Radiation Production and Characteristics "The Structure of Matter"
Radiation Production and Characteristics "The Structure of Matter"
Radiation Production and Characteristics "The Structure of Matter"
Terminology Definition
1. Atom The smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself or be combined with other atoms to form a
2. Nucleus The central part of an atom that is made up of protons and neutrons.
3. Ionization Any process by which electrically neutral atoms or molecules are converted to electrically charged
atoms or molecules (ions).
4. Ion pair A pair of oppositely charged ions held together by Coulomb attraction without formation of a covalent
bond. Experimentally, an ion pair behaves as one unit in determining conductivity, kinetic behavior,
osmotic properties, etc.
5. Electron A very small particle of matter that has a negative charge of electricity and that travels around the
nucleus of an atom.
6. Proton A very small particle of matter that is part of the nucleus of an atom and that has a positive electrical
7. Neutron A very small particle of matter that has no electrical charge and is part of the nucleus of all atoms
except hydrogen atoms.
10. Electron binding energy Is the energy required to completely remove an electron from an atom or a molecule. The binding
energy of nucleons in the nucleus of an atom amounts for most nuclei (i.e. Z>5) to around 8 MeV per
11. Nuclear binding energy Is the minimum energy that would be required to disassemble the nucleus of an atom into its
component parts. These component parts are neutrons and protons, which are collectively called
12. Element One of the basic substances that are made of atoms of only one kind and that cannot be separated by
ordinary chemical means into simpler substances.
13. Fundamental particle Is a subatomic particle with no sub structure, thus not composed of other particles.
14. Group (periodic table) Is a column of elements in the periodic table of the chemical elements.
15. Period (periodic table) A row of chemical elements. All elements in a row have the same number of electron shells.
16. Atomic mass the mass of an atom of a chemical element expressed in atomic mass units
17. Atomic mass number the total number of protons and neutrons (together known as nucleons) in an atomic nucleus
18. Atomic mass unit a unit of mass used to express atomic and molecular weights, equal to one-twelfth of the mass of an
atom of carbon-12. It is equal to approximately 1.66 x 10-27 kg
19. Principal quantum number is one of four quantum numbers which are assigned to all electrons in an atom to describe that
electron's state
20. Force is the push or pull on an object with mass that causes it to change velocity (to accelerate)
TASK II: Describe the different atomic models from the earliest years of its discovery until the present. Provide a structural model for each atomic
2. Dalton Atom He proposed the Atomic theory of matter based on his experimental observations.
To Dalton:
All matter is made of atoms. Atoms are indivisible and => indestructible.
All atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties.
Compounds are formed by a combination of two or more different kinds of atoms
A chemical reaction is a rearrangement of atoms.
Atoms can be neither created nor destroyed.
3. Thomson Atom Thomson's atomic theory proposed a model of atom which is known as plum pudding
In the year 1897 He totally changed the view of an atom by discovering electron.
Thomson’s atomic theory suggested that the atom is not indivisible as it was of smaller
pieces – electrons and protons.
An atom consists of a sphere of positive charge with negatively charged electron
embedded in it.
The positive and the negative charges in an atom are equal in magnitude, due to which an
atom is electrically neutral. It has no over all negative or positive charge.
4. Rutherford Ernest Rutherford presented a paper , accurately describing the structure of the atom.
Based on an experiment he had performed - with totally unexpected results - he realized
that the atom must have almost all of its mass concentrated at its center, in a nucleus, with
the vast majority of the atom consisting chiefly of empty space. Two years earlier, in 1909,
he had conducted an experiment with two other scientists, in which they studied the
deflection angles of "alpha particles" that they shot through a microscopically thin layer of
gold. Alpha particles are just helium atoms stripped of their 2 electrons.
He showed that while the nucleus contains virtually all of the mass of the atom, it only
takes up one-billionth of the volume of the atom, an inconceivably tiny amount. Much
smaller particles - electrons - orbit the nucleus at a great distance, relatively speaking.
5. Bohr Atom Neils Bohr refined Rutherford's model in 1913 by proposing that electrons:
Orbit the nucleus without losing energy;
Could move only in fixed orbits of specific energies.
Electrons with low energy would orbit closer to the nucleus while electrons with high
energy orbit further from the nucleus.
6. Quantum Chromodynamics In QED the electromagnetic interactions of charged particles are described through the emission
and subsequent absorption of massless photons, best known as the “particles” of light; such
interactions are not possible between uncharged, electrically neutral particles. The photon is
TASK III: Write a discussion for the following atomic structures listed below.
TASK IV: Describe the atomic structures by completing the table below.
TASK V: Complete the table by describing the characteristics of various nuclear arrangements.
TASK VI: Describe Figure 1 according to the protocol for representing elements in a molecule.
A – Atomic mass
Z – Atomic number
+/- - Valence State
# - Number of atoms/molecules
Figure 1
Element Chemical symbol Number of electrons Number of protons Number of neutrons Atomic number K-shell binding
1. Beryllium Be 4 4 5 4 0.11
2. Carbon C 6 6 6 6 0.28
3. Oxygen O 8 8 8 8 0.53
4. Aluminum Al 13 13 14 13 1.56
5. Calcium Ca 20 20 20 20 4.04
6. Iron Fe 26 26 30 26 7.11
7. Copper Cu 29 29 35 29 8.98
8. Molybdenum Mo 42 42 54 42 20
9. Rhodium Rh 45 45 58 45 23.2
10. Ruthenium Ru 44 44 57 44 22.1
11. Silver Ag 47 47 47 47 25.7
12. Tin Sn 50 50 69 50 29.2
13. Iodine I 53 53 74 53 33.2
14. Barium Ba 56 56 81 56 37.4
15. Tungsten W 74 74 110 74 69.5
16. Rhenium Re 75 75 111 75 71.7
17. Gold Au 79 79 118 79 80.7
18. Lead Pb 82 82 125 82 88
19. Uranium U 92 92 146 92 116
20. Hydrogen H 1 1 0 1 5.7