TWHB 15e
TWHB 15e
TWHB 15e
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- Table of Contents -
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Notes ................................................................................................................................................. 9
The author started his career in EMC at ROHM through Figure 1 illustrates EMC and its classification.
designing semiconductor integrated circuits and
conducting joint research with universities. Since then, I
have been involved in EMC for more than 10 years. At
first, I thought EMC was an obscure field, but as I
practiced more and more, I realized that EMC is not a
mysterious phenomenon and that it can be solved with a
lot of logic. Based on my knowledge and experience of
semiconductor integrated circuits and EMC for more than
30 years, I would like to present EMC in an easy-to-
understand manner.
1. Definition and Terminology of EMC
In explaining EMC, we will first give the minimum
necessary definition of EMC and related terms and
Figure 1. EMC-related terms and relationships
EMC is an acronym for Electromagnetic Compatibility. Hereafter, we will basically use abbreviations such as
In the JIS standard it is defined as "not causing EMC, EMI, EMS, etc. Please make sure of their meanings
electromagnetic interference to other equipment and and relationships here.
maintaining its original performance even when subjected
to electromagnetic interference from other equipment.
EMC is broadly classified into EMI (Electromagnetic
There is a relationship between IC miniaturization and This means that, when it comes to EMC, the latest
EMC that must be considered. First, a little explanation of manufacturing processes with advanced miniaturization
IC miniaturization is in order. are not always the best. In fact, there are more than a few
cases where ICs with slightly older manufacturing
It is well known that ICs are composed of multiple processes have better EMC.
transistors and resistors formed and wired on the same
silicon substrate. Generally, in order to realize complex For example, for an operational amplifier IC, it may be
functions and high-performance ICs, it is necessary to better to select one with specifications that provide the
form a large number of transistors and other elements on minimum required operating frequency bandwidth. If the
a silicon substrate. However, the larger the number of bandwidth is more highly miniaturized than necessary,
transistors, the larger the area of the substrate, and thus EMC at high frequencies that are not used in actual circuit
the size of the IC chip, which inevitably increases the cost. operation will need to be additionally verified. In addition,
for general-purpose logic ICs, selecting a product with a without worrying about EMC, which is a big advantage.
lower operating voltage than necessary may result in
In recent years, modules have become the mainstream,
more malfunctions due to insufficient noise margin.
incorporating a π-type filter (one inductor and two
Furthermore, for ICs that realize advanced functions,
capacitors), which is an EMI countermeasure component,
measures, and design methods to improve EMC become
and a capacitor, which is an EMS countermeasure
extremely complex.
component. By physically assembling the basic electronic
Although miniaturization is a key technology for ICs, it is components of a unit that achieves a certain function,
also true that there are considerations to be made in modules offer more advantages in terms of reliability,
relation to EMC. function, convenience, performance, and EMC. Because
of these advantages, demand for modules is on the rise,
2.2 Modules and EMC
and modules are being developed to meet application
A module is a component with a specific function, requirements for higher functionality, smaller size,
consisting of an IC and its peripheral components improved robustness, and EMC compatibility.
(passive elements, etc.) mounted on a small printed
3. Product Specifications and EMC
circuit board (PCB) and housed in a resin or metal
enclosure, or encapsulated in resin. Simply put, they are Not only ICs, but most electronic components, electronic
the electronic circuits themselves that perform some of devices, etc. basically have specifications, which indicate
the functions in a device or equipment, so it is necessary electrical specifications, mechanical specifications, etc. In
to consider EMC from this perspective. In addition, as for recent years, EMC has been increasingly described in
the EMC of modules, it is related to the advantages and such documents. This chapter explains the relationship
features of modules, so we will show the advantages and between EMC and product specifications, using ICs as a
features of modules first. base.
<Module Advantages and Features> 3.1 Description of EMC
i. Since peripheral components such as passive devices ICs usually have a specification document called a data
are built in, the number of components on the product sheet, which is always required to use the IC, and
printed circuit board (PCB) is reduced, which improves needless to say, no design can be made without the
reliability and is particularly advantageous for specification document. Generally, IC specifications
automotive applications. In addition, it is less include part number, outline, features, applications,
susceptible to the layout (component placement and characteristic values, package information, and basic
inter-component wiring) of the product PCB. application schematics, but in recent years, more and
more of them include descriptions related to EMC.
ii. Multiple chips with different manufacturing processes
can be built in, for example, analog IC + digital IC or Descriptions related to EMC are often found on the cover
controller IC + driver (discrete), which is usually pages of specifications. For example, AEC-Q100
difficult to achieve on a single chip. compliance, high noise immunity, CISPR25 Class5
compliance, etc.
iii. Since the function is completed, it can be handled as
a black box, which is expected to shorten the product AEC-Q100 is a product qualification test standard
development period. established by the Automotive Electronics Council (AEC).
iv. Optimization of constants for peripheral components AEC-Q100: Semiconductor integrated circuits (IC)
such as passive elements and wiring layout has been AEC-Q101: Discrete semiconductor components
completed, so electrical characteristics and (transistors, diodes, etc.)
performance can be obtained as per specifications AEC-Q200: Discrete passive components (resistors,
even with bolt-on. capacitors, inductors, etc.)
In the case of modules, EMC evaluation and EMC AEC-Q100 cites SAE standard J1752/3 for EMC and
standard conformity determination are performed as a defines radiated emissions (RE) by TEM Cell or
single functional product, including the built-in passive Wideband TEM Cell.
elements and other peripheral components. Therefore,
A statement such as "high noise immunity" means that
modules that conform to EMC standards can be used
the IC has high immunity to malfunction due to external
electromagnetic noise (EMS). This means that the IC is product variations. Those without minimum and
resistant to malfunction even in environments with high maximum values are not guaranteed as values, but as
electromagnetic noise. guarantees of operation.
The CISPR25 standard is a standard of the International This is a little off topic, there are various methods and
Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) for approaches to assure specified values, such as design
"Recommended Limits and Measurements of assurance, sampling inspection, and 100% inspection,
Interference for the Protection of Onboard Receivers. but ROHM's basic approach is 100% inspection. ROHM's
Simply put, it is a standard for emissions of basic approach is to conduct a 100% inspection of all
electromagnetic interference (EMI) from in-vehicle items on the silicon wafer that forms the basis of the IC.
equipment. CISPR25 has limits from Class 1 to Class 5, Then, after the chips are cut into pieces and encapsulated
with Class 5 being the most stringent. in packages to form ICs, they are again subjected to the
100% inspection. In this way, only products that have
3.2. EMC and Product Specifications
passed multiple outgoing tests are shipped as products.
In general, the specification sheet of an IC lists electrical
As I mentioned in the introduction, the electrical
characteristics and their specifications. It is important to
characteristics of ICs are clearly stated as either
correctly understand what is meant by the specifications,
guaranteed values or typical values, and concrete values
as a wrong understanding may cause problems in the
are provided. In contrast, EMC is rarely guaranteed as a
designed circuit. Specifications usually include minimum,
specified value. In some cases, EMC characteristics are
typical, and maximum values, and the presented
listed in specifications, but they are basically reference
specifications and guarantees differ depending on the
nature of the characteristic item. The examples in Table 1
provide some details. When there is a description such as "high noise immunity"
as shown in the previous section, of course, the design
Parameter Minimum Typical Maximum Unit
was made using a process with high EMS characteristics,
Reference voltage 1.225 1.250 1.275 V and various evaluations were conducted to confirm that
the noise immunity is higher than that of ordinary products.
Output voltage low - 0.1 0.5 V
However, there is generally no quantitative description in
Output current 1 1.2 - A the specifications. However, the EMS characteristics may
Common-mode be described in application notes.
0 - 3 V
input voltage If a product is described as compliant with a standard,
Distortion factor - 0.1 - % such as "CISPR25 Class 5 compliant," it has been verified
through actual testing that EMC is within the limits under
Table 1. Examples of specifications the test conditions specified in that standard, and the
The "Reference voltage" is in the form of a minimum and product has been certified by the relevant certification
maximum value presented and a guaranteed range body with those test results. In some cases, such test
around the standard value. The "Output voltage low" is data is provided, but as mentioned above, it is for
the maximum value only, which is guaranteed not to be reference only.
exceeded. Output current" is the minimum value only, and As for EMC, the measured values are N=1 (measured
it is guaranteed to output at least that amount of current. values of one randomly selected sample), and the
These are parameters that are not problematic as long as temperature characteristics are mostly measured at room
one of the values is guaranteed. In circuit design, the temperature (Ta=27°C). The reasons are that it takes a
typical value is the median value including manufacturing long time for one measurement, and it is difficult to
variations, so each product design is conducted using change the temperature of the entire EMC site (EMC
these standard values. The " Common-mode input measurement room) under measurement setup
voltage" is a range, within which the product is conditions. These are known issues and are common to
guaranteed to function properly. Finally, for " Distortion almost all semiconductor manufacturers.
factor," only the typical value is provided. Since the typical
3.3 Substitute Evaluation Index for EMC
value is the median value in the design, it is the typical
electrical characteristic for most products, including In the previous section, we showed examples of electrical
characteristic items in IC specifications and mentioned 4.1 Manufacturer's Evaluation Board is the Basis for
that EMC is rarely guaranteed as a specified value. Evaluation
However, some of the electrical characteristics of ICs may
To actually check IC operation and performance including
include items that can be used as substitute evaluation
EMC, evaluation boards provided by the manufacturer
indicators for EMC. Common items include PSRR (Power
can be used. The product specifications and application
Supply Rejection Ratio), CMRR (Common Mode
notes include its measurement circuit diagram, board
Rejection Ratio), and EMIRR (EMI Rejection Ratio).
layout diagram, and precautions.
PSRR is the supply voltage regulation rejection ratio,
The electrical characteristics of an IC usually indicate the
which is the ratio of how much variation occurs in the
value when measured on an evaluation board provided
output when the supply voltage is varied; CMRR is the
by the manufacturer. Basically, these values are the
common-mode input regulation rejection ratio, which is
values described in the IC specifications (generally,
the ratio of the variation that occurs in the output when
typical values). Therefore, when "characterizing" a
the differential input is varied at the same potential. Both
product (set), it is possible to refer to the measured values
PSRR and CMRR are DC characteristics specified for
on the evaluation board and the typical values in the IC
operational amplifiers and the like, since they have
frequency characteristics, they are also measured in the
frequency range of 10Hz to 1MHz, and many of them are In the evaluation board, the layout of power and ground
capable of more than 100dB at frequencies as low as wires, as well as input/output signal lines, are all ideal.
10Hz, with approximate fluctuations of less than Even the routing, wiring widths and lengths of each wire
1/100,000th of a percent. The electrical characteristics have been carefully considered and can be used as a
have a steadily declining characteristic, with good reference when creating a production board.
characteristics at low frequencies and worsening at In addition, since basically only one IC is mounted on an
higher frequencies. evaluation board, electrical characteristics and EMC
EMIRR is called the electromagnetic interference performance can be measured in various cases. For
rejection ratio. It is an index of how well a device can example, the characteristics change when the power
withstand high-frequency noise. It is a little difficult to supply voltage is varied up and down from the typical
measure, but it is the ratio of the peak voltage of the RF value, the characteristics change when the IC is placed in
(radio frequency) signal applied to the input terminal (+ a thermostatic chamber and the ambient temperature is
side) and the offset voltage shift of the input conversion, increased or decreased, or even when multiple different
expressed in decibels. EMIRR is measured over a evaluation boards are connected to create a simple
frequency range of about 1 MHz to several GHz, and the product prototype.
larger the value, the better the characteristics. EMIRR For product boards, the mounting density is higher
has a value of about 100 dB at several GHz and is a because small, thin, light, and cheap considerations are
steadily rising characteristic. In operational amplifiers, the essential. A particularly significant difference is the layout
higher the frequency response of the IC, the worse the of power and ground wires. It is practically difficult to
frequency response performance becomes, so the slower achieve the ideal wiring layout as in the evaluation board.
the response, the better the EMIRR value. Note that differences in electrical characteristics will occur
By comparing these values, it is possible to evaluate when going from complete ground to incomplete ground.
some of the EMC characteristics of a product. However, Furthermore, techniques are needed for connecting
since EMC characteristics are defined by many IEC ground wires for analog, digital, and power systems.
international standards (including CISPR) and ISO For EMC performance, it is effective to check the
international standards, only a part of the EMC individual evaluation boards in advance. Although the
characteristics can be addressed by the substitute measurement on the product board can determine the
evaluation index. EMC standard compliance as a whole, it is difficult to
4. Circuits, PCBs and EMC investigate which IC or peripheral components are the
cause of nonconformity. By checking each individual
This section describes the relationship between the
component in advance, countermeasure components
printed circuit board (PCB) on which circuits are mounted,
and circuits can be added in advance, and the possibility
especially the ground wire (GND), and EMC.
of re-testing due to EMC after the product board is made
is reduced. Although it takes more person-hours for evaluation board himself. There are two approaches to
preliminary evaluation, it will ultimately lead to the ground wire layout for analog, digital, and power systems.
prevention of EMC problems. One approach is to prioritize the overall electrical
characteristics. The ground wires for each of the above
4.2 Handling of the Ground Wire on the Evaluation
systems are naturally short-circuited, but a slit is placed
between the ground wires for each system. Where the
First, the basic concept and connection method for the ground wires are shorted together also greatly affects the
ground wire (GND) of an IC evaluation board are electrical characteristics, but they should never be
explained. Then, considerations for electrical and EMC separated.
characteristics when users do the evaluation board
The other approach prioritizes EMC characteristics. In
artwork themselves are presented.
this case, the ground terminals of each system are
First, regarding the connection method of the ground wire shorted together using what is commonly referred to as
on the evaluation board, basically, the ground terminal of "solid GND" without a slit between the ground wires. This
the IC should be considered as the reference base point. puts the power current flow path and the ground current
Some products may have multiple ground terminals, but flow path at the same location on the top and bottom of
most of them are shorted directly under the IC. On the the evaluation board (in the case of a multilayer board).
evaluation board, the ground wire is wired from there to This ground current is called return current in the EMC
the outside of the board. world, and it is important to layout the board so that this
The reference ground voltage on the evaluation board is return current can flow freely. If there is a slit, it will flow
the value at the ground terminal of the IC. Keeping this in through a circuitous path and the magnetic fields
mind will help in making accurate measurements. generated by the power and ground currents will not be
Especially in the measurement of minute signals such as canceled, causing EMI (unwanted radiation or emissions),
noise level and crosstalk, you need to be careful about and leading to deterioration of the characteristics.
the position of the connection to the ground wire. With a It is very difficult to decide whether to give priority to
noise meter or spectrum analyzer, connecting the ground electrical characteristics or EMC characteristics, but EMC
side of the probe as close as possible to the ground is very important to enhance product reliability because it
terminal of the IC will allow you to measure values close can lead to unexpected malfunctions or abnormal
to the true value. operations. Thus, the handling of grounding wire requires
Next is the case of multiple evaluation boards and ICs. As not only careful attention to electrical characteristics, but
a basic rule when there are multiple evaluation boards or also to EMC.
evaluation targets, it is very important to make sure that 4.3 Board Layout and EMC
the ground terminals of both boards are short-circuited.
There is a close relationship between the way IC
Sometimes you may hear that "there are evaluation
evaluation boards are made and board layout and EMC.
boards for an analog system and a power system, and
The expression "a beautiful board layout also has good
when you experiment, the noise characteristics are better
EMC characteristics" is often used. Although this may be
if the ground wires are separated and not
a sensory perspective of "beautiful" despite being in the
interconnected," but this is not true. If both ground
engineering field, the overall impression is related to the
terminals are not shorted, the ground potential difference
performance of the board. Component placement is the
between the two will be undefined and normal operation
first and very important point that determines all aspects
will not be possible.
of board creation. Once the placement of components
In this case, I suspect that the short-circuit is not and parts is determined, the wiring between them will
intentional, but is indirectly short-circuited via some part naturally be determined. When deciding the placement of
of the circuit. Even if it works well in the experiment, the components, it is important to consider how important
probability of a malfunction that causes abnormal signal lines and other wiring will be routed on the board.
operation is very high when the product is put into mass In addition, we pay attention to whether there are any
production in this state. Therefore, the handling of the extremely long wirings or any wirings that need to be
ground wire is a very important consideration. rerouted depending on the location of the components.
The next step is for the user to do the layout of the In other words, "beautiful" board wiring means that the
wiring is neat and orderly. Specifically, it means that the components with the smallest possible component
wiring is short, not bent in any strange way, and that the dimensions are ideal. In fact, a "beautiful" board layout is
wiring is straightforward between components. Recently, nothing more than the reduction of these parasitic
EDA tools and CAD tools that automatically generate components.
board layouts by inputting board schematics are available,
but whether you do it manually or use tools, the important
point is that the result is "beautiful. This handbook has provided an overview of EMC from a
familiar perspective to help electronic circuit designers
As explained in Chapter 1, EMC is broadly classified into
take the first step toward addressing EMC, which is an
electromagnetic interference (EMI), which generates its
important consideration for electronic circuit designers as
own electromagnetic noise, and electromagnetic
it affects everything from components to boards to
susceptibility (EMS), which causes malfunction or
products. As mentioned at the beginning of this
damage due to external electromagnetic noise. EMI is
presentation, noise countermeasures and evaluations
further classified into conducted emissions (CE) and
are required in the design process to clear required
radiated emissions (RE), while EMS is classified into
standards and regulations, which requires a wide range
conducted immunity (CI) and radiated immunity (RI). A
of knowledge and a great deal of experience. I hope you
combination of these four types must be considered in the
will use this as a starting point to move on to more
substrate preparation. Particular attention must be paid to
practical steps.
the parasitic inductance and parasitic capacitance of the
substrate. This is because the series and parallel
resonance frequencies in the high-frequency band due to
these factors are likely to deteriorate the EMC
I will show two basic ideas on how to improve EMC
characteristics in a board layout. There are "EMC
suppression components" available on the market. To
achieve the required EMC characteristics, for example,
noise filters can be used. However, the proper approach
is to consider noise suppression components after
conducting a board layout that does not emit noise (EMI)
and is resistant to noise (EMS).
In terms of layout and wiring, in the case of EMI, the board
wiring can be compared to a "transmitting antenna" for
electromagnetic noise, while in the case of EMS, the
board wiring can be compared to a "receiving antenna"
for electromagnetic noise. There is a basic theory for
making it difficult to transmit and receive electromagnetic
noise, and this theory is reflected in the board layout.
One is shielding. Recently, multilayer boards, such as
four-layer boards, have come into common use. In many
cases, multilayer boards are made with a solid grounding
surface on the front and back layers of the board as much
as possible. This is a kind of metal shielding of the board,
in which signal and control wiring is laid out on the inner
The second is to make the board dimensions as small as
possible. A smaller board results in shorter wiring lengths.
This leads to a reduction in parasitic inductance and
capacitance. From the same perspective, surface mount
Revision History
1. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
2. Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representative and verify the latest specifications.
3. Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semiconductors can break down
and malfunction due to various factors. Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure,
please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire
prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any
damages arising out of the use of our Products beyond the rating specified by ROHM.
4. Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein are provided only to
illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account
when designing circuits for mass production.
5. The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of
application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise
intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility
whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information.
6. The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.
7. For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplified below), please contact
and consult with a ROHM representative: transportation equipment (i.e., cars, ships, trains), primary communication
equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power
transmission systems.
8. Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospace equipment, nuclear
power control systems, and submarine repeaters.
9. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance with the recommended
usage conditions and specifications contained herein.
10. ROHM has used reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document. However,
ROHM does not warrant that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages
arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information.
11. Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations, such as the RoHS
Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have
no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations.
12. When providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries, you must abide by
the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation
the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.
13. This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent of ROHM.
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