Annotation Template Objectives Means of Verification Description of The MOV Presented Annotations

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Annotation Template

Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations

MOV Presented

1. Classroom observation tool (COT)

rating about sheet and/or inter-observer The MOV presented In this lesson¸I
agreement form teaching strategies was a lesson plan that incorporated English
2. Used a range of teaching that enhance learner achievement in showed integration of with mathematics by
strategies that enhance literacy and numeracy skills knowledge and content showing the students a
learner 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs used mathematics large amount of people
achievement in literacy and in teaching highlighting learner- with varieties of culture
numeracy skills. centered strategies that promote that draws the attention
literacy and/or numeracy skills of the students to
3. Instructional materials highlighting participate and
learner centered strategies that interacy.
promote literacy
and/or numeracy skills
4. Performance tasks/test material(s)
used in teaching
5. Results of assessment used in
6. Others (Please specify and provide

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