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Fluid Power/Power Transmission


Bearing & roller

Zero Backlash
Linear Motion
Roller pinion system produces high-speed, Rollers in
long-life, precision motion option Unique tooth profile



pplications requiring high speed, tially maximize motion across the surfaces, The roller pinion system maximizes motion
precision and zero backlash can with the bearing-supported roller and across the surfaces because the bearing-
supported roller and pinion are always roll-
be a challenge to implement for pinion always rolling across the surface,” ing across the surface. Smooth operation
system designers using conventional rack Weiss says. “There is never a point when is achieved using a unique tooth profile
and pinion or long travel ball screw sys- the roller stops rolling across the tooth, so design which never creates a point where
tems. But these applications are a great system operation is very smooth.” the roller stops rolling across the tooth.
target for a unique roller pinion system Because Nexen’s RPS systems are pre-
(RPS). Using a design that delivers more loaded by applying a small load (0.0005- where the pinion is cut in half, and one
than 99-percent efficiency in converting to 0.0010-inch interference), two of the of the pinions in the same axis as the
rotary to linear motion, RPS technology rollers are always in opposing contact on gearhead or motor is preloaded against
from Nexen Group Inc. reduces wear and several teeth. The result is that the system the other. But often these configurations
achieves longer service life at high speeds never stops rolling as the pinion is going degrade the performance of the system.
up to 11 m/sec (36.1 ft/sec). through its motion. Motion is smooth, With a new line of integration solu-
“Compared to a conventional rack quiet and achieves high efficiency by tions for ISO 9409 flanged gearheads,
and pinion which is designed to mini- reducing friction. the RPS system is said to be easier to
mize sliding of the surfaces, our rack Weiss says that in order to eliminate install in a broad range of linear motion
is designed to force sliding all of the backlash, traditional systems commonly applications. Flange mount pinions
time,” says Kevin Weiss, chief engineer at use a dual-pinion set-up where there are can be directly mounted to a flanged
Nexen Group. “With a typical involute two pinions running on one rack. The gearhead (no shaft bushing required)
system, there is a point at the pitch circle two pinions are pre-loaded either elec- and a pinion pre-loader system includes
diameter where the gearing is basically tronically or with a spring, causing one everything needed to properly integrate
pivoting on the surfaces.” pinion to work against the other. Some the RPS into a machine design (fasteners,
“With the roller pinion system, we essen- solutions use a split-pinion arrangement adjustment device, drawings, etc.). All
components are pre-selected to work
How Roller Pinion Achieves Zero Backlash together, and the integrator-focused
design reduces components and simpli-
Rollers in fies proper application. The RPS rack
P opposition is available in standard segmented
lengths of one-meter and half -meter
increments and can be custom cut as
required, allowing unlimited run
SOURCE: NEXEN GROUP INC. lengths and accommodating diverse
application requirements.
A cutaway diagram highlights elements of Nexen’s rack and pinion system (RPS). The
pinion consists of bearing-supported rollers that smoothly roll across a unique tooth
profile. Unlike traditional rack and pinion, the system is designed to run with interfer- For more information:
ence, allowing two rollers to remain preloaded (in opposition) at all times. This elimi- Nexen Group Inc.:
nates backlash and allows for smooth, fluid motion at near 99-percent efficiency. http://www.nexengroup.com/rps/

F12 FL UI D PO WER/ PO W E R T R A N S M I S S I O N / A S U P P L E ME N T TO DE S IGN NE WS MAY 2010 [www.desig nnews .com]

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