Ome754 Industrial Safety

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203

An Autonomous Institution



Common to CIVIL and EIE Department
Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2021 – 2022

Prepared by

Ms.T.SWEDHA, Assistant Professor

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.


Evolution of modern safety concepts – Fire prevention – Mechanical hazards – Boilers, Pressure vessels,
Electrical Exposure.

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Analyse about OSHA safety and health standard BT-4 Analyze
2. Define Incident rate BT-1 Remember
3. Formulate the Four most significant events in the history of the safety
BT-6 Create
and health movement
4. Identify the three E’s of safety BT-3 Application
5. List the objectives of integration proposed by H. G. Dyktor. BT-1 Remember
6. Outline the various classification of Fire. BT-2 Understand
7. Identify the elements that are required to start and sustain fire BT-3 Application
8. Sketch and explain flaming mode and smoldering mode of fire. BT-6 Create
9. Define flash point BT-1 Remember
10. Prioritize the colors and its specific category of hazard as devised by The
BT-5 Evaluate
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
11. Examine some of the common source of mechanical hazards BT-4 Analyze
12. Organize the classification of pressure vessels BT-3 Application
13. Tell about Pressure and Pressure hazard BT-1 Remember
14. Evaluate the potential safety hazard associated with boilers BT-5 Evaluate
15. Categorize the common mechanical hazards BT-4 Analyze
16. Define NIOSH BT-1 Remember
17. Recall and define electricity BT-1 Remember
18. Illustrate Ohm’s law BT-2 Understand
19. Classify the classes of hazardous locations for electrical equipment. BT-2 Understand
20. Summarize about Let – go current BT-2 Understand
1. How historically early attitudes towards tribes or nation have affected BT-1 Remember
people’s view of personal safety?
2. Develop in detail about the genesis and growth of safety and legislation BT-3 Application
3. Summarize the milestones in safety movement BT-2 Understand
4. What is fire triangle? Explain its different components. Also summarize BT-1 Remember
OSHA fire standards for fire prevention and suppression.
5. List down the steps of organizing for fire protection. BT-1 Remember
6. Evaluate the procedure to be followed when an emergency fire has BT-5 Evaluate
7. What do you know about reduction of fire hazards? Explain BT-1 Remember
8. Summarize the mechanical hazards and the basic requirements of BT-2 Understand
mechanical guards
9. Examine in detail about the common Mechanical injury hazards. BT-4 Analyse
10. Categorize OSHA’s requirements for machine guarding and minimum BT-4 Analyse
general requirements for safeguards
11. What are the OSHA’s recommendations for accident preventive
measures associated with boilers? Also explain the hazards of unfired BT-5 Evaluate
pressure vessels.
12. Identify the safety precautions for electrical hazards as per OSHA’s BT-3 Application
13. Formulate the methods for reduction of electrical hazards BT-6 Create
14. Demonstrate the sources of electrical hazards and permanent electrical BT-2 Understand
safety devices
1. Explain about Bhopal Tragedy and factory fire in Bangladesh – A case BT-5 Evaluate
2. Categorize OSHA regulations for fire brigades BT-4 Analyse
3. Propose some non-destructive testing for pressure vessels BT-6 Create
4. Illustrate about electrical hazards to humans and the effect of current on BT-2 Understand
human body for different dosage.


Chemical exposure – Toxic materials – Ionizing Radiation and Non-ionizing Radiation - Industrial Hygiene
– Industrial Toxicology
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What causes chemical burn injuries BT-1 Remember
2. Recommend any two strategies to prevent chemical burn injuries BT-5 Evaluate
3. List down some chemicals that most frequently cause chemical burn
BT-1 Remember
4. Organize the hazardous effects of chemical burns BT-3 Application
5. Identify the factors that are the reasons for toxic effects BT-3 Application
6. Define Toxic Substance BT-1 Remember
7. Classify airborne toxic substances based on its type of effects on human BT-2 Understand
8. Recall about respirable silica exposure. BT-1 Remember
9. Criticize the factors that govern the severity of burns produced by a BT-5 Evaluate
given chemical.
10. Inspect and list out the common routes of entry for toxic agents BT-4 Analyze
11. Define toxicology and toxic effects. BT-1 Remember
12. Relate and explain the terms ionize and ionizing radiation BT-1 Remember
13. Demonstrate industrial hygiene BT-2 Understand
14. Illustrate the types of ionizing radiation. BT-2 Understand
15. Develop any two requirements related to industrial hygiene as per OSH BT-6 Create
16. Elaborate about Non-ionizing radiation BT-6 Create
17. Outline the three acceptable ways to dispose Radioactive wastes BT-2 Understand
18. Examine the concerns of industrial hygienists BT-4 Analyze
19. Examine the concept “ ALARA” BT-4 Analyze
20. Identify the two principal types of industrial poisoning. BT-3 Application
1. What are the common types of airborne contaminants? Explain briefly. BT-1 Remember
2. Examine Chemical burns and the effects of chemical burns BT-4 Analyze
3. Identify and explain the classes and symbols of chemical hazards with its BT-3 Application
characteristics and precautions
4. Recommend the OSHA regulation for chemical spills. BT-5 Evaluate
5. Identify the entry points for toxic agents and explain in detail. BT-3 Application
6. What do you know about Asbestos Hazard? Briefly explain. BT-1 Remember
7. Summarize the effects of toxic substances and also explain the effects of
BT-2 Understand
airborne toxic substances
8. Propose the solution to transport and store radioactive materials BT-6 Create
9. List out the basic terms and concepts to understand the hazards
associated with radiation and also list down the types of ionizing BT-1 Remember
10. Illustrate about exposure of employees to radiation, precautions and
BT-2 Understand
Ionizing radiation exposure limits of humans
11. Analyse the term industrial hygiene, responsibilities of industrial BT-4 Analyse
hygienists and OSHA requirements related to industrial hygiene
12. Identify the importance of “ALARA” and explain. BT-3 Application
13. Tell in brief about Industrial Toxicology. BT-1 Remember
14. Explain about Non- ionizing radiation and its sources. BT-2 Understand
1. What are the OSHA standards for non-ionizing radiations? BT-5 Evaluate
2. Outline about External, Internal radiation hazard and controlling
BT-2 Understand
radioisotope hazards.
3. Organize the Form 3 presented by U.S. Nuclear regulatory commission
BT-3 Application
to inform employees the standards for protection against radiation.
4. List down any four instruments for radiation detection and measurement. BT-1 Remember


Industrial Health Hazards – Environmental Control – Industrial Noise - Noise measuring instruments,
Control of Noise, Vibration, - Personal Protection.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. List out the forms of atmospheric contaminants. BT-1 Remember
2. Explain the term PPE BT-5 Evaluate
3. What is hazardous noise? BT-1 Remember
4. Identify the frequencies of infrasound and ultrasound BT-3 Application
5. Develop the factors by which motion be characterized BT-3 Application
6. Define threshold of hearing and threshold of pain. BT-1 Remember
7. Classify the conditions for health hazards in industry BT-2 Understand
8. List out some strategies to prevent vibration related injuries BT-1 Remember
9. Elaborate Impulsive noise BT-6 Create
10. Discover some approaches to prevent the inhalation of hazardously
contaminated air. BT-4 Analyze

11. Recall about vibration. BT-1 Remember

12. Tell about Docimeter. BT-1 Remember
13. Illustrate the basic requirements generated by OSHA standards for BT-2 Understand
hearing conservation program
14. Compare whole body vibration and segmental vibration. BT-2 Understand
15. Determine the critical noise risk factors BT-5 Evaluate
16. Propose the steps to be followed to identify and assess hazardous noise BT-6 Create
in workplace.
17. Classify some personal hearing protection devices. BT-2 Understand
18. Compare sound and noise BT-4 Analyze
19. Classify the three broad types of industrial noise. BT-4 Analyze
20. Identify some fields where personal protection is needed with reason. BT-3 Application
1. Tell about any four respiratory personal protection devices . BT-1 Remember
2. Examine some strategies to make employees comfortable with PPE BT-4 Analyze
3. Elaborate any four approaches to prevent the inhalation of hazardously BT-6 Create
contaminated air.
4. Evaluate the steps involved to identify and assess hazardous noise in BT-5 Evaluate
5. Develop in detail about the necessity of hearing protection device and its BT-3 Application
6. Recall about vibration hazards and other effects of noise hazards. BT-1 Remember
7. Tell about the hazard levels of noise factors affecting the risk of
BT-1 Remember
8. Organize the strategies to prevent vibration related injuries in detail BT-3 Application
9. Illustrate the forms of atmospheric contamination, chemical mixtures, BT-2 Understand
detection and sampling..
10. Explain noise control strategies BT-2 Understand
11. Explain engineering controls employed to reduce the noise at source. BT-4 Analyse
12. Develop in detail about health hazard monitoring, personal hearing-
protection devices standard generated by OSHA standards for hearing BT-3 Application
conservation program
13. Explain the importance of eye protection and also describe some of the BT-1 Remember
eye protection equipment
14. Summarize the types of foot and leg protection equipment with a brief BT-2 Understand
1. Elaborate the components of evaluating hearing loss prevention program BT-5 Evaluate
and explain any four components in detail
2. Explain the characteristics of sound and list down the sound level of
BT-2 Understand
different sources.
3. Identify the types of finger, hand and arm protection equipment and
BT-3 Application
describe any four briefly
4. Recall and explain about the standards and regulations related to noise
BT-1 Remember


System Safety Analysis –Techniques – Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
(FMEA), HAZOP analysis and Risk Assessment
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What is meant by system safety analysis? BT-1 Remember
2. List the requirement of system safety analysis? BT-5 Evaluate
3. How may systems be used to reduce hazards? BT-1 Remember
4. What is required for effective system safety analysis? BT-3 Application
5. Describe fault tree analysis. BT-3 Application
6. Give the advantages of fault tree analysis. BT-1 Remember
7. Discuss the Risk associated with Industrial work. BT-2 Understand
8. Name several of the prominent system analysis techniques. BT-1 Remember
9. What is the role of the Hazard Analysis? BT-6 Create
10. Analyse the basic elements of a Hazard Analysis? BT-4 Analyze
11. What is the Relationship between Safety and Reliability? BT-1 Remember
12. What General Procedures Should Follow in the Performance of a
Hazard Analysis? BT-1 Remember

13. List the use of HAZOP from multiple perspectives. BT-2 Understand
14. What is meant by HAZOP analysis? BT-2 Understand
15. Define the term Risk. BT-5 Evaluate
16. Propose the Safety Order of Precedence. BT-6 Create
17. Brief the term FMEA. BT-2 Understand
18. Compile the drawbacks of FTA. BT-4 Analyze
19. List the series of questions that are answered by Fault Hazard
Analysis? BT-4 Analyze

20. What are the objectives of HAZOP? BT-3 Application

1. Explain the Functional Failures, Failure Modes, Failure effects and
Failure Consequences of Reliability Centered maintenance. BT-1 Remember

2. What is fault tree analysis? Explain in detail. BT-4 Analyze

3. State the types of hazards and explain any three in detail with
possible causes and remedial actions. BT-6 Create

4. Define failure with respect to machine and enlist the methods of

failure analysis. Also explain FMEA method. BT-5 Evaluate

5. What is industrial safety? How it is associated with risk? BT-3 Application

6. Give overview of HAZOP analysis and highlights its advantages,
disadvantages BT-1 Remember

7. Write a brief note on the methodology of HAZOP analysis in detail. BT-1 Remember
8. What Outputs Can Be Expected from a Hazard Analysis? BT-6 Create
9. Explain the following methods of analyzing Hazards.

(i) Qualitative Analysis (7) BT-2 Understand

(ii) Quantitative Analysis (6)

10. How to Review and Specify a Safety Analysis? BT-2 Understand

11. On what basis is the methodology for Hazard analysis framed?
Explain it. BT-4 Analyse

12. Discuss on Evaluating a System Hazard Analysis. BT-3 Application

13. Create an appropriate fault tree diagram to identify the critical fault
for airplane crashes. BT-1 Remember

14. What is Common Cause Failure Analysis? Construct the

methodology for CCA. BT-2 Understand

1. What are the system safety analysis techniques? Explain any two
briefly? BT-5 Evaluate

2. Examine if the Safety analysis can be performed in timely manner? BT-2 Understand
3. State any eight system safety analysis methods and techniques with
its applicability and uses? BT-3 Application

4. Explain the design process of proactive system safety program with

flow chart. BT-1 Remember


Explosions – Disaster management – catastrophe control, hazard control ,Safety education and training -
Factories Act, Safety regulations Product safety – case studies.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Enlist the points to be considered for safety in industries as per The
BT-1 Remember
Factories Act, 1948.
2. Elaborate the term catastrophe control. BT-5 Evaluate
3. List major industrial accident in India BT-1 Remember
4. Develop the general factors of disaster. BT-3 Application
5. Draw the basic format of the disaster management cycle. BT-3 Application
6. What are the factors that are the bases for an explosion? BT-1 Remember
7. Illustrate are the common sources of highly polluting waste from
industry? BT-2 Understand
8. Define the term Disaster. BT-1 Remember
9. Generalize some Special provisions given by Factories Act, 1948. BT-6 Create
10. Classify the approaches to determine the safety training needs. BT-4 Analyze
11. What are the forms of flammable material? BT-1 Remember
12. Define the term vulnerability BT-1 Remember
13. State risk BT-2 Understand
14. Explain about "Powers of Inspectors" as per The Factories Act, 1948. BT-2 Understand
15. Summarize about Artificial humidification as per The Factories Act,
BT-5 Evaluate
16. Enlist the chapters in Factory act 1948. BT-6 Create
17. Summarize the benefits of safety induction program. BT-2 Understand
18. Analyse the important legislation was enacted for affecting waste
disposal? BT-4 Analyze

19. Discover the aspects and goals of training methods BT-4 Analyze
20. Give the benefits of value measurement of safety training programme. BT-3 Application
1. Write salient features of Factory Act 1948(any four). BT-1 Remember
2. Outline the guidelines from factories act on annual leave with wages and BT-4 Analyze
working hours of adults.
3. Create a chronological order of training cycle as per OSHA and explain BT-6 Create
each step of the cycle.
4. Evaluate the cross cutting safety measures as per regulation 26 in BT-5 Evaluate
explosion regulation 2014
5. Identify the points useful in designing and developing any training BT-3 Application
6. List down some of the industrial disasters happened in the past in food
BT-1 Remember
and mining industries.
7. List down the approaches to determine the safety training needs and the
BT-1 Remember
factors that decides the need for training courses
8. Propose the types of safety training program and explain briefly. BT-6 Create
9. Explain the safety measures and risk assessment for fire and explosion BT-2 Understand
measures as per explosion regulation 2014
10. Explain appropriate procedures for disposal of many liquid wastes. BT-2 Understand
11. Explain the points to be considered for safety in industries as per The BT-4 Analyse
Factories Act, 1948.
12. Explain briefly about Product Liability insurance? BT-3 Application
13. Tell about Hazards, Disaster,vulnerability and its types in detail. BT-1 Remember
14. What is workman’s compensation act and explain main features of the
same? Also narrate the possible reasons for which compensation may BT-2 Understand
not be given to employee
1. Evaluate and list down some of the disasters occured in energy industry BT-5 Evaluate
2. Summarize the important guidelines of Factories Act, 1948. BT-2 Understand
3. Identify the major hazards occurred in Indian industries in the recent
BT-3 Application
4. What are the essentials features of the federal consumer Product Safety BT-1 Remember

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