For High Velocity, High Horsepower and High Efficiency Drives With Smooth Transmission of Load in A Compact Space
For High Velocity, High Horsepower and High Efficiency Drives With Smooth Transmission of Load in A Compact Space
For High Velocity, High Horsepower and High Efficiency Drives With Smooth Transmission of Load in A Compact Space
[email protected]
For High Velocity, High Horsepower and High Efficiency Drives with smooth transmission
of load in a compact space.
Morse HV Drives provide the Drive Designer with a new concept in the transmission of power for high speed, high load applications.
Proven in a wide range of applications from high production automobiles to custom-designed flood control pumps, HV Drives offer
opportunity for flexibility, compactness, weight saving and economy.
In the late 1940’s Morse Chain Engineers developed the original design of ‘HV’ to meet the high speed, high load requirements of Oil
Well Drilling equipment. The first chain 2” Pitch x 12” Wide transmitted 1300kW at 650 r.p.m. on the slush pump of a drill rig. Success on
this and similar applications led to the further development of a family of chains from 3/8”to 2” pitch which have been successfully applied
to a wider variety of industrial applications including Roll Grinders, Dynamometers, Pump Drives, Gas Turbine Starters, four Square Test
Rig, and many Automotive Transmissions. Further development of HV chain enables drives over 2,500kW being accommodated with
standard chain widths.
The link design in the original HV pitches - 3/4”, 1”, 11/2” and 2” (Fig 1) had been tested
and proven for many years. The link crotch is located slightly above the line of pull
and all corners are rounded to minimise the possibility of stress risers and to ensure
maximum performance on high load industrial applications.
The 3/8” and 1/2” pitch chains (Fig. 2) have a new link contour for increased speed
requirements, with the link crotch below the line of pull, and this design is now
extended to include 3/4” and 1” pitches. Photo-elastic studies of various link shapes
and aperture positions produced the design with the lowest level of stress
concentration. Improved metallurgy, and development in design and pressure angle,
+44(0) 121 325 1079
achieve maximum load capacity with high speed performance. Carefully controlled
shot-peening of the links gives them a uniform, matt grey finish and results in an
improved level of link fatigue resistance.
Chordal Action
The compatible design of HV links, joints and sprockets reduces the detrimental
effects of chordal action to a minimum. The chordal action of conventional chain
drives is the vibratory motion caused by the rise and fall of the chain as it engages
sprocket teeth. This motion causes vibration and limits high speed load carrying
capability. Of all types of chains, HV operates most efficiently at all speeds because
chordal action is reduced to a minimum.
Fig 5. shows how HV chain enters approximately tangent to the pitch circle of the
sprocket and maintains this position as it travels around the sprocket. This smooth
engagement permits high speed capabilities with efficiency and quietness.
The third criteria for the success of HV is the mating sprockets. An involute tooth
form, differing from the straight sided teeth of conventional silent chain sprockets is
designed for smooth engagement of the chain with the sprocket teeth. All HV
sprockets are top-hobbed and the teeth heat treated for tough wear resistant surface.
Unlike the single tooth engagement of spur gears, many teeth share the load on a HV
drive, resulting in low stresses, less wear, and long sprocket life.
High Speed Performance Operating chain speeds range from 10 to 35 metres per sec. with higher speeds (to 55m/sec) on special
High Power in Narrow Widths HV chain transmits more power per inch of width than any other chain or belt drive, with
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Smooth Quiet Operation The rolling action of the chain joints combined with smooth sprocket engagement minimise induced
vibrations. This enables HV chain to provide quiet drives on high speed applications.
High Efficiency Smooth operation, with minimal frictional losses, provide transmission efficiencies up to 99.7%.
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There are Seven good reasons to use HV in your design!
must be modified by a Service Factor to obtain the Design Power which can then be related to the tables.
b. Be sure the small sprocket will accommodate the high speed shaft diameter. As a guide with steel sprockets Pitch Circle Diameter
should be minimum twice shaft diameter PCD � Zp
c. If the high speed shaft diameter exceeds the maximum bore in the selected small sprocket it will be necessary either to increase
the number of teeth in the sprocket or select the next larger pitch chain.
6. Determine the required drive ratio:
[email protected]
The tables below provide power ratings in kW for chains of 1” width. To obtain capacity of other widths multiply
width (inches) by rating obtained from table. Whilst tables cover sprockets from 21 teeth, it is recommended to use a
minimum of 25 teeth for maximum chain performance and life. Preliminary selection can be made with these tables,
but it is recommended that all selections should be confirmed with Cross & Morse Engineering prior to
implementation. For applications with powers and/or speeds outside tables, consult Cross+Morse Engineering.
/8” Pitch - HV3 No.
Chain Type 63-139 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 9000
21 19 25 31 37 42 48 53 58 62 66 70 73 76 78 80
Stock Widths: 23 21 27 34 40 46 52 57 62 66 70 74 77 79 80 81
/4”, 1”, 11/2”, 2”, 3” 25 22 29 36 43 50 56 61 66 70 74 77 79 80 81
27 24 32 39 47 53 59 65 69 74 77 79 80 81
29 26 34 42 50 56 62 68 72 76 79 80 81
31 28 36 45 52 59 65 71 75 78 80 81
35 31 41 50 58 65 71 76 79 80 81
39 34 45 54 63 70 75 79 80
45 39 51 61 69 76 80 81
/2” Pitch - HV4 No.
Chain Type 63-139 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000
21 26 32 39 45 51 63 74 85 95 104 112 119 125 129 132
Stock Widths: 23 28 35 42 49 56 68 80 92 102 111 118 125 129 132 133
1”, 11/2”, 2”, 3”, 4” 25 30 38 46 53 60 74 86 98 109 117 125 129 132 133
27 33 41 49 57 65 79 92 104 114 122 128 132 133
29 35 44 53 61 69 84 97 109 119 126 131 133
31 38 47 56 65 74 89 103 115 124 130 133
35 43 53 63 72 82 98 112 123 130 133
39 48 59 70 80 89 106 120 129 133
+44(0) 121 325 1079
/4” Pitch - HV6 No.
Chain Type 63-139 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500 4800
21 33 48 64 79 94 107 120 132 143 153 161 168 172 176 177
Stock Widths: 23 36 53 70 86 101 116 129 142 152 161 168 174 177 177 176
11/2”, 2”, 3”, 4”, 5” 25 39 57 75 93 110 125 138 150 160 168 174 177 177 175 170
27 42 62 81 100 117 132 146 157 166 173 176 177 175
29 45 66 86 106 124 139 153 164 171 177 177 175
31 48 71 92 113 130 146 160 169 175 177 175
35 54 79 103 124 143 158 169 176 177 173
39 60 87 113 136 154 168 176 177 172
45 69 99 127 150 166 177 175
Chain Type 63-139 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3300 3600
21 54 72 89 105 121 136 150 163 174 185 195 202 208 214 215
Stock Widths: 23 59 78 96 114 130 146 161 174 186 195 203 210 214 215 212
2”, 3”, 4”, 5”, 6” 25 64 84 104 123 140 156 171 184 195 204 210 214 215 212 200
27 69 91 112 131 150 166 180 193 203 210 214 215 213 203
29 74 97 119 139 159 175 189 200 209 214 215 213 206
31 79 104 127 148 167 183 197 207 213 215 213 206
35 89 116 140 163 182 197 208 214 215 210
39 98 127 154 176 195 207 214 215 208
45 112 145 171 193 208 215 213 200
Chain Type 61-115 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1500 1600 1800 2000 2100 2200 2400 2500
21 29 58 85 111 135 155 172 179 185 193 196 195 195 184 142
Stock Widths: 23 32 63 93 121 144 165 181 187 191 196 194 190 183 151
3”, 4”, 5”, 6” 25 35 68 100 129 154 174 188 192 195 194 186 172
27 37 73 107 138 162 182 193 195 196 189
29 40 79 115 146 171 188 196 195 193 173
31 43 84 121 153 177 193 196 192 186
35 48 94 135 167 188 196 188 172
39 53 104 147 178 195 192
45 62 117 163 191 194
Chain Type 61-115 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1700 1800
21 47 70 92 114 134 153 170 186 199 210 219 224 226 215 203
Stock Widths: 23 51 77 101 124 145 165 181 197 210 219 225 227 219 194
3”, 4”, 5”, 6” 25 56 83 109 134 155 175 193 207 218 225 227 225 205
27 60 90 117 143 166 186 202 215 224 227 225 217 182
29 65 95 124 151 175 195 210 222 227 226 219 204
31 69 102 132 160 183 203 217 225 227 221 207
35 78 114 147 175 199 216 225 227 218 198
39 86 125 160 189 211 224 227 217 195
45 98 142 179 207 224 227 213 182
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It is essential that drives selected in the area right of the tinted area are fitted with a pressure fed spray lubrication system. Other
drives can operate in oil bath lubrication. Note: Other widths of chain up to 8 times pitch can be supplied to order.
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Rivetted Pin Connecting Pin
Assembly Spiral Pin Type
HV-303 3/4 17.4 20.6 22.7 26.1 25 1.0
HV-304 1 23.8 26.9 29.1 32.5 33 1.3
HV-305 1.1/4 3/8" 4.3 10.9 30.2 33.5 35.5 38.9 42 1.6
HV-306 1.1/2 (9.525) 36.6 39.7 41.9 45.3 50 1.9
HV-308 2 49.4 52.5 54.7 58.1 67 2.6
HV-824/139 6 149.6 155.8 159.7 166.3 534 20.8
3/4" PITCH 61 type HV
HV-606 1.1/2 31.7 35.9 43.2 43.4 100 3.9
HV-608 2 44.4 48.6 55.9 56.1 133 5.2
HV-612 3 3/4" 10.3 20.9 69.8 74.0 81.3 81.5 200 7.7
HV-616 4 (19.05) 95.2 99.4 106.7 106.9 267 10.3
[email protected]
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HV Sprockets
Cross+Morse can provide a full range of HV Sprockets manufactured in the best combination of materials and heat treatment to
ensure long service life with ability to transmit full designed torques and powers with minimum noise and vibration.
Cast Sprockets.
200 205.0 210.0
6” 146.05 143.76 139.70 139.70 136.64 d 6.0 7.0 12.0 15.0
8” 190.50 187.44 g 3.0 3.0 4.0 6.0
Y 16.5 21.5 30.6 43.5 26.0 36.5 53.8 71.5 Y 16.5 21.5 26.0 36.5
Side Guide Chain Sprocket Face-Width Tolerance +0.0 -0.5mm * These Sprockets are without groove for side guide Chains
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27 HV304B27 82.04 19.05 45 67 41.3 1.16 27 HV408B27 109.40 19.05 60 89 76.2 4.15
29 HV304B29 88.09 19.05 46 73 41.3 1.40 29 HV408B29 117.47 19.05 65 97 76.2 4.95
31 HV304B31 94.16 19.05 53 79 41.3 1.65 31 HV408B31 125.53 19.05 70 106 76.2 5.75
38 HV304B38 115.34 19.05 73 100 41.3 2.65 38 HV408B38 153.80 19.05 95 134 76.2 9.10
42 HV304B42 127.46 19.05 84 112 41.3 3.35 42 HV408B42 169.95 19.05 111 150 76.2 11.40
57 HV304B57 172.90 31.75 115 152 41.3 6.20 57 HV408B57 230.53 31.75 114 152 88.9 19.80
76 HV304B76 230.48 31.75 115 152 41.3 9.35 76 HV408B76 307.31 25.40 64 92 76.2 27.50
+44(0) 121 360 0155
19 HV306B19 57.86 12.70 30 41 54.8 0.65 19 HV412B19 77.16 19.05 37 56 102.0 2.40
21 HV306B21 63.91 12.70 33 48 54.8 0.85 21 HV412B21 85.22 19.05 43 63 102.0 3.15
23 HV306B23 69.95 12.70 35 54 54.8 1.10 23 HV412B23 93.27 19.05 46 73 102.0 3.90
25 HV306B25 76.00 19.05 42 60 54.8 1.25 25 HV412B25 101.32 19.05 53 81 102.0 4.75
27 HV306B27 82.04 19.05 45 67 54.8 1.55 27 HV412B27 109.40 19.05 60 89 102.0 5.70
29 HV306B29 88.09 19.05 46 73 54.8 1.85 29 HV412B29 117.47 19.05 65 97 102.0 6.65
31 HV306B31 94.16 19.05 53 79 54.8 2.45 31 HV412B31 125.53 19.05 70 106 102.0 7.85
38 HV306B38 115.34 19.05 73 100 54.8 3.55 38 HV412B38 153.80 19.05 95 134 102.0 12.30
42 HV306B42 127.46 19.05 84 112 54.8 4.40 42 HV412B42 169.95 19.05 111 150 102.0 15.40
57 HV306B57 172.90 31.75 115 152 54.8 8.25 57 HV412B57 230.53 31.75 114 152 114.0 27.30
76 HV306B76 230.48 31.75 115 152 54.8 13.10 76 HV412B76 307.31 25.40 64 92 102.0 37.75
All dimensions are in mm
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HV Chain Installation
Morse HV Drives are normally on applications where high speed and/or high horsepower transmission is the requirement. The HV Drive
should be installed in rigid housings of welded steel or cast construction, complete with shafts, bearings, seals and a proper lubrication
system, in order to realise the full performance capability. There should be adequate clearance in chain case for chain to ride over
sprockets (min. rad. = Spkt pitch rad + 11/4 chain pitch); and for centrifugal expansion of chain midway between sprockets (allow 12%
Centre Distance beyond chain path each side of chain case). Side clearance beyond width of the chain should be equal to or greater than
A proper lubrication system with clean oil of the correct type is necessary for long, quiet, trouble free life of HV Drives. The lubricant
must penetrate the chain joints to dissipate frictional heat and flush out foreign particles, and lubricate the surfaces of chain and sprocket
Pressure Lubrication
For chain speeds above 13M/sec, pressure lubrication is required.
The lubrication system should supply filtered oil at 4.5 litres/min. per
25mm width of chain. Spray pipes of 9.5mm I.D. with 2.5mm dia.
orifices every 25mm will provide adequate lubrication with oil of SAE
20W or less at pressure of 1.5 Bar. The spray pipe should be located to
spray onto the inside of chain as slack strand enters sprocket.
A replacement element full flow oil filter capable of removing particles
larger than 25 microns, with a built in relief valve, should be installed
between the oil pump and spray pipe. A low oil pressure switch with
warning is recommended.
Additional components should include an oil sump strainer, oil fill/
breather, magnetic drain plug and an oil level sight gauge.
Lubrication should also be provided to the shaft bearings.
Bath Lubrication
At chain speeds below 13M/sec bath lubrication may be satisfactory. With bath lubrication, the dynamic oil level should be maintained at
the lowest point of the chain pitch line, and for this purpose an oil level sight gauge is desirable.
[email protected]
Where applications require oil in excess of SAE 20 Grade consult Morse Engineering
It is desirable to limit oil temperature to 80˚C to prevent rapid deterioration. If necessary external cooling fans or oil cooler should be
used to achieve this. Generally HV Chains operate with a temperature rise of approx. 25˚C above ambient temperature.
Lubrication Changes
Oil should be kept clean to assure long trouble free service. If oil becomes dirty or appears to be contaminated it should be replaced.
Good practice is to change oil every 1000 hours or 4 months whichever occurs first, but longer intervals are acceptable if operating
conditions allow. When oil is changed, the case should be drained and flushed with suitable solvent. Inspection of lubrication piping,
pump and spray pipe orifices should be made, and filter element replaced if dirty. The drive must be kept free of water and foreign
material at all times.