EC6011 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility .V
EC6011 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility .V
EC6011 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility .V
Introduction to EMI and EMC, Intra and inter system EMI, Elements of Interference, Sources and Victims of EMI,
Conducted and Radiated EMI emission and susceptibility, Case Histories, Radiation hazards to humans, Various
issues of EMC, EMC Testing categories, EMC Engineering Application.
Part- A (2 Marks)
Q.No Questions BT Domain
1. Analyse the need for electromagnetic compatibility. BTL‐4 Analyzing
2. Write some of the testing strategies in EMC. BTL‐1 Remembering
3. Identify the three criteria to be satisfied by any system to become BTL‐1 Remembering
electromagnetically compatible.
4. Discuss the steps to prevent emission that causes the EMI in a system. BTL‐2 Understanding
6. We feel electric shock at times, when we touch TV and Computer monitors. BTL‐2 Understanding
Give the reason.
7. List the sources of EMI BTL‐1 Remembering
8. Give the explanation about the conducted coupling of EMI. BTL‐2 Understanding
9. Explain why a bike started or a mixie under running condition disturbs a TV BTL‐2 Understanding
receivers functioning.
10. Where is a decoupling capacitor used? Why? BTL‐1 Remembering
12. Choose which coupling happens directly between the emitter and receptor. BTL‐3 Applying
13. What is the possibility to develop circuit models of EMI with correct reason. BTL‐3 Applying
14. Criticise on the two factors that tend to affect the amount of interference that BTL‐5 Evaluating
would otherwise be transmitted along a conducted path.
15. Define EMI and EMC. BTL‐1 Remembering
16. List some of the EMC applications. BTL‐4 Analyzing
19. What would happen if the coupling path is not properly shielded? Justify BTL‐6 Creating
20. How can the hazards due to radiation be reduced or prevented? BTL‐6 Creating