B. COT-Rating Sheet
C. COT-Rating Sheet
1.2.2 Use research-based C C. One (1) lesson plan with annotations identifying the research-based Lesson Plan with research-based in
knowledge and principles knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning used as basis for ALL COMPONENTS
of teaching and learning to planning / designing the lesson
enhance professional Used research-based knowledge and/or principles of teaching and learning in all
the components of instruction in the lesson plan to improve student learning
1.3.2 Ensure the positive B B. Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the ICT Integration with
use of ICT to facilitate the ratee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights the positive use of ICT Activity Sheets
teaching and learning to facilitate the teaching and learning process Modified Lesson from SLM
process. • Activity sheet/s DLP
• One lesson from a self-learning module (SLM) Video/Audio Lesson
• Lesson plan
• Video lesson • Audio lesson
Ensured that the ICT used redefine and transform learning experiences and are
documented properly and consistently using any referencing style as shown in
the submitted learning material
1.4.2 Use a range of A A. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer Classroom Observation with
teaching strategies that agreement form about teaching strategies that enhance learner Instructional Materials
enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy skills Performance Task
achievement in literacy and 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching highlighting learner- Assessment results
numeracy skills. centered strategies that promote literacy and/or numeracy skills
3. Instructional materials highlighting learner-centered strategies that
promote literacy and/or numeracy skills
4. Performance tasks/test material( s) used in teaching
5. Results of assessment used in teaching
1.5.2 Apply a range of A A. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer
teaching strategies to agreement form about teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
develop critical and
B thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills
creative thinking, as well as 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs used in teaching highlighting different
other higher-order thinking teaching strategies that develop critical and creative thinking and/or other
skills. HOTS
3. Instructional materials highlighting different teaching strategies that
develop critical and creative thinking and/or other HOTS
4. Performance tasks/test material( s) used in demonstration teaching 5.
Results of assessment used in teaching
3.1.2 Use differentiated, A A. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer
developmentally agreement form about using differentiated, developmentally appropriate
appropriate learning learning experiences
experiences to address 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed highlighting differentiation in
learners’ gender, needs, content, product, process, learning environment or others according to
strengths, interests and learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
experiences. 3. Instructional materials developed highlighting differentiation in content,
product, process, learning environment or others according to learners’
gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences
3.2.2 Establish a learner- B B. Any supplementary material (in print/digital format) made by the
centered culture by using ratee and used in the lesson delivery that highlights teaching strategies
teaching strategies that that are responsive to learners’ linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, or
respond to their linguistic, religious backgrounds
cultural, socio-economic • Activity sheet/s
and religious backgrounds. • One lesson from a self-learning module (SLM)
• Lesson plan
• Video lesson • Audio lesson
Utilized effective teaching strategies that are appropriate in responding to
learners’ linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, or religious backgrounds at an
individual level* as shown in the submitted learning material
3.3.2 Design, adapt and C C. COT-Rating Sheet
implement teaching
strategies that are Teacher Reflection Form (TRF) on designing, adapting, and/or
responsive to learners with implementing teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and disabilities, giftedness and talents and a certification from the school
talents. head that the ratee’s classes have no identified learner/s with
disabilities, giftedness and/or talents
4.1.2 Plan, manage and A A. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer
implement agreement form about using developmentally sequenced teaching and
developmentally learning process
sequenced teaching and 2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting developmentally sequenced
learning process to meet instruction that meet curriculum goals and varied teaching contexts
curriculum requirements 3. Instructional materials used to implement developmentally sequenced
and varied teaching teaching and learning process to meet curriculum requirements and varied
contexts. teaching contexts
4.2.2 Set achievable and B B. One lesson plan (e.g., DLP, DLL, WHLP, WLP, WLL, Lesson Exemplars,
appropriate learning and the likes) or one lesson from a self-learning module prepared by the
outcomes that are aligned ratee with achievable and appropriate learning outcomes that are aligned
with learning with the learning competencies as shown in any of the following:
competencies. • Lecture/discussion
• Activity/activity sheet
• Performance task
• Rubric for assessing performance using criteria that appropriately
describe the target output
All of the learning outcomes set are aligned with the learning competencies as
shown in the MOV submitted
4.3.2 Adapt and implement C C. 1. Proof of evaluation*( * Proof of evaluation may be the Individual Learning Monitoring
learning programs that Plan enclosed in DM-CI-2020-00162 (Suggested Strategies in Implementing Distance Learning Delivery
Modalities (DLDM) for School Year 2020-2021) or any other similar/contextualized tool used by the
ensure relevance and school or prescribed by the DepEd Central Office - Curriculum & Instruction Strand in succeeding
responsiveness to the on the implementation of the adapted / contextualized learning
needs of all learners. program
2. Progress report on the implementation of the adapted / contextualized
learning program
3. Accomplishment / completion / technical report on the implementation
of an adapted / contextualized learning program
4. Action plan / activity proposal / activity matrix that shows an adapted /
contextualized learning program
4.4.2 Participate in collegial A A. 1. Personal notes of teachers on LACs/FGDs/meetings with proof of
discussions that use attendance
teacher and learner 2. Minutes of LAC/FGD sessions on use of teacher and learner feedback to
feedback to enrich enrich teaching practice with proof of attendance
teaching practice.
4.5.2 Select, develop, A A. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer
organize and use agreement form about using appropriate teaching and learning resources,
appropriate teaching and
B including ICT Examples:
learning resources, • Activity sheets/task sheets/work sheets
including ICT, to address • PowerPoint presentations
learning goals. • Video clips
• Module
• SIMs-Strategic Intervention Materials
• Others
2. Lesson plans/modified DLLs with appropriate instructional materials
B. COT-Rating Sheet
5.1.2 Design, select, A A. 1. Classroom observation tool (COT) rating sheet and/or inter-observer
organize and use agreement form about using diagnostic, formative and summative
diagnostic, formative and assessment strategies
summative assessment 2. Prepared lesson plans/modified DLLs highlighting appropriate use of
strategies consistent with formative assessment strategies
curriculum requirements. 3. Developed diagnostic tests: (a) with TOS reviewed by superior; (b) with
sample accomplished questionnaire/answer sheets
4. Developed summative tests: (a) with TOS reviewed by superior; (b) with
sample accomplished questionnaire/answer sheets 5. Developed
performance tasks: (a) with rubrics reviewed by superior; (b) with sample
accomplished rubrics
5.2.2 Monitor and evaluate A A. 1. Compilation of a learner’s written work with summary of results and
learner progress and with signature of parents
achievement using learner 2. Formative/summative assessment tools with TOS and frequency of
attainment data. errors with identified least mastered skills
3. Class records/grading sheets 4. Lesson plans/modified DLLs showing
index of mastery
5.3.2 Use strategies for B Evidence that highlights providing accurate and constructive feedback to
providing timely, accurate improve learner performance and that shows timeliness of feedback given
and constructive feedback to any of the following
to improve learner • activity sheet
performance. • performance task
• quiz or test
• self-learning module
5.4.2 Communicate A A. 1. At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the same 3 learners in
promptly and clearly the the same learning area with parents’ or guardians’ signature and date of
learners’ needs, progress receipt
and achievement to key 2. Minutes of PTA meetings or Parent-Teacher conferences in all quarters
stakeholders, including with proof of parent’s/guardian’s attendance
parents/guardians. 3. Report cards with parent’s or guardian’s signature in all quarters
supported by minutes of meeting
4. Communication with parents/guardians using various modalities
5. Anecdotal record showing entries per quarter
6. Other documents showing learner needs, progress and achievement
submitted to other stakeholders
5.5.2 Utilize assessment C C. A list of identified least / most mastered skills based on the frequency
data to inform the of errors / correct responses with any of the following supporting MOV
modification of teaching 1. accomplishment report for remedial / enhancement activities (e.g.,
and learning practices and remedial sessions, Summer Reading Camp, Phil-IRI-based reading program)
programs. 2. intervention material used for remediation / reinforcement /
3. lesson plan/activity log for remediation / enhancement utilizing of
assessment data to modify teaching and learning practices or programs
7.1.2 Apply a personal C C. One (1) lesson plan with annotations explaining the application of a
philosophy of teaching that learner-centered teaching philosophy (e.g., constructivism, existentialism)
is learner-centered. used as basis for planning / designing the lesson
Applied learner-centered teaching philosophy in the lesson plan in all the
components of instruction in the lesson plan to improve student learning
7.2.2 Adopt practices that C C. 1. Documented feedback from superiors, colleagues, learners, parents /
uphold the dignity of guardian, or other stakeholders directly reflecting the ratee’s good practices
that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession
teaching as a profession by
2. Annotated evidence of practice indirectly linking to the upholding of the
exhibiting qualities such as dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring
caring attitude, respect and attitude, respect and integrity
integrity. ● Screenshot of text message / chat / email / any form of communication with
parents / guardian or learners (name or any identifier removed)
● Remarks from mentor / master teacher / school head about one’s qualities (e.g.,
entries in Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form [PMCF] or in Mid-Year
Review Form)
● Recognition from the school / school community about one’s qualities
● Others (please specify)
Exhibited dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as caring
attitude, respect, and integrity with affirmation from different school
stakeholders as evidenced by at least two MOV No. 1
7.3.2 Participate in B B. • Certificate of completion in a course/training
professional networks to • Certificate of participation in a webinar, retooling, upskilling, and other
share knowledge and to training/ seminar/ workshop with proof of implementation
enhance practice. • Certificate of recognition/ speakership in a webinar, retooling, upskilling,
and other training/ seminar/ workshop
• Any proof of participation to a benchmarking activity
• Any proof of participation in school LAC sessions (online/face-to-face)
certified by the LAC Coordinator
7.4.2 Develop a personal B B. Main MOV:
professional improvement Individual Performance and Commitment Review Form-Development Plan
plan based on reflection of (IPCRF-DP)
one’s practice and ongoing Supporting MOV:
professional learning. Any document aligned with the IPCRF-DP such as
• Reflection of one’s practice during LAC session/s with proof of
• Reflection/Personal Notes on Coaching and Mentoring and/or Mid-year
• Personal notes journal on division/school-led INSET with proof of
• Certificate of enrolment/ registration form/class card in graduate/post-
graduate school/online courses
• Any learning material highlighting the improvement done based on
accomplished “reflection” section
7.5.2 Set professional C C. 1. Updated IPCRF-DP from Phase II
development goals based 2. Mid-year Review Form (MRF)
on the Philippine 3. IPCRF-DP
Professional Standards for 4. Certification from the ICT Coordinator / School Head / Focal Person in
Teachers. charge of e-SAT
PLUS FACTOR Any proof of:
● committee involvement
● advisorship of co-curricular activities
● book or journal authorship / contributorship
● coordinatorship / chairpersonship
● coaching and mentoring learners in competitions
● serving as reliever of classes in the absence of teachers
● mentoring pre-service teachers
● participation in demonstration teaching
● participation as technical working group member