Getting Ready For Distance Education Distance Education Aptitude and Readiness Scale (DEARS)

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Getting Ready for Distance Education

Distance Education Aptitude and Readiness Scale (DEARS)

Dr. Bob Kizlik

Copyright 2007 Robert Kizlik

Perhaps nothing is more true than the old adage that what you get out of something is in
proportion to what you put in to it. What you learn is usually in proportion to the effort you make. I
believe that, as I have seen it manifest in a variety of situations spanning more than 35 years in

In distance learning and on-line courses, there is no substitute for effort and the ability to work
independently. Distance learning may be thought of as a change in the locus, venue and
perception of where instruction takes place. However, to benefit from distance learning, you must
have a temperament that reflects a mix of self-confidence and the ability to seek, analyze, and
synthesize appropriate information without constant face-to-face feedback. In a sense, those who
profit most from distance education are those who have heightened senses of autonomy.

I have taught distance education courses since the Spring Semester of 2000. The courses I taught
were on the subject of curriculum at the graduate level and social studies methods at the
undergraduate level. From my experiences with students in these courses, I came to some
conclusions about the temperaments that successful distance learners have. The instrument
below is a result of my conclusions. It does not ask you whether you like computers, technology,
or the Internet. It is meant only as a general guide. Use it for whatever purposes benefit you.

Instructions: Below are statements that describe some of the more important characteristics of
self-directed learners. Such learners have a certain degree of autonomy that predisposes them to
be successful in a variety of learning contexts, including distance learning or distance education.
DEARS is a non-scientific instrument and is intended only to provide general guidance for those
considering taking courses or even obtaining a degree via distance education, regardless of the
source. Here, distance education means any form of instructional delivery that does not involve
continuous teacher student interaction in a face-to-face classroom setting. By assessing yourself
on the DEARS statements that follow, you will get some idea of your predisposition and
temperament for successful distance education experiences. Rate each statement according to
the scale below. And by all means, be honest!

1. - Never
2. - Very infrequently
3. - Sometimes
4. - Frequently
5. - Always

____1. I take responsibility for my own learning.

____2. I am regarded by my peers as a self-starter.
____3. I can stay on task without constant feedback about my
____4. I am a person who is curious about many things.
____5. I often figure out novel ways to solve problems.
____6. I enjoy helping others who have learning needs.
____7. Once I have goals or a set of objectives, I can determine
what I need to do to reach them.
____8. I recognize and know how to use feedback about progress
on a learning task that I have undertaken.
____9. I am good at visualizing how things would be when they are
the way I want them to be.
____10. I am good at logistics. I can determine what is needed and
devise a plan for getting it.
____11. I believe that knowledge is largely constructed by the
learner, and that teachers are more facilitators of learning
than dispensers of information.
____12. I understand how I learn best and often think of ways I can
____13. I know what I believe but I am open to other opinions that
may be contrary to my beliefs.
____14. I enjoy learning that is both interesting and challenging, and
I am motivated in such situations to go beyond the minimum
____15. I am able to translate learning objectives that have been set
for me into objectives that reflect my own personal style of
______ Total

Assessing The Results

The number you put on the Total line above is explained below. The maximum score you
could have is 75. Obviously, the higher the number, the higher your potential to benefit
from distance education experiences.

55-75: You should have no difficulty with distance education

courses. You have a pronounced sense of autonomy and
45-54: You will probably do well in a distance education course,
but you will have to remind yourself to stay on task.
30-44: Distance education will be a challenge. You will miss the
classroom interaction context a great deal.
29 and below: Distance education is probably not a good idea for you!

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