installed up to the end of the module and will have a connection splice added in
the field.

9.4.7 Pre-Assembled Yard Modules

Pre-Assembly Yard Modules (Process modules) will be engineered assemblies

as complete as possible with process equipment, piping, instrumentation, control
systems, electrical equipment, electrical and control system cabling and lighting
(when feasible), electric tracing, insulation and safety equipment.

Base frame modules will be above grade on structural columns or legs (either
concrete or field erected structural steel). Elevated base frame modules will
contain hand railing, ladders, stairs, and maintenance equipment access ramps
as required. Buried type base frames will be utilized for small crane-lifted
modules or in situations where an elevated structure is not preferred by the
client. It will be supported on piers, or directly on the foundation slab, and will be
embedded in reinforced concrete or will be in-filled with a flowable-fill type
concrete at the jobsite

Base frame modules will be designed to support the equipment at grade as well
as the superstructure. Frames may also have knee braces, moment connections,
or temporary framing to add stiffness to the module.

9.4.8 Stairways and Stair Tower Modules

Stairways and stair structures for modules can be installed one of two different

 Integral with the module for up to two flights of individual stairs, assemblies
may be shipped for each full flight and supported by cantilever in lieu of
separate columns.
 Pre-assembled stand-alone stair towers assembled as individual tilt-up
modules to include hand railing.

9.4.9 Structural Steel Pre-Assembly

Structural steel may be designed with bolted or welded connections. This

decision will be made during as early as possible during the EPC phase. All
temporary steel framing members will be designed with bolted connections and
will be identified on the Engineering Drawings. These members, along with all
temporary supports, will be coated the same as permanent steel and specially
painted in the yard to indicate that they are to be removed.

The permanent structural steel will be coated after fabrication, in accordance with
project specifications. If connections are bolted, slip critical connections will be
used and designed per project specifications. The use of DTI (Direct Tension

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Indicator) washers is highly recommended. Any field welding or field punching to

galvanized steel will require appropriate touch-up coating (cold galvanizing) per
project specifications.

9.4.10 Vendor Shop Modules

Vendor Shop Modules Structural design will be reviewed by Project Structural

team to check for consistency with the structural design criteria and this
document. Additionally all the lifting lugs designed by vendor will be cross

9.4.11 Painting

The module fabricator shall sandblast and paint all structural steel and
miscellaneous steel in accordance with the SGO Project Specifications.

9.4.12 Foundations

Modules will be attached to a concrete pier or foundation by preinstalled anchor


The anchor bolt locations are a critical item in modular construction due to the
fact that multiple columns are set with the erection of a single module. To ensure
proper placement of anchor bolts, strict tolerance must be maintained in the
module yard and in the field. Anchor bolt locations shall be surveyed at the
jobsite and given to the module yard so that they can verify base plate holes
location and modify if required.

Holes in the base plates for support frames must be according to the structural
engineering project design criteria and AISC Construction Manual. The anchor
bolts and grout must be according to the technical project specification.

9.4.13 Testing and Inspection

The module fabricator shall be responsible for the Quality Control of the work.
The module fabricator shall perform all testing and inspections of the installed
structural steel and miscellaneous steel, including, but not limited to, welder
certifications, material certifications, bolt testing, bolt torque verification, and
radiography and other NDE, as required by the Project Specifications.

9.4.14 Civil and Structural Module Design Deliverables

In addition to the standard structural deliverables for stick-built construction such

as structural steel design drawings, steel erection drawings and MTOs, the
following shall also be included:

 Lifting lug location and details as needed during EPC

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 Any special instructions regarding structural steel that needs to be given to

the module yard for module assembly
 Specification (identification) of bolted temporary steel members
 Module reaction loads for transportation conditions including point loading
during EPC
 Steel Module detail drawing and 3D Model
 Design calculation report
 Erection and lift drawing for module
 Weights and Center of Gravity per Module Template


This section provides the criteria and requirements for installation of the following types of
rotating equipment on transportable structural steel modules, to support a modular
execution program.

 Centrifugal Pumps
 Gearboxes
 Driver Electric Motors
 Centrifugal Fans and Blowers
 Small Packaged Positive Displacement Pumps
It is recognized that some of the verification activities performed during installation on
machinery in the module yard will have to be repeated at site, for example, process
piping connections, base plate level check, and shaft alignment.

A key to effective modularization is the ability to obtain reliable vendor data from rotating
equipment suppliers. In particular, baseplate dimensions, orientations of main process
nozzles, and dynamic and static loads are required very early i.e. with proposal.

At the early stages of plant layout, the engineering disciplines and construction must
collaborate to assure an effective layout is achieved for all equipment, piping, cable trays,
instruments and panels. It should account for the space required to assemble,
disassemble, maintain, lay-down, and handle equipment inside modules. Sufficient space
should be provided in the layout where enclosures are installed for attenuation of noise
from the equipment.

Ahead of the formal request for quotations, mechanical engineers shall make preliminary
hydraulic selections using the available operating conditions and identify the types of to-
be-modularized pumps. These types are required to be verified at the purchase order

For single-stage overhung designs, API 610 type OH3 vertical in-line pump (ASME B73.2
for non-API pumps) is preferred over API 610 type OH2 centerline-mounted pump
(ASME B73.1 for non-API pumps) to reduce installation space in the module. These

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codes must be considered as referential, since the SGO project has defined supplier’s
standards as requirement. However, end-suction, single stage overhung pumps with
driver rated power greater than 250 HP (186 kW) are very likely to be of OH2 type rather
than OH3 type due to requirement of medium voltage motors (unless a project accepts
low voltage motors beyond 250 HP (186 kW). Medium voltage motors are larger in size
than low voltage motors at the corresponding rated power, thus requiring more overhead
maintenance space and side clearances in a module.

Vertical in-line pumps with overall height of the pump-driver assembly greater than 8 feet
(2.44 m) shall be evaluated specifically using the following considerations before deciding
to modularize:

 Type of support required (i.e. pump casing anchored to mounting pad or supported
by suction and discharge piping)
 Overhead maintenance room vs. available vertical distance between the floor and the
upper deck
 Access to motor non-drive end bearing area for lubrication and vibration
 Need to disassemble the unit to prevent undue moments and stresses on pump
casing during transportation from module yard to job site
Baseplates of horizontal pumps with driver rated power less than 250 HP (186 kW)
should be connected with the support steel structure in accordance with the equipment
manufacturer’s installation instructions. This may involve welding or conventional bolting
of the baseplates.

Baseplates of modularized equipment are not intended to be filled with grout at job site.

For horizontal pumps with driver rated power 250 HP (186 kW) and higher, engineered
adjustable steel chocks with spherical top washers should be considered for installation
between the underside of equipment baseplates and the top of structural steel support to
accommodate any out-of-parallelism between steel surfaces and to allow for level

This requires that surface flatness of the structural steel and the underside of the
equipment baseplate that will be in contact with adjustable steel chocks shall be at least
0.002 inches and the minimum finish for this contact surface shall be Ra 250 micro-
inches (ISO surface roughness grade N9). Engineered steel chock and spherical washer
assemblies shall be provided at each anchor bolt location.

Early coordination with potential pump suppliers and steel chock vendor through
Materials Management discipline is essential to identify what information do the suppliers
need about support steel i.e. thickness of support plate or beam, material of construction,
material properties, and any other details in order to determine anchor bolt length, anchor
bolt material, and torque and bolt pre-stretch values.

The supplier of engineered steel chocks is usually responsible for furnishing anchor bolt
recommendations. Steel chocks are not required for packaged equipment. Some
examples are chemical injection packages and small air compressor packages.

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The data and details required to be provided by equipment suppliers on the proposal
general arrangement drawings for to-be-modularized equipment should be established
early on to support the project.

Mechanical engineers shall solicit the following minimum information from pump vendors
on the proposal general arrangement drawings for vertical in-line pumps:

 Location of Process Nozzles (suction, discharge)

 Overall height of pump and driver assembly
 Speed and Direction of rotation
 Casing anchor bolt-hole locations and size
 Estimated assembly weight
Similarly, the following minimum information should be requested on the proposal general
arrangement drawings for horizontal pumps:

 Shock loading value (gravitational acceleration) used in the baseplate design

 Maximum allowable baseplate deformation or baseplate stiffness value
 Baseplate footprint dimensions
 Three dimensional coordinates of pump suction and discharge nozzles from a
reference point on the baseplate
 Location of machinery mounting pedestals
 Number, location, diameter of anchor bolt holes, and anchor bolt size and material
 Note: When steel chocks are considered, the pump vendor and the chock
supplier are required to jointly review and confirm anchor bolt size, material and
connection details.
 Speed(s) and direction(s) of rotation
 Center of gravity (C.G) in three planes for each component [pump, driver, and
coupling(s)] and for the assembly
 Weight of driver rotor(s) and driven rotor
 Estimated assembly weight
It is recognized that center of gravity, rotor weights, rotor inertia and dynamic load data
will be available from the suppliers their engineering and design activities are completed.
However, it may be possible for them to provide this information by advancing their

 Note: Dynamic Load Data for rotating machinery includes but is not limited to forces
and moments, thermal growth, rotor mass eccentricity and its location, short circuit
load, and torque load. For small modularized reciprocating machines, it comprises of
primary and secondary unbalance forces, and gas pressures.
Modularized rotating and reciprocating equipment should be installed on the lower deck
of the module. Piles shall be provided directly under the mounting pedestals of API 610

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types BB1 and BB2 between-bearings pumps. Where this may not be possible, piles
shall be located under the most direct load path to help transfer the dynamic loads from
the pump units to the soil.

The minimum required straight pipe length before pump suction should be based on its
Suction Energy and Specific Speed Ns. It is the responsibility of the Mechanical
Engineers to provide guidance to Piping about required minimum pipe straight runs.

This value usually ranges from one to eight pipe diameters. The most appropriate run
length is dictated by the type of pump, the type of the fittings, the Suction Energy and the
Specific Speed Ns. Contoured insert type flow-straightening device can be used in
exceptional cases where the required straight run of pipe cannot be accommodated.

Coupling hubs can be left on the shaft ends of pumps and drivers when the modules are
transported; however, coupling spacers shall not be installed. Additionally, the main
process piping shall be disconnected from the pump’s nozzles. This requires that
breakout spool pieces be provided in the piping NPS 10 inch and smaller (field welds
expected for larger pipe sizes).

Where possible, provision to block-in the pump rotor shall be included to prevent rotation
during transportation. Similarly, pump’s mechanical seal setting device shall allow
engagement with shaft sleeve to protect seal assembly (ies) during transportation.

9.5.1 Dynamic Analysis

Rigidity of module steel structure that supports the mounted equipment shall be
evaluated using a multi-degree of freedom dynamic frame analysis.

Frequency analysis shall be performed to detect frequency ranges where higher

amplitudes may result. From that, the resonant frequency range to avoid shall be
determined. Typically, resonant frequency to avoid is 0.8 – 1.2 times the operating speed
(+/- 20%) for modes with a mass participation greater than 5%.

Forced Response Analysis shall be performed to assess vibration magnitudes and to limit
maximum values to the levels that are permissible for machine and human tolerance.
This shall be achieved by implementing the necessary design modifications to module
structure. Different values of displacement, velocity, or acceleration are typically used for
machine vibration and for human tolerance. Stiffness (vertical and torsional) is critical
because it affects alignment of the coupled shafts. Support stiffness requirements are
established in CSA discipline’s Guidelines and shall be used in the dynamic analysis.

For variable speed machines, dynamic analysis shall include the entire operating speed
range and verification carried out to check that there is at least 20% separation margin
with respect to the potential resonant frequencies. For machines which are variable
frequency driven or have a gear, or a synchronous motor driver require that the torsional
natural frequencies of the entire train must be either 10% above or 10% below any
possible structural excitation frequencies (resonant frequencies) within the specified
operating range.

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In addition, torsional natural frequencies at two and more times running speed shall be
avoided. Where design changes to meet these criteria become impractical, vibration
levels shall be assessed at each location of interference to confirm that they are

9.5.2 Vibration Limits to be used in dynamic analysis of module steel structures

Table 9-1 below shows the basis for use of these limits is as follows.

 New installation (i.e. newly commissioned unit),

 Anti-friction radial and thrust bearings in pump, either anti-friction or plain
sleeve bearings in motor,
 Normal, steady-state operation,
 Pump running within the preferred operating region identified by the pump
manufacturer, and
 Vibrations measured on bearing housings in horizontal (X) and Vertical (Y)
Table 9-1 Vibration Limits

Equipment Type Criteria Vibration Amplitude Limit

Overhung (API 610 OH2) Up to 3600 rpm, up to 400 < 0.167 in/sec 0-Peak
Pumps HP/stage (298 kW/stage) (< 4.25 mm/sec 0-Peak)
Between-Bearings (API Up to 3600 rpm, up to 400 < 0.167 in/sec 0-Peak
610 BB1, BB2) Pumps HP/stage (298 kW/stage) (< 4.25 mm/sec 0-Peak)
Vertical In-line (API 610 Up to 3600 rpm, up to 400 < 0.167 in/sec 0-Peak
OH3) Pumps HP/stage (298 kW/stage) (< 4.25 mm/sec 0-Peak)
3600 rpm and higher, 400
Overhung (API 610 OH2) < 0.197 in/sec 0-Peak
HP/stage (298 kW/stage) and
Pumps (< 5.0 mm/sec 0-Peak)
3600 rpm and higher, 400
Between-Bearings (API < 0.197 in/sec 0-Peak
HP/stage (298 kW/stage) and
610 BB1, BB2) Pumps (< 5.0 mm/sec 0-Peak)
ASME B73.1 Horizontal Flow: 594.4 gpm (135 m /hr. < 0.189 in/sec 0-Peak
Pumps max,) Head: 394 ft. (120 m. max.) (< 4.8 mm/sec 0-Peak)
ASME B73.2 Vertical, Driver Rated Power < 200 HP < 0.268 in/sec 0-Peak
Type VB Pumps (~150 kW) (< 6.8 mm/sec 0-Peak)
Positive Displacement Driver Rated Power <134 HP < 0.268 in/sec 0-Peak
Roots Blowers (100 kW) (< 6.8 mm/sec 0-Peak)
< 0.157 in/sec 0-Peak
Low Voltage Motors Up to 3600 rpm
(< 4.0 mm/sec 0-Peak)
< 0.100 in/sec 0-Peak
Medium Voltage Motors Higher than 1200 rpm
(< 2.54 mm/sec 0-Peak)
Medium Voltage Motors Under 1200 rpm 1.6 mils Peak-to-Peak
(40.6 microns) Peak-to-

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c. Machinery Modularization Table

Table 9-2 below includes examples of some rotating and reciprocating equipment that
are typically installed on transportable steel modules. The considerations for
modularization are also listed in this table.

Table 9-2 Machinery Modularization Table


API 610 single stage a) Specify single-piece, heavy
< 250 HP (186 kW) driver
Horizontal Pumps duty baseplate with full seal
rated power
(Type OH2) + Drivers welded deckplate and cross
braces under mounting
and pedestals.
b) All machined surfaces on the
ASME B73.1 Type base should be level within
Horizontal Pumps + 0.0005 inch/foot in two
Drivers directions 90˚ opposed with
anchor bolt nuts firmly
API 610 Vertical In- < 250 HP (186 kW) driver
a) Welded and machined flat
line Pumps (Type rated power, and
steel plate required under
OH3) + Drivers Total height of pump +
pump to provide a mounting
Note: For operating motor unit not exceeding 8
temperature beyond feet (2.44 m.).
b) Provide welded and machined
300 ˚F (149 ˚C), and
flat mounting pad below the
power up to 60 HP
pump casing and anchor the
(45 kW), specify API
casing to the pad using casing
610 OH3 design with
C-Face motor.
c) Taller pump units have
and reduced headroom for
maintenance and limited
ASME B73.2 Vertical access during operation.
In-line Pumps Type Consider taller than 8 feet
VB + Drivers (2.44 m.) OH3 pump units on
those locations on structural
steel modules that allow clear
overhead space.
d) Motors may have to be
removed in the module yard
before transportation to the site
with the pump casing bolted in
place and additionally secured
using tie wires. Pump rotor
shall be blocked to prevent
turning during transit. The
other option is to transport
pump + motor from the

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supplier’s shop directly to the
site for installation on steel
module. Coordinate with the
pump supplier(s), module
manager and construction
API 610 Between- a) Specify single-piece, heavy
250 HP – 1500 HP (186
Bearings Pumps + duty baseplate with full seal
kW – 1119 kW) driver
Drivers welded deckplate and cross
rated power
braces under mounting
and pedestals.
b) Structural supports (piles or
API 610 single stage other features) under
Horizontal Pumps machinery mounting pedestals
(Type OH2) + Drivers on baseplate are required.
with rated power Provide them under the direct
greater than 250 HP load path where it is not
(186 kW) possible to have them directly
below the pedestals.
c) All machined surfaces on the
base should be level within
0.0005 inch/foot in two
directions 90˚ opposed with
anchor bolt nuts firmly
d) Install adjustable steel
chocks between the
underside of the baseplate
and the mating steel surface.
Steel chocks are required at
each anchor location and
shall be designed for shock
loading of 3.0 g’s. In cold
climate installations, chocks
shall be suitable for - 40 ˚F
ambient temperature.
Centrifugal Fans + a) Specify that fan skids shall be
< 100 HP (75 kW) driver
Drivers furnished with vibration
rated power
isolators. In cold climate
installations, the isolators shall
be suitable for - 40 ˚F ambient
Positive a) Either anchor the baseplate
Fractional power
Displacement to the steel structure or weld
Plunger / Diaphragm it on the perimeter with the
Metering Pumps support structure.
(Chemical Injection b) Perform piping system

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Packages) analysis to determine critical
piping/tubing lengths and
desirable piping layout
(number of directional
changes), and location and
number of piping restraints.
c) Specify suction dampeners
and discharge dampeners.
Provide stiff supports to
prevent vibration of
d) Stipulate flanged customer
tie-in connections and
seamless stainless steel for
pump inlet and discharge
tubing. Overhead tubing is
not allowed in that it reduces
the effectiveness of supports.
e) Hoist or jib is required to
handle chemical totes.
Positive b) Specify suction dampeners
< 100 HP (75 kW) driver
Displacement and discharge dampeners.
rated power
Reciprocating Pumps Provide stiff supports to
+Drivers prevent vibration of
c) Specify seamless stainless
steel pump piping with forged,
Class 3000 fittings. Overhead
pump piping runs are not
allowed because they
undermine the effectiveness of

Positive a) Bolt support frame to the steel

< 250 HP driver rated
Displacement structure.
power and no variable
Progressive Cavity
frequency drive (VFD)
Pumps+ Drivers
Positive < 50 HP driver rated a) Either bolt or weld the
Displacement Rotary power baseplate to steel structure
Gear Pumps+ Drivers

Positive a) Specify that blower skids shall

< 100 HP (75 kW) driver
Displacement Roots be furnished with vibration
rated power
type Blowers isolators. In cold climate
+Drivers installations, chocks shall be
suitable for - 40 ˚F ambient

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Although most of the design criteria used in modular piping design is the same as in a
typical stick-built design; there are a few areas in which additional focus is given in order
maximize benefits of modularization.

9.6.1 Module Piping Layout

A modular design approach requires careful consideration during the design

phases of the type of module in respect to the type of module breaks, vertical or
horizontal, that will best fit the optimum equipment layout as well as module size
and site placement method to determine the optimum module layout for the
project. Things to consider during layout include:

 Piping Tie in Points should be located approximately 1000mm outside of

column line to ensure access for field welds as required
 Piping shall be designed to exact matchline dimensions at the boundary limit
of modules. Where flanges occur near the module boundaries that allow the
spool piece to be easily installed at the site, then the piece may be shipped
 A strategy for piping terminations points will be developed based upon layout
and piping complexity. Accurate installation of modules at site should allow
for a single site weld for each connection.
 The ends of pipes leaving the modules shall be set to the following
tolerances as measured from a control point on each end of each module:
Longitudinal = +/- 3.0mm, Transverse = +/- 3.0 mm, Vertical = +/- 3.0 mm.
Control point and match-line coordinates at the end of the pipes will be
indicated in the design drawings. The measurement of the dimensions shall
be from the planes passing through the control point for the field installation
or for the module assembly. Open ended or flanged interface points of
modules shall be identified with a line number.
 Pipe ends shall be as specified in the selected piping class for the service.
 Welded piping connections shall normally be used at the module boundary;
however mechanical or flanged piping interconnection can be used based
upon layout and piping complexity. Accesses for field interconnect between
modules needs to be considered during design. This is especially true for
pipe racks where many welds will be made side by side in the field to
connect racks together. The use of automatic welds will be considered by
construction and engineering and will be advised of size envelope required if
this method is the preferred option. Field welds shall be configured for down
hand welding where possible.
 If welded, the end connection is to be beveled and protected with a secured
and sealed cap during shipment.

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 Lines entering and exiting a piperack from the outer edges of the rack should
terminate approximately 1000mm outside the column line to allow for proper
installation of pipe anchors and guides.
 Insulation and tracing shall terminate approx. 500 mm clear of field
 Field welds inside the boundaries of modules should be kept to a minimum to
reduce site scaffolding.
 Locate piping interface points at accessible locations or provide temporary
access within the module.
 Piping pieces and adjustable supports shall be designed based upon layout
and piping complexity in order to solve dimension discrepancies during field
 Hydrotesting of all piping shall be performed, where applicable, at the module
fabricator’s facilities.
High point vents should be located toward the outside edge of the module for
easier access by man lift.
 All control valves, and the instruments which are generally not installed for
the hydro test shall be ‘shipped loose’, and the required space for such
control valves should be occupied by a dummy spool piece for such valve

9.6.2 Pipe Specifications

The project pipe class specifications will include the piping components required
for the project by service and class designation; both module and stick build
areas. The weight of components is embedded in the reference database.

9.6.3 Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)

Module numbers and module delineation will be shown on the Piping and
Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs).

9.6.4 3D Modeling
All piping 1 inch diameter and greater shall be modeled in the SmartPlant 3D
design model. Tubing will not be modeled. Piping shown on P&ID’s shall be
modeled and inline component weights and the center of gravity shall be
included in the model database for calculation of the module weight and centre of
gravity. The equipment model shall include weight and center of gravity for the
equipment as provided by the equipment vendor. Piping and inline components
shall be modeled taking into account the module boundaries shown on P&ID’s in
order to obtain a complete bill of material by module.

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9.6.5 Instrument Air and Plant Air

The piping design of all modules and pre-assemblies shall include instrument air
and plant air as required. All instrument air and plant air one inch (1”) diameter
and greater shall be pipe and shall be modeled. All instrument air and plant air
less than one inch (1”) shall be tubing and will not be modeled.

Piping should provide instrument air manifold where the services are required
(control valves, emergency shut down valves, etc.).

The module fabricator shall install all instrument air and plant air piping, as well
as all instrument air and plant air tubing. The module fabricator shall make the
final instrument air connection to all instruments and control valves installed on
the module(s).

9.6.6 Piping Isometrics

a. Isometrics Extraction
Extraction of isometrics by module will enable a final check of installed piping to
ensure proper fit of the module at the jobsite. Piping isometric drawings shall be
dimensioned with no make-up spools at the module-to-module or module-to-field
interface points unless required for specific constructability reasons.

Each model needs to be set up such that piping isometrics can be extracted with
a complete bill of material (BOM). Isometrics shall not include module piping and
site piping on the same document.

b. Isometrics Level of Detail

In general, for isometrics:

 All piping 1 inch diameter and greater shall be modeled and isometrics
 All piping supports shall be modeled
 Insulation is shown in the model and its weight is tabulated with the other
component weights
 Inline instruments together with SP (Specialty) Items will be modeled
 Tubing will not be modeled
 Field Welds (FWs) shall be shown
 All pipe spools will be numbered to allow prefabrication of piping
 The module to module interface coordinates are required to ensure that
modules can be efficiently connected in the field shall be included in
isometric drawing

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9.6.7 Piping Materials

The piping material management systems will be set up so that bulk material can
be extracted by the entire module portion of the project, by individual module or
by module isometric for bulk material purchase and planning.

Additional material (pipe) is to be provided to allow for wastage (especially if

more than one fabrication location is being considered) as well as dummy legs,
pipe supports and bracing. Consideration should also be given to rounding up
quantities to single or double random lengths.

Pipe spools for the modules will be fabricated at either an outside pipe fabricator
or the module yard contractor based on yard capabilities and delivered to the
yard based on module sequence.

9.6.8 Stress Analysis Considerations

If applicable, a piping stress analysis on individual modules may be necessary to

determine the required shipping restraints to control deflections and to resist the
effects of the accelerations and structure/equipment imposed displacement on
the piping due to shipping. The significant shipping loads will be provided to CSA
and shall be part of the structural steel design.

During shipping of the modules on a truck, the structure and components inside
the module will be subjected to roll, pitch and heave accelerations and truck
deflections. The accelerations are applied on the piping and the maximum
calculated deadweight and inertia loading stress will be less than 1.33Sc (Sc =
Cold basic allowable stress in tension). The weight of the fluid will not be
considered. The equipment and structure will sway horizontally and deflect
vertically due to inertia loading.

Permanent and temporary pipe supports attached to the structure will move
accordingly and will pull or push the piping system. Sufficient flexibility will be
provided to minimize the nozzle loadings and piping stress due to displacements.
The maximum calculated stress due to displacements will be equal or less than
Sa (Sa=Allowable displacement stress range) using an adjusted fatigue factor
value based on the total number of shipping plus operating cycles.

The dynamic loads from shipping are included in the thermal stress analysis for
piping and any indicated shipping loads which includes the deadweight, inertia
loads and displacement loads from shipping will be used to determine the
structural adequacy of the additional temporary shipping supports and will be
designed by the EPC contractor.

9.6.9 Pipe Support Selection

Pipe support spacing and layout for a modular design approach shall be
completed with the finished operating plant in mind. The design should provide
for the permanent support on one module as well as a temporary support that will
be added to the boundary of the adjacent module. Pipe support releases should

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be issued by destination, and included on an ISO BOM. The same applies to

temporary supports.

a. Module Temporary Piping Supports

 Temporary supports must be of adequate strength to resist the dynamic
loads of shipping the module from the module fabrication facility to the site.
Typically, rigid type supports are used to resist this dynamic loading since it
occurs in three directions. Depending on the results of thermal stress
analysis of the pipe, some of these supports may need to be removed after
the module is set at the jobsite and prior to start up.
 After completion of the modules in the module yard, piping systems are to be
individually assessed for the requirement of any additional temporary
shipping / transportation supports. These supports shall withstand the
acceleration loads for shipping as set out in the design criteria for project.
Temporary pipe supports will be removed after module field setting.
 All lines, large bore and small bore, shall be secured (including pipe ends) to
prevent movement. Vertical and lateral supports shall be provided at the
structural steel members closest to the pipe end. Straight pipe shall be
secured to restrain longitudinal movement in addition to any other restraint
 Temporary pipe support material may be carbon steel or timber. Where
timber is used it shall be of good quality softwood, seasoned and free from
knots and other defects.
 Insulation shall be removed where necessary at the temporary support
locations to provide access to the pipe. Temporary supports will be designed
to minimize such removal.
 Materials shall be supplied in accordance with project specific responsibility
 Gaps and spaces between guides, anchors and structural steel members
shall be shimmed to prevent movement during shipment and must be
prominently color coded to alert jobsite construction personnel of the need to
remove such shims after the modules have been positioned in place.
 Temporary supports to be removed at the jobsite will be color coded and
bolted to allow ease of removal (No tack welding to permanent steel

9.6.10 Painting and Labeling

The module fabricator shall paint all piping in accordance with the Project
Specifications. Fabricator shall label all piping per Project Specifications.

9.6.11 Cleaning and Flushing

The module fabricator shall be responsible for cleaning and flushing of all the
installed piping systems as required by the Project Specifications.

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9.6.12 Testing and Inspection

The module fabricator shall be responsible for the Quality Control of the work.
The module fabricator shall perform all testing and inspections of the installed
piping systems as required by the Project Specifications, as well as in
accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, industry codes and
standards, and generally accepted industry practice.

 The module fabricator shall hydrotest all piping as required by the Project
 After successfully completion of the hydrotesting, the module fabricator shall
drain all lines and dry all lines.
 The module fabrication shall properly document all hydrotesting.

9.6.13 Typical Piping Design Deliverables for Modules

 IFC Piping isometrics

 IFC Pipe Class Specification
 Piping Line list
 Manual Valve List and data sheets
 Specialty Item List and data sheets
 Instrument Index (partial) and data sheets (if applicable)
 Pipe Stress Summary (if applicable)
 Vendor data for piping components on the modules
 Pipe supports details
 Pipe supports list by type and location
 IFC Piping standards
 SmartPlant Review model for use by the module fabricator and pre-
assembly yard


9.7.1 Module Layout

A modular design approach requires careful consideration during the design

phases of the type of module in respect to the type of module breaks, vertical
and horizontal, that will best fit the optimum equipment layout as well as module
size and site placement method to determine the optimum module layout for the
project. Things to consider during layout include:

 Overall size

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 Equipment arrangement
 Transportation issues including shipping envelope
 Lifting requirements
 Setting method
 Site spacing to allow module transportation
 Accessibility for operations and maintenance
 Foundations and hold down details will be suited for modules
 The yard and heavy haul road will be design for the safe handling of

9.7.2 3D Modeling
The SmartPlant 3D equipment model shall include the weight and center of
gravity of the equipment as provided by the vendor or calculated (Chutes, boxes,
launders, tanks, etc.) to be included in the model database for calculation of the
module weight and center of gravity.

All equipment supports required both for permanent installation and for shipping
shall be included in the model. This will include both permanent and temporary

9.7.3 Plant Lay-Out and Mechanical Drawing Extractions

Minimally dimensioned orthographic plans (General Arrangements) and elevation

drawings will only be created by the EPC Contractor if it is deemed necessary for
the module yard. The need will be determined as early as possible during the
EPC phase.

Estimated weight and center of gravity by module will be calculated and shown in
these drawings.

Additionally Electronic files generated from the 3D model, which can, at

Contractor's option, be downloaded to drawing-generating program to produce
GA drawings will be produced.

9.7.4 Typical Plant Layout and Mechanical Design Deliverables

 IFC Plot plans

 IFC General Arrangements – plans, sections and elevations
 Module Key plans using module dimensional limits defined in section 5.1.1
 IFC Equipment location plans showing module number and module
reference point location and including Safety equipment location plans

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 Any special instructions that need to be given to the module yard for module
 Estimated Weight Reports by module
 Any special instructions that need to be given to the module shops for
module assembly
 SmartPlant 3DTM Model screen shots
 Estimated Weight Reports by module
 Material Handling Systems Details as applicable
 Material List
 Mechanical Equipment List
 SmartPlant Review model for use by the module fabricator and pre-
assembly yard
 Mechanical Handling Details as applicable
 Module Equipment List
 Module erection drawing to be used at site to mount the Pre-assemblies and
 A list of an inspection or input by Vendor or 3 Party visits that are required

9.7.5 Equipment Shipping Loads

Equipment that will be installed in a module shall be identified in the equipment

list. Equipment vendor shall be notified by the Mechanical discipline that the
equipment will be installed on an offsite module. The orientation for shipping shall
be identified along with the dynamic loads that the equipment will experience
during shipping. These loads are typically identified as factors that are applied at
the equipment centre of gravity in three orthogonal directions. The equipment
supports, lugs, or guides shall be designed for this shipping loading in addition to
normal operation loads.

The equipment shall be designed for the dynamic design loads which are a
function of the method of shipment for the module in which the equipment is
located. The equipment vendor shall design for these shipping loads as well as
code design requirements. Loads will be provided to the vendors by the EPC

9.7.6 Vendor Drawings

The Mechanical responsible engineer will ensure that the equipment vendor
provide empty weight and center of gravity location, as well as full and operating,
with the initial bid documents. This data is needed for preliminary structural
design and for calculation of module shipping weights. For tanks and plate work
and some other equipment this may be calculated by the EPC Contractor initially.

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Tolerances for equipment dimensions, supports, and nozzles shall match the
typical module fabrication tolerances.

Vendor drawings will specify which components of the equipment, such as

internals and packing etc, will not be installed prior to shipment.

The purchase order shall specify when certified final documents are required to
support the module schedule.

9.7.7 Vendor Shop Modules

The project will consider certain equipment modules working with equipment
suppliers to take advantage of equipment supplier’s capability to design and
fabricate modules. The scope and plan for these equipment modules will be
developed as soon as possible during EPC phase working with the equipment
suppliers. Equipment suppliers will be provided with multi-discipline engineering
design requirements.

For vendor shop modules the equipment vendor shall design for dynamic loading
resulting from shipment. Equipment vendor shall use preliminary values during
initial design and confirm the design after the travel route and type of
transportation (i.e. ship type) are known. Shipping loads shall consider either
integrally (in 1 analysis program) or iteratively (between or among piping and
structural programs), the interaction between equipment, piping, temporary and
permanent supports or structural mass, natural frequency, and dynamic
response. Equipment vendor shall design, fabricate and install temporary
restraints on the piping, equipment, and the steel structure to avoid excessive
movement and maintain alignment during the shipment. This analysis shall
include evaluation of the interaction between the piping system and the structural
system of the modularized package.

A preliminary list of Vendor Assemblies should include, but not be limited to, the

 Hydrocyclone Clusters
 Hydrocyclone Feed Pumps with motor and associated valves and piping
 Hydraulic/Lube Oil skids
 Air Compressors
 Sumps including pumps and piping
 Plant air and instrument air filter/dryer/receiver
 Copper flotation cells
 Molybdenum flotation cells
 Molybdenum concentrate filter/dryer
 Molybdenum concentrate bagging system

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 Reagent systems with dosing pumps and day tanks

 Centrifugal pumps with motors and associated valves and piping
 Reverse Osmosis potable water system


The Electrical and Instrumentation design approach for a module project is similar to a
stick built project but does require special consideration in some areas.

Engineering documents such as Electrical Single Lines, Electrical Schematics,

Instrument Wiring Termination Drawings, etc. are typical for either type of project. The
difference for module construction is in the detail required on the fabrication drawings and
some of the unique equipment installation requirements and details such as the addition
of module junction boxes as applicable.

Care should be taken to ensure that electrical and instrumentation equipment, cabling,
installation etc. comply with the Project Specifications.

The following items shall be considered when designing modules.

9.8.1 Modular Electrical Equipment Installation

The goal is to install as much of the electrical components and bulk material as
possible at the module fabrication yard, including lighting fixtures, receptacles,
control stations, panels, etc. In addition, electrical connections and raceways
should be installed to minimize field installation requirements.

9.8.2 Module Instrument Equipment Installation

The goal is to install as much instrumentation as possible in the module

fabrication yard. Instruments will be evaluated for on module installation including
stands, impulse lines, manifolds, etc. In some cases fragile instruments, such as
analyzers, may need to be removed and shipped separately to avoid damage
during shipping.

9.8.3 Module Drawing Formats

The format of construction layout drawings including lighting, power, and

grounding and instrument layouts will take into consideration the manner in which
modules are constructed. Layout drawings shall be issued on a per module
basis. Individual module drawings allow for yard construction packages to be
issued for each module.

It is understood that because of drawing scale and content there will be instances
that more than one module and a combination of modules and stick built may be
shown on the same layout drawing. When this is the case, the scope of each
module and stick built sections will be clearly defined on the drawing.

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Instrument air users will be identified on the instrument location plans.

Other supporting documents will be issued on a per module basis. These

documents include: SPI (Smart Plant Instrumentation) instrument index, SPI
instrument wiring reports, SPI instrument loop diagrams, UPS/Alternate power
schedules, and instrument cable schedule. The Symbols, Legends and Notes
and Installation Details are issued as a common document for all the modules.

9.8.4 Electrical and Instrumentation Modeling

All electrical equipment and raceways shall be modeled in SmartPlant 3D.

Electrical raceways, equipment, panels, disconnects, boxes and instrumentation
shall be accurately located in the model. These items may be installed early in
the construction process and the correct location is required to prevent
interferences later during construction. The location drawings will be based on an
efficient allocation of space within the module.

Detailed loading of the electrical equipment, raceway, panels, disconnects, boxes

and instrumentation specification data will enable extraction of major bulk
material quantities and physical dimensions, including:

 Instrumentation equipment and locations including weight and center of

 Inline Instruments where applicable (modeled by Piping).
 Offline instruments and stands where applicable (modeled by Control
 Junction boxes, disconnects, lighting panels, power panels, control panels
and raceway supports
 Cable Tray and Channels
 Conduit (1” diameter and larger)
 Space for electrical equipment access and maintenance shall be allowed
All conduit (1” diameter and larger) and cable trays will be modeled and located
via detailed dimensional information. Space block-outs will be indicated in the
model as reserved spaces for banks of conduit. This conduit will not be shown in
the model. The module work process allows for multiple disciplines to be working
on assembly of the module at the same time in the module fabrication facility.
Because of this, the electrical construction personnel may be installing conduit
and/or cable tray prior to the pipe having been installed in the module. Detailed
modeling and clash detection will facilitate this work process and will help to
minimize interferences when the remaining piping is installed.

In those instances where instruments must be installed in a module the following

will be considered:

 Instrument cable from the field instruments to the field junction boxes will be
routed in instrument channels. These channels for instrument cables or “fan

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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outs” to the individual instruments will be routed by the module yard and will
not be shown in the model. The main cable tray from the junction box going
to the main control room or any designated cable home run destination
through the modules will be routed in the model by Electrical and will be
shown on the Electrical Tray Layout drawings. Control systems will provide
home run cable information to Electrical for proper cable tray design.
 Instrument process lines will be routed on tubing support channel installed by
the module yard according to instrument installation details and will not be
shown on the model. Design drawings will show enough detail for proper and
accurate installation.
 The instrument location plan drawings will identify the instruments requiring
electrical power supply or instrument air supply. Each instrument tag or
instrument “bubble” will also identify the corresponding field junction box
destination and height of mounting elevation.
 The instrument air sub-header will be identified for each instrument air user.
The instrument location plan will show the different instrument air users from
each sub-header. Instrument air sub-headers (instrument air pipe from the
instrument air header root valve to the instrument air regulator for each
instrument) will not be shown on the model. This will be routed and installed
at the module yard.

9.8.5 Grounding

All modules, and all mechanical and electrical components within the modules,
shall be grounded in accordance with the National Electric Code (NFPA 70).

However, typically not all grounding wires are shown in the SmartPlant 3DTM
design model. Therefore, grounding bars shall be specified for each module to
collect grounding wires that will be shown on the design drawings. The module
yard will provide grounding for components, as indicated on the drawings, in the
module to the grounding bar(s). The jobsite will route grounding wire(s) from
grounding bar(s) to the grounding grid.

9.8.6 Analyzer Systems

Analyzer sample and return lines will be continuous. Analyzer sample, return line
and support channels shall be installed at the site.

9.8.7 Modular Electric Heat Tracing

When practical, piping lines that require electrical heat tracing, the tracing shall
be installed in the module yard. Splice kits or end kits shall be provided at
module to module piping connections. Cable shall be coiled, secured for shipping
and protected from moisture on one module and installed across the module
boundary to a splice kit located on the adjacent module. The coiled heat tracing
ends shall have sufficient length to allow for the field splice. Installation of electric
tracing in the yard allows for installation of insulation also at the fabrication yard.

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9.8.8 Testing and Inspection

The module fabricator shall be responsible for the Quality Control of the work.
The module fabricator shall perform all testing and inspections of the installed
electrical systems and instrumentation as required by the Project Specifications,
as well as in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, industry codes
and standards, and generally accepted industry practice.

9.8.9 Typical Module Electrical and instrumentation Design Deliverables

 Electrical single lines

 Electrical conduit and cable tray layout drawings
 Cable schedule, including power, control and instrumentation
 Electrical junction box details, locations and layouts
 Electrical panelboard schedules
 Electrical equipment and panelboard locations drawings
 Module grounding plan/drawing with locations and sizes of grounding bars
 Lighting layout and circuiting
 Receptacle layout and circuiting
 Standard mounting and installation details for electrical
 Instrument list for all instruments to be installed in the module(s)
 Instrument junction box details, locations and layouts
 Instrumentation panelboard schedules
 Instrument location drawings, including location of instrumentation
 Standard mounting and installation details for instrumentation
 Special mounting and/or installation details for instrumentation
 Telecommunications drawings
 Any special instructions for the module yard for module assembly



During the Request for Quotation (RFQ) phase, the required specific vendor data
requirements shall be addressed properly on Supplier Data Document Commitment
(SDDC) sheets and confirmed by vendor during the bidding phase.

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Input is required from various disciplines to freeze general design and ensure all
disciplines have provided their input to the RFQ package as appropriate. Apart from the
vendor data requirements applicable to a traditional stick- built execution the following
data shall be specified in the RFQ and on the SDDC sheet:

 Maximum transport marine loads including orientation

 Maximum horizontal and vertical acceleration including orientation
 Maximum Pitch, Roll including orientation
 Tilt and Sway of structures including orientation
 Center of Gravity calculation and report. Both for individual parts and complete
 Temporary transportation support dimensional drawings
 Temporary transportation support calculations. It is important to have a detailed
logistics and transportation plan for a modular executed project. Ensure vendor is
aware of the limitations, schedule and planning for the proper permits
 Provide specific requirements with regards to Module Work package numbering
 Multi disciplinary interface information between modules and equipment
 Identify items (e.g. internals and packing) not installed during shipment
 Tolerances for equipment dimensions
 Preservation and maintenance during transportation, storage and installation.


There may be cases where the project will consider that certain equipment modules will
be provided by equipment suppliers, to take advantage of equipment supplier’s capability
to design and fabricate modules. These Equipment suppliers will be provided with multi-
discipline engineering design requirements.

For vendor supplied modules the equipment vendor shall:

 Design calculation for dynamic loading resulting from shipment.

 Shipping loads (they shall consider either integrally (in 1 analysis program) or
iteratively (between or among piping and structural programs), the interaction
between equipment, piping, temporary and permanent supports or structural mass,
natural frequency, and dynamic response.
 Analysis on temporary restraints on the piping, equipment, and the steel structure to
avoid excessive movement and maintain alignment during the shipment. This
analysis shall include evaluation of the interaction between the piping system and the
structural system of the modularized package.

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During the Bid evaluation phase, unclear or not confirmed understandings from vendors
on the SDDC sheet shall be clarified and closed with the selected vendor.

This period shall also be used to ensure Vendor’s awareness of the specific additional
requirements with regards to timing, content and type of documents.


Immediately after PO placement, the expediting effort shall start although some pre-
award coordination could have been done by the expeditor. Subsequent contacts with
vendor shall commence within 14 calendar days after PO award to verify if the
development of the critical vendor data has been started as planned. Contacts with
vendor shall be performed by the Originating Engineer or a dedicated Document

Contact between Vendor, expeditor and Originating Engineer shall take place on a
continuous basis throughout the duration of project as required to ensure that promised
delivery dates of vendor documentation as well as quality of these deliverables will be
achieved with the required quality.

In case heavier expediting will be required to achieve the above, Engineering

Management and or Project Management may be requested to become involved in the
expediting activities as well.

Vendor data will be required earlier than with traditional executed projects. Critical data to
support plant layout needs to be clearly identified with submission dates clearly
established and expedited. Vendor data shall support the design critical path.


The work process for vendor data review shall be identical to the one established for
traditional projects. For the vendor data review workflow see 000.200.8001. The only
difference may be that, in order to maintain the overall schedule, more emphasis is
required on a timely receipt of the documentation from vendors. In addition the internal
review cycle times may require stricter monitoring.

In order to maintain and/or improve on the review time of the vendor data, the following
may be considered:

 Prepare for the required internal distribution already during preparation of the vendor
data, this to avoid the step to the originating engineer to establish distribution when
documents are received
 Ensure that the vendor data review process is well known by the team members and
rolled out properly to the whole team by means of Job bulletins, instruction sessions,
etc is required.

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 When is practicable, perform reviews at vendors location before documents are

submitted for the first time.
 Organize for multi discipline or joint reviews in dedicated review rooms or meetings
 Have the disciplines establish their internal check points upfront of receipt of vendor
data for review.
 Inform disciplines upfront when schedule critical vendor data will be receipt for review
so they can prepare for the review.
 Perform additional reviews with vendors attending in house or at vendor.
 Highlight during Engineering meetings the “priority one” items to be
 Ensure that PDDM resources will be adequately staffed to issue all
commented/reviewed vendor data to vendor by close of business on a daily basis.
 Ensure overtime as required is arranged up front
 Ensure all vendor data are assigned with the Engineering and/or Construction Work
Package numbering of the relevant Module
 Ensure that all vendor data will be issued to the Module/preassembly yard as part of
the Module Construction Work package documentation and in according to schedule


The applicable SGO Project specifications and codes for each of the disciplines shall be followed.
The disciplines design criteria must be followed. All detailed engineering and design shall be
performed in strict conformance with all applicable codes and standards. The applicable codes
and standards shall include, but not be limited to:

 Chilean National Seismic Codes

 Chilean National Building Codes
 American Concrete Institute – various
 American Institute of Steel Construction - various
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) - various
 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - various
 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) - various
 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - various
 National Association of Corrosion Engineers - various
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70 - National Electric Code
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 101 - Life Safety Code
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 780 – Standard for the Installation of Lightning

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SGO Project Revision Q, 21-Sep-2016
Contract A6YF Page 65 of 65

Protection Systems

In most cases, the SGO Project Documents specify the applicable code and/or standard.
However, as Engineer of Record, the EPC Contractor shall have the final responsibility to ensure
that the detailed engineering design conforms to all applicable codes and standards.
The operational considerations for modular design are the same as for field erected design
supplemented with additional design considerations required for lifting, shipping, transport, and
erection of the modules. Equipment vendors shall be notified if equipment will be incorporated
into a module so that the effects for shipping by land or sea can be incorporated in their design.

For equipment layout and spacing guides, utilize the project-approved design criteria.

Each discipline shall include specific modularization requirements in their design basis
documents and applicable project specifications based on this Module Design Guide as needed.

All modules must be designed and constructed in conformance with all applicable, local
regulatory bodies, industry codes, standards and specifications, including applicable project
standards and specifications. The latest edition, revision addendum and supplement of each
applicable publication must be used.

Design Criteria for Preassembly, Prefabrication and Modularization Construction

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