Barduva Screw Nut Lifts
Barduva Screw Nut Lifts
Barduva Screw Nut Lifts
SB 200
Enclosed Platform Lift
Barduva provides cost effective
solutions for customers with different
financial capabilities
Barduva has been in the lifting equipment customer service to a significantly higher level
market for more than 20 years. than it is commonly accepted in the industry.
We can create new products, adopt innovative
From the very start the creation of our platform technologies and offer the shortest lead time
lifts was based on our own technical solutions for existing products.
using the latest research in mechanics and
electronics. The years of experience in development,
highly qualified constructors and engineers,
All the components of our products are constantly improving methods of production
developed exclusively by professional management and established worldwide
engineers of our firm. Lift assembly and partnerships make us very competitive in the
testing are carried out in our factory as market and provide a reliable basis for the
well, this way taking our product quality and successful development of our company.
Increased reliability
and flexibility
• Advanced system of diagnostics, which • With a 3-phase power source, the frequency
considerably simplifies service. The most converter isn’t used in the elevator. It increases
important signals and states are displayed reliability of the drive and reduces the
on the diagnostic panel and if necessary, the probability of emergency shutdowns because
structure of the displayed signals can always of converter errors.
be expanded or changed.
• Positioning and speed sensor accuracy is
• A detailed record of all the events in the increased, making movements of the platform
system. With a computer or mobile device smoother and exact.
it is possible to watch the current and last
diagnostic messages of the system and to • There is continuous control of the integrity
identify any malfunctions in the system to of information communication lines. The
within the code lines in the software. movement stops in case of damage to the
communication lines.
• A software update of all electronic units in
the system, without their uninstallation, is • Susceptibility to a lowered power supply
possible. voltage is reduced.
• The system carries out exact measurements • The level of electromagnetic radiation from
of voltages and currents, controls overloads, the elevator is drastically reduced in a 3-phase
automatically defines sequence of phases, configuration.
and reacts to interruptions or asymmetry
of phases. The system is tolerant to change • A control system for lubrication is provided.
through the alternation of phases.
• Solenoids can malfunction. The exact reasons
• The system (without reinstallation) can be for this are often not clear, but monitoring is
remade from a single-phase in to three- necessary to record the malfunction and to
phase and vice versa. Thus, the software isn’t take action.
required to be changed.
• The accumulator helps to increase the
reliability of the operation of the solenoids.
Simplified Assembly and setup
• Applications of a flat connecting cable • Assembly is simplified - all relays are located
between a platform and pit. on a PCB. There is no need for manual wiring
for the electronic PCB.
• Length of connecting wires between modules
on the platform is reduced. • Conductors and sockets for the SafeLine
installation and other solutions from third-
• The new type of an encoder that doesn’t
party firms are allocated in advance.
demand adjustment is applied.
algorithms and don’t evoke any uncomfortable
feelings for sensitive people.
A uniformly backlit control panel, with a The platform floor cover is made of rough anti-
comfortable handle below, contains large skid material, which is highly adhesive and
buttons with embossed symbols at a abrasion resistant. The floor coating material
convenient height for accessing from sitting may contain logos, promotional materials or
or standing positions. pictures according to our clients’ needs.
We use the latest LED technology for lighting
of SB200 as it is cost-effective, durable and
has a wide palette range. The sets of a large
number of LED elements provide uniform
illumination and an excellent aesthetic
Pit 5O mm
Power supply 380V, 3 phase or 230V, 1 phase
40 40
Standard Platform Lift 1070 x 1485
System Screw-driven
Rated load 400 kg
Speed 0,15 m/sec (9 m/min)
Platform dimensions 1070 x 1485 mm
Shaft dimensions 1460 x 1540 mm
Structural opening 1500 x 1580 mm
Required opening for W (shaft width) x H (decided
the door door height) + 250 mm
Pit 5O mm
Power supply 380V, 3 phase or 230V, 1 phase
40 40
Standard Platform Lift 1150 x 1485
System Screw-driven
Rated load 400 kg
Speed 0,15 m/sec (9 m/min)
Platform dimensions 1150 x 1485 mm
Shaft dimensions 1540 x 1540 mm
Structural opening 1580 x 1580 mm
Required opening for W (shaft width) x H (decided
the door door height) + 250 mm
Pit 5O mm
Power supply 380V, 3 phase or 230V, 1 phase
Colour customisation
The whole lift can be painted in
almost any colour to suit your
taste and environment. You can
choose from hundreds of RAL
pallette colours available.
Door type Aluminum Aluminum Impost Fire proof Fire proof Gates
with glass EI60 EW60 – with a
(standard) small window
LED lighting
Floor indicator
Emergency STOP button
Alarm button
Overload indicator
Two-digit floor numbering
Safeline MX2 - for emergency
Safety Edge
We are constantly thinking about tomorrow, because we know that the
success belongs to those who best predicts the needs of customers.
We love challenges. We are ready to fulfill customer orders faster than
others and fulfill orders that other companies do not dare to take.
Barduva, JSC
Liepkalnio 61, 02120 Vilnius, Lithuania
00 370 5 231 0770 (Phone)
00 370 5 231 0773 (Fax)
[email protected] ·