Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
I. Objectives
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
Thank you class. You may now take Thank you sir
your sits.
B. Motivation
C. Presentation
D. Discussion
Baby talk is the language of the kids or Yes sir. Sign language.
babies who can’t utter words yet. But
did you know that even mute people
have their own language? Do you
know what it is?
Everyone has their own language but Language is the means which people
what is the main purpose or use of use to express their thoughts through
language? oral, written, gestures, signs, and
Kindly read. symbols.
Thank you.
Today we are going to discuss the two
kinds of language which are oral
language and written language.
E. Fixing Skills
IV. Generalization
Now, can someone tell me the Oral language is the use of spoken
difference of oral language and words while written language is the
written language? use of written words or letters.
Study the other kinds of language which are gestures, symbols, and sign
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