Dietary Self-Assessment Assignment Revised Fall 2018 1
Dietary Self-Assessment Assignment Revised Fall 2018 1
Dietary Self-Assessment Assignment Revised Fall 2018 1
2. Completed forms 1 - 4
Use the following headings for the paper when analyzing your results:
Carbohydrate (include fiber)
Vitamins And Minerals: discuss each one individually
Comparison Of Diet Evaluation Methods
4. Conclusion /4
- what did you learn about diet (2)
- what improvements can you make (2)
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FORM 1 Average Intake
Energy Protein Fat (g) CHO (g) Calcium Iron Folate Vit C Vit A Vit D Sodium Fiber (g)
(kcal) (g) (mg) (mg) (g) (mg) (g) (g) (mg)
1 weekday 1226 114.8 28.3 133.3 558.2 11.1 272.8 97.6 41.8 0.5 493.1 11.2
2 weekday 712 55.8 29.3 64.1 252.7 7.9 49.2 7.4 74.3 1.0 1849.4 5.2
3 weekend 1033 47.1 11.9 195.0 331.8 9.0 290.4 94.7 44.1 0.0 1729.5 19.8
2971 72.56 69.5 392.4 1142.7 28 612.4 199.7 160.2 1.5 4072 36.2
Average daily
intake (divide total
by 3) 990.33 72.5 23.16 130.8 380.9 9.33 204.13 66.65 53.4 0.5 1357.33 12.06
If you consumed an alcoholic beverage you must include its calories, (see note a ):
Alcohol: (A) N/A cal/day.
Total cal/day = (T) 1021.88 cal/day.
(P) x 100 = 28.40 % of total calories. (C) x 100 = 51.2 % of total calories.
(T) (T)
Note: The four percentages can total 99, 100, or 101, depending on the way in which figures were rounded off earlier.
To find out how many calories in a beverage are from alcohol, look up the beverage in Nutrient Value of some common foods Figure out how many calories are from
carbohydrate (multiply carbohydrate grams times 4), fat (fat grams times 9), and protein (protein grams times 4). The remaining calories are from alcohol.
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Form 4: Canada's Food Guide Analysis - 3 Day Average
DAY 1 3 2.5 1 5
DAY 2 1 1 0.5 2
2.5 1.83 0.66 2.83
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The Dietary Self-Assessment Assignment
Nutrition and Healthy Living
John Barnaba
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To have a healthy living style I need to eat a healthy food balance, but it is not only
eating a healthy food, but I need to eat the food that gives me more energy for my body to
On my three days’ food intake assessment, I ate the food that I always liked from my
culture preference. I’m glad I can find most of the food from my country here in Canada.
However on my three days’ assessment, I ate Canadian food, as well as food from my culture. I
hope the eatracker and Canada’s Food Guide are an effective reference for my diet, as I’am from
I have to accommodate my culture food intake, but I do really like the eatracker because
now I have a way to monitor my food intake, which I haven’t done before. To be honest I love
this nutrition class because it is helping me with my high cholesterol and how to monitor it.
Based on those three days of assessment, I found out that I did not have all nutrients food
Fat is always categorized as bad for our body because of its contribution in developing
chronic disease, but some fats are also essential to our good health as “fats can be found in
almost all food”, but we need to choose what type of fats is healthy for consumption. My daily
average intake of fat was 23.16%, and my calories from fat were 20.39%, on my three days
assessment, RDI recommended intake of fat is 20-35%” (Rolfes, Pinna, and Whitney 2016, p
133, p.152).
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Overall, my fat intake is not that bad as I fall in the middle, but if I over exceeded 35%
of fat go to an unhealthy level’ and may result in chronic disease such as cardiovascular, heart
For example, I found out that I used to consume more meats, and poultry but less
alternatives like beans in the past until my doctor found out that my cholesterol was too high.
The doctor recommended me to reduce meats, and poultry consumption to lean meats in small
portions and increase alternatives like beans and vegetables for a period of one month. When I
went for another checkup a month later, my cholesterol dropped to the normal level.
If I have less intake of fat, it can cause problems. For example, fat in our body is used
for energy especially for those of us who live in Saskatchewan as in our cold winter time, fat is
Carbohydrate is one of the main sources of energy from the food diet as “The DRI
suggest that carbohydrates provided about half (45 to 65 percent )” (Rolfes et al., 2016, p. 123).
When I took my three-days’ assessment, my daily average intake of carbohydrate was 130.8 g
compared to DRI 130g per day, because I always don’t have the same intake of carbohydrates
My family and I came from Sudan to Canada 18 years ago, and most of our food is full of
carbohydrates such as whole wheat grain flour and rice to mention a few. Carbohydrates are
essential in diet as when digested, it converts into glucose, a source of energy for brain and
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muscles to function in proper order (Rolfes et al., 2016). That is why it is important not to have
less intake of carbohydrates as it means less glucose will cause the condition of anxiety, hunger,
dizziness, and hypoglycemia. “Despite fiber benefit to health, a diet excessively high in fiber
also has a drawbacks, as a person who mostly eats high fiber foods may not be able to eat enough
foods to meet the energy nutrient needs”( Rolfes et al., p. 122). It will cause the condition of
malnutrition, and that typically affects elderly and children. My fiber average intake is low of
12.08g per day compare to DRI 25g per day. I need to increase my fiber source food with high
Protein is one of the three major nutrients in the diet and plays a major role in the body to
maintain good health. Usually its DRI requires 10% to 35% per daily energy. We need the
“high-quality protein to provide enough essential amino acid to support the body work, low
On my three days’ assessment my intake was 72.5% which is twice as high than the
daily requirement. I need to watch the source of food that gives high-quality protein from amimal
products, such as meats, poultry, seafood, milk, and milk products. “Because it be implicated in
several chronic desease such as heart desease, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, and kidney stone, on
the other hand low intake of protein will impair brain and kidney functions, poor immunity, and
inadequate nutrient absorption”( Rolfes et al., 2016 p. 186). I will eat lean meat, poultry, fish,
eggs without the yoke, and more vegetables on my diet intake with a balance to maintain a good
healthy body.
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Energy is very important in the body as it enables us do everything, do our daily
activities. Even to breathe, laying down to sleep, and doing nothing needs energy. The daily
estimated energy required for my age group is 3067 Kcalories. Compared to my three days
evaluation, I only consume an average of 990.33 Kcalories per day which is very low and not
But based on the knowledge I’ve been learning from this class, I will adjust my food diet balance
to maintain good health. By using the estimated energy requirements equation, my estimate
energy requirement is 2734.13 Kcalories per day (Rolfes et al., 2016). To achive this I need to
increase my physical activity and meet dietary guidlines to consume enough carbohydrate of
Vitamins and minerals are other very important nutrients in diet which help to convert
energy from food to some energy that the body can use, but they can not supply energy by
themselves. On the other hand, major minerals and minor minerals are all important nutrients in
our body, regardless of the difference of being called major or minor ( Rolfes et al., 2016).
As vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients, based on my three days evaluation, my
daily average intake for vitamin C was 66.65g, vitamin A was 53.4g, and vitamin D was 0.5g,
compared to DRI for vitamin C 90g, vitamin A 900g, and vitamin D 15. I’m way below the
requirement, as the DRI for calcium is 1000g, iron 8g, folate 400g, and sodium 1500g (Rolfes et
al., 2016). My intake for calcium was 380.9g, iron 9.33g, folate 204.13g and sodium 1357.33g.
To meet the DRI guidelines, I need to take a major change in my food diet of vitamin C, A, D,
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I will begin with vitamin D, which is very important in our body for increasing the blood
level of minerals, and calcium and Phosphorus. I already resumed taking my vitamin D
supplements daily. The source of food for vitamin D are eggs, liver, fish, and sunlight. Less
intake of vitamin D will result in rickets, osteomalacia, and bow legs, and excessive will cause
the connective tissue, protein collagen, wound healing, and helps in iron absorption. Food
sources are citrus fruits, cabbage-family vegetables, dark green vegetable, cantaloupe,
strawberries, peppets, tomatoes, and potatoes. Eating less, the deficiency results in loss of
appetite, weakness, bleeding gums, and loose teeth. Excessive will lead to nausea and diarrhea,
Vitamin A is very importnat for the vision, and its food sources are dark green
vegetables, orange fruits, liver, meats, whole milk, carrots, and eggs. Eating less of these will
result in night blindness, changes in the eye, upper respiratory infections, and skin changes.
bone density, liver abnormalities and birth defects ( Rolfes et al., 2016).
Calcium is the most of abundant mineral in the body, and on its role for bone structure, as
they work together with vitamin D. My calcium intake was low compared to DRI. Foods
sources, such as dairy food provide the best sources of calcium in the North American diet (
Rolfes et al., 2016 ).To meet the Canadian food Guidelines, I need to consume milk and milk
products as less calcium in the long run results in osteoporosis toxicity as the tolerable upper
Iron is important in transporting oxygen in the body. The sources of it are red meats, and
fish. My daily average was 9.33g compared to DRI 8g which is a bit high than daily
requirement. I will reduce the foods sources for iron such as meats. Less intake of food with
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iron affects 10% of toddlers, adolescent girls, and women of childbearing in Canada and United
Sodium is one of the minor minerals, but it has an important role in controlling water
balance in the body, such as fluid balance, and electrolyte balance. The sources are soups,
pickles, garlic, and salts. My daily average sodium intake was low at 1357.33g. I need to
increase the sources of sodium, but an excessive or too much sodium may cause vomiting,
diarrhea, and heavy sweating, more fluids must be required ( Rolfes et al., 2016).
Folate plays an important role in the body. A part of coenzymes used in a new cell
making them work closely with Vitamin B12 in the production of red blood. Food sources are
leafy green vegetables, legumes, seeds, and liver. Less consumption results in megoblastic
anemia as with vitamin B12, and excessive causes delays and neurological damage ( Rolfes et
al., 2016).
My daily average intake was 204.13g compared to DRI os 400g per day. Now that I
know about the effects of deficiency and overconsumption, I will increase my intake of food
sources of folate, such as lean meats, legumes, and leafy green vegetables.
According to the methods used of eatracker Vs Canada’s Food Guide, I found eatracker
provides more clearer details. For example, when you type in what you eat at the time it
automatically calculates how much food nutrients you have consumed in grams and percentage,
and is very easy to be use compared to Canada’s Food Guide which only give us dietary
required intake. I did not know eatracker before, and I’m thankful for being introduced to it. I’m
is very important. I personally benefited from this nutrient class, particularly this assignment
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taught me how to used eatracker, and understand how much food sources I need from all vitamin
and minerals, and their effects, if less under or overconsumption. I also know how to use the
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Sharon Rody Rolfes, K. P. (2016). Understanding Normal & Clinical Nutrition 11th
Edition. Boston: Cengage Learning.
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