Sine Output DDSs A Survey of The State of The Art
Sine Output DDSs A Survey of The State of The Art
Sine Output DDSs A Survey of The State of The Art
Kenneth A. Essenwanger
Raytheon Systems Company
P.O. Box 2999, TO/231/ 2011
Torrance, CA 90509-2999
Victor S. Reinhardt
Hughes Space and Communications Company
P.O. Box 92919, SC/S12/W320
Los Angeles, CA 90009
Abstract Introduction
This paper presents a survey of the latest techniques Sine output direct digital synthesizers (DDSs) digitally
and hardware advances in sine output direct digital generate a stepped sine wave at an output frequency fo
synthesizers (DDSs). from a clock frequency fc (figure 1). These DDSs have
First, a brief description of the theory of sine output been in use since the late 1960s [Gillette, 1969] and have
DDSs is presented. A sine output DDS has the advantage become more and more popular as digital logic has
of being able to synthesize high spectral purity sine wave advanced in complexity and performance. Sine output
signals over a wide range of frequencies utilizing compact DDSs are not the only type of DDSs [Reinhardt, 1985], but
digital integrated circuits containing an accumulator, a sine have become the most widely used because of their high
look-up table, and a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). spectral purity and all digital implementation. This paper
(The DDS is completed with an output filter.) The DDS surveys the latest developments in the state of the art of
can produce an output frequency from zero to a maximum sine output DDSs and discusses the direction of future
frequency that is on the order of 1/3 of the clock frequency advances. To simplify terminology in the remainder of this
of the digital components. The principal advances in DDSs paper, we will refer to sine output DDSs as DDSs with the
have been in increasing the maximum frequency (clock implication that we are discussing only the sine output
speed) and in increasing the spectral purity (spur type.
reduction). F re q u e n c y W o rd K (N -b its )
presenting key performance parameters such as clock Figure 1. Conceptual Block Diagram of a (Sine Output)
speed, spectral purity, frequency resolution, DC power DDS. The analog application requiring the DAC is the
consumption, and special features. A plot of reported focus of this paper as both the digital and DAC
spurious performance on DDSs (or DACs for DDSs) is imperfections are discussed.
presented revealing a performance barrier that designers
are striving to break. The advances necessary to break this In addition, three techniques for the digital generation
barrier will be discussed. of a sine output are shown in figure 2. The digital signal
processor (DSP) computes the sine output but is typically
slow compared to the DDS. The waveform generator reads
sine-output data from previously written random access
imperfections, which can be classed as static and dynamic E (ε )= 12
signal =
the DAC [Essenwanger, 1998] and the fact that all the bits rms
2 2
of a DAC don’t switch at the same time, causing a glitch as
the input word is changed (glitch area). Spur levels are k
signal 2
generally given by 6 dB per bit of accuracy, though the SNR = 20 log = 20 log
noise 2 2
DAC imperfections can generate spurs at the 7-8.5 dB per
bit level [Garvey, 1990]. The reader is referred to
[Reinhardt, 1985] for an in-depth derivation of the = 20 log (2 ) + 20 log 26 k
Effective Number
of Spurs
50 E ffe c t. #
I d e a l F la t #
Probable Spur
0 20 40 60 80 100
T h e o r e tic a l N u m b e r o f S p u r s
Fo MHz
Figure 5. The root-sum-square of spurious power as a Figure 6. The effective number of dominant spurs is
function of output frequency [Essenwanger, 1996]. The reduced from the theoretical spectrally flat number by the
response is searched for worst case start phase and post- coalesced spurs for DDSs.
compensated for sinc(πFr)sinc(πFr∆) [Essenwanger,
1998]. In figure 6, most of the power is divided among the
fewer dominant coalesced spurs. For the ideal flat spurious
The RSS of spurious is based on the following spectrum case, the spurious power is evenly divided among
equation [Essenwanger, 1996], after “total integrated all spurs. The 6 dB/Bit rule-of-thumb is approached as the
spurious” [Kent, 1995]: two curves converge and approach the one spur assumption
1 near the chart origin.
i < Nyquist
(Cm i )
i∑ =1 DDS Survey
RSS Spurious
= 20 log
Cm 0 Table 1 shows various phase-to-sine conversion
architectures (or DDS back-end circuitry) for which
where Cmi = magnitude of power. i = 0 for the Vankka has simulated worst case spurious (algorithm
fundamental. i = 1,2,3,…,(<Nyquist Rate) for spurious, error) [Vankka, 1998]. Raytheon’s back-end (BE)
excluding the alias. The approximate variance power of the architecture is appended to the bottom of the table as well
errors for a uniform quantizer is well known [Rabiner, as the unmodified Sunderland BE. It is difficult to compare
1975], [Colotti, 1990] as architectures when new unconventional methods of
where q is the quantization. Thus, for uniform quantization performance are used without all parameters and
of a sine wave
conditions defined. The Vankka worst case spur was for the simulations, the same data is not available for the
reported to be simulated for the Nicholas phase Raytheon DDS; however, the unmodified Sunderland
accumulator. Because it is not clear all of the conditions architecture is 12-bits +/- 2 LSBs which has a worst case
spur of nearly 61.8dBc by the 6dB/Bit + 1.8dB rule-of-
thumb. Sunderland reports measured performance for
Fr=3/8 of 65.4dBc [Sunderland, 1984]. Simulations with
an ideal DAC model for Fr=11/32 gives -67dBc
[Essenwanger, 1987] (without a search routine for the
worst-case start phase).
Table 1. Modified Vankka’s Table [Vankka, 1998]: updated with the Raytheon [2] and unmodified Sunderland [26]
Direct Digital Synthesizer Back-End Sine-Output Architectures.
Worst Case
ROM Required Compression Significant Additional Error
Architecture [bits] Ratio Logic Circuits [dBc] Comments
ROM 2 14 x 12 1:1 (none) -97.23 reference
Modified 28 x 9
Sunderland 28 x 4 59:1 adder -86.91 good spur level and simple
Nicholas Fine
Linear 2 x9
Interpolation 28 x 3 128:1 adder/subtract -88.94 best compression ratio
Conventional 2 7 x 14
Taylor Series 27 x 9 conventional multipliers are
Approximation 25 x 3 64:1 2 adders, multiplier -97.04 slow
14 pipelined stages, 18- slightly more circuitry needed,
Cordic (none) N/A bits wide -84.25 AM possible
Raytheon's Taylor 2 x 14 67:1 (w.r.t. optimized for performance,
Series 2 7 x 11 2^14x13 multiplier, multiplexer, 13-bits and cell reuse from a sine and
Approximation 25 x 7 ROM) adder +
/ - 1-bit cosine output capable design
Unmodified 2 8 x 11 12-bits
Sunderland 28 x 4 51:1 adder +
/ - 2-bits simple
SFDR Far Future Vankka also reports that the modified Sunderland is
5 to 10 years DDS 14 dB better than the unmodified Sunderland. Thus, the
-90dB Goal Vankka simulation for the unmodified Sunderland DDS
Near Future should be about 14-86.91= -72.91dBc. Hence, there is
2 to 3 years about an 11dB discrepancy from worst case spurious
-70dB predictions by the rule-of-thumb for the conventional
Current Sunderland architecture and about a 6dB discrepancy (or
Technology more) from simulations. See [Sunderland et al., 1984] for a
-50dB conventional calculation of DDS algorithm truncation in
terms of signal-to-noise ratio. On the other hand, the
Raytheon DDS performance is equivalently 13-bits +/- 1
1 MHz 1 GHz
LSB or the equivalent of a 12-bit linear DAC with nearly
Clock Rate ideal phase-to-sine conversion, similar to what a full ROM
BE would provide (approaching the -97.23 dB
Figure 7. DDS Technology Trends. The DDS Design Goal performance as read from Vankka’s table).
is High SFDR and High Speed to get Wide Bandwidth The trends and design goal of DDS technology are
such that signals can be synthesized at IF. The Current shown in figure 7. By innovative circuits and higher speed
Technology, Near Future, and Far Future Expectations IC processes, the goal should be attainable within about 10
are Shown [Estrick, 1995]. years.
The survey results are shown in table 2 and figures 8 and 9. the-art for high resolution DDSs and are often used along
Because of the limited number of parts that can reasonably with conventional direct and indirect synthesizers for wide
be shown on one chart, the list is not exhaustive. However, bandwidth and synthesis at IF frequencies. Figure 9 shows
this is representative of the state-of-the-art in DDS. the high speed (wide bandwidth) capable DDSs (and
Figure 8 shows the lower output frequency capable DACs) and reveals a barrier in performance, as the lower
DDS (and DACs useful for DDS). These are the state-of- right corner of the chart is clear. This barrier is attributed
to the high-speed performance limitations of the DAC.
B u rr-B ro w n , (1 )
S p u r io u s /H a r m o n ic s D A C 6 0 0 ,[ 2 2 ]
T I, [ 6 ]
-3 0
-3 5 S c ite q D D S - 1 ,[ 7 ]
-4 0
-4 5 Q u a lc o m m
-5 0 Q 2 3 3 4 ,[ 1 3 ] [ 1 4 ]
-5 5 Q u a lc o m m
Q 2 2 3 0 ,[ 1 3 ]
-6 0
-6 5 Q u a lc o m m
Q 2 2 2 0 (3 ),[ 1 6 ]
-7 0
-7 5 A n a lo g D e v i c e s
A D 7 0 0 8 ,[ 1 7 ]
-8 0
A n a lo g D e v i c e s ( 1 )
A D 9 7 2 0 ,[ 1 7 ]
3. B ro a d C o m [1 2 ]
Figure 8. The Survey Results for Lower Bandwidth DDSs and DACs useful for DDS. While the list is not exhaustive, it is
representative of typically commercially available and state-of-the-art prototype technology found in the literature [31].
S T E L -2 3 7 3 ,[1 ]
dBc S p u r io u s /H a r m o n ic s R a y th e o n [2 ]
-1 9
P le s s e y (4 ) S P 2 0 0 2 ,[3 ]
-2 9 R o c k w e ll,[4 ]
-3 9 T I / L in c o n L a b s L D D S ,[5 ]
S c ite q D C P -1 A ,[7 ]
-4 9
S c ite q A D S -4 3 x [7 ]
-5 9
S c ite q (5 ) A D S -6 3 x [7 ]
-6 9 H u g h e s S p a c e [8 ],[9 ]
-7 9 P h ilip s M ic ro w a v e
L im e il,T h o m s o n C N I[1 0 ]
T R W D D S /H D A C -1 ,[1 1 ]
D A C T riq u e n t S C -0 8 0 6 -
C ,(1 )[2 1 ]
Sine Output Frequency MHz
Figure 9. The survey results for high-speed DDSs and DACs useful for DDS. The lower right corner of the chart is clear of
data points revealing a barrier in performance attributed to the DAC’s high-speed performance limitation. The table
captures the data to the authors’ best ability in interpreting the published information [31].
Notes for Table 2 and Figures 8 and 9: (Table 2 Continued)
(1) DAC useful for DDS application. Result
Frequency Word(s) Phase Tech - Pow er
(2) Has noise reduction circuit that manufacturer shows Identifier Rate MHz
Resolution or DAC-
I/Q Out
nology Diss
reducing discrete spurious from -57dBc to -72 dBc for
approximately a 4 MHz output frequency. Qualcomm
50 32-bits 12 no 3-bits yes 0.67W
Q2334,[13][14] PLCC
(3) The Q0320-1 DDS synthesizer card includes the
Q2220 DDS and Sony CXD1171M DAC. Qualcomm
85 32-bits 12
(6) The reported typical SNR is about 6dB worse than the Analog Devices
50 32-bits 10 no 12-bits no
AD7008,[17] PLCC
plotted "Peak Harmonic" for the 1st Image. It is
Analog Devices
unclear if the technique of [Hill,1993] is suggested. (1) 250 10
Dip and
(7) Some manufacturers distinguish between spurious and
harmonics (e.g. Sciteq or Osicom), but often this Sandia,[18] 590 24-bits 8 yes 12-bits GaAs PWB
1.2" x5" x
Some surveyed wideband DACs do not show up on
Sciteq DCP-
700 24-bits 12 yes 12-bit no 15 W 7.8"
the survey chart in figure 9 because no published data on
Sciteq VDS- 32-bits BCD
1.2"x7.8 the spurious performance was determined. However, they
20 12 no 3W " x5"
8,[7] 0.1 Hz exact
module are of particular interest because of the high clock rate or
Sciteq DDS-1
Hybrid/ novel architecture. For example, Rockwell has reported
25 32-bits 12 no 16-bit no CMOS 1.57W 74-pin
LCC development of a 12-bit, 3-GHz DAC [Loring,1994]. For
Sciteq ADS-
1600 30-bits 8 no yes (6) Silicon 6W/8W
novel DAC architectures, see [Takakura et al., 1991],
[Hawksford, 1994], [Kim, 1993], [Essenwanger, 1998],
Sciteq (5) ADS-
500 14 4-bits GaAs
and others listed in the references and bibliography. An
63x [7]
example of a high-speed DDS/DAC is the Raytheon IC and
module design shown in figures 10 through 14.
1000 22 12 no no no InP HBT IC ••
Space[8],[9] ••
•• Dat Dat 8
VME •• Cntl (freq., phase,
•• 20 slope, duration)
•• 16
•• CLK÷32
Microwave GaAs STOP
1250 25-bits 12 yes no no 2.2W 6 ICs 5 16
Limeil,Thomson MESFET
CNI[10] GATE Add Dat Wr
Exe CLK÷32
HBT 1.4 cubic Ext Ext Ext OUTPUT
DDS/HDAC- 500 24-bits 12 no no no CLK Out Exe Add Dat Wr
GaAs in.
MOD 3 16
STOP Ext_Wr ••
+12V ••
•• EXT Freq/
+5V ••
P2 ••
•• Ext Phase
•• 32 ••
•• UPDATE ••
3W ••
BroadCom [12] 800 32-bits 12 no 12-bits yes IC ••
+ DAC VME ••
(slope, ²ø, ²f)
•• +3.3V
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