Bs (Computer Science) Scheme of Studies UAF

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BS (CS) 4 Years Degree Program {Bachelor of Science in Computer Science}

150 credit hours spread over 8 semesters.
Eligibility: F.Sc Pre-Engineering, F.Sc Pre-Medical, Intermediate in General
Science, Intermediate in Computer Science, Intermediate in
Commerce, FA/DBA/D Com with minimum requirement 45 %.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; BS (CS); 150 credit hours

Computer Science Courses (108/150)

# Code Course Title Credit hours Semester
1 CS-301 Introduction to Computers 3 (2-2) 1
2 CS-303 Introduction to Computer Programming 4(3-2) 1
3 CS-302 Fundamentals of Algorithms 3 (2-2) 2
4 CS-304 Discrete Structures 4 (4-0) 2
5 CS-401 Object Oriented Programming 3 (2-2) 3
6 CS-403 Data Base Systems 3 (2-2) 3
7 CS-402 Data Structures 3 (2-2) 4
8 CS-404 Digital Logic Design 3 (2-2) 4
9 CS-406 Software Engineering – I 4 (3-2) 4
10 CS-505 Analysis of Algorithms 3 (3-2) 5
11 CS-507 Computer Organization & Assembly 4 (3-2) 5
12 CS-509 Numerical Analysis 3 (2-2) 5
13 CS-502 Operating System Concepts 4 (3-2) 6
14 CS-504 Computer Architecture 4 (3-2) 6
15 CS-512 Automata Theory 3 (3-0) 6
16 CS-508 Computer Graphics 4 (3-2) 6
17 CS-506 Data Communication 3 (2-2) 6
18 CS-603 Compiler Construction 4 (3-2) 7
19 CS-607 Computer Networks 4(3-2) 7
20 CS-602 Artificial Intelligence 4(3-2) 8
21 CS-604 Software Project Management 10 (0-20) 8
22 CS-408 Modern Programming Languages 4(3-2) 4
23 CS-503 Web Programming 4(3-2) 5
24 CS-501 Software Engineering - II 4(3-2) 5
25 CS-510 Advanced Object Oriented Programming 4(3-2) 6
26 CS-601 System Programming 4(3-2) 7
27 CS-605 Visual Programming 4(3-2) 7
28 CS-609 Distributed Database Systems 4(3-2) 7

Supporting Courses (25/150)

29 Math-303 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 4(4-0) 1
30 Math-304 Multi Variable Calculus 4(4-0) 2
31 Math-405 Differential Equations 4(4-0) 3
32 Math-406 Linear Algebra 3 (3-0) 4
33 PHY-405 Circuit Theory 3 (2-2) 3
34 PHY-305 Basic Electronics 3 (2-2) 1
35 Stat-507 Statistics and Probability 4(3-2) 5
General Education Courses (17/150)
36 * Introductory Exercises in Reading, 2(2-0) 1
Comprehension and Communication Skills.
37 * Advanced Exercises in Reading, Comprehension 2(2-0) 2
and Communication Skills.
38 MBA-306 Financial Accounting 3(3-0) 4
39 MBA-404 Financial Management 3(3-0) 2
40 MBA-407 Human Resource Management 3(3-0) 3
41 * Pakistan Studies 2(2-0) 4
42 IS-401 / Islamic Studies / 2(2-0) 3
SSH-301(A) Ethics
*Already approved by the Academic Council

Scheme of Studies
BS (Computer Science)
Semester 1 (16 credit hrs)
Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-301 Introduction to Computers 3(2-2)
2 CS-303 Introduction to Computer Programming. 4(3-2)
3 Phy-305 Basic Electronics 3(2-2)
4 Math-303 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 4(4-0)
5 Eng-301 Introductory Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and
Communication Skills. 2(2-0)
Semester 2 (16 credit hrs)
Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-302 Fundamentals of Algorithms 3(2-2)
2 CS-304 Discrete Structures 4(4-0)
3 Math-304 Multi variable Calculus 4(4-0)
4 Eng-302 Advanced Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and
Communication Skills. 2(2-0)
5 MBA-306 Financial Accounting 3(3-0)
Semester 3 (18 credit hrs)
Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-401 Object Oriented Programming 3(2-2)
2 CS-403 Data Base Systems 3(2-2)
3 Math-405 Differential Equations 4(4-0)
4 Phy-405 Circuit Theory 3(2-2)
5 MBA-407 Human Resource Management 3(3-0)
6 IS-401/ Islamic Studies / 2(2-0)
SSH-301(A) Ethics
Semester 4 (22 credit hrs)
Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-402 Data Structures 3(2-2)
2 CS-404 Digital Logic Design 3(2-2)
3 CS-406 Software Engineering - I 4(3-2)
4 CS-408 Modern Programming Languages 4(3-2)
5 MBA-404 Financial Management 3(3-0)
6 Math-406 Linear Algebra 3(3-0)
7 SSH-402 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)
Semester 5 (22 credit hrs)
Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-501 Software Engineering II 4(3-2)
2 CS-503 Web Programming 4(3-2)
3 CS-505 Analysis of Algorithms 3(2-2)
4 CS-507 Computer Organization & Assembly 4(3-2)
5 CS-509 Numerical Analysis 3(2-2)
6 Stat-507 Statistics and Probability 4(3-2)
Semester 6 (22 credit hrs)
Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-502 Operating System Concepts 4(3-2)
2 CS-504 Computer Architecture 4(3-2)
3 CS-506 Data Communication 3(2-2)
4 CS-508 Computer Graphics 4(3-2)
5 CS-510 Advanced Object Oriented Prog. 4(3-2)
6 CS-512 Automata Theory 3(3-0)

Semester 7 (20 credit hrs)

Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-601 System Programming 4(3-2)
2 CS-603 Compiler Construction 4(3-2)
3 CS-605 Visual Programming 4(3-2)
4 CS-607 Computer Networks 4(3-2)
5 CS-609 Distributed Database Systems 4(3-2)

Semester 8 (14 credit hrs)

Subjects Credit Hrs
1 CS-602 Artificial Intelligence 4(3-2)
2 CS-604 Software Project 10(0-20)

CS-301 Introduction to Computers 3(2-2)

Brief history of computers and their applications. Major components of a computer. Computer and
Society. Social impact of computer age. Computers in offices, industry and education. Office automation
tools; Word processing, Graphic packages, Databases and Spreadsheets. Current trends, research and
future prospects. Legal and moral aspects of computer and internet usage.
Practical: Use of Excel, Msword , windows and internet in daily life application.

Books Recommended:

1. Shelly G.B. and T.J. Cashman, 1996. Using computers - A gateway to information. Boyd & Fraser
Publishing company, USA.
2. Sinha P.K. 1992. Computer Fundamentals. BPB publications, New Dehli.

CS-302 Fundamentals of Algorithms 3(2-2)

Using pseudo-language as a base. Introduction to algorithms, analyzing and designing
algorithms, Algorithms complexity, Running time of an algorithms.

Introduction to Matrices and their Manipulation: properties of matrices, different type of

matrices, matrix addition and multiplication, matrix inverse, solving system of linear equations.

Searching and Sorting Algorithms: Introduction, insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, merge
sort, quick sort, radix sort, bucket sort, heap sort, sequential search, index sequential search,
binary search.

Graph and their Related Algorithms: Application of graphs, sequential representation of graphs,
Warshall’s algorithms shortest path algorithms, linked representation of a graphs, graph traversal
and spanning forest.

Trees and Related Algorithms: binary tree, internal and external node, traversing binary tree,
binary search trees, searching and inserting in binary search tree, deleting from a binary search
tree, constructing a tree, Huffman’s algorithms, general search trees.

Introduction to Concepts of Iteration and Recursion: recursion definition, factorial function,

fabonacci sequence, binary search, properties of recursive algorithms tracing and timing, The
towers of Hanoi problem, translation from prefix to postfix using recursion.

Introduction to Order of Magnitude and Algorithm Complexity.

PRACTICAL: Implementation of algorithms using C++

Books Recommended

1. Weiss, M.A. 1995. Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis. Benjamin / Cummings publishing
company, USA.
2. Langsam, Y. and M.J. Augenstein 1996. Data Structures Using C and C++. Prentice Hall Inc., USA.

CS-303 Introduction to Computer Programming 4(3-2)

Programming and problem analysis. Development of basic algorithms. Translation of algorithms into
programs. Standard data types. Basic control structures and Functions. Structured data types; arrays,
structures, Pointers and Files. Debugging and testing programmes
Practical: programming assignments in C++
Books Recommended:

1. Terrence W.P. 1997. Programming Languages. Prentice Hall International Inc., USA.
2. Perry G. and M. Johnson 1992. Turbo C++ by examples. Library of Congress, USA.

CS-304 Discrete Structures 4(4-0)

1. Algebraic Structures:

Vector Spaces, Linear Independence, Bases and Dimension, Finite Field, Linear
Transformations and Isomorphisms, Linear Transformations and Bases, Representation of Linear
Transformations by matrices, Linear combination and Spanning set.
2. Sets, Sequences and Functions:
3. Elementary Logic:
Prepositional Logic, Predicates and Quantifiers, Some computing applications.
4. Methods of Proof:
Rules of Inference, Rules of Inference for Quantified, Methods of Proving Theorems, and
5. Mathematical Induction:
Examples of Proof by Mathematical Induction.
6. Recurrence Relations:
Solving Recurrence relations, Solving Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations with
Constant Coefficients, Solving Linear Nonhomogeneous Recurrence Relations with
constant coefficients.
7. Relations:
Relations and their properties, n-Ary Relations and their applications, Representing
Relations, Closures of Relations, Equivalence of Relations, Equivalence of Relations and
8. Partially Ordered Sets:
Lexicographic Order, Maximal and Minimal Element, Lattices, Topological Sorting.
9. Combinatorics:
Counting Principles, Permutation Groups and Applications, Ramsey Theory, Difference
Equation, Discrete Probability, Probability Theory.
10. Basis Counting Techniques:
The Pigeon Hole Principle, Generalized Permutations and Combinations, Inclusion-
Exclusion Principle Application of Inclusion-Exclusion Principle.
11. Groups and Semi Groups:
Examples of Groups, Formation of Group in Vector Space, Formation of Group in Ring, subgroup and
Lagrange’s Theorem, Semi group Presentation

Books Recommended:

1. John, G.M., 1993. Application of Discrete Applied Mathematics. McGraw Hill Inc., USA.
2. Judith, L. 1990. Mathematical Structure for Computer Science. McGraw Hill. Inc., USA.
CS-401 Object Oriented Programming 3(2-2)
• Classes

• Class and Object
• Encapsulation and Data Abstraction
• Inline Functions and Function Overloading
• Controlling Access to Class Members
• Default Copy Constructor
• Constructors and Destructors
• Const Object and Const Member Function
• Friend Functions and Friend Classes
• Static Class Members and Static Functions

• Operator Overloading

• Introduction
• Restriction on Operator Overloading
• Overloading Unary Operators
• Overloading Binary Operators

• Inheritance

• Introduction
• Base classes and Derived Classes
• Protected Data Members
• Function Overriding
• Constructors and Destructors in derived classes
• Multiple Inheritance

• Virtual Functions

• Introduction
• Abstract Base Classes
• Polymorphism
• Virtual Destructors
• Early and Late Binding

• Recommended Books:

• Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ by Robert Lafore
• C++ Object Oriented Programming by R. J. Mitchel
• C++ How To Program by Deitel & Deitel

CS-402 Data Structures 3(2-2)

Basic Data Structures
Static and Dynamic Structures: Linear arrays, Pointer arrays, Record Structures, Matrices
Abstraction and Abstraction Data Types (ADT)
Time and Space requirements of various implementations of ADT
Space and Time trade off
Linked Lists: Representation of Linked List in memory,
Traversal, Search, Insertion and Deletion of Linked List,
Double Linked List
Stacks: Representation of Stack using Arrays and Pointers
Polish and Reverse Polish Notations using Stacks, conversion from infix expression to postfix expression
by using Stacks.
Queues: Representation of Queue using arrays and pointers, Circular queues, Dequeues,
Priority queues.
Trees: Binary trees, Complete binary trees
Preorder, inorder and postorder traversal of binary trees
Binary search trees.
Graphs: Directed and undirected graphs, Graph traversal
Hashing Techniques: Hash functions, Collision Resolution.
Practical: programming of different techniques of data structure in C++
Recommended books:

1. Theory and problems of Data Structures

By Seymour Lipschutz, Shaums’s Outline Series
2. Data Structures using C and C++
By Yedidyas Langsam, Moshe J.Augensein.
3. Weiss, M.A. 1995. Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis. Benjamin / Cummings Publishing Company,
4. Langsam, Y. and M.J. Augenstein 1996. Data Structures Using C and C++. Prentice Hall Inc., USA.

CS-403 Database Systems 3(2-2)

• Introduction to database System
• Data vs. Information, what is database, Data independence, Advantages and Disadvantages of database
Management System, File processing Approach. Types of Database, Database organization (Relational Model,
Hierarchical Model, Network Model), components of database Environment, kinds of person use a database
system (End users, Application Programmers, Database Administrator) Database Development process, data
administrator and database administrator, Role and function of DBA, Three level of architecture (External,
Conceptual, internal), Mapping, optimization, Overview of optimization process, Codd’s Rules. Relational
Operators (Restriction, Projection, Product, Join, Union, Intersection, Difference),

• Database design
• Functional Dependencies, Full Functional Dependencies, Transitive Dependencies, Normalization, 1st normal
form, 2nd normal form, 3rd normal form, Entity Relational ship Model, Types of relationship (one-to-one, one-
to-Many, Many-to-Many), Cardinality of relationship.

• Relational Data Integrity
• Introduction, Primary keys, composite key, candidate keys, foreign keys, secondary keys, Referential Integrity.

• Recovery
• Introduction, Transactions, Commit & Rollback Transaction, Transaction recovery, The ACID Properties.

• Concurrency
• Introduction, Three concurrency problems

• Security
• Introduction, General consideration, Mandatory Access Control, Data Encryption.

• Overview of SQL, Features of SQL, SQL *PLUS

• Basic SQL Statement:
• Select Statement, Where clause, Order by clause, Arithmetic Operators, Comparison operators, Logical

• Single Row Function:
• Number Function, Character Functions, Data Function, conversion Function, General Function

• Group Functions
• Group Functions, Group by clause, Having Clause, Order of evaluation of clauses, Running Standard Queries
with substitution Variable, Single ampersand substitution variables, Double ampersand substitution. The Define

• Extracting Data From more than one table
• Product, Join, Equi-join, Nonequi-join, Self join, Outer join, Set operators, Union, Intersect, Minus

• Table Creation and Management
• Create table command, Data types, Alter table statement, truncate table statement, Drop table command

• Integrity constraints
• Primary key constraint, foreign key constraint, unique constraint, Check constraint, Not null constraint.

• Data Manipulation
• Insert Command, Update statement, Delete command, Transaction control commands, Commit, Rollback,

• Views
• What is view? Simple view vs. complex view, the create view command, Using a view with DML Operation.

• Recommended Books:
• 1) Date, C.J., 1998. An introduction to Database System .Addison –Wesley Publishing Company
Inc., USA.
• 2) McFadden, F.R. and J.A. Hoffer, 1994. Modern Database Management. Benjaman Publishing Company
Inc., USA
• 3) Database System by Catherine M. Ricardo.
• 4) Introduction to oracle: SQL and PL/SQL student Guide.

CS-404 Digital Logic Design 3(2-2)

Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra. Minimization techniques: algebraic, K-maps, QM methods, etc.
Combinational logic circuits with MSI and LSI. Adders, Comparators, Encoders and Decoders,
Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, ROM and PLA and PAL implementation. Sequential logic circuits: flip
flops, registers, counters, memory timing sequences. Moore and Mealy machine concepts.

1. To design and check the operation of AND,OR,NOT,NAND and NOR logic gates.
2. To design half adder, full adder and half subtractor circuits.
3. To check the operation of common anode 7-segment display.
4. To check the operation of common BCD to 7-segment decoder using IC 74LS47.
5. Design a single-line digital communication circuit using a multiplexer and decoder.
6. To check the operation of 4-bit comparator.
7. To design and study the operation of RS, D, JK AND T flip flops.
8. Latching BCD data and displaying on 7-segment display.

Books Recommended:
1. Gajski, D. 1997. Principles of Digital Design. Mcgraw Hill inc., U.S.A.
2. Floyd, T.L. 1990. Digital Fundamentals. Macmillan Publishing Company, N.Y., USA.

CS-406 Software Engineering-I 4(3-2)

System, Components of a System, Information Technology and Information Systems, Building Blocks of an
Information System. Front-office and Back-Office Information Systems, Classes of Information Systems, Software
Characteristics, Software Components, Software applications ,Software Engineering as a Layered Technology,
Software Process Models, 4GLs, Structured Analysis, Information Engineering, Object Oriented Analysis,
Prototyping Analysis, Requirements gathering techniques, System Analysis and System Design, Software Design,
Cohesion and coupling, Software development Architectures, Introduction to CASE tools, Forward and Reverse
Engineering, Software development tools, Different Coding Techniques, Programming Techniques

PRACTICALS: Separate report of a real life Information System’s analysis and Design must be submitted by each

Recommended books:
1. Pressman , R.S. 1997. Software Engineering. McGraw Hill, Inc.,USA
2. Jeffrey L.W, Lonnie D.B and Kevin C.D, 2000. System Analysis and Design Methods . McGraw Hill,
Inc., USA

CS-408 Modern Programming Languages 4(3-2)

Principles of programming languages design (imperative. functional, logic and object oriented) ,
Implementation methods(compilation ,interpretation and hybrid) and Implementation of the procedural,
functional, and the logical programming paradigms including syntax(BNF, expression grammars, and operator
associativity), binding of variables, type checking and equivalence, scope and extent of variables(activation
record, static, and dynamic links), syntax and semantics, parameter passing and environments, formal
semantics, sequence control, subprogram control, recursion, Abstraction, Encapsulation, the concept of Object
Introduction to non-conventional programming languages, e.g, LISP, Prolog, Perl.

Recommended books :

1. Concepts of programming languages by Robert W. Sebesta

2. Programming languages design and implementation by Terrence W. Pratt and marvin V. Zelkowitz

3. Common LISPcraft
br Robert Wilensky

CS-501 Software Engineering-II 4(3-2)

1. RISK MANAGEMENT: Reactive Vs Proactive Risk Strategies, Software Risk, Risk

Identification, Risk item Checklist, Risk Estimation, Risk Table.
2. Different types of codes:
Sequence Code, Block Sequence Code, Classification Code, Alphabetic Codes,
Mnemonic Codes, Significant digit Code, Cipher Code, Action Code, Self-Checking Code.
Single Tier, Two-Tier, Multi-Tier Architectures.
3. Evaluating Software Alternative
Request for quotation, Request for proposal, Identifying Vendors, Make or buy
Decision, In-House built S/W, Packages, Customizing S/W packages, Outsourcing, End-user
Systems, Enterprise Computing.
4. Documentation
Program Documentation, System Documentation, Operation Documentation,
User Documentation.
5. Quality Assurance
Quality, Software Quality, Principles of Quality, Software Quality Assurance,
Why SQA, S/W Quality factors, Product Operation, Product Revision, Product Transition, SQA
major Activities.
6. Software Testing
Testing, Validation & Verification, Testability, Who tests the S/W, Objectives of
testing, Testing Vs Debugging, Test phases, Black Box Vs while Box testing, Exhaustive testing,
Selective testing, Test Case, Levels of testing, Unit testing, Integration testing, Top down Vs
Bottom up testing, Sandwich testing, Function testing, System testing, Acceptance testing, Types
of system tests, Alpha, Beta and Regression testing, Test Completion Criteria, Test planning,
Master test plan, Test Documentation, Testing Principles.
7. System Operation & Support
Support Activities, Maintenance Activities, Maintenance types.
8. Analyzing and Designing System using UML.
• Documenting Requirements & Processes by use cases, Actors, use case diagrams,
• Conceptual Model, Concepts, Attributes, Associations,
• System Sequence Diagrams, System Behavior Contracts,
• Real use Cases-Collaboration Diagrams.
• GRASP Patterns, Assigning Responsibilities,
• Class Diagrams

Analysis & Design Report of a Real time I. S Documented using UML notations.
Note: more than 3 students are not allowed to work on the same project.
Try to conduct presentations if possible.

1) PressMan, R.S. 1997. Software Engineering. MCGraw-Hill, Inc., USA

2) Applying UML and Patterns, Craig Larman, Prentice Hall, 2001Books Recommended:
1. Cris, F.K 1997. Software Project Management. McGraw Hill, Inc., USA.
2. Roger,S. 1997. Software Engineering. McGraw Hill, Inc., USA.

CS-502 Operating System Concepts 4(3-2)

Aims of Operating System, Overview of various types of systems (Simple batch systems,
Multi-programmed batch systems, Time-sharing systems, Personal computer systems, Parallel
systems, Distributed systems, Real-time System), Computer-System Operation, I/O Structure,
Storage Structure, Storage Hierarchy, Hardware Protection, common system components and a
brief description of what the responsibilities of an operating system are with regard to each
component, Operating system Services, Systems Calls.

Process Concepts
Introduction to process Management, Process State Transition, PCB, Process Scheduling, Context Switch,
Operation on process, Cooperating Processes, Intercrosses Communication.

Introduction to Threads, Types of Threads, Multithreading Models.

Process Synchronization
Race Conditions, Synchronization, Mutual Exclusion, Critical sections, Solution to the
Critical Section Problems, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores.
Introduction to deadlock, Resource concepts, necessary conditions for Deadlock Methods of handling
Deadlock, Deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance Deadlock detection, Deadlock recovery.

Job and Processor Scheduling

Introduction to Scheduling, Scheduling Levels, Scheduling Objectives, Scheduling Criteria Preemptive Vs
Non-Preemptive Scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real-Time Scheduling.

Memory Management
Introduction, Memory Allocation Methods, (Single, Fixed, Variable Partition),
Compaction, Logical vs. Physical Address space, Fragmentation, paging, Segmentation,
Segmentation with paging.

Virtual Memory
Introduction to Virtual Memory, Demand Paging, page replacement strategies, Thrashing working sets,
page fault.

File System
File Concepts, File Attribute, File operations, File Type, File structure, Access Method, Directory

Introduction, Security Problem, Authentication, Prevention, Program Threats, System Threats.

Case Studies
Linux, Windows 2000

Recommended Books
1. Operating system by Silberschatze
2. Operating system by William stalling

Reference Books
1. An introduction to operating system by Harvey M. Dietel.
2. Modern operating system by Andrew S. Tannan Baum.
3. A Comprehensive Study of Operating Systems by Tariq Mahmood, Imran Saeed

CS-503 Web Programming 4(3-2)

¾ Internet Basics

• Basic terminologies of internet

• Basic concepts of Protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP), Internet Domains
• Client-Server Communication

¾ Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

• Use of HTML
• Commonly used HTML tags
• Lists and their types
• Adding graphics to HTML documents
• Tables in HTML
• Linking documents
• Frames

¾ JavaScript

• Use of JavaScript and its advantages

• Basic programming techniques in JavaScript
• Operators and Expressions
• Programming Constructs
• Functions
• Dialog Boxes
• JavaScript Document Object Model
• Browser Objects
• Handling Events using JavaScript
• Forms Object’s Methods
• Built-in Objects in JavaScript

¾ Introduction to VBScript

• Using Variables
• Conditional Statements
• Loops (For…Next, Do…Loop, While…Wend
• Subroutines and Functions
• Browser Objects and Object Hierarchy
• Window object (Status, Alert, Confirm, Prompt, Navigate)
• Window events (on Load, on Unload)
• Document Object

¾ Data-Entry Form and Validation

• Writing Validation for the page

¾ Dynamic HTML

• Cascading Style Sheet and its uses

• Use of classes in DHTML

¾ Front-end Tool (FrontPage)

¾ Project

Recommended Books:

¾ Web-Enabled Commercial Application Development using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl CGI
By Ivan Bayross

¾ Creating Cool VBSCRIPT Web Page

By Bill Hatfield, IDG Books
Practical: Web page development
Books Recommended:

1. Deitel H.M. and P.J. Deitel., 1998. Java How to Program. Prentice Hall International, USA.
2. Naughton, P. and H. Schildt. 1998. The Complete Reference Java 2. Third Edition. McGraw Hill
California, USA.
CS-504 Computer Architecture 4(3-2)

• Overview of the Organization of a Computer System and Architecture-Functions and Structures.

• Briefly History of Computers i.e., Structure of ENVIAC-Structure of Von Neumann Machine-Structure of IAS
Computer-Microelectronics-highlights of Basic Architecture of IBM-PC.
• Introduction to RISC-CISC-RISC VS CISC.
• Introduction to system Bus-Components of Bus-Computer Components-Interconnection Structure-Bus
Interconnection-PCI-Types of PCI Bus.
• CPU Functions-Fetch and Execute cycle-Register Organizations of CPU-instruction Cycle-Instruction
Pipelining-Addressing-Instruction Format-Instruction set characteristics and Functions-Types of operations-
Types of Operands, ALU Design-Processor control unit, Hardwired Control design and microprogramed
Control Unit.
• Computer memory system, Main Memory, Cache Memory, Cache addressing, direct mapping, fully associative
mapping, Set Associative Mapping, Secondary memories, Optical memory, RAID, Replacement Algorithms,
Rite policy, Block Size, Number of cache, Single verses two level cache, Pentium cache organization, data
cache consistency, cache control.
• Magnetic disk: data organization and formatting, RAID: level 0 to level 5.
• I/O Modules, Programmed I/O, Interrupt driver I/O, DMA, I/O channels and processor, Scheduling and
Memory Management with reference to Operating system support.
• Introduction to computer Arithmetic, Integer Representation, Float Pointing Representation.
• Instruction sets: characteristics and functions, machine instruction characteristics, types of operands, types of
• Instruction Addressing modes and formats, addressing , instruction formats.
• Instruction pipelining, pipelining strategy, dealing with branches

Simulation of computer components using object oriented programming language.

Recommended Books
Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stalling
Computer System Architecture by Morris Mano
Rofiquzaman and Chandra Galgotia, Modern Computer Architecture, Publications (Pvt.) Ltd, 1965.

CS-505 Analysis of Algorithms 3(2-2)


Analyzing Algorithms
Designing Algorithms
Growth of Functions
Asymptotic Notation
Standard Notations and Common Functions

Counting and Probability

Discrete random variables
The Geometric and bionomial distributions
The Tails of the bionomial distribution
Probabilistic Analysis

Graph Algorithms
Elementary Graph Algorithms
Minimum Spanning Trees
Single Source Shortest Paths
All-Pairs Shortest Paths
Maximum Flow
Polynomial Time
Polynomial-Time Verification
NP-Completeness and Reducibility
NP-Completeness Proofs
NP-Complete Problems

Algorithms for Parallel Computers

Pointer Jumping
Work-Efficient Parallel Prefix Computing
Practical: programming of different algorithms

Books Recommended:
1. Wesis M. A. 1995. Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis. Benjamin Commings Company USA.
2. Adam. D. 2001. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++. Thomsan Asia Ltd, Singapore.
3. Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, McGraw Hill Book Company New York.
Practical: programming of different algorithms

CS-506 Data Communications 3(2-2)

Elements of Data Communication, Analog and Digital Transmission, Data Transmission
Mode, Transmission Impairments, Topologies, Data Communication Networking, Protocols and
protocol Architecture (TCP/IP, OSI Model).

Transmission Media
Introduction, Guided Transmission Media, Wireless Transmission.

Data Encoding
• Digital Data & Digital Signal,
• NIC Encoding Techniques
1. Nrz-L, Nrzi, Bipolar Ami, Pseudoternary, Manchester
2. Differential Manchester
• Digital Data and Analog Signals-Modem Encoding Techniques Ask, Fsk, Psk, Qpsk

Analog Data & Digital Signals-Coding Techniques (PCM, DM)

Data Link Control

Flow Control Techniques, Stop & Wait, Sliding Window

Error Detection & Control Techniques

• Error Detection
Even and odd parity check, CRC OR FCS

Error Control Techniques

1. Stop and Wait ARQ, GO-Back-N ARQ
2. Selective-Reject ARQ, High-level Data Link Control Protocol


Circuit Switching
Switched Networks, Circuit-switching Networks, Switching Concepts, Routing in Circuit-switched
Networks, Control Signaling.

Packet Switching
Packet-switching Principle, Routing, Congestion Control, X25

Recommended Book
1) Data and computer Communications by William Stallings
2) Understanding data communication by Gilber held (Publisher Sams )
3) Prakash C. 1999. Data Communication, Prentice Hall International Inc., U.S.A
Practical: data communication ,analog and digital signal

CS-507 Computer Organization and Assembly 4(3-2)

• Introduction to assembly Language
Assembly Language Applications, Number System, Character Storage, Basic Elements of Assembly
Language, Constants, Statements, Name
• Hardware and Software Architecture
Components of a Microcomputer ,CPU Registers, Segment registers, index registers, special register,
flags Registers, Stack, DOS Architecture, Instruction execution cycle.
• Assembly language Fundamentals
DB, DW, DD, LAGBEL Directive, MODEL, Directive, Program Segments, Data Transfer Instruction,
MOV, XCHG, INC, DEC, ADD, SUB, Flags affected by ADD, SUB, Addressing models, types of
Operands, operators & expressions, Arithmetic operators, Boolean Operators, OFFSET operators.
• Input/output services
Interrupts, debugging , INT instruction, character output, string output, video model and video
functions, cursor size and cursor movement.
• Loops and comparisons
LEA instruction, JP, JA, JB JG, JL, JE, JNE, JC, XZ, JZ Instructions, Loop instruction, CMP
instruction, AND, OR, XOR, NOT, TEST, NEG Instruction.
• Condition and procedures
PUSH, POP, CALL, RET instructions, While Repeat Until, Case structure, Near and far Procedure.
• Arithmetic
Numeric conversion, String processing (MOVES,CMPS,SCAS,STOS,LODS)
Practical: Programming using Assembly Language
• Recommended Books
1. Mono M.M. 1998. Digital Logic & Computer Design. Prentice Hall Inc., USA.
2. Kip R.I 2000.Assembly Language for IBM-PC. Macmillan Publishing Company, New Yor
3.) Assembly Language programming and organization of the IBM PC
by Ytha Yu and Charles Marut.

CS-508 Computer Graphics 4(3-2)

Introduction to Computer Graphics: Application of Computer Graphics.

Overview of Graphics Systems: RGB color model, Video Display Devices, Refresh Cathode-
Ray Tubes, Raster Scan Displays and System, Random Scan Displays and system, Color CRT
Monitors, Input Devices, hard-copy Devices.
Output Primitives: Points and Lines, Scan-Converting a Point, Scan-Converting a Line (Different algorithms, e.g.,
Direct method, Digital Differential Analyzer, Bresenham’s Algorithm), Scan-Converting a Circle (Bresenham’s
Algorithm and Midpoint Circle Algorithm), Scan-Converting an Ellipse, Scan-Converting Arcs and Sectors, Region
Filling, Scan-Converting a Character, Fill area Primitives, Fill area Functions.
Two-Dimensional Geometric Transformations: Basic Transformations, Translation, Rotation, and Scaling,
Matrix Representations and Homogeneous Coordinates,
Composite Transformation: Translations, Rotations, and Scaling, General Pivot-point Rotation, General Fixed-
point Scaling, General Scaling Directions, Concatenation Properties, General Composite Transformations and
Computational Efficiency.
Other Transformations: Reflection and Shearing, Transformation between Coordinate.
Two-Dimensional Viewing and Clipping: Window-to-Viewport Mapping, Point Clipping, Line Clipping and
Polygon Clipping, A 2-D graphics Pipeline,
Three-Dimensional Concept: 3-Dimensional Display Methods, Three dimensional object Representations.
Three-Dimensional Transformations: Geometric Transformation, Coordinate Transformations, Composite
Mathematics of Projection: Taxonomy of Projection, perspective Projection, parallel Projection.
Three-Dimensional Viewing and Clipping: Three-Dimensional Viewing and Clipping, Viewing Transformation.

Practical: Application of Scan conversion algorithms for line, Circle, Ellipse and application of 2-dimesninal

Text Book:
2. Hearn, D. and M. P. Baker, 1997, Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition in C, Prentice Hall Inc. USA.

Reference Book
1. Foley, J. D., Andries, Van Dam, Steven K. Feiner and John F. Hughes, Computer Graphics, Principles
and Practices, 2nd edition in C, Addison Wesely, New York, USA.
2. Xiang, Z., and R. A. Plastock, Schaum’s Outline of Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill Book

CS-509 Numerical Analysis 3(2-2)

Mathematical Preliminaries, Solution of equations in one variable, Interpolation and Polynomial
Approximation, Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Initial Value Problems for Ordinary
Differential Equations, Direct methods for solving Linear Systems, Iterative techniques in Matrix Algebra,
Solution of non-linear equations. Approximation Theory. Eigenvalues and Eigenvector computation.
Practical: programming of different numerical techniques
Books Recommended:

1. Fnires, B. 1996. Numerical Analysis. PW Publishing Company, Boston, USA.

2. Watkings, S.D, 1991. Fundamental of Matrix Computations. John weley and sons, USA.
CS-510 Advanced Object Oriented Programming

Advantages of Java
• Platform independence
• Reusability and maintainability
• Applications, applets and servlets
• Concurrent programming with threads
• IP networking & distributed computing

Structure of a Java program

• Compiling source doe into byte code
• Overview of class libraries

Transitioning to Java
Features similar to C++
• Similar syntax
• Loops and conditionals
• Expressions and relational operators
• Java references and C++ pointers

Features unique to Java

• Multiple inheritance with interfaces
• Dynamic linking and class loading
• Memory management via the garbage collector
• Static methods and instance methods
• Organizing classes with packages and visibility modifiers

Developing GUIs
Foundations of user interfaces
• Basic GUI widgets
• Event-driven programming
• Modal vs. non-modal interaction

Abstracts Windowing Toolkit (AWT/Swing)

• The need for a portable windowing library
• Adding components to containers
• Arranging components using layout managers

Java Foundation Classes (JFC)

• Advantages of lightweight components
• Creating basic components: buttons, text fields, drop-down lists
• Dialogs and message boxes

Event handling
• Adapters and listeners
• Registering event handlers
• Inner classes and top-level classes

Building applets
• Embedding applets in Web pages
• The applet security model
• The applet life cycle: init(), start(), stop(), destroy()
• Deploying browser-independent applets with Java Plug-In
• Communicating with a back-end sever

Concurrent Programming with Threads

The Java Thread model
• The advantages of multithreading
• Using synchronization primitives
• Thread blocking: join(), wait() & notify()

Creating and managing threads

• The Thread class and the Runnable interface
• Managing multiple threads with Thread Groups

Input and Output

Java streams
• Streams, Readers and Writers
• Accessing files

Files and directories

• Creating, deleting and renaming files
• Obtaining directory & file information
• Streaming Java Objects

Sockets and Server Sockets
• Reliable connections with TCP
• Connectionless communications via UDP
• Developing multithreaded socket-based servers

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

• Connectivity to a relational database
• Executing SQL queries

Java Class Libraries and Development Tools

• The Java 2 core library
• Java Development Kit (JDK)
• Compiler
• Appletviewer

Books Recommended
1. Beginning Java 2 by lvor Horton
2. Exploring Java by Patrick Niemeyers and Joshua Peck

CS-512 Automata Theory 3(3-0)

Define languages, Kleen’s Clouser, Regular Expressions, Languages associated with regular expressions,
Finite Automata, “FA” and their Languages, Transition graph, Kleen’s Theorem, Converting “TG” into
regular expressions, Converting regular expression into FA, Non deterministic Finite Automata, Moor and
mealy machines, Transducers as model of sequential circuits, Regular Languages, Context-Free grammar,
Trees, Ambiguity, Regular grammar, Killing Null Productions, Chomsky Normal Form, Left most
derivation, Pushdown Automata, Building a CFG for every PDA, Context-Free Languages, Parsing simple


1. Daniel I.A 1997. Introduction to Computer Theory. John Wiley & Sons Inc., USA
2. Kohavi Z.1996. Switching and Finite Automata Theory. McGraw Hill Inc, USA
CS-601 Systems Programming 4(3-2)

Course Description
In-depth training for software developers on Linux and UNIX System programming facilities. Learn how to develop
sophisticated multi-process applications using system calls and library routines.

• Fundamental knowledge of Unix or Linux

• C or C++ Programming experience

Course Contents (Theory)

UNIX Standards
• Brief History of UNIX

• UNIX Systems

• Major Vendors

• Standards

• What is POSIX?

• Other Industry Specs and Standards

Files and Directories
• The POSIX.1 Basic File Types

• File Descriptions

• Keeping Track of Open Files

• File Table Entries

• The v-node Structure

• The fcntl Function

• File Attributes

• The access Function

• Link, unlink, remove, and rename Functions

• Functions to Manipulate Directories

System I/O
• Standard I/O vs System I/O

• System I/O Calls

• File and Record Locking

• What is a Process?

• Process Creation and Termination

• Process Memory Layout

• Dynamic Memory Allocation

• Accessing Environment Variables

• Real and Effective User IDs

Process Management
• Programs versus Processes

• The fork() System Function

• Parent and Child

• The exec System Function

• Current Image and New Image

• The wait() and waitpid() Function

• Interpreter Files and exec

• What is a Signal?

• Types of Signals

• Signal Action

• Blocking Signals from Delivery

• The sigaction() Function

• Signal Sets and Operations

• Sending a Signal to Another Process

• Blocking Signals with sigprocmask()

• Scheduling and Waiting for Signals

• Restarting System Calls (SVR4)

• Signals and Reentrancy

Interprocess Communication

• IPC Facilities

• Common Operation - Get (IPCget)

• Common Operation - Control (IPCctl)

• Calls to Operate on the Facilities

• Commonalities between msg, sem, and shm

• IPC via Message Queues

• IPC via Shared Memory Segments

• Coordinating the Use of Shared Memory

• Semaphore Sets-semget() and semctl() Calls

• Semaphore Sets - the semop() calls

• Shared Memory Coordination Using Semaphores

• IPC Facility Handling ipcs and ipcrm

Date and Time Functions
• Time Representations

• Decoding Calendar Time

• Shorthand Functions - asctime(), ctime()

• Formatting Calendar Time Shared

• Process Times

• The Difference Between clock() and times()

• High resolution Timers

Standard I/O
• I/O Calls to manipulate streams

• I/O Calls which perform character I/O

• I/O Calls which perform string I/O

• I/O Calls which perform formatted I/O

• I/O Calls which perform binary I/O

Writing programs using UNIX libraries routines.
Books Recommended:
Advanced Programming in UNIX Environment

CS-602 Artificial Intelligence 4(3-2)

Introduction to Common LISP. AI classical systems: General Problem Solver, rules, simple search, means-
ends analysis. ELIZA, pattern matching, rule based translators, OPS-5. Knowledge Representation: Natural
language, rules, productions, predicate logic, semantic networks, frames, objects, scripts. Search: Depth
first search, breadth first search, best first search, hill climbing, min-max search, A* search. Symbolic
Mathematics: solving algebra problems, translating English equations, solving algebraic equations,
simplification rules, re-write rules, meta-rules, Macsyma, PRESS, ATLAS. Logic programming:
resolution, unification, horn-clause logic, Prolog programming. Sample case studies of shells and
Knowledge based systems.
Practical: Programming in prolog
Books Recommended:

1. Luger, G.F. and W.A. Stubblefield, 1993. Artificial Intelligence. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
company Inc., USA.
2. Elaine R., 1997. Artificial Intelligence. McGraw Hill Inc., USA.

CS-603 Compiler Construction 4(3-2)

Compiler techniques and methodology. Organization of compilers. Lexical and syntax analysis. Parsing
techniques. Object code generation and optimization, detection and recovery from errors. Contrast
between compilers and interpreters.
Practical: construction of different compiler phases
Books Recommended:

1. Aho, A.V., Sethi, R. and J.D. Ullman, 1997. Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools. Addison-wesley
Publishing company, USA.
2. Louden, K.C., 1998. Compiler Construction, Principles and Practice. Galgotia Publishing Pvt. Ltd, New

CS-604 Software Project Management 10(0-20)

Software Project management: Managing the development of software products, Software estimation,
Planning, Monitoring and Controlling, Metrics and Measurement, Process maturity, Quality assurance,
software quality standards, Human factors in people management, Leadership and team building.
Developing a Software as a Project.
Books Recommended:
1. Walker R. 1998. Software Project Management, Addison Wesley Longman Inc., USA.
2. Hold S. 2001. Software process Design, Clays Ltd, England

CS-605 Visual Programming 4(3-2)

Introduction to Programming
Event Driven Programming, Visual Programming: Advantages of Visual Programming, Disadvantages of Visual
Programming, Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Introduction to Visual Basic

Introduction to VB, History of Visual Basic, Visual Basic Edition, Visual Basic IDE, Components of IDE,
Application development steps in VB, Saving your project, Three Basic Controls, Working with your Project,
Creating Executable Files, and Exiting Visual Basic
Managing Forms & Controls:
Managing controls, Object Properties, Assigning properties at run time, Naming Controls,
Object Methods, Object Events, Event Procedures, Managing Forms, Common Keyboard events,
Common Mouse Events, Focus, Managing Controls on Form, Using Multiple Forms.

Programming in Visual Basic

Programming in Visual Basic, Keywords, Data Types, Variables, Types of Variables, Constant, Mathematical
Expression, Concatenation, Input and Output: Input and output using Controls, Input box, Message Box, Comments
Conditional & Looping Structure:
Introduction, Declaring one dimensional arrays, Variation in Array Declaration, Accessing Individual elements in
array, entering data in arrays, Reading data from arrays, Searching Arrays, Sorting Arrays, Two-dimensional arrays,
Dynamic Arrays, Control Arrays,

Visual Basic Common Controls

Intrinsic controls, Active X Controls, Common properties of controls, Command button control, Text box, Label,
Check box, option buttons, Frame, List box, Combo box, Image and picture, Scroll bar Control, Drive ListBox, Dir
list box, File ListBox, Combining Drivelistbox, Dirlistbox and Filelistbox, Timer, Shape, Line and OLE Control
Menu, MDI Forms & Dialog boxes:
Menus, Designing Menus in VB, Menu Editor, Popup Menus, Toolbar, MDI, Common Dialog boxes, Types of
Dialog boxes, Open Dialog boxes, Save AS Dialog box, font dialog box, print dialog box

Procedures, Functions & Modules

Types of code block, procedures, Scope of Variables, Lifetime of variables, Static Variables, Function, Return type,
Argument passing Mechanism, Exit sub & exit function, Module, Built-in-function
Error Handling & Debugging:
Error handing in vb, Type of Errors, Handing Run-time Errors in VB, Err object, Debugging facilities in VB, Break
point, stepping through code
File Handling:
Introduction, File system object, File object, Folder object, drive object, TexStream object, Creating Sequential
Files, Reading Sequential Files, Random Access Files

Database Programming
Introduction, DBMS, Relational Databases, Keys in Relational databases, Relational ship, Database application in
VB, Designing user interface, Data Control, Data Bound Controls, Record set object, DAO, DAO Hierarchy, SQL

Active X Data Object

Introduction, Open database connectivity, OLE DB, Activex data object, ADO data control, ADO object Model,
Connection object, Recordset object, Command object, Microsoft FlexGrid control, Master-detail tables

Visdata & Data Environment

Visual Data Manager, Data Environment, Data Report Designer
A Complete Database Project Using ADO

Text Book:
Visual programming Using Visual Basic
by Tariq Mahmood, Imran saeed, Tasleem Mustafa, Ahsan Raza
Reference Books
Mastering Visual Basic, BPB Publisher
Visual Basic in 21 Days

Computer Networks
Course introduction, uses of computer networks, network hardware, network software, reference models,
example networks, example data communication services, network standardization
The theoretical basis for data communications
Network Types
Network Models
Network Services
Difference between LANs, MANs and WANs
Network Protocols
Protocol Stacks
OSI Model
Network Media
Network Adapters
Transmission media
Wireless transmission
Data Transmission
Network Design
Physical Topologies
ARCNET, Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI
LAN, WAN Protocols
Connecting Networks
LAN connectivity devices
Internetworking devices
Network Administration
User & security Administration
Broadband ISDN and ATM
Cellular radio, Communication satellites
Multiple access protocols, IEEE standard 802 for LANS & MANS Bridges
High speed LAN, Satellite Networks
The network layer in ATM networks
A simple transport protocol
The internet transport protocols (TCP & UDP), The ATM AAL layer protocols
Network security, DNS-domain name system
SNMP-simple network management protocol
Electronic mail, Usenet news
The world wide web.

Text Book
Network Essentials by Jason Nash, IDG books, 2000, ISBN 81-265-0034-4
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall 1996, ISBN 0133499456
Reference Book/s
William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall 1999, ISBN 0130843709
Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks, McGraw Hill 2000, ISBN 0070228396

CS-609 Distributed Database Systems 4(3-2)

Introduction to DDBMS, Overview of relational DBMS, DDBMS Architecture, Distributed Database
Design[alternative design strategies, distribution design issues, Fragmentation], Views in distributed
DBMSs. Data security, distributed semantic integrity control, Query decomposition, localization of
distributed data, query optimisation, centralized query optimisation, join ordering in fragment queries,
distributed query optimisation algorithms[INGRES Algorithm, R* Algorithm.

Practical: Design and implementation using oracle the following:

(I) Design of Distributed databases
(II) Query decomposition
(III) Data localization and optimization of distributed queries
Books Recommended:
1. Tamer Ozsu and Patrick Valduriez, 2002. Principles of Distributed database systems.
2. Date, C.J., 1998. An introduction to Database systems. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, USA.
3. McFadden, F.R. and J.A. Hoffer, 1994. Modern Database Management. Benjamin Publishing
Company Inc., USA.

Math-303 Calculus and Analytic Geometry 4(4-0)

Complex Numbers, De Moivre’s Theorem and its Applications, Simple Cartesian Curves, Functions and
Graphs, Symmetrical Properties, Curve Tracing, Limit and Continuity, Differentiation of Functions.
Derivative as Slope of Tangent to a Curve and as Rate of Change, Application to Tangent and Normal,
Linearization, Maxima/Minima and Point of Inflection, Taylor and Maclaurin Expansions and their
convergence. Integral as Antiderivative, Indefinite Integration of Simple Functions. Methods of
Integration: Integration by Substitution, by Parts, and by Partial Fractions, Definite Integral as Limit of a
Sum, Application to Area, Arc Length, Volume and Surface of Revolution

Books Recommended:

1. Thomas, G.W. 1992. Calculus with analytic geometry. Addison Wesley Pub. Company, U.K.
2. Krayszig, E. 1990. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. John Wiley and sons, New York.

Math-304 Multivariable Calculus 4(4-0)

1. Multivariable Functions and Partial Derivatives:

Functions of Several Variables, Limits and Continuity, Partial derivatives,

Differentiability, Linearization, and Differentials, Partial Derivative with constrained variables,
directional Derivatives, Gradient Vectors and Tangent Planes, Extreme Values and Saddle
Points, Lagrange Multipliers, Taylor’s Formula.

2. Multiple Integrals: Double Integrals,

Areas, Moments and Centers of Mass, Double Integrals in Polar form, Triple Integrals in
Integrals in Rectangular Coordinates, Masses and Moments in three Dimension, Triple Integrals
in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates, Substitution in Multiple Integrals.

3. Integration in Vector Fields:

Lines Integrals, Vector Fields, Work, Circulation and Flux, Green’s Theorem in the
Plane, Surface Area and Surface Integrals, Stoke’s Theorem.
4. Fourier Series:

Periodic Functions, Function of any Period P-2L, Even and Odd Functions, Half Range

5. Fourier Transform:

Three Important Integrals, Properties, of Fourier Transformation, Fourier Integral

Formula, Fourier Inversion Theorem, Convlution, Convlution Theorem, Fourier Sine and Cosine

6. Laplace Transform:

Properties of Laplace Transform, Inversion Theorem, Convlution, Convlution Theorem,

Second Shifting Theorem, Application of Laplace Transform to Partial Differential Equations.

7. Z-Transform.

Books Recommended:

1. Thomas, G.W. 1992. Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Addison Wesley Pub. Company, UK.
2. Krayszig, E. 1990. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.

Math-405 Differential Equations 4(4-0)

Ordinary Differential Equations of the First Order: Geometrical Considerations, Isoclines, Separable
Equations, Equations Reducible to Separable Form, Exact Differential Equations, Integrating Factors,
Linear First-Order Differential Equations, Variation of Parameters. Ordinary Linear Differential Equations;
Homogeneous Linear Equations of the Second Order, Homogeneous Second-Order Equations with
Constant Coefficients, General Solution, Real Roots, Complex Roots, Double Root of the Characteristic
Equation, Differential Operators, Cauchy Equation, Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order,
Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order with Constant Coefficients, Nonhomogeneous Linear
Equations. Modelling of Electrical Circuits. Systems of Differential Equations. Series Solutions of
Differential Equations.
Partial Differential Equations: Method of Separation of variables, Wave, Heat & Laplace equations and
their solutions by Fourier series method.

Books Recommended:

1. Thomas, G.W, 1987, Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Addison Wesley Pub. Company, U.K.
2. Rainvile, T.D. 1997, A short course in differential equation, Macmillan Publishing company Inc., New

Math-406 Linear Algebra 3(3-0)

VECTORS: Vector algebra in 2-space and 3-space, inner product, vector product, vector and scalar functions and
fields, derivations; Curves, tangents, arc length, Velocity and acceleration, Gradient, divergence and curl, gradient
of a scalar field, directional derivatives, divergence of a vector field, Curl of a vector field, Grad, div, curl in
curvilinear. Coordinator.


Introduction, concept of a ring, concept of a field, addition of vectors and scalar multiplication of vectors in R2.
Linear combinations of vectors of V(F), linear dependence of vectors, subspaces, quotient space, basis of vector
space, linear transformation.

Matrices, basic concepts, different kind of square matrices, Elementary row and column operations, Echelon form
of a matrix, Hermitian, skew-Hermitian and unitary matrices, symmetric, skew-symmetric and orthogonal matrices,
Inverse of a matrix, Algebra of matrices, rank of matrix, matrix of a linear transformation.
Determinant of a square matrix, Axiomatic definition of a determinant, determinant as a sum of products of
elements, determinant of the transpose ,An algorithm to evaluate
det A.
Determinants and inverse of matrices, rank in terms of determinants, Cramer’s rule.
Definitions, some applications of eigenvalue problems, properties of eigen vectors, Digonalization.


Introduction, Equivalent equations, Gaussian elimination method, Gauss-Jordan method, consistent or inconsistent
system, Consistency criterion.

Preliminaries, point dividing a line segment in a given ratio, straight lines in R3 ,angle between two straight lines,
Distance of a point from a line, equation for planes, Angle between two planes, straight line as intersection of two
planes, straight line and a plane, Shortest distance between two straight lines.

Books Recommended:

1. Thomas, G.W. 1992. Calculus with Analytic Geometry. Addison Wesley Pub. Company, UK.
2. Krayszig, E. 1990. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.

Phy-305 Basic Electronics 3(2-2)

Ohm’s law, Kirchoff`s laws, loop and node equations, Cramer`s rule, Network theorems. Introduction to
materials (Conductor, Semiconductor, Insulator). Band theory of solids. Types of diode and its applications
(Half wave, Full wave rectifier, Clipper, Clamper and etc.). Introduction to Transistor. Different
configurations of transistors (Common Emitter, Common Collector, Common Base ).
Practical: Designing of different circuits
1. To Determine the resistance and hence specific resistance of the material of a given coil of wire using
a slide wire bridge.
2. To determine unknown resistance and hence specific resistance of a wire using post office box.
3. To determine the internal resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method.
4. To determine a low resistance.
5. To determine the internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer.
6. To determine resistance of a voltmeter.
7. To study the relation between current passing through a tungsten filament lamp and the potential
applied across it.
8. To study the characteristics of a semi-conductor diode.
9. To study the static characteristics of a PNP/NPN transistor.
10. To study the half wave rectifier and the wave shape on a CRO.
11. To study the full wave rectifier and the wave shape on a CRO.
12. Plot common emitter input characteristics of PNP transistor, from the given data taking VBE and LB
along abscissa and ordinate respectively.
13. Plot common emitter output characteristics (or collector characteristics) of PNP transistor from the
given data taking VCE and LC along abscissa and ordinate respectively.

Books Recommended:

1. Grobe, S. 1997. Basic Electronics. McGraw Hill inc., USA.

2. Halkias M. 1997. Integrated Electronics. McGraw Hill inc., USA.
3. Physics Practical manual-II by M. Rafiq Nasim et al
Phy-405 Circuit Theory 3(2-2)

• Low frequency basic amplifiers using BJTs & FETs; biasing of single stage & multistage circuits:

• Introduction, Amplification, Biasing and Graphical Treatment, Temperature Stability, CE amplifier design, CB
amplifier design, CC amplifier design Introduction to JFET, Biasing of JFET, JFET amplifier common source,
common darn, common gate comparison of FET & BJT.
• Biasing of single & cascaded (two-stage) CE BJT amplifier

• Frequency response of amplifier circuit;

• Sketch of a frequency versus gain curve for a single stage CE voltage amplifier, F2 & F4 frequencies, Band
width, behavior of the amplifier within the band width.

• Feedback Amplifiers

• Concept of Feedback, Positive & Negative Feedback, Negative Feedback Voltage amplifier (Oscillator).

• Oscillator;

• Types of oscillators, RC phase shift oscillator, conditions for oscillation, type of output (Sinusoidal/non-
sinusoidal) wave shape, frequency.

• 555 Timer and Its applications;

• Introduction to 555 timer, multivibrator circuits with 555 timer circuit. Operational amplifier and its
• Introduction to Op. Amp., inverting, non-inverting op-amp. Circuits and their output gain.


1. Common Emitter Amplifier Biasing and Stabilization.
2. Common emitter Amplifier power and phase relationship.
3. Common base amplifier.
4. Common collector amplifier.
5. Frequency response of an amplifier.
6. Junction field effect transistor (JFET) common source amplifier.
7. Junction filed effect transistor (JFET) Gate source amplifier.
8. Junction filed effect transistor (JFET) Drain source amplifier.
9. Feedback Amplifier.
10. Operational Amplifier.

• Books Recommended:

1. Basic Electronics by Grob.
2. Electronic Principles by Malvino.
3. Doyledod, W., 1997. Introduction to electronic circuit analysis. McGraw Hill Inc., USA.
4. Halkias M. 1997. Integrated Electronics. McGraw Hill Inc., USA.

Stat-507 Statistics and Probability

Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, Statistics in decision making, Graphical representation of
Data Stem-and Lead plot, Box-Cox plots, Histograms and Ogive, measures of central tendencies,
dispersion for grouped and ungrouped Data, Moments of frequency distribution; examples with real life,
use of Elementary statistical packages for explanatory Data analysis. Counting techniques, definition of
probability with classical and relative frequency and subjective approaches, sample space, events, Laws of
Probability. Conditional probability and Bayes theorem with application to Random variable (Discrete and
continuous) Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial Distributions; Exponential Gamma and
Normal distributions.
Practical: application of different statistical design techniques
Books Recommended:

1. Chaudhry, S.M. 1998. Introduction to Statistical Theory Volume I-II. Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.
2. Snedecor, G.W. 1990. Statistical Methods. Iowa State University Press, U.S.A.
3. Walpole, R.E. 1992. Introduction to Statistics. Macmillon Publishing company, New York.

MBA-306 Financial Accounting 3(3-0)

. 1. Accounting Principles and Concepts
Purpose of Accounting, Concept of Business Entity, Cost Principle, The Going Concern Assumption, The
Objectivity Principle, Stable Dollar Assumption, Conservatism, Principle of Consistency,

2. Accounting Cycle
Bookkeeping, Journal, Ledger, Trail Balance, Adjusting Entries, Closing Entries, Work Sheet.

3. Financial Statements
Income Statement or Trading Profit and Loss Account Balance Sheet, Statement of Owner Equity.

4. Control of Cash Transactions

Reporting of Cash in Balance Sheet, Management Responsibilities relevant to Cash, Cash Balances and
Corporate dividends, Internal Control Over Cash, Cash Receipts and Disbursement, Bank Reconciliation
Statement, Cash Book (Three Column), Electronic Funds Transfer System.

5. Accounts Receivables and Notes Receiveles

Accounting for Uncollectibles (Bad Debts), A/R Managements/Internal Controls for Receivables/A/R
Aging Schedules, Accounting for Notes Receivables.

6. Inventories & Cost of Goods Sold

Flow of Inventory Cost
LIFO, FIFO, Average Cost Method.

Taking A Physically Inventory

Recording Shrinkage losses, LCM and other write down of inventory, Year End Cut-off
transition, periodic Inventory System, Importance of an Accurate Valuation of Inventory.

7. Depreciation and Types of Depreciation

Plant and Equipment
Accounting for plant & equipment, Intangible Assets, Natural Recourses.

Straight Line Method, Units of Output Method, Accelerated Depreciation, Method, Sum
of Year Digit Method.
8. Liabilities Commen to Most Business Org.
Current Liabilities, Long term liabilities, Evaluating the Safety of Creditors Claim,
Estimated Liabilities, Loss Contgencies and Commitments.

9. Corporation Organizations and Stockholders

What is Corporation, Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporation, Formation of Corporation,
Stockholder Equity, Cash dividends, Capital Stock, Preferred Stock, Common Stock.

10. Corporation Operations and Additional stock Holders Equety Transactions

Reporting the result of Operations
Developing Productive Information, Unusual Items Reporting, Continuous Operations,
Extra Ordinary Items, EPS, Primary and Fully Dilated EPS, Change in Accounting Principle.
11. Other Stockholder Equity Transactions
Cash Dividends, Dividend Dates, Liquidating Dividend, Stock Dividends, Stock Splits, Statement of
Retained Earnings, Prior Period Adjustment, Treasury Stock, Recording Purchases of Treasury Stock, Re-Issuance
of Treasury Stock, Stock Payback Program.

Books Recommended:

1. Vinayaham, M.&K.L.Magrafan 1992. Principles of Accounting, Eurasia, Pub. House, New Delhi.
2. Ghani, M.A. 1985. Principles of Accounting, National Publishing Corp. Lahore.
3. Malik, G.A.,S.A. Siddiqi and M.-ul-Hassan, 1995. Accounting Principles. Naveed Publications,
63-Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore.

MBA-404 Financial Management 3(3-0)

Introduction to Financial Management, Concepts and Models in Valuation, The time value of money.
Fundamentals of risk and portfolio analysis. Valuation of stocks and bonds. The capital Asset Pricing
Model. The Arbitrage Pricing Model and other valuation models. The Cost of Capital: Capital structure
and Dividend Policy, The cost of capital, Capital structure theory, Capital structure policy and optimal
capital structure, Internal financing and dividends policy Capital Budgeting: The basis of capital budgeting,
The determination and use of cash flow, Mutually exclusive investments and capital rationing, Annual
equivalent cost and replacement decisions, Risk analysis and the optimal capital budget, Islamic guidelines
for financial management: The rational of prohibition of interest, Alternate capital structure, Capital
Budgeting in an Interest free economy, working Capital Management in 100% equity capital structure.

Books Recommended:

1. Vanhorn, J.C. 1999. Fundamentals of Financial Management. Lawarance J.Gitman, N.Y., USA.
2. Khan, M. Y. & P.K.Jain 1995. Financial Management Second Edition. Eurasia, Publication house, New

MBA-407 Human Resource Management 3(3-0)

An overview of Human Resource Management and Human Resource Manager. The Environment of
Human Resource Management, External and Internal Environment. Equal Employment Opportunity and
Affirmative Action. Job Analysis: A Basic Human Resource Tool. Human Resource Planning,
Recruitment, and Selection. Organization Change and Human Resource Development . Corporate Culture
and Organization Development. Career Planning Development. Performance Appraisal.

Book Recommended:

1. Brovee, H. 1997. Human Resource Management. McGraw Hill Inc., USA.

2. Willaim B and J. Werther 1997. Human Resource and Personnel Management. McGraw Hill , Inc, USA.
Eng-301 Introductory Exercises in Reading, Comprehension & Communication Skills. 2(2-0)
Guided study of prescribed textbook and introductory exercises in rapid reading,
Comprehension and summarization of passages pertinent to agricultural and related sciences.
Practical applications of Principles of English grammar and usage of remedial exercises in essay
writing on topic of social and scientific importance.

1. A Selection of English Prose (Textbook)

i) The Damned Human Race (Mark Twain)
ii) The Place of Science in A Liberal Education (Bertrand Russell)
iii) End of the Road (Muhammad Asad)

2. Essay Writing
3. Comprehension (Current English Passage)
4. Letter (Official/Private) and Application Writing
5. Cloze Test (Insertion of appropriate words in the paragraph meaningfully)
6. Translation into English
7. Home Assignments

Books Recommended

1. Khan, Nosheen & Qureshi, G. s. A Selection of English Prose 1997. The Caravan
Book House, Katochy Road, Lahore.
2. W. Stannard Allen. The Living English Structure, 1978. Khurrum, Publishing
Enterprises, Lahore.
3. L. A. Hill and R. D. S. Fielden, Further Comprehension and Precis Pieces for
Overseas Students (Latest Edition). The Book House, Publishers and Booksellers, 15-
Trust Buildings, Opposite Urdu Bazar, P. O. Box 734, Lahore; and Longmans, Green
& Co. Ltd., Annexe 2-K, Gulberg, Lahore.

Eng.302 Advanced Exercises in Reading, Comprehension and Communication Skills. 2(2-0)

Guided study of prescribed textbook and advanced exercises in rapid reading,

comprehension and summarization of passages pertinent to agricultural and related sciences.
Advanced remedial exercises in written and oral expression. Essay writing on important topics of
social and technical nature.

1. Selection of English Prose (Textbook)

a) The Nature of Science (Ralph Ross)
b) The Marvel of an Insect (Alan Devoe)
c) The Addiction (Marie Winn)

2. Essay Writing
3. Precise Writing
4. Technical Report Writing
a) Introduction
b) Use of Library
c) Collection and Organization of Materials (Presentation)
d) Techniques of Composition
5. Synthesis Techniques (Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences)
6. Home Assignments

Books Recommended
1. Khan, Nosheen & Qureshi, G. s. A Selection of English Prose. The Caravan Book House, Kachehri
Road, Lahore.
2. W. Stannard Allen. The Living English Structure. 1978. Khurrum Publishing Enterprises, Lahore.
3. Ganter, Elliott S. M. and Cordasco, Francesco. Research and report Writing. 1959. Barnes & Noble,
New York.
4. Hubbel, Georage Shelton. Writing Term Papers and Reports. 1971. Barnes & Noble, New York.

IS-401/ Islamic Studies 2(2-0)

SSH-301(A) / Ethcis Already Approved

SSH-402 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)


Two-Nation Theory:
Definition , claim of Muslim being a different national from Hindu based upon Cultural diversity.
Cultural diversity and threats posed to Muslims rights and interests led to and justified the demand of
Pakistan. (growth of Muslims Nationalism, Creation of Muslim League and Role of Muslims), Muslim
League-British enactments and political awareness-Lahore Resolution, Two nation theory elaborated by Sir
Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Creation of Pakistan:
Factors leading to the creation of Pakistan-Economic, Social and Political.
Quaid-e-Azam and the demand of Pakistan

Geo-Political and Strategical importance of Pakistan:

Neighboring Countries, Pakistan relation with Central Asian Countries,
Pakistan’s importance with Reference to Middle East and the Super Powers.
Contemporary Issues in Pakistan Social Issues:
Literacy and Education, Population Growth, State of Science & Technology, Prospects for development in
Information Technology, Unemployment and under employment, Drug addiction, Weaponization and
lawlessness, Tribal Customs and intolerance.

Books Recommended
1. Zia-Ud-Din , 1995.The Analytical and Critical Essay on Pakistan Affairs. Azeem Academy Lahore.
2. Haq, M.Riaz,2000. Towards Pakistan. Star Book Depot , Lahore.
3. Rabbani I., 2000. Pakistan Studies , Caravan Publishers Lahore.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. 2001. International Affairs . Jang Publishers Lahore.
5. Burke, S.M.1975. Pakistan Foreign Policy, Oxford University Press Karachi.

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