Subject/Level: Programming/10 Quarter: 1 Quarter

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Subject/Level: Programming/10 Quarter: 1st Quarter

Unit Topic: Application Programming using Visual Basic 10 Designer/s:

STANDARDS; Get acquainted with the features and uses of Visual Basic 2008

Content: Introduction to Visual Basic 2008: Features of VB 2008: History of VB 2008

Performance : Perform some of the Basic functions of Visual Basic

Formation (Optional)

Competencies/ Learning Goals: (AMT) Define programming/ Explain the phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)/ Appreciate the value of programming in creating computer applications.

Time Content/ Objectives Transfer Goal Assessment Learning Activities/

Frame Strategies

1st week A. Topics Define programming. Realize the value of Instruct the students Explore/
Fundamentals of Explain the phases of the to answer the activity
programming in the Divide the class into 4 groups. Ask the students to brainstorm on what they know about
Programming Systems Development Life on page 7 their
Cycle (SDLC) creation of computer textbook. programming. Instruct them to write their answers in a manila paper. Have the students
Appreciate the value of applications. present in front of the class.
programming in creating
computer applications. Firm Up:

Tell them to just mention what they can remember about each term that they wrote.

Values Integration

Realize the value of

programming in the
creation of computer
2nd Week A. Introduction to Trace the history of Realize the Instruct the Explore/
VB.Net Visual Basic. importance of students to
Discuss the different Visual Basic answer the Test
versions of Visual in the field of Your Knowledge Draw a timeline to trace the history of Visual Basic.
Basic. Install Visual programming. activity found
Studio Community on Experiencing
Firm Up:
2013 into the local ICT Applications
machine Programming 1 Use a creative yet systematic way of exploring the different features and
Using VB.Net functions
book, p. 17. of Visual Basic 2013

B. PVMGO/Core Values
Realize the
importance of Visual
in the field of

3rd Week A. Topic Explore:

Visual Studio
Familiarize oneself Instruct the Use a creative yet systematic way of exploring the different windows of VB 2013.
Community Develop
with the environment students to
2013 IDE patience and Firm Up:
of Visual Studio answer the Test
perseverance in
Community 2013 Your Knowledge
learning the Express one’s self
Identify and describe activity found
technicalities in identifying and describing the four important VB 2013 windows.
the four important VB on Experiencing
in using Visual
2013 windows Basic 2013 ICT Applications
Demonstrate the steps Programming 1
in creating a new . Using VB.Net
project in VB book, p. 25.
Values Integration
Develop patience and
perseverance in
learning the
in using Visual
Basic 2013

Identify the different

controls in Visual Basic
especially the most
A. Topic commonly used
Visual Basic controls.
Realize the Instruct the Explore
Controls Show familiarity with
4th Week the function of the importance of students to Systematically explore the different controls in Visual Basic.
different Visual Basic Visual Basic answer the Test
controls. in the field of Your Knowledge Firm Up:
programming Activity found Draw the different controls while exploring VB 2013 then highlight the most
Name Visual Basic
controls with suggested on Experiencing commonly used controls.
prefixes ICT Applications
Programming 1
Using VB.Net
book, p. 33.
Values Integration
Express an interest and
willingness to enhance
their skills in Visual Basic
5th Week A. Topic State the different Recognize the Instruct the Explore
Visual Basic categories of Visual importance students to
Control Basic controls. of controls in answer the Test Relate to the class the different uses of controls presented to
Properties Demonstrate skills in creating programs Your Knowledge the class (ex. Remote control, joystick, lever, etc.) Afterwards, ask the students to
using Visual Basic and applications. activity found give definitions for controls
controls by putting on Experiencing ICT
controls and forms and Applications Firm Up:
changing their Programming 1 Complete a concept map that shows different categories of Visual Basic controls.
properties. book, p. 41
Set Tab Order for Visual
Basic controls.
Values Integration

Recognize the
of controls in creating
programs and
6th Week A. Topic Describe the Appreciate how Instruct the Explore
Flowcharting and difference flowcharting and students to
Pseudocoding between pseudocoding can answer the Test Describe the procedure of cooking a certain recipe they know using a
flowcharting and help in preparing Your Knowlodge flowchart.
pseudocoding programs. activity found Firm Up
in program logic on Experiencing Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast flowcharting and
formulation. ICT Applications pseudocoding
Execute the process Programming 1 in program logic formulation.
of creating flowchart Using VB.Net
and book, p. 48.
pseudocode to
flowchart and vice
Values Integration
Appreciate how
flowcharting and
pseudocoding can help in
preparing programs.
7th Week A. Recognize the VB Instruct the Explore
Data Types, Variables, 2013 language Manifest students to Each group has an assigned Math puzzle to solve. The
and Constants concepts such enthusiasm in answer the Test fastest group that solves the puzzle wins the game.
as data types, learning the Your Knowledge
variables and different VB activity found Firm Up:
constant. 2013 language on Experiencing Concept mapping on the correct way of assigning value to a variable.
Demonstrate the correct concepts. ICT Applications
way of assigning value Programming 1
to a variable. Using VB.Net
Declare variables book, p. 54.
and constants
Values Integration
Manifest enthusiasm
in learning the different
2013 language concepts.

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