Chem Transes Unit 3
Chem Transes Unit 3
Chem Transes Unit 3
o The center of the atom o Sir John Joseph Thomson who discovered
Bohr model of the Helium Atom the electrons in 1897 after conducting
o Shows the three basic subatomic particles several experiments involving cathode
in a simple manner rays, J.J. Thomson demonstrated the ratio
Nucleus of mass to electric charge of cathode rays.
o Most of an atom’s mass can be found here o In his study, he confirmed that cathode
o This is a small, dense area at the center of rays are fundamental particles that are
every atom, composed of nucleons negatively-charged. These cathode rays
o All the positive charge of an atom is are known as electrons.
contained in the nucleus o Electron Cloud
o Nucleons The area surrounding the nucleus
Include protons and neutrons of the atom
o Protons It is in this area where the
Positive charge that originates electrons are located.
here but is contained in the o The electrons, with the symbol e-, have
nucleus the greater probability of being located
o Neutrons near the nucleus of the atom.
Are neutrally-charged o Electrons
o Electrons have a negative charge that is
Negatively-charged equal in magnitude to the positive
Located outside of the nucleus charge of the protons.
However, their mass is
The Bohr model depicts the three basic subatomic considerably less than that of a
particles in a comprehensible manner. proton or neutron, but is usually
considered insignificant.
If the amount of protons is not
equal to the amount of electrons,
we produce charged particles
called IONS.
o In 1932, James Chadwick discovered the
neutrons. In his experiment, he
demonstrated that penetrating radiation
incorporated beams of neutral particles.
Along with the protons, neutrons are
located in the nucleus, making up almost
all of the mass of the atom.
Proton o Neutron number
o The conduct of the gold foil experiment by Number of neutrons
Ernest Rutherford in 1919 led to the This can be determined by
discovery of the protons. subtracting the proton number
o He projected alpha particles at gold foil, from the atomic mass number.
and the positive alpha particles were The neutrons in an element
deflected. determine the isotope of an atom,
o This result made him conclude that and often its stability.
protons exist in the nucleus and have a
positive nuclear charge.
o The atomic number, which determines an
element, is the number of protons present
in an atom.
CHEM 11: Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
UNIT 3: Introduction to Atomic Theory
BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023
Summary: Summary:
Atoms are indivisible particles that make up all the The atom consists of discrete particles that govern
materials that we see and use everyday. its chemical and physical behavior. Atoms, the
Subatomic particles are particles that are smaller smallest particles of an element that exhibit the
than the atom. properties of that element, consist of negatively
Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the three charged electrons around a central nucleus
main subatomic particles found in an atom. composed of more massive positively charged
Protons have a positive (+) charge. An easy way protons and electrically neutral neutrons.
to remember this is to remember that both proton Subatomic Particles are particles smaller than the
and positive start with the letter "P." atom that includes the protons, electrons and
Neutrons have no electrical charge. An easy way neutrons.
to remember this is to remember that both neutron In the simplest terms, without atoms there would
and no electrical charge start with the letter "N." not be a functioning world. Atoms make up matter,
and matter makes up everything in the world, with
some few exceptions.
Atomic Weight Isotopes are variants of a particular chemical
o also called relative atomic mass, refers to the element which differ in neutron number, and
ratio of the average mass of the atoms of a consequently in nucleon number. All isotopes of a
chemical element. given element have the same number of protons
o Atomic weight is represented by the symbol A. but different numbers of neutrons in each atom.
o Atomic Weight or Mass Number = p+ + n0 Atomic weight, also called relative atomic mass,
For example, the number of protons or refers to the ratio of the average mass of a
chemical element's atoms to some standard
the atomic number of an element is 6
Atomic Weight refers to the number of protons and
and its number of neutrons is 6, the
atomic weight of that element is 12. In neutrons present in the nucleus of an atom
the periodic table, this element is In solving for the atomic weight of an element, the
Carbon. One of the isotopes of carbon formula is: A= p ++n0
has an atomic number of 6 and the ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND PERIODIC
number of neutrons is 7. The atomic
weight of that carbon isotope is 13.
Electromagnetic Energy
Historical Events:
Isaac Newton
o Experimented with lenses and prisms in
the seventeenth century and was able to
show that white light is made up of the
distinct hues of the rainbow mixed
Christiaan Huygens
Most chemical reactions take place in accordance with
simple numerical relationships among atoms, the
CHEM 11: Inorganic & Organic Chemistry
UNIT 3: Introduction to Atomic Theory
BSPH 1A 1ST SEMESTER ~ A.Y 2022-2023
of work by Emilian Robert Vicol; credit “Cell phone": o Prize motivation: "for her determinations
modification of work by Brett Jordan; credit “Microwave by X-ray techniques of the structures of
oven": modification of work by Billy Mabray; credit important biochemical substances."
“Ultrasound": modification of work by Jane Whitney;
credit “AM radio": modification of work by Dave
Figure 6.6 Interference fringe patterns are shown for Standing Waves
light passing through two closely spaced, narrow slits. o Also known as stationary waves
The spacing of the fringes depends on the wavelength,
with the fringes being more closely spaced for the
shorter wavelength blue light.