SRM Valliammai Engineering College: (An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Valliammai Engineering College: (An Autonomous Institution)
SRM Valliammai Engineering College: (An Autonomous Institution)
Regulation – 2019
Academic Year 2021 – 22(Odd)
Prepared by
BIO POTENTIAL & BIO SENSORS: Origin of bio potential and its propagation. Electrode–skin interface,
half-cell potential. Types of electrodes and its application. Recording problems - measurement with two
BIOSENSOR: Need of sensors, working principle of biosensor, various types of biosensors and its applications,
bio transducers, bio interface.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 What is the role of biosensors in medical field? BTL-1 Remembering
2 List the components are available in biosensors. BTL-1 Remembering
3 How are biological signals generated in humans? BTL-2 Understanding
4 Identify the types of Biopotential electrodes used to measuring bio signal BTL-2 Understanding
5 Discusses the origin of bioelectric signal. BTL-2 Understanding
6 Categorize the difference between active and passive bio signals? BTL 4 Analyzing
8 What are the changes that occur at the electrode-electrolyte interface BTL-1 Remembering
when current is passed?
9 Draw the equitant circuit Half-cell potential electrode electrolyte BTL-1 Remembering
10 Interpret on need of biosensors are used in measuring bio signals? BTL 4 Analyzing
11 Discover the biosensors describe its main components working principle BTL 3 Applying
and applications in healthcare?
12 Show the bio transducers used for measuring redox enzymes? BTL 3 Applying
13 Compare the different processing methods are involved in generalised BTL 5 Evaluating
medical instrumentation system.
14 Using sing an example, Explain Surface attachment of a biological BTL 3 Applying
element in human body.
15 Outline the different types of biosensors and give the suitable BTL 4 Analyzing
16 What is an intelligent medical instrument? BTL-1 Remembering
17 Draw a diagram showing various parts of an implantable medical device BTL-2 Understanding
18 Summarize the various types of equipment classification based on BTL-6 Creating
method of electrodes.
19 Name five types of bio-signals and explain their origin. BTL-1 Remembering
20 Estimate the different properties of Electrode in skin interface. BTL- 5 Evaluating
1 Summarize with the help of a diagram of electromyogram signal and give BTL-2 Understanding
its characteristic values in terms of amplitude and frequency. (13)
Draw the diagram for electrode-tissue interface for surface electrodes
2 used with electrode jelly. Explain metal-electrolyte and electrolyte skin BTL-1 Remembering
interface. (13)
(i) Define contract potential. What are the factors on which
3 contact potential depends (7) BTL-1 Remembering
(ii) How we can reduce the contact potential? Explain. (6)
4 Classify the various types of electrodes used for recording of ECG BTL-2 Understanding
signal? Give a brief description of at least 3 types of electrodes. (13)
Interpret the method used for measurement of foetal heart rate from
5 direct foetal ECG. What are the types of electrodes used for the purpose? BTL-3 Applying
Demonstrate the various types of electrodes used with surgical
6 diathermy? Explain the difference between cutting and coagulating BTL-3 Applying
waveforms used in electrosurgery technique (13)
7 What is a biosensor? Describe with the help of a diagram the BTL-2 Understanding
construction of a blood glucose biosensor. (13)
8 How they are classifying the electrochemical biosensors. Explain BTL-1 Remembering
working principle any two and give their applications (13)
write shot nots on the following
9 (i) Types of electrodes and its application (7) BTL-1 Remembering
(ii) types of biosensors and its applications (6)
Discriminate following regulations based on medical devices
10 (i) Biomedical instruments biostatistics (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Generalized medical instrumentation system (6)
Write in terms of constructional and working details of the following
11 types of real time electrodes BTL-3 Applying
(i) Skin interface electrode (6)
(ii) Half-cell potential electrode (7)
12 Categorize the terminology used in medicine and medical devices based BTL- 6 Creating
on concept of medical instrumentation system (13)
13 Outline the recording problems are occurred when using biosensor of BTL 4 Analyzing
two electrodes, Explain. (13)
(i) Summarize the origin of bio potential signal and its propagation. (6 )
14 (ii) Evaluate the signals are meet the artifact for measuring bio BTL-5 Evaluating
instrumentation for need sensor (7)
Construct with the help of a block diagram a generalized medical
1. BTL- 5 Evaluating
instrumentation system and its various subsystems. (15)
(i) Formulate a study of bio potential and bio sensors based on
2 the measurement of two electrodes . (8) BTL- 6 Creating
(ii) illustrative suitable diagram of bio sensors-based electrodes
and give the list the applications. (7)
3. Summarize the classification of biomedical instruments and give the BTL- 5 Evaluating
regulations of medical devices with shoutable examples. (15)
BIO AMPLIFIER: Need for bio-amplifier - single ended bio-amplifier, differential bio-amplifier, isolation
amplifiers – transformer and optical isolation - isolated DC amplifier and AC carrier amplifier. Chopper amplifier.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Name the characteristics of Biosignal? BTL-1 Remembering
2 What is the frequency range of human bioelectrical signals? BTL-1 Remembering
3 Distinguish between ECG and EMG of bio signals? BTL-2 Understanding
4 Illustrate the leads Makeup the Einthoven’s triangle? BTL-3 Applying
5 Outline the frequency range of EEG. BTL 4 Analyzing
Identify the significance of Einthoven’s triangle explain the lead system
6 BTL-2 Understanding
of ECG measurement?
1 Analyses the type of Chopper Amplifier and draw the circuit diagram BTL 4 Analyzing
and explain the working principle of each and list the application. (13)
2 Explain the working principle of isolation amplifiers in detail, give the BTL- 6 Creating
relation of their types and write of their merits. (13)
i).Write the detail about ECG Isolation amplifier, (6)
3 (ii). Discusses the advantage and disadvantage of the isolation amplifier. BTL-2 Understanding
(i) Explain the detail about requirements of biological amplifiers (6)
4 (ii) Draw the voltage and frequency range of common bio potential BTL-1 Remembering
signals (7)
5 Describe the need of an ‘Isolation Amplifier’? Explain the working of BTL 4 Analyzing
optically isolated isolation amplifier. (13)
Relate the isolated DC amplifier and AC carrier amplifier used to
6 measured low frequency signal and expires the operation of low BTL-3 Applying
frequency amplifier. (13)
7 Formulate the operation of transformer isolated amplifier and give the BTL- 5 Evaluating
detail about merits of isolated amplifier. (13)
8 Write the differential amplifier and why it is preferred for applications in BTL- 6 Creating
recording of bioelectric signals? (13)
13 How to use the Wilson central terminal 12 lead system of ECG BTL-3 Applying
measurement? and give the suitable expression. (13)
14 What are the 4 landmarks of the skull that are used for the 10 - 20 BTL-1 Remembering
electrode placement and explain. (13)
1 Explain the various types of depth and needle electrodes used to measure BTL- 6 Creating
EEG and EMG potentials (15)
2 Synthesize the placement of electrodes to measure EMG waveform and BTL- 5 Evaluating
recording procedure. (15)
(i) Why isolation amplifiers are needed in the biomedical
instrumentation? Explain with an example (8)
3 (ii) Explain the construction and working of Transformer type BTL- 6 Creating
and optical isolation amplifier (7)
4 Write the block diagram of biomedical instrumentation system and BTL- 5 Evaluating
explain the functions of each block. (15)
PRESSURE: Direct and indirect measurements-harmonic analysis of blood pressure waveforms-heart sounds-
CARDIAC OUTPUT MEASUREMENTS: Indicator dilution, thermal dilution and dye dilution method,
Electromagnetic and ultrasound blood flow measurement.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 What are the direct method of measuring blood pressure? BTL-1 Remembering
What are type of sphygmomanometer is commonly used in measuring
2 BTL-2 Understanding
indirect blood pressure?
3 Which type of typical set-up of a fluid-filled system for measuring blood BTL-3 Applying
Employ the equation of natural frequency of the system blood presser
4 BTL-3 Applying
and specify the parameters.
Find the Principle of blood pressure measurement based on Korotkoff
5 BTL 4 Analyzing
6 List the Criteria for oscillometric blood pressure, write the shoutable BTL-1 Remembering
equation of Diastolic blood pressure
Analyses of harmonic blood pressure, draw the waveforms of harmonic
7 BTL 4 Analyzing
11 Name the methods are available to Phonocardiography based blood BTL-1 Remembering
12 How do you find the magnitude of voltage in an electromagnetic blood BTL- 5 Evaluating
flow meter?
13 What is the principle of electromagnetic blood flow meter? BTL-2 Understanding
14 Express the Residual Blood Volume. BTL-2 Understanding
15 Outline the principle of ultrasonic flow meter? BTL-1 Remembering
16 What are the types of flow meters? BTL-1 Remembering
17 Find the difference between the Ac and DC flow meter. BTL-1 Remembering
18 Identify what are the two primary factors determine cardiac output? BTL 4 Analyzing
19 What gas law is used as the basis for body plethysmography? BTL-2 Understanding
20 Compute the Photoplethysmography measure? BTL-3 Applying
Which method is using direct methods of measuring blood pressure?
Draw a typical set up of a pressure measuring system by direct method.
1 BTL-3 Applying
What type of transducer is used for measuring direct blood pressure?
2 Draw a simple circuit for calculating systolic and diastoylic blood BTL-1 Remembering
pressure (13)
Describe the origin of heart sounds and the sensors used for recording
3 the same. What are the special characteristics of the amplifiers used in BTL-3 Applying
phonocardiography? (13)
Illustrate the Specifications of the Photoplethysmography, draw the
4 BTL-3 Applying
electrical circuit and explain (13)
6 Explain the impedance technique for measuring of increasing cardiac BTL-2 Understanding
output and indicate its advantages. (13)
7 Describe the working of an electromagnetic flowmeter with the help of a BTL-2 Understanding
block diagram. Explain the working of each sub-system. (13)
Name the various methods for measurement of blood flow and explain
8 BTL-1 Remembering
one of them in detail. (13)
9 Write the different between direct and indirect presser measurements, BTL 4 Analyzing
Explain any one in detail. (13)
Analysis the harmonic analysis of blood pressure waveforms, write detail
10 BTL 4 Analyzing
in harmonic analysis of blood presser. (13)
12 Express the types of blood flow meter and explain Square Wave BTL-2 Understanding
Electromagnetic Flowmeters with shoutable diagram. (13)
13 Discriminate the principle of ultrasonic flowmeters and give the suitable BTL- 6 Creating
diagram. (13)
14 Summarize the operation of ultrasound blood flow measurement and BTL- 5 Evaluating
thermal dilution blood cardiac measurement. (13)
1 Evaluate the difference between Indicator dilution, thermal dilution and BTL- 6 Creating
explain with shoutable diagram (15)
3 Estimate
humanhow the volume
blood blood presser measured
measurement andusing
givedirect and indirect
necessary diagram and BTL- 5 Evaluating
method, explain briefly and give defence of both methods. (15)
Compose the following blood presser and blood volume method (15)
Blood gas and acid base Physiology –Electro chemical sensor chromatology electrophoresis -Blood cell counter,
Auto analyzer, Centrifuge, Blood gas analyzers, colorimeter, flame photometer, spectrophotometer.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 List the 4 types of acid base imbalance? BTL-1 Remembering
2 Identify the physiology of acid base balance? BTL-2 Understanding
3 which blood gas causes changes in pH? BTL- 5 Evaluating
4 Determine the four components of blood gasses? BTL-3 Applying
5 Conclude the ABG of an important assessment tool for the client's acid BTL- 5 Evaluating
base homeostasis?
6 Discriminate what blood tests are indicate multiple myeloma? BTL- 6 Creating
7 Analyse what does abnormal blood protein mean? BTL 4 Analyzing
8 Interpret wat does an electrophoresis blood test show? BTL-3 Applying
9 How long does a hemoglobin electrophoresis test take? BTL-2 Understanding
10 write the terms of mean cell volume (MCV) BTL-2 Understanding
11 Show the error due to Temperature Variation for blood cell. BTL-3 Applying
12 Is there an automated type of electrophoresis? BTL- 5 Evaluating
13 Identify the application of electrophoresis BTL-1 Remembering
14 How the effect of Blood on Electrodes BTL- 6 Creating
15 Distinguish between Flame Photometer and spectrophotometer? BTL 4 Analyzing
16 What wavelength does a colorimeter use? BTL-1 Remembering
17 Describe the sample concentration of full scale in blood BTL-2 Understanding
18 Name the three essential parts of flame photometer BTL-1 Remembering
19 Draw the Schematic diagram of a flame photometer BTL-1 Remembering
20 Write the Various components of a spectrophotometer BTL-1 Remembering
5 Illustrate what are the commonly used methods for blood cell counting? BTL 4 Analyzing
Explain the principle of electrical conductivity method. (13)
6 Draw the block diagram of a Coulter Counter and explain its working. BTL-2 Understanding
What is the size of the orifice for red and white cells and platelet? (13)
Define and explain the following
10 Analyze the principle of colorimeter, write the Sample concentration of BTL 4 Analyzing
colorimeter and Multi-channel Colorimeter. (13)
Explain the working principle of optical filer in spectrometers and write
11 BTL-2 Understanding
the classification and draw suitable block diagram with explanation. (13)
(i) Interpret what are the component of the ABG analyzer? (5)
13 (ii) How pH, PCO2 and PO2 are measured in a blood gas analyser BTL-3 Applying
and briefly state the underlying principle behind each of
those measurements. (8)
14 How to find the blood cell count using Optical method? explain with BTL-1 Remembering
shoutable block diagram. (13)
(i) 1 litre of blood contains 0.45 litres of red cells and if there are 5 X
1012 red cells per litre, find the mean volume of one cell. (7)
1 (ii) if there are 15 g of Hb per decilitre (dl) of blood, there will be 150- BTL- 6 Creating
gram Hb per litre of blood. Supposing the number of red cells is 5 X 1012
per litre, find the mean cell haemoglobin. (8)
4 Analyze stages phases are there in a medical new product design and BTL 4 Analyzing
5 Formulate the key criteria which decides whether a software needs to be BTL- 5 Evaluating
classified as a medical device?
7 Write some common work contexts for biomedical engineers? BTL-3 Applying
8 Illustrate the contexts for biomedical engineers and give some suitable BTL-3 Applying
9 Categorize the function of ASTM F543? BTL 4 Analyzing
14 Why are intellectual property rights important for innovation? BTL- 5 Evaluating
20 What are some examples of products an industrial designer might work BTL 4 Analyzing
Describe the overview of biomedical engineering design in Industrial
1 context, explain any one of the examples of biomedical industry context. BTL-2 Understanding
6 Explain innovation, rights in detail of medical equipment industry. (13) BTL-2 Understanding
Analyze how the basic mechanical property and testing methods are
9 used biomedical materials with give the suitable material testing method BTL 4 Analyzing
What are the emerging trend in healthcare technology, explain any five
10 healthcare technology with shout able examples. BTL-1 Remembering
11 How long does it take to develop a Medical Device? What are the FDA BTL 4 Analyzing
stages? How much does it cost to develop a medical FDA device? (13)
Illustrate Role of the IPR in invention system in medical Equipment
12 BTL-3 Applying
industry and write IPR across in Nation. (13)
Predict the risk factors to design in healthcare equipment and write the BTL- 5 Evaluating
intraocular property of emerging issues in new drugs. (15)
Formulate difference between the IPR accurse system and IPR accurse BTL- 6 Creating
nation. and Explain IPR accurse system (15)
3 What is the biggest problem in healthcare today? Explain any five BTL- 5 Evaluating
problems with shout able examples. (15)