The Delta-Sigma Modulator: A Circuit For All Seasons

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A C ircu it for All Seasons

Behzad Razavi

The Delta-Sigma Modulator

Delta-Sigma modulators (DSMs) are a
class of oversampling analog-to-dig-
ital converters (ADCs) that perform
“quantization noise shaping,” thus
achieving a high signal-to-noise ratio
Figure 1(b) depicts a simple implemen-
tation where the integrator is approxi-
mated by a low-pass filter.
The principal difficulty with the
delta modulator is
tor, a multibit quantizer (an ADC),
and a multibit digital-to-analog con-
verter (DAC).
In the 1970s, the potential of DSMs
was further explored.
(SNR). An efficient solution for resolu- that the output digital Candy proposed the
tions above approximately 12 b, DSMs representation in fact Delta-Sigma use of the structure
are extensively used in analog and RF contains only the de- modulators are a for robust analog-to-
applications. In this article, we study rivative of the input, as class of oversampling digital conversion in
the fundamentals of this vast field. can be seen by noting analog-to-digital 1974 [3] and, along
that VF = # D out dt in converters with Ching and Al-
The Delta Modulator Figure 1(a). This dif- that perform exander, in 1976
It is helpful to first study the prede- ferentiation alters the “quantization demonstrated a reso-
cessor of DSMs, namely, the delta signal spectrum, at- noise shaping,” lution of 13 b with a
modulator. Shown in Figure 1(a), the tenuates the low-fre-
thus achieving a 1-b quantizer in the
high signal-to-
latter consists of a 1-b quantizer (e.g., quency content of the loop [4]. These two
noise ratio.
a single comparator) and an integra- signal, and amplifies papers pointed out
tor, both placed in a negative-feedback high-frequency noise. that the overall reso-
loop. The high loop gain ensures that lution increases as
VF . Vin and hence the digital output Brief History the quantizer is clocked faster and its
is a representation of the analog input. To avoid the differentiation effect output circulates around the loop more
in Figure 1(a), Inose et al. [1] clev- frequently. An important observation
erly moved, in 1962, the integra- made by Candy was that the overall out-
tor from the feedback path to the put noise is the “first difference” of the
1−Bit forward path, introducing the “ 3 R quantizer’s additive noise, exhibiting a
Quantizer modulator” shown in Figure 2. Here, spectrum of the form sin 2 (~TCK /2),
Vin Dout the high-loop gain forces the run- where TCK is the quantizer clock period
– ning average of D out to follow Vin. Of [3]. That is, the noise is ­suppressed at low
VF course, D out also contains the quan- frequencies. Candy also recognized that
(a) tization noise created by the quan- the performance negligibly degrades
tizer, but with certain interesting with the imperfections of the analog
and useful alterations. components within the loop.
Vin The 3 R modulator structure actu- The first integrated DSM was evi-
VF ally predates the work by Inose et al. dently reported by van de Plassche
In a patent filed in 1961 [2], Brahm in 1977 [5]. Using a continuous-time
c1 discloses the system shown in Figure 3, (CT) integrator, the ADC achieved
where the loop contains an integra- a resolution of about 17 b in bipo­
(b) lar technology.
In 1978, Tewksbury and Hallock
Figure 1: (a) A delta modulator and (b) its described higher-order DSMs, present-
simple implementation. Vin Dout ing the architecture shown in Figure 4

(but attributing it to G.R. Ritchie) [6].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2016.2543061 They also showed that the quantiza-
Date of publication: 21 June 2016 Figure 2: A DSM. tion noise spectrum is attenuated


20 22 62
18 4
24 Analog 2
12 14 16 28 5
8 7
Digital F G
2 F G
2 4 F G 40
50 d
4 110 KC
G 1 1 F
or Subtraction

d G 2 2 F
d G 4 4 F
d G 8 8 F
d G 16 16 F

52 60 58
56 54

Figure 3: The DSM proposed by Brahm in 1961.

according to the shaping function

(1 - z - 1) N , where N denotes the order +
sn A /D sn∗
(the number of integrators). – –
In 1981, an n-type metal-oxide-semi- ... D/A
conductor (NMOS) implementation using
a single passive discrete-time integra-
Figure 4: A high-order DSM attributed to Ritchie.
tor was reported [7], and in 1982, a pat-
ent was filed disclosing a loop with two
active switched-capacitor integrators
[8]. CMOS ­realizations followed in 1986 ADC
[9] and 1988 [10].
It is interesting that some authors Dout
use the term “3 R modulator” and others
use the term “ R 3 modulator” to refer to
the circuit. One argument in favor of the
former is that the loop first subtracts and t1 ta tb tc t2 t
then accumulates.
Figure 5: Oversampling to create correlation between consecutive samples.
Basic Operation
Suppose we wish to digitize the ana- twice the signal bandwidth. In this Vin at ta, tb, and tc, we create corre-
log waveform shown in Figure 5. case, the samples at t1 and t2 exhibit lated quantization errors between
A Nyquist-rate ADC would sample little correlation, and so do their quan- consecutive samples. From another
and quantize Vin at t1 and t2, with tization errors. On the other hand, if perspective, if the signal changes
fs = 1/ (t 2 - t 1) slightly greater than we additionally sample and digitize slowly enough from t 1 to t a, then


tees that Y(s) tracks X(s)—and that Q(s)
is suppressed—so long as H(s) pro-
Q (s) vides a high loop gain. For H (s) = 1/s,
q (t ) this occurs at low f­ requencies.
X(s) H(s) Y (s) The foregoing observations lead
– Vin VDAC to the first-order 3 R modulator
(a) (b) shown in Figure 7(a), where the ADC
is realized as a 1-b quantizer (a sin-
+ gle comparator) and the DAC as two
X(s) H(s) ADC DAC Y (s)
– switches producing ±VREF. By virtue
of its high gain, the comparator
enforces a virtual ground at node X,
but due to the discrete-time nature
Figure 6: (a) A negative-feedback system with noise injected near the output, (b) an ADC/
DAC cascade modeled in terms of additive noise, and (c) the rejection of quantization noise by of the loop, only the average value
negative feedback. of VX remains close to zero. This in
turn means that the average differ-
ence between Vin and VDAC, and hence
the quantization errors incurred by is an integrator, then H # (s ) = 1/s between Vin and D out , is nulled. For
these two samples are almost equal. and hence Y/Q = s/ (s + 1) . We say example, if VX crosses from negative
We then surmise that subtracting the the spectrum of Q is “shaped” by to positive, the comparator and the
quantization error of one sample the feedback loop, an effect also DAC apply a pulse to the integrator
from the next can reduce the overall observed for the phase noise of oscil- so as to return VX toward zero. Fig-
quantization noise. lators in phase-locked loops. ure 7(b) illustrates how the running
This method of noise suppression In the next step, consider the ADC– average of the digital output tracks
can also be explained in the frequency DAC cascade depicted in Figure 6(b), the analog input [10].
domain, culminating in noting that VDAC is equal The 1-b quantizer in Figure 7(a)
the concept of noise to the ideal analog in- suffers from enormous quantiza-
shaping. First, consider This method put plus the ADC’s tion noise, q(t). One might won-
the negative-feedback of noise quantization noise, q(t), der, then, whether a more resolute
system shown in Fig- suppression can if the DAC is ideal. It is quantizer can be used instead. This
also be explained
ure 6(a), where an therefore expected that question leads to two different archi-
in the frequency
unwanted signal Q(s) placing this cascade tectures, namely, loops containing a
is injected “near” the within the feedback loop multibit quantizer or a greater num-
output but inside the of Figure 6(a) can reduce ber of integrators. Before describing
loop. The transfer function from Q the overall quantization noise for some these solutions, we need to derive the
to Y can be chosen to provide a high- frequency range [11]. Illustrated in Fig- noise-shaping properties of the first-
pass behavior. For example, if H(s) ure 6(c), such an arrangement guaran- order modulator.

Modulator Input, Quantizer Output

Dout 0.2



0 50 100 150 200 250
–VREF Time (t/T)
(a) (b)

Figure 7: (a) A simple first-order DSM with a 1-b quantizer, and (b) input and output waveforms.


Formulation of Noise Shaping
Let us examine how the quantiza- 2
1 – z –1
tion noise introduced by the quan- g u
tizer in Figure 8(a) propagates to the x ADC y 4
output. We assume a discrete-time –
integrator and express its output as DAC
0 fB fS f
u (kTs) = u [(k - 1) Ts] + g [(k - 1) Ts],
where g [(k - 1) Ts] = x [(k - 1) Ts] - 2
(a) (b)
y [(k - 1) Ts] . The quantizer output
is given by y (kTs) = u (kTs) + q (kTs),
Figure 8: (a) First-order DSM for noise shaping calculations and (b) its noise-shaping function.
and reaches the DAC output un-
changed if the DAC is ideal. Substituting
for g [(k - 1) Ts] and for y [(k - 1) Ts],
we obtain zero to f B is proportional to 1/M 3, The problem of DAC nonlinear-
revealing the strong dependence of ity proves serious because DSMs
the ­performance upon the oversam- typically target high resolutions, at
y (kTs) = u [(k - 1) Ts] + x [(k - 1) Ts]
pling ratio. which the “raw” device mismatches
- y [(k - 1) Ts] + q (kTs) . (1)
 In addition to noise shaping, DSMs produce considerable distortion. For
provide two other advantages over this reason, loops containing multi-
Since u [(k - 1) Ts] - y [(k - 1) Ts] = - q Nyquist-rate ADCs. First, for a given bit DACs employ “dynamic element
[(k - 1) Ts], we have amount of kT/C noise, the sampling matching” techniques to reduce this
capacitors in the former can be smaller nonlinearity [5].
than those in the latter by a factor of
y (kTs) = x [(k - 1) Ts] + q (kTs)
 M. This can be intuitively explained Higher-Order DSMs
- q [(k - 1) Ts] . (2)
by noting that the extra samples taken Another approach to reducing the
in Figure 5 are eventually combined noise of the quantizer is to replace
As expected, the output quantiza- with those at t1 and t2 (by means of it with another 3 R modulator [Fig-
tion noise is equal to the difference a “decimator”), benefiting from kT/C ure 9(a)]. Here, the outer loop fur-
between the quantization errors noise (and op amp noise) averaging. ther shapes the quantization noise
incurred by two consecutive sam- Second, the antialiasing filter in the of the inner loop, yielding a shaping
ples. Taking the z transform of both former has a more relaxed selectivity function of the form (1 - z - 1) 2 for
sides yields than in the latter. the 1-b quantizer’s noise. The area
under | 1 - z - 1 | 2 from zero to fB is
Y (z) = z - 1 X (z) + (1 - z - 1) Q (z) .(3) DSMs with Multibit Quantizers now proportional to 1/M5, a marked
In the spirit of Brahm’s patent (Fig- reduction compared to that of the
The output thus contains the input ure 3) and to lower the quantization first-order loop.
with no change but just a delay. noise, we can digitize the integra- Providing identical outputs, the two
The quantization noise experiences tor output with more than one bit DACs in Figure 9(a) can be merged,
a 1 - z - 1 transfer function. We say of resolution and feed the result to resulting in the more compact architec-
the system provides a “signal trans- a multibit DAC. Typically realized as ture shown in Figure 9(b). Exemplified
fer function” (STF) equal to z -1 and a a flash stage, the quantizer injects by the implementation in Figure 9(c)
“noise transfer function” (NTF) equal proportionally less noise as its reso- [10], this simple, robust ­topology is
to 1 - z - 1 . lution increases. The performance the most commonly used DSM for
To determine the output noise of the system, however, is limited moderate-performance applications. It
spectrum, we replace z in 1 - z - 1 by the DAC nonlinearity, as pointed can be shown that such imperfections
with exp ( j~Ts) and multiply the out by van de Plassche in 1979 [5]. as capacitor mismatch, op amp offset,
spectrum of q(t), S Q (f ), by |1 - exp In contrast to the two-level DAC op amp gain error, and c ­ omparator off-
(- j~Ts) |2 = (2 sin rf Ts) 2 . Figure 8(b) in Figure 7(a), a multibit DAC exhib- set have much less impact here than
plots this noise-shaping function, its nonlinearity in its input–output in, for example, pipelined ADCs. The
revealing that integrated quantiza- characteristic if its constituent com- order of the loop can be increased
tion noise can be small if the input ponents (resistors, capacitors, or cur- further by adding more integrators,
signal bandwidth fB % fs /2. The rent sources) have mismatches. This but instability becomes problematic,
quantity M = (fs /2) /fB is called the phenomenon can be viewed in Figure requiring other measures.
“oversampling ratio” (OSR) and sig- 8(a) as an undesirable term subtract-
nifies how far above the Nyquist ed by the DAC from x and hence indis- Problem of Tones
rate the system operates. The area tinguishable from nonlinearity in the As explained earlier, the average
under the curve in Figure 8(b) from input path. output of a DSM tracks the input signal.


designs, those by Brahm and Inose
et al., for example, employed continu-
+ +
X (s ) Y (s ) ous-time integrators, but, as switched-
– – capacitor techniques matured in CMOS
technology, discrete-time integrators
became more common. In the late
1990s, it was recognized that con-
tinuous-time integrators offer certain
advantages, and continuous-time DSMs
(a) (CTDSMs) rapidly rose as a formidable
contender. It is important to note, how-
+ +
X (s ) Y (s ) ever, that even CTDSMs are discrete-
– – time feedback loops, still facing tone
and stability issues.
Depicted in Figure 10 is a simple
(b) CTDSM realization of a second-order
VREF+ loop, where the current sources act as
VREF– 1-b DACs. This arrangement provides
C2 C2
S2 S
S33 three advantages over its discrete-time
S1 C1 S3 S1
C S4
4 counterparts: 1) the sampling is per-
–+ –+
n Out formed by the comparator, obviating
+– +–
S4 the need for highly linear front-end
S2 C1 S1 C1 S4
S2 S3 S2 S3 (bootstrapped) samplers, 2) the DSM
C2 C2
VREF– presents less input capacitance and
VREF+ kickback noise, easing the demand on
the preceding circuit, and 3) the two
integrators naturally provide antialias-
Figure 9: (a) A second-order DSM, (b) the simplified architecture, and (c) a discrete-time
ing filtering, simplifying the other fil-
ter stages in the signal path.
CTDSMs entail their own draw-
backs. First, the jitter in the com-
parator clock modulates the amount
C1 of charge delivered by the feed-
back DACs to the integrators. This
R1 CK issue has been addressed by vari-
Vin R2
– ous techniques, e.g., the use of

+ switched-capacitor DACs [12]. Sec-
ond, the integrator op amps must
have enough bandwidth to avoid
I1 slewing, a difficult issue because the
comparator quantization noise trav-
eling through the DACs and arriv-
ing at the integrators presents fast
Figure 10: A simple second-order CTDSM.
changes. This translates to a greater
power consumption than that of op
amps in discrete-time DSMs. Third,
What happens if Vin in Figure 2 is within the signal band. These “tones” the signal-dependent delay of the
constant? Since the loop is periodi- corrupt the digitized signal. The tones comparator, each time it approaches
cally clocked and Vin does not change tend to be smaller in magnitude in metastability, also modulates the
with time, we surmise that the out- higher-order loops or at higher overs- DACs’ outputs, leading to distortion.
put is also periodic. For example, if ampling ratios, but one must often The comparator must therefore be
Vin = 0.001VREF, then Dout consists of incorporate “dithering” to break their designed for a short regeneration
one ONE and another 999 ZEROs so as periodicity and convert them to noise. time so that metastable states occur
to produce such an average. Repeat- infrequently enough to negligibly af-
ing with a period of 1000Ts, the output Continuous-Time DSMs fect the signal. Fourth, the thermal
therefore exhibits harmonics given The evolution of DSMs has made a noise of R1 and I1 in Figure 10 limits
by mfs/1000, many of which can fall 360° turn over the years. The earliest the performance.


branches that are driven by 25%-
A duty-cycle local oscillator phases?
+ No, it does not. The steady-state
X Y swing remains the same.
VAB R1 C1 C2
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Answers to Last Issue’s Questions hibiting considerable nonlinearity.
1) The commutated capacitors of Fig- 2) Does V1 in Figure 11 change if the
ure 11 are placed at the antenna circuit contains four capacitive 


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