Division ofProgramDevelopment
A Curriculum Guide
February 2005
Table of Contents
SECTION V: Appendix
Appendix ..........................................................................53
Recommended Reading .....................................................53
A Rationale for Since time immemorial people have had a quest for the spiritual side
of existence and the purpose of life. From early humanity up to the
Religious Education present age the religious realm has continued to occupy people’s
thoughts and influence their behaviour. In the western world our
society and culture have been greatly influenced and shaped by the
Judaeo-Christian tradition. Beliefs have evolved and traditions have
varied but the religious component of humanity has continued to
Because religion plays significant roles in survive. It has been instrumental in determining attitudes toward
history and society, study about religion is God (Ultimate Reality) and attitudes and approaches toward the
essential to understanding both the world in which we live. On the cusp of the twenty-first century the
nation and the world. Omission of facts majority of the world’s population continues to believe in a spiritual
about religion can give students the false side of humanity.
impression that the religious life of Fundamental questions about life continue to be asked. From a
humankind is insignificant or young age, children set out on a quest for answers, not always simple
unimportant. Failure to understand even answers but answers relating to the profound questions of life and life
the basic symbols, practices, and concepts beyond. This quest is lifelong and includes a search for answers
of the various religions makes much of related to questions about the purpose of life, where we fit into the
history, literature, art, and contemporary scheme of things, what is the ultimate mystery which embraces our
life unintelligible. (Warren A. Nord, entire existence, what makes us different from other living things,
Charles C. Haynes, Taking Religion what the source of suffering is, how happiness can be found, what
Seriously Across the Curriculum. happens after death, and other fundamental questions. These are
Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 1998, p. 36.) questions addressed by all major religions and, because of their
importance, should be given attention in a K-12 curriculum. While a
religious education program should provide a forum to address such
questions, it must be noted that central to the faith development of
the young person is the family and faith community. The religious
education program should support the role of each, where
appropriate. Students should be given structured and unstructured
opportunities to search in their own religious heritage for the answers
to these questions, and to compare these with the answers or
frameworks provided in other religious traditions.
Key Principles Students should also be aware that religion influences local and global
events. It is imperative that they be educated regarding other
Underlying Religious
religions. They should acquire knowledge of the founders, beliefs,
Education main practices, symbols and festivals of various religions. They
should also understand the similarities and differences among the
religions studied.
Throughout the ages, religion has had an influence on, and has been
expressed through, the arts, including music, art, drama, literature,
and architecture. As students study religious education, they also
study history, music, literature, and vice versa.
This religious education curriculum acknowledges and supports the
notion that young people have a spiritual dimension and grow
spiritually as well as physically, emotionally, psychologically and
This religious education curriculum acknowledges that the essence of
(For information and theories on
all inter-faith dialogue is the awareness that human beings share
spiritual and moral development the
essential truths and experiences that are much more important than
following authors are recommended:
those which divide them.
Fritz Oser, James Fowler, Lawrence
Kolberg and Carol Gilligan.) This religious education curriculum respects the place and role of
family and faith communities as primary influences on the faith lives
of young people. At the same time it acknowledges the
complementary and supplementary role of partnership that the school
can play in the spiritual, moral, and faith development of young
Through their study, students should come to appreciate the intrinsic
worth of each religion for its adherents.
Meeting the Needs of Today's high school learners are complex and sophisticated.
Adolescents approach their world of diversity and complexity with
all Learners
enthusiasm and trepidation. They encounter clashes of values, personal
conflicts and social pressures in developing their sense of social justice
The Adolescent Learner and recognition of diversity.
Adolescent learners enjoy questioning and are less likely to accept the
status quo in attempting to attain their objectives. This opens
opportunities for learning through activities such as investigation,
research, debate, discussion and community involvement, locally and
globally. Students need to know their opinions are welcomed and can
be expressed without fear of ridicule. Furthermore, they need to know
their beliefs and practices are respected.
The Religious Education An effective learning environment will be one where sensitivity and
Learning Environment respect is shown for all religious traditions. The learning environment
should be such that it fosters in students a positive attitude towards
other people and their right to hold different beliefs. It should
prepare students for living in a society of diverse religions.
Recognizing students' varying backgrounds and experiences, the
religious education instructional environment must incorporate
principles and strategies which support diversity while recognizing the
varied learning styles, multiple intelligences, and abilities of the
It is not enough, however, that students learn about other faiths. In
addition to attending to the cognitive domain, the learning
environment must be conducive to, and supportive of, the affective
Our pedagogy is to actively engage people's Also, the learning environment has to be appropriate to the age and
whole "being" in place and time - their developmental needs of the student, with activities being student
physical, mental and volitional centered. It may include experiences through celebrations, festivals,
capacities, their head, heart and action, food, drama and field trips. An opportunity for reflection is
their intellect, desire, and will, their important. The learning environment, however, should be sensitive to
reasons, memory, and imagination, and aspects of any living belief system that can only be experienced and
enable them to reclaim their past, fully appreciated by adherents of that particular belief system. It
embrace their present, and take should never be the intent to turn any of these celebrations or
responsibility for their own and other's observances into "pretend" sessions. In many instances the teacher
future. (Thomas H. Groome, Sharing will have to decide to what degree practices of celebrations can be
Faith, A Comprehensive Approach to facilitated in the school with the sincerity, dignity, and reverence they
Religious Education and Pastoral deserve. Therefore, an effective religious education environment must
Ministry, Harper, San Francisco 1991, be:
p. 430.) • student centered
• engaging and relevant
• respectful of diversity
The Role of the Teacher It is the role of the teacher to create a supportive environment. The
teacher of religious education:
• is a facilitator
• is not “all-knowing” about different religions
• uses people from the faith communities as resource people
• is sensitive to diverse religious beliefs
• fosters a sense of acceptance, trust and comfort in the classroom
• demonstrates a valuing of all learners
• helps each student form individual beliefs and attitudes
• allows time for reflection
• challenges students to act upon their learning
• provides time for students to ask questions
While it is understood that each teacher brings his or her own beliefs
to the classroom, it should also be understood that a teacher should
not make any attempt to promote or denegrate any student’s beliefs.
The teacher must not attempt to indoctrinate or proselytize.
Instructional Strategies There is no one best way to teach. Effective instruction encompasses
a variety and combination of approaches - within a program, within a
course, within a unit, within a lesson.
Effective instruction facilitates, promotes and results in student
learning. Effective teachers know how to adapt their strategies to
meet a wide variety of student needs. Effective teachers make
decisions about curriculum selection, organization and
implementation based on sound research and a wide range of practical
and theoretical knowledge. They engage the student in the learning
process. Effective instruction begins with the assessment of student
learning needs, interests and abilities, continues with planning and
delivering instruction in an appropriate manner. It includes
monitoring student growth and understanding, concludes with
evaluating student progress and achievement in preparation for the
next learning experience.
Instructional strategies should vary so that there is opportunity for
direct instruction, seatwork, assessment, cooperative small group
work, and learning beyond a prescribed text. No matter what the
Whole Class Learning Whole class learning experiences often focus on an individual (teacher
or student) or on a specific group. It may be used effectively to
present strategies, provide information, or communicate directions.
This approach is often used to introduce and support other methods
of instruction. For example, instructions and explanations can be
given to the whole class before they begin to work in smaller groups.
Whole-class learning can also be used when the entire class is involved
in a common process, for example, in sharing group or individual
experiences, or in planning and making decisions about a class project
or other shared learning experience.
Whole-class learning activities include the following:
• questioning and discussion
• demonstrations and presentations
• modelling
• lectures
• mini-lessons
• overviews and outlines
• planning, reflecting on, and evaluating learning
Small Group Learning Small group experiences should be planned to help students learn how
to interact effectively and productively as members of a group or
team. Group work will decrease students’ dependence on the teacher
and increase positive interdependence. As groups take on various
learning tasks, students will develop and consolidate the skills,
abilities, and attitudes involved in group processes. Group processes
require students to:
• participate, collaborate, co-operate, and negotiate
• consider different ways of going about a task
• discuss, brainstorm, react, and respond
• build on their own ideas and extend the ideas of others
• share their own expertise and employ the expertise of others
• establish group goals
• identify and manage tasks
• identify and solve problems
• make decisions
• pace projects, and establish and meet deadlines
• respect varying leadership and learning styles
• be sensitive to non-verbal communication — their own and others
• recognize the responsibilities and dynamics of working in groups
and make use of their understanding
• assess their own contributions and use feedback from the group to
improve their performance
Independent Learning Learning is both personal and social. Religious Education recognizes
the diverse interests, learning styles, prior knowledge, experiences and
beliefs students bring to the classroom. Independent learning is one of
many strategies teachers can use to help students learn. Through the
study of various religious beliefs and practices, students will be in a
better position to make informed decisions and choices.
Classroom time must be given to allow students to conduct research,
confer with peers and with the teacher, prepare reports and
presentations, present the results, and evaluate their progress and
achievement in independent learning. Such learning experiences will
help students to reflect on their own learning strategies and will
promote their progress toward becoming independent learners.
Experiential Learning Experiential learning is inductive, student centred, activity rich and
multi-sensory. Experiential learning may require the application and
consolidation of previous knowledge, skills and values to a new
situation and/or may emphasize the acquisition of new knowledge,
skills and ideas. Experiential learning can occur both inside and
outside the regular classroom setting. It can involve first hand
experiences, such as going whale watching, hands-on experiences,
reproduce religious symbols with clay and/or vicarious experiences
such as exploring art through the Internet. Current technology
permits numerous simulations to be shared through various media
such as laser video discs, videos, cassettes, and computer programs.
School visitations by outside resource people can also provide excellent
opportunities for learners to connect learned information to real life
situations. Students are more motivated to learn when they actively
participate. Experiential learning increases student understanding and
Experiential learning includes:
• role playing
• simulation
• experimenting
• field trips
• learning centres
Concept Attainment
• students are provided with data about a particular concept
generated by themselves or their teacher and are encouraged to
classify or group the information and to give descriptive labels to
their groupings.
• students link the examples to the labels through their own
reasoning and form their own understanding of the concept.
• students participate actively in their own learning
• students organize and manipulate information
• students create new and expanded meaning of their information
• elements of inquiry include thinking, reflecting, developing
relevant questions and planning appropriate strategies for
generating answers and explanations
• can be used to diagnose recall and comprehension skills
• can be convergent and/or factual
• may draw on prior learning experience
• can determine the extent to which lesson outcomes are being
• provides practice
• aids retention of information or processes
• stimulates thinking
• encourages expression
• can be empirical
• can be conceptual
Explicit Teaching
• direct telling
• making statements
• giving information or directions
• explaining procedures
• is largely teacher-centred
• can be large group or small group
• can be used to motivate the learner
• may stimulate reflection
• can challenge the imagination
• may develop curiosity and a sense of inquiry
• may include teacher talk; lecture approach; mini-lessons;
instruction giving
• not all students learn well with this technique
• lectured content is often rapidly forgotten
• can provide verbal and non-verbal information, techniques and
• can illustrate the end product of a process
• can provide a model for reproducing a procedure or creating a
• can involve the collection and organization of materials
• allow students to receive information through tactile and visual
Guided Practice
• can be individual, student centred and needs based
• may be small group
• used to monitor student performance and practices (e.g.,. signs of
respect, appropriate behaviour)
• allows for types of experiments/activities that cannot take place in
the real environment
• an artificial problem situation or event is presented which
represents some aspect of reality
• removes risk and reduces safety considerations
• the level of complexity is purposefully reduced so that students
may become directly involved with underlying concepts
• may involve the use of models, game formats, structured role play
or an interactive video or computer program
Authentic Experiences
• are real life learning experiences that require careful planning
• factors such as safety, liability, weather, transportation costs, time
and availability have to be considered
• may include field trips, school visitations by outside resource
people, surveys, and field observations
Role Play
• is the spontaneous or practiced response to a given situation or
theme where the learner attempts to speak, feel, behave like the
character they portray
• is designed to illustrate situations in which the behaviour of
individuals is the critical factor
• can be part of a game or simulation activity
• is an approach to addressing interpersonal problems and practicing
social and communication skills
• allows for high level of student engagement
• promotes independent and self-determined behaviour
• some students may feel self conscious or threatened
• may not be appropriate for large groups
• may not be appropriate for all learners
Field Trips
• involve teaching/learning activities at a site other than the
• involve activities that are appropriate for learning outcomes
• require careful planning in order to make the link to learning
• should spark student interest, discussion, questioning,
• may provide “hands on” experience
• may involve application of previous knowledge or acquisition of
new knowledge
• should involve follow up such as reports, discussions, and/or
• reflect the real world and put learning in the context of the
• broaden the student’s view
Assigned Questions
• students are provided with a set of questions related to new or
previously learned material
• may be a component of problem solving
• may be a component of critical thinking
• may be used for reflection and self-evaluation
• may be an element of programmed instruction
• may be used in guided inquiry
• may be used as the starting point for cooperative group learning
• may be used to guide/direct learning, exploration,
experimentation, and/or observation
• teachers should provide examples of any projects required and
clearly discuss all guidelines
Computer-Assisted Instruction
• an instructional mode which incorporates the computer into the
lesson plan
• can include word processing, drill and practice, tutorial, problem
solving, critical thinking, creativity, simulation
• may be an independent or cooperative small group learning
• may be appropriate for individualizing instruction
• fosters active involvement
• allows for independent and collaborative decision making
• appropriate for programmed instruction
Learning Contracts
• teacher may initially provide terms and conditions, identify
resources and set basic timelines
• the student, parents and other professionals may be involved in
designing the contract (such as expectations, conditions, evaluation
criteria, time frame, consequences)
• provide a method of individualizing instruction
• can be designed so that students operate at the academic level and
the pace most suited for them
• can help students make reasoned choices, become increasingly
independent learners and take responsibility for their own learning.
• occurs when teachers meet with individual or small groups of
students to discuss learning tasks or concerns
• a process of rapidly generating ideas or responses
• all contributions are accepted without judgement or comment
(this includes nods of agreement) and without editing the words of
the contributor (this includes “you mean to say....., or this is the
same as....)
• a means of extending boundaries and encouraging creative ideas
• a means of quickly getting a wide range of ideas on a topic or issue
• can be used as a precursor to refining or categorizing ideas/
• is intended to capitalize on the varied experiences, knowledge, and
ideas of the group
• can be playful with zany ideas encouraged and accepted
• involves individuals, pairs or small groups collecting information
from peers, younger students, older students, and adults
• involves focused thought and active thinking to develop questions
and explore ideas
Personal or Self-reflection/Journaling
• allows individuals to think about their level of knowledge, their
beliefs and values
• facilitates personal goal setting and planning
• supports privacy
• respects the personal quality and uniqueness of the individual
• allows students to reflect on what they have learned or are about to
• allows students to pose questions and react to learning experiences
Effective Assessment Although assessment and evaluation are terms often used
interchangeably, they are not the same. Assessment refers to the
and Evaluation
broader activity of gathering information on the full range of student
Practices learning in a variety of ways, so that a clear and valid picture emerges
of what students know and are able to do in Religious Education.
Defining Assessment and This assessment process should provide a rich collection of
Evaluation information that reflects students’ progress in working toward
achievement of learning outcomes and guides future instruction,
where data from a variety of sources is collected. Evaluation involves
reflecting on what students have learned for the purpose of sharing
this information with them and with their parent(s), caregiver(s), and
school administration.
Student evaluation is a process basic to teaching. Evaluation is not an
add-on feature of instruction but an integral part of it, since the
information it provides allows teachers to make adjustments to
instruction and teaching methodologies.
Evaluation must be student-centered where the process and
subsequent decisions reflect a genuine concern for each student.
Teachers have a responsibility to provide accurate, reliable and
justifiable evaluations which do not undermine the integrity, self-
confidence, or enthusiasm of students. Comprehensive evaluation
involves the use of a variety of sources, is referenced to specific
learning outcomes and ensures that the total growth of every student
is recognized. (Adapted from The Evaluation of Students in the
Classroom: A Handbook and Policy Guide)
Diverse Learners Each student is unique. Within any group of students a range of
differences in rates and ways of learning, in experiences and in
interests are expected and respected. Individual differences should be
celebrated and built upon. A viable goal for each individual is to have
equitable opportunity to experience success as he or she works toward
the achievement of designated outcomes and a personal best.
Improving performance and realizing potential is more important
than competition and comparisons to others.
Identifying the Activity In planning for assessment the key question is: “What is the student
expected to accomplish?” The answer to this question enables the
teacher to choose or design appropriate means that allow the student
to demonstrate this. The student will be expected to demonstrate
knowledge, skills and abilities. The means can be multiple and varied:
presentations; producing videos; writing essays or plays; charting or
graphing information; locating and displaying information;
demonstrating a skill, designing a product or a plan; drawing or
graphing a concept, a process, or an idea. The choice of means will
depend on available resources including time and the type of learners
and their strengths.
Assessment Strategies Teachers are encouraged to use assessment and evaluation practices
that are consistent with student-centered instructional practices:
• negotiating and making explicit the criteria by which performance
will be evaluated
• designing assessment tasks that help students make judgements
about their own learning and performance
• designing assessment tasks that incorporate varying learning styles
• individualizing assessment tasks as appropriate to accommodate
students’ particular learning needs
• providing feedback on student learning and performance on a
regular basis.
There may be times when, through Assessment activities, tasks, and strategies include, but are not limited
summative testing, teachers will want to to, the following:
provide students the opportunity to • anecdotal records
demonstrate growth in knowledge and • audiotapes
understanding. Summative testing, • checklists
however, must reflect the intention of the • conferences
SCO’s and must not be the only means of • demonstrations
evaluation. • exhibitions
• interviews (structured and informal)
• inventories
• investigations
• learning logs/journals
• media products
• observation (formal and informal)
• peer assessments
• performance tasks
• portfolios
• projects
• questioning
• questionnaires
• self-assessments
• seminar presentations
• surveys
• tests
• videotapes
• work samples
• written assignments
Curriculum Outcomes
Essential Graduation Essential graduation learnings are statements describing the
Learnings knowledge, skills, and attitudes expected of all students who
graduate from high school. They are
• cross-curricular
• the foundation for all curriculum development
• found on pages 22-24
Meeting the Essential Essential Graduation Learnings are statements describing the
knowledge, skills and attitudes expected of all students who
Graduation Learnings graduate high school. These Learnings describe expectations not
Through Religious in terms of individual school subjects but in terms of knowledge,
Education skills and attitudes developed throughout the curriculum. They
confirm that students need to make connections and develop
abilities across subject boundaries if they are to be ready to meet
the shifting and ongoing demands of life, work and study today,
and in the future. Essential Graduation Learnings serve as a
framework for the curriculum development process.
For graduates of the religious education program, the following
connections to the Essential Graduation Learnings apply:
Communication Graduates will be able to use the listening, viewing, speaking, reading,
and writing modes of language(s) as well as mathematical and
scientific concepts and symbols to think, learn, and communicate
effectively. Religious education requires students to consider many
perspectives and beliefs on a wide range of topics. It also requires
them to think critically about many current issues. Because of the
very nature of the religious education program and the objectives for
the courses in which students will be involved, various methods of
communicating will be used, such as oral discussion, written
responses, art work and the application of technology.
Some levels of discussion will be at an informal level while other
discussions will be more formal in design. There will also be creative
writing as well as response papers and research papers at particular
grade levels. Many of the courses will encourage the use of media and
other forms of modern technology as means of communicating.
The very nature of some of the topics discussed will require students
to be precise and clear in their writing and in their oral presentation.
Developing the skill of appropriate expression of thoughts and
opinions and responding appropriately to others’ thoughts and
opinions will be an integral part of the religious education program.
Personal Development Graduates will be able to continue to learn and to pursue an active,
healthy lifestyle. Personal development is an area of great importance
for the religious education program. Students will be in a position to
be given information and be required to reflect on, and discuss, moral
and ethical issues. Recognition will be given to the fact that students
are collaborative as well as independent learners. However, this
program will challenge them to see what it means to live in
community with others while developing a personal system of beliefs
by which to live.
Problem Solving Graduates will be able to use the strategies and processes needed to
solve a wide variety of problems, including those requiring language,
mathematical, and scientific concepts. An important component in
the religious education program is the interpretation of information
in a critical manner in order that students will be in a position to
make informed decisions. The nature of many of the topics covered
will require students to acquire knowledge on a given topic or issue
and take a position. The problem solving process will take many
forms in religious education, including reading, discussion, debate,
reflection, research, observation and media viewing.
Spiritual and Moral Graduates will demonstrate understanding and appreciation for the
Development place of belief systems in shaping the development of moral values and
ethical conduct. A vital component of the religious education
program will be the spiritual and moral development of the
individual. Development of values, morals, and ethics will be fostered
in this program. Being able to express one’s beliefs and values while
having the ability to listen to and understand other people’s beliefs
and values contributes to an improved society. The art of expressing
and defending appropriately one’s own beliefs without degrading or
negating those of others is an important part of personal
The program will help students understand the belief they are an
important part of an unfolding creation with a caring Creator who
sustains and interacts with all that has been created. It will support
the idea that each person must take responsibility for his/her actions
and that a person’s actions have direct and indirect effects on both the
individual and the community as a whole. Key to the total program
will be the recognition of the belief that the human being is a spiritual
being whose life can encompass religious principles.
General Curriculum General Curriculum Outcomes are statements which describe the
contribution (K-XII) of a curriculum area to the Essential
Outcomes for
Graduation Learnings by defining what students are expected to
Religious Education know, value and be able to do as a result of completing the
program in that curriculum area.
The General Curriculum Outcomes for religious education follow:
1. Students will be expected to examine the historical impact of
religion on beliefs, cultures and traditions.
2. Students will be expected to develop an understanding of the
beliefs, principles and practices of Christianity and other living
belief systems.
3. Students will be expected to examine the meaning and relevance of
sacred texts.
4. Students will be expected to demonstrate an appreciation for
personal search, commitment and meaning in life.
5. Students will be expected to examine moral and ethical issues and
6. Students will be expected to develop an appreciation for the
connectedness of all creation.
7. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between religion and science.
8. Students will be expected to examine the influence of religion on
contemporary issues and events.
Key-Stage Curriculum Key-stage curriculum outcomes for the end of grades 3, 6, 9, and
12 reflect a continuum of learning. While there may appear to be
Outcomes similarities in outcomes across the grade levels, teachers will
recognize the increase in expectations for students according to
• the nature of learning language processes
• students' maturity of thinking and interests
• students' increasing independence as learners
• the complexity and sophistication of ideas, texts, and tasks
• the range of language experiences and the repertoire of
strategies and skills students apply to those experiences
Students will be expected to examine By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
the historical impact of religion on entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
beliefs, culture and traditions.
• demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of
living belief systems (e.g., Christianity, Islam, Hinduism).
• demonstrate an understanding of the lives and key teachings of
religious founders (e.g., Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha).
• develop an understanding of the influence of living belief systems
on family, community and society.
• examine, from an ethical perspective, social, political and economic
forces that have shaped the past and present.
• demonstrate an understanding for, and an appreciation of, the ways
in which various living belief systems have influenced the
individual’s world view.
Students will be expected to develop an By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
understanding of beliefs, principles and entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
practices of Christianity and other
• critically examine the fundamental tenets of various religions.
living belief systems.
• examine the diversity among Christian denominations and other
belief systems.
• assess the nature of relationships among various religions.
• explore the nature of the relationship between the individual and
God for various religions.
• critique the responses of various religions to stewardship and issues
of social justice (e.g., Christianity, Hinduism).
Students will be expected to examine By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
the meaning and relevance of sacred entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
• evaluate the significance of sacred texts, both oral and written
(e.g., Bible, Qur’an, Tripitaka).
• demonstrate an understanding of the meanings and relevance of
sacred texts for adherents.
• examine the origins, organization and development of sacred texts
(e.g., Biblical Canon, Qur’an).
• develop an appreciation for various interpretations of sacred texts
(e.g., King James Version of the Bible, New Revised Standard
Version of the Bible).
• develop a knowledge of key figures, events and themes from sacred
Students will be expected to By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
demonstrate an appreciation for entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
personal search, commitment and
• demonstrate an appreciation of how adherents of living belief
meaning in life.
systems seek religious meaning and expression.
• examine the concept of commitment and its meaning in living
belief systems.
• recognize that conflicts can arise between one’s personal beliefs and
the teachings of one’s religion.
• understand the importance of spiritual growth.
Students will be expected to examine By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
moral and ethical issues and teachings. entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
• evaluate moral and ethical teachings from various belief systems
(e.g., Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism).
• explore the implications of the acceptance of responsibility for
their decisions and actions.
• evaluate society’s influences on the moral and ethical decisions of
• develop an understanding of an approach to life based on religious
principles and moral convictions.
Students will be expected to develop an By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
appreciation for the connectedness of all entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
• deepen their appreciation for the mystery and beauty of creation
and the interrelationship within it.
• demonstrate a commitment to, and respect for, the sacredness and
dignity of human life and all creation.
• demonstrate an understanding that humanity must take a
responsible stance through stewardship.
• critique the ways in which selected religions have viewed
humanity’s responsibility in creation (e.g., Judaeo/Christian
concept of stewardship).
Students will be expected to By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
demonstrate an understanding of the entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
relationship between religion and
• understand that religion and science address some of the
fundamental questions of life and creation.
• examine the stance of selected world religions towards scientific
interpretation (e.g., Christianity, Islam).
• develop an understanding of ethical issues related to scientific
development and technological advances (e.g., Christianity and
genetic engineering).
Students will be expected to examine By the end of grade 12, students will have achieved the outcomes for
the influence of religion on entry-grade 9 and will also be expected to
contemporary issues and events.
• critique the relevance of organized religion for personal living as it
relates to contemporary issues and events.
• demonstrate an understanding of the impact of various world
religions on peace, social justice and respect for the sacredness and
dignity of human life in relation to contemporary issues and events
(e.g., peace issues, aboriginal rights, sexuality).
World Religions 3101 World Religions 3101 is a study of the living belief systems identified
in the box below. Students explore the nature, place and function of
these world religions within contemporary Canadian society.
Aboriginal Spirituality
World Religions 3106 World Religions 3106 is a study of the living belief systems identified
in the box below. Students explore the nature, place and function of
these world religions within contemporary Canadian society.
Overview of Specific The following pages provide an overview of the specific curriculum
outcomes for World Religious 3101/3106.
Curriculum Outcomes
Student products: For the first activity, found under Sample Activity/Teaching
• presentation Strategies on the previous page, teachers should save these charts
• web-page to be revisited throughout the course.
• bulletin board It is important that the terms from SCO 1.1 be examined within the
• newspaper article context of the selected living belief systems to set a foundation for
further study.
Questioning Early in the school year would be an appropriate time to organize,
with students, a visit to one or more places of worship/mediation in
the local area to gain knowledge of symbols, vestments and
furnishings. This may stimulate discussion or inquiry regarding
creation, birth, death, god, destiny and afterlife.
Also, early in the school year might the most appropriate time to have
students begin the KWL chart. KWL charts are effective in helping
students to draw on their prior knowledge and generate questions to
guide their learning.
2.2 examine key beliefs and events • use various resources to develop a portfolio of key beliefs and
of living belief systems events of selected living belief systems (e.g., Pesach, Jihad,
Resurrection, ahimsa, revelation, salvation, navjote, Baha'i Feasts
and Holy Day Celebrations).
2.3 develop an understanding of
the rituals and festivals of
living belief systems
2.4 explore the significance of • illustrate and present symbols depicting key beliefs of selected
religious symbolism within living belief systems (e.g., the cross in Christianity, the Star of
living belief systems David in Judaism, fire in Zoroastrianism, the nine pointed star
for Baha'is).
Student products:
• website creation
• poster
• presentation (multimedia/oral)
• role play
• diorama
• re-enactment
• portfolio
• symbols
Students will be expected to examine the meaning and relevance of sacred texts.
Students will be expected to examine the meaning and relevance of sacred texts.
Discussion Teachers could use local faith community leaders as resource persons
Observation when examining sacred texts. It would be important, if possible, to
draw on more than one faith community. It would also be important
Questioning for the teacher to inform invited guests that their purpose for coming
Oral and written responses into the classroom is to provide information as it relates to their faith
community. It is not the purpose to proselytize or to make
comparisons and contrasts with other faith communities.
Not all sacred text excerpts will address each of dietary laws, societal
laws, religious creeds and good and evil.
Discussion Where possible students can join local groups that encourage personal
search through the practice of yoga, tai chi, meditation or martial
arts. This would offer numerous opportunities for research, visitations
Student products: and experiences.
• research
• presentation
• biographical sketch The authorized resource includes a section titled “Living My
Religion” that could be useful for class discussion around SCO 4.1.
The authorized resource includes a section titled “Portraits” and
“Community Study” that could be useful in helping students meet
outcome SCO 4.2.
Students will be expected to examine moral and ethical issues and teachings.
Students will be expected to examine moral and ethical issues and teachings.
Student products: The authorized resource includes a section titled “Exploring Issues”
• presentation that could be useful in helping students meet SCO 5.1.
• report
• multimedia presentation While it is important for teachers to encourage students to bring
• essay moral and ethical issues to the classroom, teachers need to be sensitive
to the possibility that some students may be dealing with these issues
Discussion at a personal level.
Student products: The spirituality of the world’s Aboriginal peoples and those of the
• Venn diagram Eastern faiths, e.g., Taoism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism is particularly
• collage helpful in studying the connectedness of humanity in creation.
• picture(s) (e.g., the concept of stewardship in religion).
• work of art
Student responses
Student product: When discussing religion and science, the teacher is cautioned not to
• panel discussion present a biased view on the topics being discussed. Students should
• essay be encouraged to think about various topics and after examination
and reflection draw on their conclusions. The teacher should not
Student responses present a perticular viewpoint as being right or wrong.
8.2 analyse the influence of a living • collect images to build a collage or presentation to reflect the
belief system on artistic influence of a living belief system on artistic expression.
expression in a culture
8.3 examine how religious • research religious pluralism in Canadian society and present their
pluralism is reflected in findings to the class. Various methods of presentation are
Canadian society and culture encouraged (e.g., drama, music, arts).
Student responses
Section V: Appendix