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Design and Analysis of Counter Shaft Usi PDF

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© 2016 IJSRSET | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099

Themed Section: Engineering and Technology

Design and Analysis of Counter shaft using CATIA and ANSYS

Pullareddy. M1, Chanikya. K2, Rajesh. B3, Mohanachari. J. V4, Sudheer Reddy Jwala5
M.Tech Student, CAD/CAM, Department of Mechanical Engg., PVKK Institute of Technology, Ananthapuramu,
Andhra Pradesh, India
M.Tech Student Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, JNT University
Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GATES Institute of Technology, Ananthapuramu,
Andhra Pradesh, India

The Recent advancement in software applications is making a best analysis results for the Mechanical Engineering
application studies. This paper mainly involves with the designing and analyzing the countershaft (lay shaft) model
by using the software application. This project deals with the stress analysis of a shaft using Ansys. The shaft which
is fixed at one end is selected and forces are given at particular points. The reactant forces acts in opposite directions.
Torque acts at two points in opposite directions. The reactant forces and bending moments are initially calculated.
Based on these parameters, the maximum shear stress, normal stress is calculated. The same values are used then
calculated by using ANSYS software. Finally the theoretical and analytical results are compared and verified. Here
we selected for part design in CATIA V5R19 and for the analyzing the part model using the is Ansys 16.0 software
respectively. Selection of material for the counter shaft is 4340 Alloy steel(Heat treated).
Keywords: Countershaft (lay shaft),4340 Alloy steel(Heat treated),Stress, Strain

I. INTRODUCTION shaft and these are allowed to turn freely relative to

each other.
A Lay shaft is an intermediate shaft within
a gearbox that carries gears, but does not transfer the Transmission and Operation In Automobile Car In the
primary drive of the gearbox either in or out of the typical manual gearbox for a RWD car, the driving
gearbox. Lay shafts are best known through their use shaft (input) is in-line with the driven shaft (output),
in car gearboxes, where they were a ubiquitous part of but not permanently connected to it. A reduction
the rear-wheel drive layout. With the shift to front- gear on the driving shaft drives the layshaft. In car
wheel drive, the use of Lay shafts is now rarer. transmissions, the term countershaft is also used A
number of gears on the layshaft may then be
The driving shaft carries the input power into the connected, one at a time, to the driven shaft. Selecting
gearbox. The driven shaft is the output shaft from the each of these gears in turn gives the various ratios of
gearbox. In car gearboxes with Lay shafts, these two the gearbox All of these gear ratios are reduction gears,
shafts emerge from opposite ends of the gearbox, the engine speed being higher than the input speed to
which is convenient for RWD cars but may be a the final drive of the rear axle.
disadvantage for other layouts.

For gearboxes in general, gear clusters mounted on a

Lay shaft may either turn freely on a fixed shaft, or
may be part of a shaft that then rotates in bearings.
There may be multiple separate clusters on a shared

IJSRSET16264 | Received : 21 October 2016 | Accepted : 31 October 2016 | September-October-2016 [(2)5: 473-476] 473
the top of the casing and so it is more convenient for
the sliding components of the dog clutches to be
mounted on the driven shaft, rather than the layshaft.
The layshaft gear cluster is thus often a simple one-
piece component, typically cast iron gears running in
bearings on a fixed steel shaft. The bearings may be
plain phosphor bronze bushes, or for high-load
applications needle rollers. Where large numbers of
gear ratios, Seven or more, are to be provided then
these will require a third or more gear clusters on the
Lay shaft To maintain the proportions of the overall
gearbox as more compact, rather than becoming long
and thin, these gearboxes may use twin Layshafts.
This requires an additional driven gear for each
Figure 1. Manual gear transmission system layshaft, but the mechanism is otherwise very similar.
The use of multiple layshafts also developed into
Early gearboxes used sliding gears to engage and the multiple clutch gearbox, used for some buses,
disengage the drive. These were difficult to operate where each ratio has its own layshaft and separate
and also wore on the main working surfaces of the plate or hydraulic clutches, rather than dog clutches,
gears. An early improvement was to use separate dog are used to select between them.
clutches instead to engage gears, leaving the gears
themselves in 'constant mesh'. A later, and more Where a power take-off is required, usually for
gradual development, was the introduction industrial vehicles to drive winches, hydraulic
of synchromesh. This is an all-metal friction clutch in pumps etc., this is often driven from one end of the
addition to the positive dog clutch, that gradually layshaft, as this is more accessible shaft than the main
engages the gears and matches their speed before the shafts, already in use by the drive train.
dog clutch engages.
The top gear of the gearbox is achieved without these
gears, but by coupling the driven shaft directly to the
driving shaft through another dog clutch. This gives a
The material selection is very important for any
'direct drive' top gear, which has advantages for both
design. In this project we taken counter shaft material
efficiency and quietness at cruising speed. A typical
and model Gear wheels materials are same. The 4340
gearbox had 2% losses in each gear set, so 4% for
Alloy steel (Heat treated) is selected.
intermediate ranges through their two gears, but
Properties of 4340 Alloy steel
approaching 0% for the direct-drive top gear.[3] As
Density (ρ) = 7.85e-6 Kg/mm3
the direct top gear is not transmitting torque through
Modulus of Elasticity or
the gears, it is also quieter.
Young’s modulus (E)= 210 x 106 Mpa
In theory, it is also possible to provide
Poisson’s ratio(μ)=0.3
an overdrive top gear, another indirect gear, but of a
speed-up ratio rather than the reduction ratio of the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
other gears. The direct-drive ratio then becomes the
second-to-top or third gear. This arrangement was
1. Part Design
used on some early cars, but was uncommon. Where
overdrive is provided for a RWD car, this is almost Commonly referred to as a 3D Product Lifecycle
always done by adding a separate overdrive gearbox to Management software suite, CATIA supports multiple
the output driven shaft of the gearbox, usually outside stages of product development (CAx), including
the gear casing. conceptualization, design (CAD), engineering (CAE)
Because of the layout of the gearbox, the layshaft is and manufacturing (CAM). CATIA facilitates
normally mounted low-down in the gearbox casing collaborative engineering across disciplines around its
below the other shafts. The gear lever enters through 3DEXPERIENCE platform, including surfacing &

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

shape design, electrical fluid & electronics systems
design, mechanical engineering and systems

For this project the CATIA is used for only design

purpose not for analysis

Figure 4. Meshing the Shaft

Figure 2. CATIA Part model

2. Model Analysis
Input Parameters:
Density (ρ) = 7.85e-6 Kg/mm3
Modulus of Elasticity /Young’s modulus (E)= 210 x
106 Mpa
Poisson’s ratio (μ)=0.3
Figure 5. Equivalent tress
Length of the shaft=832.6mm

Figure 6. Equivalent Elastic strain

Figure 3. Geometric model of counter shaft

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)

3. Results
1. The Equivalent stress is 4.7097 Max
2. The Elastic strain 2.2427e-8Mpa
If one end Z-axis direction is fixed and other end
side motion given then the Total deformation is


As per 4340 Alloy steel standards it has been found

that the design is safe and further, the design with
selection of other materials and various gear ration
can be process for the Gear box applications.


We successfully completed this project under the

guidance of J.V.MOHANACHARI, Assistant
professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Gates Institute of Technology, Gooty,
Aananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India. And we
Thankful to Mr. Ganesh Kumar Yadiki, Managing
Director, Southern Geometrics and SG Labs while
beyond solving the designing and analyzing the

1. Joseph E. Shigley, “Mechanical engineering

2. Design Data Hand Book for Mechanical Engineers
3. Mahadevan K.Balaveera Reddy Chapter 3 pg 56
4. “Fundamentals of machine design” BY T.J.
5. Kurmi, R.S., “A Textbook of Machine
6. “Strength of materials” by R.K. Bansal.
7. Automobile Engineering Vol. 1 by Dr. Kirpal

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ijsrset.com)


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