Media Information Literacy: First Quarter School Year 2020-2021

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Module 1


Media Information Literacy

First Quarter
School Year 2020-2021

Learner’s Name:

Teacher: James Enoveno

Contact Number: 09552747135
Module 1.L 1 Media Literacy
(Day 1 & 2) or (Day 1 to 4)

Matthew 7:7-12
“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light,
but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness.”

Enabling Outcomes: (MELC)

Based on the curriculum guide (CG), the student should be able to:
 Define media literacy;
 Enumerate the stages of media literacy;
 Understand the importance of media in our daily lives.

Concepts (Generalization)

Is being able to understand, interpret and communicate a certain topic, subject or a scenario.


Is a way of delivering information or message from sender to receiver whether it is verbal or non-
Are both art and a science, art because it involves creation of a certain language, originality and
modernization of language transition.
Finding out if your friend is
1. OL (Online) – Online ka ba? connected online.

. form of apology for not answering or

2. SLR (Sorry, late reply) engaging in a communication on time.

3. HM (How Much) . Asking for a product/service price

4. PM (Private/Personal responding in a private or personal

Message) manner

an expression when you want to

5. SKL/FKL share an information in social
(Share ko lang) media
Communication is a Science
It is an activity or a study on which the brain requires to respond an action in a message.

Two basic types of communication:

1. Verbal Communication – exchanging of information or message vocally or through written note

a. Oral communication (lectures, delivering speech)
b. Written communication (love letter, diary)

2. Non- Verbal Communication – exchanging of information or message

Examples: gestures, signs, symbol or body language

Is a communication channel used to transmit and accumulate data and information.
Is a series of modern tools to disseminate messages.

Media Literacy
Is being capable to identify and construct information in the different types of media.

Stages of Media Literacy

Awareness Critical Thinking Content Creation

Stages of Media Literacy


Felt experiences that make a person interested to a certain situation that made them feel the need to use a
media tool to know the underlying information to answer their curiosity.

Critical Thinking

The capability of a person to study and evaluate the media information and ideas that they came across

Content Creation

The process of content development that will contribute information, messages or idea in any media tool

Types of Media

Print Media
Is a combination of ink and paper that shows text and images to the reader.

Broadcast Media
Is consisting of audio and video content that provides information or entertainment.

Television and Radio

Digital Media

Is using digital data consisting of digital cables or satellites to translate its content into audio, video,
graphics and text.
a. Audio (internet-based radio stations, Spotify, podcasts, audiobooks)
b. Video (Netflix, YouTube)
c. Social Media or Networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
Be Active (Exercises/Activities)
Instructions: Answer the following questions or complete the statements by writing the appropriate
words in the blank space.

1. _________being able to understand, interpret and communicate a certain topic, subject or a


2. _________way of delivering information or messages from a sender (You)

to a receiver (the one you are talking to or communicating with) whether
it is verbal or a non-verbal activity.

3. __________ the ability to identify and construct information in different

types of media.

4. __________ combination of ink and paper that shows text and images to
the reader.

5. __________ composed of audio and video content that provides information

or entertainment disseminated in different methods such as the radios and televisions.

6. __________ consisting of digital cables or satellites to translate its content into audio, video,
graphics and text
Ignite (Evaluation)
Instructions: Create an article based on your life realization of your daily experiences during the 2-month
lockdown using the different types of digital media.

IFL (Integration of Faith & Learning)

We know about Jesus because faithful men wrote down what He said. Now we can embrace those
comforting and challenging words in our own lives. Your ministry can have greater returns if you
extend it through social media.


EDUCODE _ PowerPoint Lesson 1 Grade 12

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