SAES-L-440 Anchors Buried Pipelines 2005

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This standard covers the design of reinforced concrete or structural steel anchors used for buried pipelines. Anchors must resist forces from thermal expansion, pressure, and soil movement.

Anchors can be reinforced concrete or structural steel. Design must comply with other Saudi Aramco standards. Conflicts must be resolved in writing.

Anchoring loads are calculated using a formula that considers pipe properties, temperature change, pressure, and soil movement.

Engineering Standard


28 February 2005

Anchors for Buried Pipelines

Onshore Structures Standards Committee Members
Baldwin, C.C., Chairman
Abu-Adas, H.A.
Al-Dakhil, U.A.
Al-Ismail, A.A.
Al-Marhoon, S.A.
Al-Saleh, L.A.
Al-Sheref, K.M.
Al-Utaibi, A.S.
Cookson, R.A.
Grosch, J.J.
Hemler, S.R.
Henry, M.P.
Kim, S.U.
Mohammed, A.K.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents


Scope............................................................. 2
Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
References..................................................... 2
Design Load................................................... 2
Forces Resisting Movement
of Concrete Anchors............................... 3
Stability of Anchors........................................ 5
Anchor Attachments....................................... 5

Previous Issue: 30 September 2003 Next Planned Update: 1 March 2008

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin
Primary contact: Ammar K. Mohammed on 873-2653

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Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures

Issue Date: 28 February 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 March 2008

Anchors for Buried Pipelines

This Standard covers the design requirements for reinforced concrete or structural steel
anchors used on buried pipelines. The design of reinforced concrete anchor blocks shall
also comply with the applicable sections of SAES-Q-005 and SAES-Q-001.

Conflicts and Deviations


Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Consulting Services Department (CSD) of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.


Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
Saudi Aramco References
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a

Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards


Internal and External Coatings for Steel Pipelines

and Piping


Criteria for Design and Construction of Concrete



Concrete Foundations

Design Load
Anchoring loads for pipelines shall be determined in accordance with the formula below
(using consistent units):
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Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures

Issue Date: 28 February 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 March 2008

Anchors for Buried Pipelines

The full thrust force is:

Fa = A [E * * T + (0.5- ) * Sh]



= Cross sectional area of the pipe wall

= Modulus of elasticity

= Coefficient of linear thermal expansion

= Design temperature minus tie-in temperature

= Poisson's ratio (0.3 for steel)

MAOP = Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (P)


= Hoop stress at MAOP = P*D/(2*t)

= Pipe nominal wall thickness

= Pipe outside diameter


The full thrust anchor force or differential anchor force, without any reduction
on account of soil friction due to assumed anchor movement, shall be used for
the design and stress calculations of the anchor, including structural steel design,
welding details, attachment to the pipe, stability of the anchor against
overturning, concrete stresses, and reinforcing bar selection.


Solely for sizing a concrete block drag anchor, credit may be taken for the soil
friction on the length of pipe assumed to move a maximum of 25 mm at the drag
anchor, if the connecting piping can accommodate the movement.

Forces Resisting Movement of Concrete Anchors


Unless reliable data is available for the specific site, the following basis shall be
used for sizing concrete anchors:


In rock areas:

Direct bearing of a concrete anchor poured against limestone rock

assuming a bearing value of 240 kPa (5000 lbs/ft).


Friction between side of anchor and rock, assuming 48 kPa

(1000 lbs/ft).


Friction on bottom of anchor assuming a friction coefficient of 0.4.

In granular, well compacted soil above water table:


Total net soil resistance as follows:

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Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures

Issue Date: 28 February 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 March 2008

Anchors for Buried Pipelines

R = C (h + b) H


in which:

= soil force at maximum allowable anchor movement, N

or lbf.

= depth from surface to bottom of anchor, m or ft

= height of anchor block, m or ft

= width of anchor block face, m or ft

= constant as follows:
SI Units

Customary Units

Drag Anchors



Full Thrust Anchors



The pressure distribution of this force shall be assumed to be

proportional to depth below ground.

Friction on both sides of the anchor assuming an active soil pressure

of 6.25 kPa/m (40 psf/ft) times a friction factor of 0.4.


Friction on bottom of anchor assuming a friction coefficient of 0.4.


If the concrete anchor is partially below the water table or if the soil compaction
specified in the construction specifications cannot be obtained, the resisting soil
forces shall be reduced accordingly.


The axial friction force accumulating along the moving length of pipeline
adjacent to a drag anchor shall be calculated based on the following:

Total radial soil pressure against pipe wall per unit length of pipe equals
the weight of the soil cover over the pipe times the pipe circumference plus
two times the weight of the pipe plus contents. The friction force per unit
length equals the soil pressure times the applicable friction factor.


L =



in which:
L = length of pipe moving axially, m or ft
A = cross-sectional area of pipe metal, mm or in
E = modulus of elasticity, N/mm or psi

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Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures

Issue Date: 28 February 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 March 2008

Anchors for Buried Pipelines

d = end (anchor) movement of pipe, m of ft


= friction force on pipe moving length, N/m or lbf/ft

The total friction force, F, for 25 mm end movement of a steel pipeline is:
F = C1



in which:
Cl = 100 for SI units, or 2200 for Customary units
F = Friction Force, N or lbf
A and f as defined above.

Stability of Anchors

The resultant of all anchor forces shall have a line of action parallel and close to the
centerline of the pipeline.
Commentary Note:
The approach in checking stability of concrete thrust anchor blocks, is totally different
from that in checking the stability of foundations which is covered in SAES-Q-005.
Factors of safety which are used in SAES-Q-005 are not applicable for burried pipeline
anchor blocks. Stability of an anchor block against overturning is assured by alignment of
the pipe thrust force and the resisting forces. A sliding stablility check per SAES-Q-005 is
not required because pipeline anchor blocks are sized based on allowable movement

Anchor Attachments


For fabricated anchors, the attachment of the anchors to the pipeline shall be
with a full encirclement sleeve welded at each end with continuous full size
fillet welds not exceeding 1.4 times the pipe wall thickness. The sleeve shall
have a strength at least equivalent to the pipe.


Welded anchor flanges embedded in concrete shall have adequate stiffness to

ensure proper distribution of the load within the allowable concrete bearing


The finished steel fabrication including the pipe, sleeve, and anchor flange or
anchor plate inside the anchor block shall be coated per SAES-H-002.


A minimum distance of no less than 10 cm shall be provided between rebar and

the sleeve or anchor flange to ensure adequate cathodic protection of the
pipeline. In addition, four 60 pounds magnesium anodes shall be installed for
the pipeline one at each quadrant of the anchor.
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Document Responsibility: Onshore Structures

Issue Date: 28 February 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 March 2008

28 February 2005

Anchors for Buried Pipelines

Revision Summary
Added the standard SAES-Q-001 to the list of Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and a
Commentary Note 6.
Revised the "Next Planned Update."

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