c Brock University, 2007–2008
Preface 1
Lab books, reports and marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Virtual circuits in Electronics Workbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Plotting and fitting with physica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Conventions used in this manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Thévenin equivalence 7
2.1 Circuit assembly techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Load line of a simple voltage divider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Determination of Thévenin equivalents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3 Transient RC circuits 11
3.1 Using a scope to capture transients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 AC transients using a function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7 Diodes and their properties 25
7.1 V I-characteristic of a diode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.2 Full-wave rectifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.3 Zener diodes as voltage regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
11 Operational Amplifiers I 37
12 Operational Amplifiers II 41
Opertional Amplifiers 41
12.1 An inverting amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12.2 A summing amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12.3 Active filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
A Breadboards 45
Mastering Electronics is not an easy task. While many concepts are straightforward, their application to a
real-world device are often non-trivial. Part of the difficulty is that in addition to new concepts one often
has to learn new numerical and algebraic tools that enable us to predict the values of various components
to use, to select their settings and operating points for optimum performance. Putting it all together can
be quite daunting.
In this laboratory you will use a variety of tools to achieve just that:
• hands-on experiments, where you will assemble real circuits using real components, meters, wires, and
devices — workstations with multi-meters, function generators, oscilloscopes, programmable power
supplies, and bread-boarding stations are provided for this purpose;
• computer-based tutorials using software called Electronics Workbench, where virtual circuits are
assembled, tested and analyzed using the common graphical “drag-and-drop” skills;
• graphing and numerical analysis of the results of your real or virtual experiments, with the help of
the physica software.
A typical lab experiment may consist of simulating a circuit, choosing the optimal value for some compo-
nent, then assembling the very same circuit on the breadboard in the lab, testing it, and finally, analyzing
your measurements and comparing them to the predictions of the theory learned in the lectures.
Each lab consists of two related Experiments and lasts two weeks.
The odd weeks are devoted to the computer-based exercises using Electronics Workbench. As you go
through the exercises, be sure to answer all the questions in your lab book. Print a copy of all the circuits
that you simulate, record all observations, and glue all relevant printouts in your lab book. Be sure to save
a copy of all the working circuits to your file space before you begin the simulation.
In the even weeks, the hands-on part of the lab will re-inforce the skills learned in the simulation
exercises. Sometimes you will assemble exactly the same circuits that you had simulated the previous
week. A similar step-by-step write up in the lab book is expected. All of your individual observations and
measurements must be included.
Following the hands-on labs you will be required to submit a lab report analyzing and summarizing the
data and experimental procedures covered in the two previous lab sessions and recorded in your lab book.
The lab report should be typed, single sided and will be assigned a mark out of 10 based on the following:
A lab report should start with an overall statement of purpose of the experiments. Then for each exercise
include a sketch or printout of the circuit and graphs of the waveforms observed, formula derivations, a
description of the theoretical behaviour of the circuit and comparison with your actual observations, and
answers to the pertinent questions. The presentation of your results should be organized and complete,
your diagrams titled and referenced, so that someone who is not familiar with the experiments would have
no difficulty understanding what was done.
At the end of the lab report, include a brief Conclusions section that summarizes the results from the
simulated and hands-on portions of the lab and a discussion of any problems encountered and insights
The purpose is to reach the synthesis stage, to give you a chance to establish intermediate milestones
in your learning. It is likely that your Conclusions will refer to the ideas covered in both weeks.
Completed lab reports will be collected at the beginning of the next lab; thus you have a full week to
complete your lab reports. However, you will find it easier to do the write-up within one or two days of
the end of the lab, while the details are still fresh in your mind. There will be no time extensions given for
late submissions.
The white field in the middle is the workspace into which you drag various components and devices
found in the multiple parts bins divided into several categories, just above the workspace. When you then
bring the mouse near the edges of each component, they turn into dark dots representing nodes of your
future circuit. Click and drag until a line stretching out of a node reaches a node of another component,
then release. You just connected a virtual “wire” between the components. The wires snap to a grid
(which can be made explicitly visible through the Circuit menu), and as you move components around
the wires stretch and follow as needed.
After a few mouse-clicks, you can assemble an entire virtual circuit that includes passive and active
components, meters, oscilloscopes, and other virtual counterparts to the real devices and instruments found
in an electronics lab.
There is one important difference to working with a virtual circuit. As you are putting it together, the
program creates a set of mathematical equations that describe the circuit. As you then flick the virtual
ON switch, the computer proceeds to solve these equations, quickly and with great precision, and reports
and even plots the results. A variety of values can be swept through quickly and automatically, to discover
the optimum ones; an entire frequency response curve can be obtained with a single click of a mouse.
What happens is that you are able to concentrate on the physics of the problem, and not on the
sometimes tedious details of setting up and solving a fairly large system of coupled linear and differential
equations. You do not need to be careful with the details of these calculations, and you concentrate
instead on making sure you understood the behaviour of the circuit and how this behaviour relates to the
underlying theory.
When you concentrate on the concepts and avoid applying by rote a memorized set of steps you are
studying for mastery. When you understand what is going on behind the equations, you can apply that
understanding to problems where the rote method is sure to fail. In our computer-assisted labs you will
learn to test your understanding, to make up circuits and to predict the results mentally, then have the
computer verify (or not!) your predictions. You will build up your intuition on the subject of Electronics.
In some sense, your efforts will closely parallel what physicists do every day in their research, something
often called “the scientific method”: organize your knowledge, develop a theory, make predictions, test
them by experiment.
widgets. On the other hand, it is easy to learn, its numerical engine is an extremely powerful one, and a
macro language allows you to automate many tasks using only a text editor. In order to harness the full
power of physica you may need to spend some time learning its command language.
In addition, Physica Online is a web-based interface into physica which may prove adequate for most
tasks. It is fairly self-explanatory and can be invoked by pointing a web browser to
For more advanced tasks, the web-based Physica Online provides the “expert mode” which does allow
access to full capabilities of physica.
A quick way to get into the full interactive physica is through the on-line tutorial created here at
Brock. Log on to newton.physics.brocku.ca, using the class id/password provided. Open a text console
(xterm or similar), launch a web browser (firefox &), and point it to
which is the “Introduction to physica for Physics students”. Proceed at your own pace.
You will likely want to also launch a text editor (nedit &), and to make your main console window a
standard-size one (80x24), for happier interactions with physica. Start it by typing physica in your shell
window and a second, graphics window will open on your screen. You may want to arrange all windows
side-by-side for convenience. Remember to not resize the graphics window of physica with a mouse (use
a resize command at the PHYSICA: prompt).
? When you encounter this symbol, it indicates a question or a problem. You are expected to perform
the necessary calculation (using pen and paper) and to provide a written answer and, possibly, a
brief explanation in your lab book before you proceed to the next stage of the experiment.
In addition to your course textbook, if any, numerous excellent introductory electronics books exist, and
you are encouraged to refer to them often. Some selected titles are listed below, with Brock Library calling
numbers shown where appropriate.
Other references such as manufacturers’ data books and the equipment manuals should be consulted
as needed; most of them are available online. The web page of the course has some select pointers in the
section References and is a good place to start.
1. D. Barnaal, Analog and Digital Electronics for Scientific Applications. Waveland Press, 1982. TK7816 B34.
2. J. J. Brophy, Basic Electronics for Scientists. McGraw–Hill, 1990. TK7815 B74.
3. P. Horowitz and W. Hill, The Art of Electronics. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1989.
TK7815 H67.
4. H. V. Malmstadt, C. G. Enke, and S. R. Crouch, Electronics and Instrumentation for Scientists.
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., 1981.
5. R. E. Simpson, Introductory Electronics for Scientists and Engineers. Allyn and Bacon, Boston,
Experiment 1
In this experiment we learn some basic functionality of Electronics Workbench (EWB), prac-
tice creating simple circuits and using virtual meters and indicators. We examine differences
between real and ideal devices, examine the implications of Ohm’s Law, and find out how a
non-ohmic device behaves in a circuit.
1.1 Preliminaries
Login to a Linux workstation in H300 or B203 using your Brock username/password. Click the
Remote to EWB icon to access a remote desktop to the em Campus server. Login using the password
supplied by your course insrtructor, then click on the EWB icon to start Electronics Workbench.
Move around and examine the menus and controls. Pausing a cursor over an unknown item should
bring up a bubble with a description of that item.
If you are lost, quit and restart em EWB. Save all the files that you create to your home directory. To
do this from EWB, save the file locally, then drag and drop it to the network drive in My Computer
called home on ....
You can also screen capture your circuit schematic, graphs and/or instrument displays and print or
save these directly to a file in your home directory for later use in your report. With the cursor on
the Linux desktop, press the Print Screen key to open a screen capture window.
? What happened? Why do you never do this to a real meter? Consider some components that might
be used in real multimeters to protect against errors like this?
An ideal voltage source can supply an unlimited amount of current to the circuit connected across its
terminals with no decrease in output voltage. A real voltage source is equivalent to an ideal voltage
source in series with a resistor, the internal resistance of the voltage source. In EWB the batteries
are ideal voltage sources and hence have zero internal resistance.
An ideal voltmeter draws zero current from the circuit it is connected to. A real voltmeter can be
represented by an ideal voltmeter in parallel with a resistor RM , the internal meter resistance. For
an ideal voltmeter, RM = ∞.
An ideal current meter presents a resistance RM = 0 to the circuit it is connected to. An ideal meter
in series with a resistance represents a real current meter.
In EWB, all meters are real meters with a finite internal resistance.
Switch the meter back to voltage mode. Insert a 1 kΩ resistor in series with the battery. To do this,
drag the resistor from the parts bin and release it over an existing wire; the resistor will insert itself.
Vary the resistance; you may have to go to pretty high R values. Find the point where the meter
reads exactly 21 of the nominal battery voltage.
? The above point is where the internal resistance of the meter is exactly equal to the external R.
Sketch a schematic diagram of the circuit and use it to explain this result. What kind of circuit is
? A plot of I vs. V using physica on the linear scale should be a straight line. What does the slope of
this line represent? Is Ohm’s law obeyed?
You can let EWB take care of all the above steps by performing a sweep of the battery voltage V 1.
Connect a ground symbol to the battery -ve terminal. Click on Circuit → Schematic Options , and
verify that the Show Nodes box is checked, then click OK . Select Analysis → Parameter Sweep .
Select DC operating point and the V1♯branch node to monitor the current flowing in this, the only
branch or loop, of the circuit. Click Simulate to sweep V 1 from -5 to +5 Volts in 0.1V steps. The
resulting graph shows the swept voltage on the X-axis and the circuit current on the Y-axis. Right
click on the Y-axis label and change it to units of current.
? Does the presence of the multimeter have a significant effect on the behaviour of the circuit? Explain.
Insert a diode in series with R. Right click on the diode, select Component properties → National ,
and choose part 1N4148. Repeat the above voltage sweep. The resulting plot is not a straight line,
as a diode is an example of a non-linear or non-ohmic device.
Sweep once again the diode circuit, but this time monitor the voltage, relative to ground, at the
output node between the resistor and the diode.
? Diodes are typically made of silicon or germanium and have electrical characteristics specific to the
semiconducting material. Examine your graphs. Is this a Si or Ge diode? What other properties of
a diode can you infer from your graphs? How does a diode differ from a resistor?
Note: You need to read and prepare for the next experiment before the actual lab date. The Thevenin
Circuit Theory may not yet have been covered in the lectures and derivation of VT h and RT h for the circuit
in Figure 2.2 will be required. If you need help, see the lab instructor prior to the lab session.
Experiment 2
Thévenin equivalence
Design and construct a circuit for demon-
strating Thévenin’s equivalence using the
+15V available on the breadboard and a pair
of fixed resistors R1 , R2 with their values cho-
sen arbitrarily somewhere in the range of 1
to 10kΩ. Record the nominal and measured
values of these resistors; you will need them
Measure the voltage V across the load re-
sistor RL using the digital multi-meter, in a
voltmeter mode. Since the voltage measure-
ment is directly across the resistor, the cur-
rent through the resistor is easily calculated
from the Ohm’s law:
Figure 2.2: Circuit for demonstrating Thévenin’s I=
Start at RL = ∞, i.e. have no load resistor
connected. In this way, you are measuring
the “open-circuit” voltage, or Voc .
Try a few RL values, until the measured voltage is reduced by at least a factor of two. Tabulate
your data, and then plot V vs. I. You can use the command-line physica or the more convenient
physicalab (the web-based version is at www.physics.brocku.ca/physica). Perform a fit of your
data. What fitting equation is appropriate? Explain.
? What is the physical significance of the V -intercept? Waht does the slope of the line represent?
? Determine the I-intercept of the line you fitted through your data points. What is its physical
Remove RL , reconfigure your multimeter to measure current, and connect it again between the same
two points in the circuit. Record your measurement and compare to the previously determined
I-intercept value.
? What is the purpose of above step? What assumption are you making regarding the instrument
connected across the load resistor?
? Last week, there was a point made about never doing this; why is it OK for this circuit?
Complete this lab by summarizing the results and discussing the Thévenin’s equivalence and its use in
simplifying electrical circuits. You should tabulate three sets of results for VT h , RT h and Imax , the maximum
circuit current; the results from the two fits and the theoretical results calculated using V , R1 and R2 and
Thévenin’s equations. Include also the two experimentally measured values of Imax .
Lab Report
Submit a lab report consisting of the work undertaken during this and the previous lab. The lab report
should be typed, single sided and is assigned a mark out of 10 based on the following:
Start the report with an overall statement of purpose of the experiments. Then for each exercise include a
sketch or printout of the circuit and graphs of the waveforms observed, formula derivations, a description
of the theoretical behaviour of the circuit and comparison with your actual observations, and answers to
the pertinent questions. The presentation of your results should be organized and complete, your diagrams
titled and referenced, so that someone who is not familiar with the experiments would have no difficulty
understanding what was done.
At the end of the lab report, include a brief Conclusions section that summarizes and compares the
results from the simulated and hands-on portions of the lab and a discussion of any problems encountered
and insights gained.
If you have any questions regarding the format or content of the Lab Report, consult the lab instructor!
Experiment 3
Transient RC circuits
One of the simplest forms of time-dependence that can be introduced into a circuit is that of a
simple on–off switch. The step-function change in voltage sets off a transient current that dies
down after a while, as the currents in the circuit approach their new equilibrium values. In this
experiment we learn how to use oscilloscope to measure transient events, and apply this skill to
a series of RC circuits.
Position one cursor right at the be-
ginning of a transient regime, make
note of the time (t0 ) and voltage
(V0 ) readouts, then position the
second cursor so that the voltage
is reduced by a factor 1/e on its
way to the new steady-state value,
V1 − V∞ = (V0 − V∞ ) .
At this point, t1 − t0 = τ = RC.
? Note how the time constants of
charging up and discharging the
capacitor are different. Explain.
Calculate what the two τ values
should be, and compare to the two
measurements you obtained using
Figure 3.2: Using cursors oscilloscope cursors.
? If we repeat the same measurement, but use an arbitrary starting voltage somewhere along the decay
curve, not necessarily the initial value V0 at the moment the switch is thrown, yet again maintain
V2 − V∞ = 1e (V1 − V∞ ) , would t2 − t1 = τ still ?
The objective of this experiment is to familiarize the student with the workstation equipment
to be used throughout the course. Some simple experiments/measurements will be conducted to
facilitate the practical use of this equipment.
1. the VERTICAL controls set the voltage gain and input coupling for each channel. Select a channel by
pressing the CH1 or CH2 keys, then use the VOLTS/DIV knob to adjust the vertical resolution, or gain,
of the waveform. The voltage gain per grid division is shown on the bottom of the display. You can
use the grid to make approximate measurements or preperably, use the framing cursors. Press the
CURSOR button, followed by the X-Y button to display two horizontal cursors in the same colour as
the selected channel. Select a cursor Y1 or Y2 and position it with the VARIABLE knob; their values
and difference Y1Y2 are shown to the right.
By default, the display gain occurs about the ground level (V=0) of the signal. You can zoom in
on any part of the waveform by setting the Expand menu selection to center; the zoom then occurs
about the vertical center of the display. As you change the gain setting, you will likely need to
re-center the region of interest using the vertical position knob.
The coupling selection allows the input channel to be grounded (displaying a flat line at V=0), to
view the input signal as it is (DC) or view it with the DC component removed (AC). The AC setting
can be used to focus on a small varying signal when it is offset by a larger DC voltage.
The MATH button provides ways to add, subtract, and multiply together the instantaneous voltages
af the two channels. A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) can also be applied to an input signal. In this
mode, the signal x-axis is calibrated in units of frequency (Hz) rather than time (s) and the scope
displays the amplitude-frequency relationship, or frequency spectrum, of the signal.
2. the HORIZONTAL controls similarly set and adjust the common time scale for the two input channels.
Again, you can use the cursors to take measurements. By selecting the XY mode, CH2 (y) is displayed
as a function of CH1 (x). This mode is used to measure phase or voltage-current relationaships
between two signals;
3. the TRIGGER controls set the starting position (level) and direction (slope) of a signal relative to the
centre of the display x-axis. The trigger source can be either CH1, CH2, the 60Hz Line input to the
scope, or some External input connected to the EXT TRIG connector. The voltage level is set with
the LEVEL knob and is monitored by an arrow on the right edge of the display. The trigger slope can
be set to ↑ (positive) or ↓ (negative). The trigger coupling functions as outlined above. The SINGLE
capture mode causes the scope to wait for and record a single screen and then stop; this is useful
when monitoring non-periodic events.
As with all things, familiarity comes with practice. Try out the various settings, some functions you will
use all the time, others rarely. If the signal disappears, press the Autoset button. To restore the default
settings, turn the scope off and then back on.
Digital multimeter
Use this instrument to precisely measure the basic electrical quantities such as DC and AC voltage and
current, and resistance. In the AC domain, the peak, average, and RMS values of a signal can be measured.
Waveform generator
A waveform (or function) generator is used to provide a precise, adjustable signal to an electronic circuit.
Typical waveforms include sine, triangle, ramp and square/pulse. These various signals vary in harmonic
content, from the pure sinusiod to the others that contain various mixtures of sinusoidal overtones. The
rapid transition of the pulse waveform can be used clock digital circuits or to excite analog circuits into a
state of self-oscillation.
Basic controls allow the adjustment of amplitude, frequency, pulse width, and the application of a DC
offset voltage. The amplitude and frequency of the signal can also be modulated, or varied in some way.
A typical modulation used for testing the response of electronic circuits is a frequency sweep.
Connecting instruments
Always connect external devices such as meters, Figure 4.1: The proper breadboarding technique
scopes, and function generators using the banana
plug (black and red pairs) and BNC (coaxial) con-
nectors near the top of the breadboard workstation.
These contact points are available on the bread-
board and can be accessed using jumper wires.
Turn on the instruments. Note that for the best measurement accuracy, electronic measuring devices
should be given time to warm up and equilibrate to operating temperature, typically around 30
minutes, hence you should power-up your workstation at the start of the lab session. At the end of
the lab, power-down all equipment and disconnect from the AC outlets any devices that you may
have plugged in.
With appropriate cables, connect the output of the function generator (FG) and then the Channel 1
(CH1) input on the oscilloscope to the workstation. Insert a breadboard into the workstation, then
insert a short jumper wire on the breadboard to complete the signal path between FG and scope.
Set the FG to output a sine wave of 1 KHz frequency and 1 V amplitude. On the scope, turn off
CH2 by toggling the CH2 button until the blue trace disappears. Turn on CH1 and set the gain to
500 mV/DIV and the coupling to ground. A thin horizontal yellow line with the symbol 1> should
be displayed. Rotate the knob above the CH1 button to set the trace vertical position at 0 V; the
actual value appears on the bottom left corner of the display.
Set the scope timebase to 500 us/DIV. Set the trigger source to CH1, then with the LEVEL knob set
the trigger level to 0 V and positive slope. Set the CH1 coupling to DC. Sketch the scope output. Is
it what you would expect? Explain.
• ? Use the cursors to measure the amplitude and period of the signal. Tabulate all your data.
Estimate the measurement errors by determining the cursor step sizes at the current display settings
and apply these uncertainities to the measured values.
• ? Vary the gain and timebase of the displayed signal and repeat the above procedure. Note how the
choice of scale affects the measurement error. How should you scale the signal in order to minimize
the measurement error?
• ? Press the Autoset button to have the scope set the display parameters. Do the settings selected
by the scope yield the best resolution for the input signal? Explain.
• ? Vary the scope trigger level. How does the waveform change? What happens when the trigger
level exceeds the range of the signal? Change the trigger slope. What effect does this have on the
waveform? Use a sketch to describe the function of these trigger controls.
Consider the battery-driven RC circuit on the left. Initially, the capacitor is uncharged, so VC = 0.
When the switch is first turned to position A, the current I has the initial value:
V0 − VC V0
I0 = = (4.1)
As the current brings charge to the capacitor, the voltage VC increases up to its maximum value VC = V0 ,
at which point the current reduces to zero:
V0 − VC V0 − V0
I= = =0. (4.2)
V0 − RI − VC = 0 , (4.3)
VC = I(t′ ) dt′ . (4.4)
Substituting equation (4.4) into equation (4.3) and differentiating once gives
1 dI
I +R = 0, (4.5)
C dt
dI 1
+ I = 0. (4.6)
dt RC
The solution to this differential equation (4.6) is
I = I0 e−t/τ . (4.7)
where τ = RC is the characteristic time constant, and I0 is the constant of integration whose value is
determined from the initial conditions, as in Equation (4.1). For the voltage across the capacitor,
V0 −tτ
VC = V0 − IR = V0 − e R = V0 (1 − e−t/τ ) (4.8)
If the switch is now turned to position B, the battery is eliminated from the circuit and the capacitor
discharges through the resistor. The direction of I is reversed, but it has the same exponential time
I = −I0 e−t/τ . (4.9)
Often, the time constant, τ = RC, of the transient is so short that it is impossible to move a mechanical
switch, or to measure the voltage using a voltmeter, fast enough to see the exponential decay. Instead, one
can use a square-wave output of a function generator (FG) and an oscilloscope, to monitor both Vin and
Vout , as in Figure 4.3.
Construct the circuit of Figure 4.3 with R = 10 kΩ and C = 0.01µF , using the proper breadboarding
technique. Drive it with a 1 KHz square wave of amplitude 5 V. Adjust the DC offset voltage on
the FG so that the signal toggles between 0 V and 5 V. Obtain a stable trace and sketch to scale a
detailed graph of the voltage as a function of time on both channels of the scope, for one full period
of the square wave.
Adjust the function generator and gain and timing controls of the oscilloscope as necessary to best
show the exponential fall of the voltage. Estimate the time constant of the circuit.
? Knowing that a capacitor behaves as an open circuit for DC, and conducts well for high frequencies,
what do you expect to happen when R and C are interchanged in our circuit?
Interchange R and C. Repeat the Bode analysis, and save the results again.
? Examine the data files. What is the point where the two amplitude curves intersect? What are their
The measurement of transients using an oscilloscope is applied to different RC and RCL circuits.
In addition to the time-domain (transient) measurements, the frequency-domain measurements
can also be performed, and a transfer function of a device can be obtained.
We begin with the same setup as in Experiment 4. The RC circuit of Section 4.2 can be thought of as
a filter with centre frequency
ω0 1
f0 = = .
2π 2πRC
In this Section we measure its transfer function, i.e. the relationship between the input and the output
Using a sinusoidal setting on the function generator (FG), measure the gain G = |Vout /Vin | at several
frequencies f in the range 100 Hz–100 kHz. Pay particular attention to the region near f0 . Include
error estimates for all your measurements. Plot log Vout as a function of log f . The resulting curve is
the transfer function of the RC filter circuit.
Measure for these same frequencies the phase shift φ in Vout relative to Vin . You can do this by
comparing the two signals in the time domain or more conveniently, by setting the time/division to
X/Y mode and determining φ from the resulting Lissajous pattern (see Appendix). You may wish
to observe these transfer functions and phase shifts using the EWB simulator. Plot φ as a function
of log f .
Switch FG to a square wave setting and change its frequency so that τ = RC >> period of the
signal. Make a scale sketch of the scope display to show that the circuit now acts as an integrator.
Interchange C and R and measure the new transfer function.
Switch FG to triangular wave and change its frequency so that τ = RC << period of the signal. You
may want to use R = 100 Ω to make it easier. Verify that the circuit now acts as a differentiator.
Compare the two transfer functions in terms of their centre frequencies f0 , their decibel (dB) values
at f0 and rolloff rates in dB/octave. What is the order of these filters? How do the phase shifts of
the two filters differ?
The rate of energy dissipation in the circuit is determined by the time constant τ = R. Estimate the
experimental value of τ assuming an exponential envelope of the ringing signal.
Note that for an exponential function, y = y0 e−ax
y1 y0 e−ax1
= = e−a(x1 −x2 ) ; ln y1 − ln y2 = −a(x1 − x2 )
y2 y0 e−ax2
ln y2 − ln y1
; a=
x1 − x2
Thus one can use any two points on the exponential envelope, e.g., two peaks in the ringing signal,
to determine a.
? Compare the experimental value of τ with the theoretical value you obtain from the nominal com-
ponent values. Include error estimates.
? From your graphs determine f0 and compare to the theoretical value calculated previously.
Repeat the measurements of the previous section, i.e., plot G and φ vs. frequency. Determine f0 from
the plot and compare to the theoretical value. Verify the phase response with Electronics Workbench.
Change capacitor to a value around C = 0.1 µF. Scan the signal frequency and determine the new
notch frequency, f0 .
? Verify that √ s
f0 1/ C C′
= √ = .
f0′ 1/ C ′ C
Experiment 7
Assemble the circuit as shown in Figure 7.3.
? Consider the possibility of burning out the diode. This will happen when Iload is minimum, Iload → 0,
that is when Rload is completely removed, Rload → ∞. Then
V − VZ
V = I Z R + VZ or R= .
Calculate IZ,max for 1N963B, and thus determine the Rmin .
For a conservative design, set your R to about twice that value.
? Consider the possibility of Zener drawing too little current, IZ < 1 mA. This will happen when Iload
is large, i.e. when Rload gets too small. Using the R value determined in the previous step, predict
Iload,max for your circuit, and therefore the range of Rload values where the regulation will occur.
Using Parameter sweep , vary Rload beyond the useful range of values, and record the plot of voltage
across Rload vs. Rload . You may need to turn on the display of node numbers on the circuit diagram
to see which node you need to monitor during the sweep of Rload .
Experiment 8
Vy Vy
I=− =− [amperes].
R 1000
Note: Because the inputs require a common ground, it is necessary to connect Vy so that Vy is proportional
to −I. This will invert the I-V curve. Switching the Y-invert on the oscilloscope will correct this.
Initially assemble the circuit using the germanium diode.
Begin by monitoring the output of the X and Y channels as a function of time (V vs. t) to display
the rectified voltage across R and the diode voltage. Sketch to scale the scope screen and comment
on how the two traces change as the Variac is rotated. Explain quantitatively the notable features
of the traces, how the two curves relate and why they are not identical.
Set the oscilloscope to X/Y mode.
Note: When measuring, increase the X and Y amplification and adjust the (0, 0) point to provide
the best possible accuracy.
Turn the Variac off in order to position the (0, 0) point on the scope grid. Slowly increase the current
flow to a maximum of about 10 mA. Along the way, record enough (VX , VY ) data points to be able
to reproduce the curve on a graph. Note the errors in these measurements.
? Plot the I vs. V curve and record the forward bias “turn-on” voltage, Vd . Calculate both the static
(Rs = V /I) and the dynamic (R = ∆V /∆I) resistance at I = 5 mA.
Repeat the above steps for silicon and Zener diodes. In addition, include for the Zener diode a plot of
both the forward and reverse diode characteristic curves, and from this determine the Zener (reverse
breakdown) voltage.
The complete rectifier circuit is shown in Figure 8.2. The circuit will be assembled in steps in order to
observe the effect of each stage on rectification. The 10 Ω resistors have been added to the rectifier circuit
to protect the diodes from excessive current if an error in wiring is made. Make a scale sketch of the scope
screen at every step of this procedure; display the traces one above the other to show the contribution to
the circuit of each added component.
Initially assemble the circuit as a half-wave rectifier with a single diode and 10 Ω resistor. Adjust
the Variac to make VR ≈ 5 V.
Add the second resistor and diode to complete a full-wave rectifier circuit.
! Insert a 220 µF power supply filter capacitor for C.
! Add the load resistor RL and measure Vp , the peak output voltage.
Set the oscilloscope to AC and increase the amplification in order to measure Vr , the ripple voltage.
Measure the discharge time td . Calculate the ripple factor (r = Vr /Vp ) and compare it with the
theoretical value given by the filter time constant (r = td /RL C).
Complete the following table in 0.5 V steps for capacitor voltages Vp ranging from 5 V to 7 V. Note
the peak voltage VRL and the ripple voltage Vripple ar the load resistor.
? How does the ripple amplitude at the load resistor change as you increase Vp to 7 V? Estimate an
acceptable magnitude for the ripple voltage at the capacitor when Vp = 8 V, so that the ripple voltage
at RL will be negligible, then calculate a new value for C.
Experiment 9
Individual transistors are rarely used today, as integrated circuits containing millions of transis-
tors have become commonplace. However, to understand the principles of transistor operation
it helps to focus on an individual transistor. Review Diefenderfer and Holton, Sections 8.1–8.3
before proceeding.
27◦ C 75◦ C
R Ib Ic β Ic β
10 k
50 k
100 k
500 k
10 M Figure 9.1: Current gain of 2N3904
Vary R as shown in the table below, record Ib and Ic , and calculate β = Ic /Ib at the default
◦ ◦
temperature of 27 C, then repeat for a transistor temperature of 75 C.
? Is the current gain β constant over the range of Ib used above? Explain. Does β vary with T? Does
it vary the way you would expect of a real transistor, i.e. did EWB do a good job of building a model
? In the real lab, you would be cautioned not to decrease the R value below 1 kΩ. Why?
Note when the LED is on and when it is off (circle
below) in terms of the voltage at the base, Vb , and
at the collector, Vc , of the transistor:
Vb Vc probe LED
low on / off
high on / off
Drive the common-emitter with a 0.2 V peak-to-
peak sine wave and use the oscilloscope to moni-
tor the input and output voltage as you vary the
frequency from 1 Hz to 1 MHz to examine qualita-
tively how the circuit operates.
Replace the scope with the Bode plotter and plot
the entire transfer function and phase response of
this amplifier.
Curves giving Id versus Vds for various values of Vgs are used to analyse JFETs. These curves can
be traced experimentally by an oscilloscope using the circuit in Figure 10.1. The gate bias voltage Vgs
is provided by a variable power supply (PS) (keep it within 0–5 V). The capacitor is added to control
the build-up of static charge at the reverse-biased gate. The diode and transformer combine to provide a
rectified but oscillating bias voltage, Vdd , for the channel of the JFET. Note that Vd ≤ Vs while Vg ≥ Vs .
Assemble the circuit and set Vgs , controlled by the variable PS, to 0 Volts. Take care that the polarity
of the PS is correct and thus the transistor will be properly biased when a non-zero Vgs is set.
Switch the oscilloscope to xy-mode and connect Vds to the x-input of the scope and Vdd to the y-
input, using the drain (d) terminal as the common. Vdd is proportional to Id , but with a negative
sign: Vdd = −3 × 103 Id . Press the Invert button on the y-channel of the scope to compensate for
The characteristic curve will now be displayed. Adjust the position of the beam and the amplification
in the two channels for best display, i.e. so that the curve covers most of the screen. Be sure the
voltage settings are on calibrated positions.
Measure the positions of a few judiciously chosen points, and reproduce the curve of Id versus Vds in
a plotting program.
Repeat for Vgs = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 V etc. to generate a family of curves (or a 3D surface plot).
Vary Vgs up to the pinch-off voltage, where Id = 0. Record the pinch-off voltage.
In the saturation region, ∆Id /∆Vds ≈ 0. Use the spacing between the two curves in the middle of
the family of curves to determine the forward transconductance:
gf s = , for Vds = const.
? In the pinchoff region, for low values of Vds , the drain current Id increases approximately linearly
with Vds . In this region the FET acts like an ohmic resistance that can be controlled by varying Vgs .
Calculate the output transconductance,
gos = , for Vgs = 0.5 V.
? Determine the load equation and plot it on the characteristic curves. Using the values determined
experimentally in the previous step, place your Q-point on the load line and verify that it falls
approximately in the middle of the linear region.
Using a 0.5 V peak-to-peak vin , measure Vout and calculate the gain A = Vout /Vin . Increase Vin until
just below the distortion first appears, and repeat the measurement of A.
Now remove Cs and re-measure A.
Operational Amplifiers I
Ideal op-amps
An op-amp is a differential amplifier with an inverting V− input and non-inverting V+ input. The output
voltage Vo is given by the difference of these two input voltages times the open loop gain Av :
Vo = Av ∗ (V+ − V− ) (11.1)
A standard way to derive approximate theoretical equations for the circuits involving op-amps is to assume
that the op-amp is an ideal device having the following electrical characteristics:
1. the inputs draw no current, hence i+ = i− = 0 and the input impedance Z+ = Z− = ∞,
2. the output can supply an infinite amount of current, hence Zo = 0,
3. the open loop gain, or voltage amplification Av = ∞.
4. The opamp adjusts the output voltage so that V− = V+ . This follows from Equation 11.1 since
Vo cannot exceed the finite power supply voltage. This equivalence is used to determine the gain
equation for an (ideal) op-amp circuit.
? The slew rate dVo /dt defines the maximum rate of change in Vo . What is the LM358 slew rate? Does
the frequency response of the amplifier depend on the amplitude of the signal?
? Describe the dynamics of the output waveform. What is being modulated? How do changes to the
frequency/amplitude/offset of the modulating signal affect the output signal?
? What opamp characteristics are desirable in this type of circuit? What are the benefits/limitations
imposed upon the circuit by the resistor?
? The value of C chosen is critical to the proper operation of a track and hold circuit. What determines
the value for C and hence the range of operation of this circuit?
Set Vin to a 1 Hz sine wave. Describe the output as the switch is opened and closed. In track mode,
what type of circuit is represented? Estimate a practical Vin bandwidth. As you increase the Vin
frequency, what do you observe?
Connect a multimeter to the output of your track and hold circuit. With the circuit in hold mode,
determine the discharge rate of the capacitor. How long before Vo drops by 1%?
Note: A typical circuit would incorporate an analog switch or FET to perform the sample/hold switching
and more importantly, the switch would be controlled by some electronically generated pulse. The contacts
of a mechanical switch oscillate for about 5 ms as they open or close. This contact ’bounce’ genarates a
series of pulses that would wreak havoc in a typical analog or digital circuit.
Analog computation
The op-amp was originally designed to perform mathematical operations form basic addition to multi-
plication, exponentialtion and the solution of differential equations. The electrical behaviour of resistors,
capacitors and diodes are used to this end. While not as precise as digital devices, analog computers are
very fast and simple to implement and do not require data conversion to and from the digital domain.
Figure 11.6 shows a two op-amp circuit that can be used to evaluate the equation
Y = mX + b ≡ m ∗ (X + b/m). (11.2)
The first adds an offset b/m to Vin . The second op-amp sets the gain, or slope m.
Derive the transfer function for the two op-amp circuit of Figure 11.6.
It may not seem readily apparent, but the circuit of Figure 11.7 also evaluates Y = mX + b using a
single op-amp. Due to the feedback path, the op-amp adjusts the output Vo so that V− = V+ . Because of
the very large input impedance of the op-amp, no appreciable current flows into the op-amp inputs and it
can be removed, leaving for analysis two separate circuits.
Show that the equation below is valid and that it does represent the equation Y = mX + b:
Rf + R
Vo = ∗ (V1 + V2 ) (11.3)
A practical example
It is often useful to convert a transducer output voltage to a voltage range that quantitatively represents
the actual quantity that the sensor measures.
Suppose that you wish to build an analog thermometer calibrated to display temperature on a voltmeter
in units of 100mV/◦ C so that 0◦ C displays 0V, 10◦ C displays 1V, and so on. Suppose that the temperature
sensor used is an LM61 temperature-to-voltage converter. The output voltage of this device corresponds
to 600mV at 0◦ C and varies linearly at a rate of 10mV/◦ C.
Determine the transfer function parameters required to properly display the LM61 output as tem-
perature on the voltmeter.
For each of the circuits of Figure 11.6 and Figure 11.7, use the coordinate pairs evaluated above
to determine the fitting parameters for the transfer function. Evaluate appropriate resistance and
reference voltages, then build the circuit.
Sweep the input voltage representing the output of the LM61 and verify that the two circuits give
identical results.
Experiment 12
Operational Amplifiers II
The operational amplifier (op-amp) is the most versatile piece of analog hardware yet developed.
The objectives of this experiment are to analyze the input-output characteristics of an op-amp
as well as to become acquainted with some of the basic circuits in which it is used.
Ideal op-amps
A standard way to derive the theoretical equations for the circuits involving op-amps is by making simpli-
fying assumptions, namely that the op-amps used in the circuit are “perfect.” An ideal op-amp has the
following characteristics: Rin = ∞, Rout = 0, Av = ∞. The resulting equations are, therefore, only ap-
proximately right. The limits of the applicability of these equations will be tested during this experiment,
as we build several different amplifiers. These limitations must be considered in the design of any real
op-amp circuit.
A 741 op-amp
The 741 is a general purpose operational amplifier containing 20 transistors, 12 resistors and 1 capacitor
formed on a single silicon chip. It is one of the most popular op-amps, being capable of amplifying signals
with frequencies ranging from 0 Hz (DC) to about 1 MHz.
The diagram on the left shows the pinout of the 741:
V1 V2 Vout
+5 V DC +5 V DC
+5 V DC −5 V DC
+5 V DC 1.0 V p-p @1 kHz
Figure 12.3: A summing ampli-
fier 1.0 V p-p @1 kHz 1.0 V p-p @1 kHz
0V 0V
Note: The cell voltages above are merely typical values. Tabu-
late actual measured values, indicating for each measurement the
voltage used.
• Name the types of filters in circuits (A) and (B). Suggest advantages of active over passive filters
which employ only resistors, capacitors and inductors. Write a qualitative explanation of the property
of each circuit.
Appendix A
Breadboards permit quick solderless connections between the components of an electronic circuit. As
indicated in the diagram, the holes of the breadboard are split into parallel sets of five (5). Within each
hole is a metal clip to hold a wire and the clips in each set are connected together.
Two wires can be connected electrically by placing their ends into two holes belonging to the same set
of 5 holes. The connector sets in the outside rows have been joined together to form four extended rows.
Some breadboards do not have connections at points A and B resulting in eight “half-rows”. These outside
rows are often used to supply power to the board. After an external power supply has been connected to
one of these rows, power can be withdrawn to supply electronic circuits at any location along the board.
Appendix B
For example, the resistance of a resistor whose bands are yellow, violet, red, gold is
47 × 102 −→ 4.7 KΩ ± 10% or 4K7 Ohm.
Appendix C
Switch the scope display to XY–mode to observe the Lissajous pattern as shown in the figure below.
Be sure to note the sensitivity setting of each input in your measurement. The amplitude values should be
recorded in volts rather than divisions. Set the sensitivities so that the major axis of the ellipse is at an
angle of about 45◦ and several divisions in length. The pattern should be centered on the screen so that
the central chord of the ellipse c, can be measured with the vertical center line of the scope graticule.
An easy way to perform the measurement is as follows:
1. Ground the vertical amplifier input (with the input switch) and align the trace with the horizontal
center line.
2. Switch the vertical amplifier to DC and ground the horizontal amplifier input. Center the trace
horizontally. Measure the length of that trace which is the quantity b.
Assuming the input voltage of the circuit was monitored using the X input of the scope, and the output
voltage with the Y input, the observed gain, G, and the phase shift, φ, are given by the following relations:
b c
G= and φ = arcsin
a b