The Delta-Sigma Modulator: A Circuit For All Seasons
The Delta-Sigma Modulator: A Circuit For All Seasons
The Delta-Sigma Modulator: A Circuit For All Seasons
Behzad Razavi
Delta-Sigma modulators (DSMs) are a
class of oversampling analog-to-dig-
ital converters (ADCs) that perform
“quantization noise shaping,” thus
achieving a high signal-to-noise ratio
Figure 1(b) depicts a simple implemen-
tation where the integrator is approxi-
mated by a low-pass filter.
The principal difficulty with the
delta modulator is
tor, a multibit quantizer (an ADC),
and a multibit digital-to-analog con-
verter (DAC).
In the 1970s, the potential of DSMs
was further explored.
(SNR). An efficient solution for resolu- that the output digital Candy proposed the
tions above approximately 12 b, DSMs representation in fact Delta-Sigma use of the structure
are extensively used in analog and RF contains only the de- modulators are a for robust analog-to-
applications. In this article, we study rivative of the input, as class of oversampling digital conversion in
the fundamentals of this vast field. can be seen by noting analog-to-digital 1974 [3] and, along
that VF = # D out dt in converters with Ching and Al-
The Delta Modulator Figure 1(a). This dif- that perform exander, in 1976
It is helpful to first study the prede- ferentiation alters the “quantization demonstrated a reso-
cessor of DSMs, namely, the delta signal spectrum, at- noise shaping,” lution of 13 b with a
modulator. Shown in Figure 1(a), the tenuates the low-fre-
thus achieving a 1-b quantizer in the
high signal-to-
latter consists of a 1-b quantizer (e.g., quency content of the loop [4]. These two
noise ratio.
a single comparator) and an integra- signal, and amplifies papers pointed out
tor, both placed in a negative-feedback high-frequency noise. that the overall reso-
loop. The high loop gain ensures that lution increases as
VF . Vin and hence the digital output Brief History the quantizer is clocked faster and its
is a representation of the analog input. To avoid the differentiation effect output circulates around the loop more
in Figure 1(a), Inose et al. [1] clev- frequently. An important observation
erly moved, in 1962, the integra- made by Candy was that the overall out-
tor from the feedback path to the put noise is the “first difference” of the
1−Bit forward path, introducing the “ 3 R quantizer’s additive noise, exhibiting a
Quantizer modulator” shown in Figure 2. Here, spectrum of the form sin 2 (~TCK /2),
Vin Dout the high-loop gain forces the run- where TCK is the quantizer clock period
– ning average of D out to follow Vin. Of [3]. That is, the noise is suppressed at low
VF course, D out also contains the quan- frequencies. Candy also recognized that
(a) tization noise created by the quan- the performance negligibly degrades
tizer, but with certain interesting with the imperfections of the analog
and useful alterations. components within the loop.
Vin The 3 R modulator structure actu- The first integrated DSM was evi-
VF ally predates the work by Inose et al. dently reported by van de Plassche
In a patent filed in 1961 [2], Brahm in 1977 [5]. Using a continuous-time
c1 discloses the system shown in Figure 3, (CT) integrator, the ADC achieved
where the loop contains an integra- a resolution of about 17 b in bipo
(b) lar technology.
In 1978, Tewksbury and Hallock
Figure 1: (a) A delta modulator and (b) its described higher-order DSMs, present-
simple implementation. Vin Dout ing the architecture shown in Figure 4
(but attributing it to G.R. Ritchie) [6].
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSSC.2016.2543061 They also showed that the quantiza-
Date of publication: 21 June 2016 Figure 2: A DSM. tion noise spectrum is attenuated
d G 2 2 F
d G 4 4 F
d G 8 8 F
d G 16 16 F
52 60 58
56 54
Modulator Input, Quantizer Output
Dout 0.2
0 50 100 150 200 250
–VREF Time (t/T)
(a) (b)
Figure 7: (a) A simple first-order DSM with a 1-b quantizer, and (b) input and output waveforms.