Production of Clean Biofuel From Microalgae": Project Proposal Reference No.:39S - B - BE - 006
Production of Clean Biofuel From Microalgae": Project Proposal Reference No.:39S - B - BE - 006
Production of Clean Biofuel From Microalgae": Project Proposal Reference No.:39S - B - BE - 006
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
Submitted By
Prof. Shivandappa
Asst. Professor
Department of Biotechnology
R.V. College of Engineering, Bengaluru
Production of Clean Biofuel from Microalgae PPRN: 39S_B_BE_006
This is to certify that the project work entitled “Production of Clean Biofuel
from Microalgae” was carried out byNavyashri (1RV12BT033),Shravanthi S
kumar (1RV12BT046) andVidyashree S (1RV12BT057), who are bonafide
students of R.V.College of Engineering, Bengaluru in fulfilment of Biofuel
project sponsored by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology &
Karnataka State Biofuel Development Board, Bengaluru under 39th series of
Student Project Programme in the year 2015-2016.
Further we declare that the content of the dissertation has not been submitted
previously by anybody .
We also declare that any Intellectual property rights generated out of this project
carried out at R.V.C.E. will be the property of R.V. College of Engineering,
Bengaluru and we will only be the authors of the same.
Date:1. Navyashri
2. Shravanthi S Kumar
3. Vidyashree S
We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the people who have been
helpful in the successful completion of our project. We would like to show our
greatest appreciation to professors and staff members at the Department of
Biotechnology Engineering.
Our debt of gratitude must go to our guide Prof.Shivandappa for his valuable
suggestions and inspiring guidance throughout the course of this work. We would
also like to thank Dr.Pushpa Agrawal, Professor & Head, Dept. of Biotechnology
Engineering, Dr.K.N.Subramanya, Principal of R.V.C.E, for providing valuable
guidance and facilities to carry out the work. We are grateful to
Ms.Mahalakshmi,Ms.Puneetha&Ms.Smitha, project assistants for being with us,
helping inseveral ways throughout our project.
Most importantly, we are extremely grateful to our parents for their encouragement,
quiet patience and love which has always helped us sail through obstacles and
complete the project successfully.
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………….v
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………………………...x
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………...xii
1.1 Biodiesel Overview………………………………………………………………..1
1.1.1 Advantages of Biodiesel…………………………………………………….2
1.2 Literature survey
1.2.1 Microalgae…………………………………………………………………..3
1.2.2 Algal Biodiesel………………………………………………………………3
1.2.3 Microalgae as source of Biodiesel…………………………………………..4
1.2.5 Trans-esterification………………………………………………………….6
1.2.6 Enzyme Trans-esterification………………………………………………...6
1.2.7Pseudomonas aeruginosa…………………………………………………….7
1.3 Problem outcome………………………………………………………………….7
1.4 Objectives………………………………………………………………………….9
1.5 Brief methodology………………………………………………………………...9
1.6 Organization of the report………………………………………………………..10
2.1 Motive underlying algae as the biodiesel feedstock……………………………..12
2.2 Principles underlying high oil yield of B.braunii...................................................12
2.3 Bacterial Lipase mediated Trans-esterification…………………………………..13
2.3.1 P.aeruginosa Lipase………………………………………………………..13
2.3.2 Function of P.aeruginosa lipase…………………………………………...14
2.3.3 Structure and catalytic mechanism…………………………………………….14
2.4 Feasibility of production of Biodiesel from algae……………………………….15
3.1 Materials used……………………………………………………………………16
3.2 Methodology……………………………………………………………………..17
3.2.1 Preparation of Lipase…………………………………………………………18 Serial dilution of soil sample and inoculation on LB agar medium……….18 Inoculation on to EMB agar medium……………………………………...19 on to Kings’ B agar medium…………………………………..20 on to Mac-Conkey agar medium……………………………...21 Screening of P.aeruginosa by Biochemical tests………………………….21 Biochemical screening of lipase by Spirit blue agar medium……………..23 Extraction and purification of Lipase……………………………………...24 Quantification of purified crude Lipase…………………………………...25
3.2.2 Culture and growth of algae…………………………………………………..26 Media Optimization……………………………………………………….27 Screening of B.braunii……………………………………………………..28 Algal oil extraction………………………………………………………...29
3.2.3 Comparative studies…………………………………………………………..29
3.2.4 Trans-esterification of Algal with lipase isolated from P.aeruginosa………...30
3.2.5 Testing of Fuel properties of Biodiesel……………………………………….30
5.1 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….59
5.2 Future prospects………………………………………………………………….60
µm: Micrometre
FC reagent: Folinciocalteau
ZnSO4:Zinc sulphate
Co(NO3)2:Cobalt nitrate
Na2.MoO4:Sodium molybdate
Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are derived from biomass. The term
covers solid biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases.Biofuels are gaining increased
public and scientific attention, driven by factors such as oil price hikes and the need
for increased energy security. Bio-ethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting the sugar
components of plant materials and it is made mostly from sugar and starch crops.
With advanced technology being developed, cellulosic biomass, such as trees and
grasses, are also used as feedstocks for ethanol production. Ethanol can be used as a
fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually used as a gasoline additive to
increase octane and improve vehicle emissions. Bio-ethanol is widely used in the
USA and in Brazil. Biodiesel is made from vegetable oils, animal fats or recycled
greases. Biodiesel can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is usually
used as a diesel additive to reduce levels of particulates, carbon monoxide, and
hydrocarbons from diesel-powered vehicles. Biodiesel is produced from oils or fats
usingtrans-esterification and is the most common biofuel in Europe. Biofuels provides
1.8% of the world's transport fuel. Investment into biofuels production capacity
exceeded $4 billion worldwide in 2015 and is growing.
Diesel engines were designed earlier to run on different kind of fuels like kerosene,
coal dust etc because of its complex injection systems. Due to its high energy content
is bound to be discovered as a sustainable energy source. Biodiesel was used when a
diesel engine was run on peanut oil in 1900 world‘s fair by Otto Company
commissioned by the French government. In 1970‘s during the world war Biodiesel
production saw interest as there was a shortage of conventional fuels. Due to its
numerous advantages it is becoming one the fast growing industry for alternative
Biodiesel is fuel containing long chain alkyl esters (methyl, ethyl or propyl). Biodiesel
is produced by treating oils or animal fat feedstock with alcohol to produce fatty acid
methyl esters as shown in figure 1.1.
Biodiesel can be used in pure form (B100) or can be blended with petro-diesel in the
form of B2 (2% biodiesel, 98% petroleum diesel), B5 (5% biodiesel, 95% petroleum
diesel), B20 (20% biodiesel, 80% petroleum diesel) and B100 (pure biodiesel).
Biodiesel has helped several countries in reducing their dependence on foreign oil
reserves as it is domestically produced and can be used in any diesel engine with little
or no modification to the engine or the fuel system. The advantages of Biodiesel are
as follows
1. Biodiesel is clean burning fuel and has no carcinogenic emissions and gases
which cause global warming.
3. Biodiesel is biodegradable.
4. Feedstock is grown, produced and distributed locally hence reduces cost and
improves economy.
7. Biodiesel has higher cetane number compared to petroleum diesel hence it has
low idle noise and easy cold start.
1.2.1 Microalgae
Microalgae are microscopic photosynthetic organisms that are found in both marine
and fresh water environments. Microalgae are organisms which efficiently convert
solarenergy into biomass.Micro algalfuel has high calorific value, low density and
viscosity and hence makes it a better feedstock than plant based feedstock .The
distinct characteristic of algae is that there are a number of species of algae which can
be used and optimized to produce bio fuels of different characteristics[2-3].
Algae Biodiesel is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels that uses algae as its source of
energy-rich oils. Also, algae fuels are an alternative to common known biofuel
sources, such as corn and sugarcane. Studies have shown that some species of algae
can produce 60% or more of their dry weight in the form of oil. Because the cells
grow in aqueous suspension, where they have more efficient access to water, CO2 and
dissolved nutrients, microalgae are capable of producing large amounts of biomass
and usable oil in either high rate algal ponds or photo-bioreactors.
7. After oil extraction the biomass can be used as feed for livestock as it is rich in
8. Algal oil production uses resources which would otherwise be not useful.
Due to these advantages, in this present work algae was chosen for biodiesel
production [4-5].
Biodiesel can be produced by any organic sources of oil like waste oil, animal fat and
seed oils. Waste oils supply is limited hence it is not a feasible feedstock for biodiesel
production.Using seed oil as feedstock reduces the seeds for food supply hence it is
not viable.There is a need for a feedstock source which is abundant as well as a
productive source of feedstock.The oil yield by different feedstock is shown in Table
1.1.The table shows that microalgae has the highest oil yield, hence it was considered
as feedstock for this present work.
Soybean 446
Canola 1,190
Jatropha 1,892
Palm 5,950
Microalgae 136,900
1.2.4 Botryococcusbraunii
Taxonomy of Botryococcusbraunii
Kingdom Plantae
Division Chlorophyta
Class Chlorophyceae
Order Chlorococcales
Family Dictyosphariaceae
Genus Botryococcus
Species B.barunni
1.2.5 Trans-esterification
1.2.7Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Table1.3: Comparison of feed-stocks with oil yield and land required [13].
Crop Oil in Litres per hectare
Jatropa 3400
Castor 1413
Sunflower 952
Safflower 779
Palm 5950
Soy 446
Coconut 2689
Algae 100000
It is seen that the land required for algae growth is least compared to other feedstock
as shown in Fig 1.3.From the table1.4 it is observed that B. braunii has the highest oil
yield compared to the other microalgae species. Hence in the present work B. braunii
has been used to extract Algal oil.
1.4 Objective
As discussed above, to overcome the problems following objectives were chosen for
the present work
1. To isolate P.aeruginosafrom Soil & water
3) To extract and purify the Lipase from P.aeruginosa: Colonies from Mac-
Conkey plate were transferred onto King‘s B broth and incubated overnight, then
broth culture was centrifuged and the supernatant obtained was subjected to
purification by ammonium sulphate precipitation. After precipitation, reaction
mixture was again subjected to centrifugation, pellet was then suspended in
phosphate buffer and dialysis was carried out to obtain crude enzyme extract.
4) To extract the algal oil from dried algal mat: The algal mat obtained in the
aquarium set up was dried and grounded to fine powder form. It was then subjected
for hexane mediated solvent extraction and finally algal oil extraction was done by
using soxhlet apparatus. Later extracted algal oil was used in the process of
biodiesel production.
The report is organized into 5 different chapters. Each chapter begins with a
preamble giving brief introduction of the chapter.
Chapter 1:Introduction- This chapter contains history of origin of biodiesel and brief
introduction to biodiesel trans-esterification. The advantages of biodiesel over
conventional fuels are stated. There is a detailed literature survey on the recent
developments in algal biodiesel and the problem outcomes.
Chapter 3: Materials and Methodology - The raw materials utilized for the present
work and workflow of the methods followed to meet the objectives are discussed in
this chapter
Chapter 5: Conclusion and future prospects - The conclusions we can draw from
this present work is stated and the advances that can be made further are discussed.
Biodiesel from algae is the upcoming third generation renewable fuel. Enzyme trans-
esterification process of producing Biodiesel is proven to be more favourable than
conventional chemical method. This chapter gives detailed explanation of concept
behind B.braunii being used as high oil yield source and Lipase action as catalyst in
The literature survey shows that microalgae can be used as a good source of vegetable
oil; a recent study suggests that the algae produces and store more oil in their cells.
Fertilizers which are abundant in phosphorous and nitrogen can be obtained by
algae.Algal farms help in recycling nutrient by using nutrient from waste sources like
human sewage,animalwaste,farm wastes.
Fig 2.1: Transformation of lipid bodies and vacuoles during the cell cycle of
B.braunii [15].
From literature survey related to Lipases, we have been able to realize that bacterial
lipases are more resistant to the methanol used in trans-esterification; more
specifically lipases from P.aeruginosa species are sturdy to the methanol action and
can withstand the reaction temperature up to 45°C.
Lipases are a part of class of enzymes esterases which initiates hydrolysis of ester
bonds in lipid substrates and it is a water soluble enzyme. Lipases are the most
important factor required for digestion, processing and transport of lipids. Few viruses
have genes which codes for lipases.
Lipases act usually on particular positions like glycerol backbones of lipids. For
example,In case of human pancreatic lipase (HPL), which help in the breakdown of
fats and help digestion, trans-esterifies ingested oils to monoglycerides and free fatty
acids.There are other lipases like phospholipases and sphingomyelinases which are
not ―conventional‖ lipases as their activity type differs.
Lipase enzymes are found in different forms having several types of protein folds and
mechanism if catalysis.Most of the enzymes are built on hydrolase fold and use a
chymotrypsin like hydrolysis which involves a histidine, serine nucleophile, and an
acidresidue [20].The protein structure of lipase is shown in figure 2.2.
1. Lipases are water soluble and play an important role in fat digestion. They are
acyl hydrolases enzymes which act by cleaving long-chain triglycerides into
polar lipids. Because of an opposite polarity between the enzyme and their
substrates, the reaction occurs at the interface between the two phases which is
oil and aqueous phase.
Lipases from group III is secreted by a different mechanism hence is different from
group I and II.Lipase is extracellular produced by P.aeruginosa.It has a molecular
weight of 25.5 kDa. The intracellular lipase produced by Pseudomonas species has a
molecular weights of 35.5, 49 and 70 kDa [21].
In practice, biodiesel has not yet been produced on large scale from algalculture,
though large biodiesel production from algae will see a likely rise in the near future
(4-5 years) [22].
The materials used in the present work are summarized and provided in the following
section under different headings.
2. Sample collection for algae: water sample containing algae traces was collected
from Ulsoorlake, Bengaluru
3. Culture and growth of B.braunii: Aquarium of 8 liters capacity with aerator was
procured from local stores, Gulmarg Aquarium, vijayanagar, Bengaluru.
4. Sample collection for P.aeruginosa: Soil sample was procured from Football
ground, RVCE and tap water was procured from biotechnology laboratory, RVCE.
Standard culture was procured from Radiant Research Lab Pvt. Ltd, Peenya,
6. Algal Oil Extraction: Closed type Soxhlet extraction apparatus. 4:1 Hexane:
Petroleum Ether (v/v) solvent.
8. Oils for comparative studies: Pongamia oil, Groundnut oil and Rice bran oil were
procured from Biodiesel Lab, RVCE.
3.2 Methodology
Microbial Trans-esterification
Screening of Trans-esterification
P.aeruginosais found in soil, on plant surfaces and in water. The soil sample and
water sample was chosen for the isolation of P.aeruginosa.Soil sample was serially
diluted in distilled water and inoculated onto L B Agar media and incubated at 25 °C
for 24 hours.1ml of tap water sample was directly inoculated onto 5 petriplates of LB
Agar media and incubated at 25 °C for 24 hours.[23]. The colonies observed were
sub-cultured onto differential media for gram-negative bacteria i.e., EMB agar
medium followed by specific media for lypolytic organisms, King‘s B agar medium
and differential media for P.aeruginosa and P.fluorescens and same was confirmed
using biochemical tests. Biochemical screening of the isolated P.aeruginosa for
Lipase production was done by spirit blue agar medium. Eventually, Lipase was
isolated and purified by dialysis. The detailed methodology for the preparation of
lipase is explained in subsequent sections. Serial Dilution of Soil Sample and inoculation onto LB agar medium
Serial dilution is the stepwise dilution of a substance in solutionas shown in Fig 3.2.
Usually the dilution factor at each step is constant, resulting in a geometric
progression of the concentration in a logarithmic fashion. It is an effective way of
obtaining pure cultures.In this case the bacteria present in soil get diluted and hence
decrease in number. The last dilution will have minimum number of microbes and
hence the colonies produced by these inoculums will have number of distinct colonies
with high resolution as compared to the first dilution.1g of soil sample was dissolved
in 10 ml of water, 1ml of this solution is diluted with 9ml water. This process is
carried out up to 10 dilutions. Each of the 10 dilutions are spread plated onto LB agar
plate.The composition of LB agar is shown in table 3.1.
EMB agar is a differential media for gram negative bacteria and lactose fermenting
bacteria. After thegrowth of colonies on LB agar media, aloopful of culture from LB
agar medium was streaked onto EMB agar medium and incubated for 24h at 25ºC
The dyes eosin and methyleneblue help in changing color from red to black in case of
bacteria that can break down the lactose sugar (carbon source) present in the media as
shown in table 3.2 Lactose fermenters are blue-black; non-fermenters are colourless
or light purple.
Our bacteria P.aeruginosais gram negative cannot utilize sugar as the carbon source
and requires a lipid as carbon source. Hence their growth can be seen as colourless
colonies in EMB agar.
King‘s Agar B enhances the elaboration of the pyocyanin formation; essential for
aeruginosa species. The composition of the media is shown in table 3.3. Peptone
provides the essential nitrogenous nutrients, carbon, sulphur and trace elements. Corn
oil serves as lipid source and Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate buffers the medium.
Mac-Conkey agar media serves as the differential media for aeruginosa and
fluorescens species of Pseudomonas. A loop full of colonies from King‘s B agar
medium was streaked onto Mac-Conkey agar medium and incubated for 24h at 25ºC.
The bacterial colonies isolated fromspecific media was utilized in the biochemical
tests specific for P.aeruginosa. These tests will confirm that isolated colonies are pure
form of P.aeruginosa species. From literature survey, it was observed that
P.aeruginosashows positive results for Catalase and Oxidase test and, negative results
for Urease and Methyl-Red test.
The oxidase test is used to identify bacteria that produce cytochrome c oxidase, an
enzyme of the bacterial electron transport chain. When present, the cytochrome c
oxidase oxidizes the reagent to(indophenols) purple color end product. When the
enzyme is not present, the reagent remains reduced and is colourless.Small inoculums
of isolate was smeared on to the filter paper soaked with the reagent (tetramethyl-p-
phenylenediamine). Purple colour was observed within 15-20 seconds.
The urease test is used to determine the ability of an organism to split urea,
through the production of the enzyme urease. Urea is the product of decarboxylation
of amino acids. Hydrolysis of urea produces ammonia andCO2. The formation
of ammonia alkalinizes the medium, and the pH shift is detected by the color change
of phenol red from light orange at pH 6.8 to magenta (pink) at pH 8.1.
Urea agar slant of the composition shown in table 3.5 was prepared. Small inoculums
of the isolate was streaked onto the urease agar slants. Colour change was not
observed in the slants afterincubation at 37ºC for 48h.
Methyl Red (MR) test determines whether the microbe performs mixed acids
fermentation when supplied glucose. The bacteria initially metabolise glucose to
pyruvic acid, which is further metabolized through the mixed acid pathway to produce
the stable acid. The type of acid produced differs from species to species and depends
on the specific enzymatic pathways present in the bacteria. The acid so produced
decreases the pH to 4.5 or below, which is indicated by a change in the colour of
methyl red from yellow to red when added to the broth culture.
Inoculums of isolate was grown in a broth medium containing glucose and incubated
for 48h at 37ºC. After 48h, methyl-red indicator was added to the broth culture, to
observe the colour changes.
We performed these biochemical tests on the colonies isolated from Mac-conkey and
favourable results was observed as shown in next chapter [24].
Spirit Blue Agar is used for detecting lipolytic bacteria using lipase reagent and lipid
source.A loop full of colonies of isolated pure P.aeruginosawas streaked onto Spirit
blue agar medium and incubated for 24h at 25ºC
Pancreatic Digest of
10.0 g
Yeast Extract 5.0 g
Agar 20.0 g
Spirit Blue Dye 0.15 g
Distilled water 1000 ml
The extraction involves two steps namely preparation of enzyme extract and
Ammonium sulphate precipitation followed by purification of enzyme by dialysis
100 ml of 2X King‘s B broth was inoculated with P.aeruginosa and incubated for 72
hours. The incubation time is enough for optimal production of lipase. The broth
culture was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 4°C. The cells in the broth
form a pellet which is discarded. The supernatant contains extracellular lipase
The molecular weight of Lipase is 25kDa hence, the dialysis membrane of 0.5µm
pore size with MWCO of 20KDa was selected for dialysis. This dialysis bag was
immersed in 100 ml of 2% Na2Co3 solution inside boiling water bath for 10 minutes.
The dialysis membrane has to be pre-treated as shown in Fig 3.3. Using forceps the
dialysis bag was transferred to a beaker containing 100 ml distilled water in boiling
water bath and boiled for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes this was transferred to another
beaker containing 100 ml distilled water distilled water in boiling water bath. The
membrane is later transferred to a beaker containing 100ml of 0.05% EDTA solution
inside boiling water bath and boiled for 10 minutes.
The solution is allowed to cool to room temperature. The membrane is taken out and
one end of the membrane is tied with rubber band.
3ml of enzyme extract is poured inside the dialysis bag and the other end is tied with
rubber band. The dialysis bag containing enzyme extract is suspended in a beaker
containing 0.01X PBS (pH 7). The beaker is left on a magnetic stirrer inside the
refrigerator for 24 hrs.
The ammonium sulphate salt attached to enzyme molecules get released into the PBS
solution during dialysis. This process is facilitated by the force provided by the
stirring of solution. The other unwanted ions and impurities also get diffused into the
PBS solution due to difference in ion concentration between the enzyme extract and
the PBS solution (osmosis). The optimal pH is maintained by the PBS solution which
acts as buffer. Hence at the end of dialysis only the enzyme solution is obtained in the
dialysis bag. The purified enzyme is later collected from the dialysis bag and stored at
-4°C until use.
The basic method of protein estimations such as Lowry‘s method and Bradford
method was studied in the literature survey. Lowry‘s method was adopted to estimate
the concentration of protein in the lipase.BSA stock solution, alkaline copper reagent,
FC reagent required for Lowry‘s method was prepared afresh.DifferentBSA
dilutionswere prepared by mixing stock BSA solution (200µg/ ml). The final volume
in each of the test tubes is made upto 1 ml with distilled water. The BSA range is 40
to 200µg/ ml.
1ml of crude purified lipase is taken as test. All the dilutions with the test was added
with 2ml of alkaline copper sulphate and mixed.It was incubated at room temperature
for 10min. Then, 0.2ml of FC reagent was added and incubated in dark for 20min.The
absorbance was checked at 660nm.The graphof absorbance v/s protein concentration
was plotted as shown in the figure to get a standard calibration curve. The
concentration of test sample was extrapolated from the standard graph.
As discussed in chapter 1& 2, the high oil yielding algae Botryococcusbraunii was
considered for the algal oil extraction. Initially generic algal media; chu13 media was
used to observe the growth in closed system, eventually various ingredients of the
media were modified to get the desirable amount of growth. Then algal mat produces
was subjected to extraction procedures to procure algal oil form the algal mat. The
residual algal biomass serves as the cattle feedstock.
The algae sample collected from Ulsoor lake was serially diluted up to 5 dilutions and
inoculated into chu media and then to specific media to observe the growth. The
media specific to the growth of B.braunii specie i.e., Kuhl‘s media was used for the
culture and growth of algae and the composition as shown in table 3.6 & 3.71X & 2X
Basal media was prepared. Third andFourth algae dilution samples (filtered and
diluted) was inoculated separately at 25 ± 10C under 1.2 ± 0.2 Klux light intensity
with 16:8 hrs light photoperiod in sterile condition
Co(NO3)2.6H20 0.02 5 ml
Na2.MoO4.2H2O 0.02 5 ml
CuSO4.5H20 0.0005 1 ml
FeSO4.7H20 0.7g
EDTA 0.8g
Significant growth was not observed even after 7 days, hence Kuhls‘ media was
incorporated with few specific changes as indicated here
Incorporation of aerator.
Addition ofvitamins.
For all these modifications in kuhls‘ media, a good algal growth was
observed.Although the successful growth was observed only in closed system, an
effort was made to culture the algae in open pond system.
Open pond culture was carried out after the success of growth in modified kuhl‘s
media. Media was poured into a 8 litre capacity aquarium. The media in the aquarium
was inoculated with algae sample, which was obtained in the previous setup & aerator
was provided. Prolific growth was seen after a week from inoculation.
Media specific to B.brauniiwas used for the culturing of algae which will permit
onlythe growth of B.braunii specie. To ensure the culture was B.braunii, regular light
microscopic observations were made at 100X. The figure 3.3 shows the significant
morphological characteristics of pure B.braunii culture which was expected in the
cultured algae.
Cells oval in shape
After collecting the algal mass from the aquarium, we centrifuge it at 5000rpm for
5mins. We discard the supernatant and collect the precipitate in a separate beaker.We
keep the beaker containing algal mass in hot air oven (40-500C) for 10mins. This step
helps in removing the cell clumps & facilitates the oil extraction. Then we centrifuge
the mass at 5000rpm in 100ml centrifuge tubes for 5mins at room temperature. We
collect the precipitate and subject it to drying in hot air oven for 24hrs at 45 oC. We
then measure 10gm of the dried algae and put it in a mortar and pestle and add 5gm of
glass fibre to it. We ground it thoroughly and add 20ml of hexane and 5ml of
petroleum ether for the separation of oil exuded from the algal biomass. We then pour
the mixture in a beaker and keep it in a water bath for 10mins at 35-400C. Then we
incubate the mixture at room temperature for 24hrs. This is done to evaporate the
hexane and petroleum ether slowly, thereby leaving behind the oil as a separate layer.
The incubation time depends on the amount of solvents added.
Soxhlet extraction method was used with 5:1 (v/v) Hexane: Petroleum ether as the
solvent at 70°C to extract the algal oil. Soxhlet extraction method will help break up
the polar barriers in trapped lipid bodies of algal mass and allow the solvent to reach
the non-polar compounds and extract them.
The chemical and enzymatic trans-esterification of three edible oils were carried out
to draw more insights about the factors affecting the FFA content of oil, yield of
Chemical Trans-esterification:
In this stage, six experiments have been conducted by varying FFA contents of oils
(High FFA – 20%, 27.4% and 36% and Low FFA – 4%, 3.96% and 9.78% of
Pongamiaoil, Used Cooking oil and Rice bran oil respectively). Experiments were
conducted by keeping NaOH catalyst concentration (8.5g), Oil: methanol ratio (1:2
v/v) and reaction temperature (75˚C to 80˚C) constant for reaction time of 2h[28].
Microbial Trans-esterification:
In this stage, 12 sets of experiments were conducted for High FFA content Oils (20%,
27.4% and 36%) and Low FFA content oils (4%, 3.96% and 9.78%) by varying the
amount of Lipase (25µl, 50 µl, 75 µl and 100 µl). Experiments were conducted by
keeping Oil: methanol ratio (1:2 v/v) and reaction temperature (35˚C - 40˚C) constant
for reaction time of 6h [29].
We take oil extracted from the algae and mix it with methanol in the ratio of (1:2) by
volume. Then the mixture is incubated in a water bath for 5-10mins at 35-400C. We
then remove it from the water bath and keep it in room temperature for 5mins [30].
The lipase is then added to the mixture and then incubated in a water bath for 6hrs at
35-400C. Finally, we test for the presence of methyl ester after incubation time. This
will guarantee the success of the trans-esterification process and indicate towards the
formation of biodiesel [31].
The fuel properties of diesel is taken care by United States as ASTM standards. The
standard doesn‘t have any relation with fuel composition or source it only gives the
property values of some parameters to provide acceptable engine operation, safe
storage and transportation. There are ASTM standards for each properties that defines
the method used to measure them. So, the ASTM D975 says permitted value and
measuring methods are given by individual standards [32].
We have tested 3 properties namely Kinematic Viscosity, Flash point and density.
These are the permitted range of the fuel properties.
1. Kinematic Viscosity:
Kinematic viscosity is the resistance offered to the fluid for its flow. Normally it‘s
desirable to have low kinematic viscosity to avoid uneven distribution of fuel in the
engine. Hence, its important parameter of a diesel fuel [33].
ASTDM 445 is the standard test procedure to determine the kinematic viscosity.
Cannon-Fenske Capillary Viscometer Tube was used to note down the time taken by
the fuel to reach the lower mark of the tube as shown in figure 3.4.
2. Flash Point:
It is the temperature at which the fuel starts to vaporize when the ignition source is
given to fuel. ASTDM 93 is the standard test procedure to determine the flash point of
the diesel fuel. Penske-martens flash point cup is filled with the sample fuel and
gradually heated, ignition sources are given at nearest intervals of standard values to
determine the flash point of the sample as shown in figure 3.5 [34].
3. Density:
It‘s usual parameter mass per unit volume. It‘s desirable to have high density value so
that kinematic viscosity will be low and good for fuels. The specific gravity method
was used to measure [35].
Totally 18 samples tests were performed on the biodiesel obtained from Pongamia oil,
Groundnut oil, Rice bran oil via chemical and enzymatic method trans-esterification
and finally algal Biodiesel from enzyme trans-esterification.
This chapter explains in detail about the culture and growth of P.aeruginosa,
Screening of P.aeruginosa, isolation and purification of Lipase from P.aeruginosa,
quantification of Lipase isolated from P.aeruginosa, Culture and growth of B.braunii,
extraction of algal oil form B.braunii, yield of algal oil from B.braunii culture, yield
of Biodiesel from microbial trans-esterification of algal oil, Comparative studies of
chemical and microbial trans-esterification of 3 different oils namely Pongamia oil,
Groundnut oil and Rice bran oiland qualitative study of the Biodiesel obtained from
microbial trans-esterification.
The isolation of P.aeruginosa from soil and water samples was experimented by
inoculating the samples on the nutrient media, differential media and specific media
used for culture and growth of P.aeruginosa sequentially. The bacterial colonies
obtained from these media were identified and screenedbymicroscopic observation
and biochemical tests specific to P.aeruginosa.
The soil and water samples were serially diluted up to five dilutions as shown in the
figure 4.1(A).These dilutions were inoculated by spread plating on LB agar medium
as shown in figure 4.1(B). The inoculated plates were incubated for 24h at 25ºC.
Serial dilutions help in isolation of discrete colonies that can be sub-cultured into pure
(A) (B)
Fig 4.1: Serial dilution (A) and inoculation of soil and water samples onto LB
Fig4.2: Single colony seen in fourth dilution culture of water(A) and colonies seen in
third dilution culture of soil sample(B)
The LB medium is the commonly used media for the fast growth of general bacteria.
It has rich source of nutrient which helps in quick growth of all kinds of bacteria
initially. After incubation it was found that the third dilution of soil sample and
fourth dilution of water sample plates contained colonies that matched the colony
characteristics of P. aeruginosa.The other plates contained bacterial colonies that did
not match the colony characteristics ofP.aeruginosaand some were contaminated.
Hence, they were discarded.
EMB agar medium is the selective media for the growth of Gram-negative bacteria.
P.aeruginosa is the gram-negative bacterium. The colonies from LB may contain all
types of bacteria. Culturing on EMB agar media would eliminate the growth of
bacteria other than gram-negative. Hence, a loopful of colonies from LB agar plates
were streaked on to EMB agar medium and incubated for 24h at 25ºC.
(A) (B)
Fig 4.3: Colonies in third dilution of soil (A) and light growth of colonies in fourth
dilution of water (B)
After incubation it was found that the third dilution of soil sample and fourth
dilution of water sampleplates showed thebacterial colonies as shown in figure
4.3(A) and figure 4.3(B). This suggests both colonies contain gram-negative bacteria.
P.aeruginosa could be present in those colonies.
The growth was only seen in third dilution of soil which confirms the presence of
Pseudomonas spp as shown in figure 4.4. No growth in water sample suggested that
there are no pseudomonas species, however, lesser colonies in the EMB medium of
water sample can also be indicative of presence of less gram-negative bacteria.
Fig 4.4: Colonies observed only from third dilution of soil sample
Small inoculums of isolate was mixed into hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) taken on
glass slide and the rapid elaboration of oxygen bubbles were seen as shown in figure
4.6 (B). Since, the P.aeruginosaspecies show positive results for catalase test; our
results indicate that bacterial isolates belong to P.aeruginosaspecies.
As the principle explained in methodology section, the isolate did not show any color
changes as shown in figure 4.6(C). Since, the P.aeruginosaspecies show negative
result for methyl red test, our results indicate that bacterial isolates belong to
As the principle explained in methodology section, the isolate did not show any color
changes as shown in figure 4.6(D) indicating that isolate did not produce urease
enzyme. Since, the P.aeruginosaspecies show negative result for urease test, our
results indicate that bacterial isolates belong to P.aeruginosaspecies.
These test results confirm that our colonies are pure form of P.aeruginosa. Hence, it
was sub-cultured and used for extraction of Lipase.
Fig 4.8:Colony of P.aeruginosa has produced a zone of hydrolysis (color change from
pale blue to colorless) indicating the production of lipase.
The isolated colonies of P.aeruginosa was cultured on spirit blue agar media which
has lipid as the nutrient source, hence to utilize the lipid source bacteria will produce
Lipase and hydrolyse the lipid source in the media; the hydrolysis is indicated by
spirit blue dye which becomes opaque. If the bacterium secretes lipase, there will be a
zone of clearing surrounding the sample as shown in figure 4.8. If the bacteria does
not produce and secrete lipase, the agar will remain opaque as shown in figure 4.7.
2X King‘s B media which is the selective media for P.aeruginosafulfils all the
requirements for optimal production of lipase in the given media. As discussed in
methodology section, extraction of lipase was carried out by using double
concentration Kings‘ B broth with saturated ammonium sulphate precipitation method
to prepare enzyme extract as shown in figures 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11. The pellet will have
the crude lipase free from other cell debris.
The concentration of protein in the purified crude lipase was estimated by Lowry‘s
method. The table 4.2 shows the experimental values of Lowry‘s method of protein
The absorbance of purified crude lipase at 660nm was found to be 0.15. The plot of
absorbance of standard BSA v/s concentration was drawn as shown in figure 4.15.
Then absorbance of purified crude lipase was extrapolated on the standard graph to
estimate the concentration of protein in purified crude lipase. Hence, the
concentration of protein is estimated to be 158 µg/ml.
Add 0.5 ml of F.C Reagent to each
Fig 4.15: Plot of absorbance v/s concentration of Standard BSA and purified crude
lipase sample
Initially we collected algae traces containing water sample from Ulsoor Lake as
shown in figure 4.16 and inoculated into the Chu Media, the growth was not seen, so
we modified the Chu media by reducing the concentration of KI, KNO3 and
MgSO4.H20 to the half of their original concentration. Through review of literature, it
was clear that excess concentration of KI, KNO3 and MgSO4.H20 can inhibit the
growth of Botryococcusbrauniihence we modified the Chu media.
Fig4.16: Water sample containing algae traces collected from Ulsoorlake, Bengaluru
(A) (B)
Fig 4.17:Kuhls‘media(1X & 2X) inoculated with third and fourth dilution of algae
samples(A); Growth not observed even after 7 days of incubation(B).
Following the modification of Chu media, little improvement in the algal growth was
observed, but yet the growth did not persist. Then by literature review, a specific
media for the growth of B.brauniiwas clearly proved, hence we used theKuhls’
Mediawhich is specific for B.braunii growth.
Kuhls‘ media of concentration 1X & 2X Basal media was prepared into which third
and fourth dilution of algae samples (filtered and diluted) were inoculated separately
but there was no growth observed even after 7 days as shown in figure 4.17(A) and
4.17(B). Hence, after literature review we incorporated fewmodifications in the kuhls‘
media which showed very good growth of the algae as shown in figure 4.18. The
modified kuhls‘ media had excess soil extract, vitamins were added. So, the modified
media conditions are as follows
Incorporation of aerator[45].
Increased the strength of the media from single to double strength [47]
Addition ofvitamins[48]
For all these modifications in kuhls‘ media, a good algal growth was
observed.Although the successful growth was observed only in closed system, an
effort was made to culture the algae in open pond system.
1. Macronutrient (2X)
2. Micronutrient (0.5X)
3. Soil Extract (increased conc. than default)
4. Vitamins (Thiamine & Biotin)
The media was inoculated with 30ml of algae traces containing water sample as
shown in figure 4.20. Confluent growth was observed as shown in figure 4.21 and
4.22 after 5 and 7 days respectively.The growth of algae was allowed till the harvest
time of B.braunii. After 5 weeks, the thick algal mat of B.braunii was grown as shown
in figure 4.25. Then the mat was harvest and prepared for the extraction of oil from it.
4.4Screening of B.braunii
Media specific to B.brauniiwas used for the culturing of algae which will permit only
the growth of B.braunii specie. To ensure the culture was B.braunii, regular light
microscopic observations were made. The morphological characteristics of our culture
as show in figure 4.24 matches well with the morphological characteristics of the pure
culture of B.braunii as shown in figure 4.23(A) and 4.23(B) [49, 50].
(A) (B)
Fig 4.23: Morphological features of the pure culture of B.braunii observed under 40X
(A) and 10X (B) magnification [50-52].
Fig4.24: Morphological features of the lab grown algae observed through compound
microscope under 10X magnification
These morphological observations after using the culture media specific for B.braunii
growth suggests that our algal culture belongs to B.braunii specie. Hence, the growth
was continued by adding fresh culture media every week.
After 5 weeks of algal growth, a thick mat as shown in figure 4.25 was dried and
weighed up to 24g as shown in figure 4.26. Then the dried mat was finely powdered
to extract oil from it as shown in figure 4.27. Initially solvent extraction by 3:1(v/v)
hexane: Petroleum ether solvent for 24h was done.The amount of algal oil produced
was not favourable as shown in figure 4.28. This may be due the trapped oil bodies in
the algal mass hence, soxhlet extraction apparatus was used to extract oil from
remaining algal mat as shown in figure 4.29. Then the extraction process was carried
out for 4 continuous days which yielded favourable amount of oil as shown in figure
Fig 4.28: Algal oil extraction by Hexane: Petroleum ether solvent extraction
Relatively non-polar molecules, like lipids, can be extracted from a sample using
relatively non-polar molecules. In case of a non-polar solvent, only non-polar
molecules in the sample dissolve while polar ones do not. This claim does not hold
good for lipids on animal and plant cell membranes, which have both polar and non-
polar regions such as triglycerides and phospholipids. These molecules align, with
their polar heads sticking outwards and non-polar tails inwards making it difficult for
extraction. As these molecules are part non-polar and part polar, we need a solvent
that has some of these similar characteristics. This is why we used a mixture of two
solvents, i.e., hexane and petroleum ether. The petroleum ether is polar enough to
interact with the Polar Regions and help relax the cell membrane while also being
non-polar enough to aid the removalof non-polar fats. [53- 55].
The algal mat after drying in hot air oven for 24h at 57ºC weighed about 14.23g and
when it was crushed to fine powder it weighed about 12.36g, the reduction in the
mass could be the elimination of air bubbles which weighed more before crushing.
Eventually, 12.36g of finely powdered algal mat produced about 7ml of algal oil as
shown in figure 4.30 and tabulated in table 4.3. After the algal oil extraction, there
was the algal biomass left over which weighed about 6.23g. So, this suggests that
approximately 40% of biomass of B.braunii contains oil in it. The observations made
from our experimentation agrees very well with the literature review made on the
similar research work on oil extraction form B.braunii.
Layer 1: Biodiesel
Layer 2: Lipase
Layer 3: Glycerol
Table 4.4:Yield of Biodiesel from different edible oils based on their FFA content by
Chemical Trans-esterification
Oil Quantity Methanol FFA NaOH Biodiesel Yield(%)
added(ml) used (ml) content used obtained(ml)
Fig 4.33:The impact of FFA content of oil on biodiesel yield by Chemical method
The observations in table 4.4 suggests that yield of biodiesel is less when the FFA
content of the oil is high and the yield is high only when the FFA content of the oil is
low as shown in figure 4.33. The less yield of Biodiesel when FFA of oil is high is
because of the catalyst used in the chemical trans-esterification is tending to form
soap readily than forming biodiesel due to high FFA content of oil. This is similar to
acid-base neutralisation process and therefore it can be observed that yield of
biodiesel is increased as the FFA level of oil is reduced. Hence, the FFA content of oil
must be reduced before using chemical Trans-esterification method to produce
Table 4.5: Yield of Biodiesel from different edible oils by Lipase-mediated Trans-
Quantity Biodiesel
Methanol FFA Lipase
added obtained( Yield(%)
Oil used (ml) content used(µl)
(ml) ml)
25 165 66%
Rice bran
0 50 100 150
Fig 4.34: The impact of FFA content of oil on biodiesel yield by enzymatic method.
The observations made in table 4.5 suggest that yield of biodiesel is optimum for 50µl
of the lipase and the yield of biodiesel do not show any significant increase with
increase in the amount of lipase used. This may be due to the competitive inhibition
between enzyme and substrate. Further the readings in table 4.5 and figure 4.34
suggests that yield of Biodiesel is unaffected when the FFA content of the oil is high
also the yield does not show much difference when the FFA content of the oil is low.
This clearly suggests that FFA content of the oil does not have any impact on yield of
Biodiesel during Lipase-mediated Trans-esterification process.
The results also indicates that Yield of Biodiesel from oil having High FFA content is
more through Lipase mediated Trans-esterification than Chemical method of Trans-
esterification as shown in figure 4.35. The lipase is regenerated and can be reused
with zero-residue while the chemical in chemical Trans-esterification will be
completely used and toxic to the environment.
Biodiesel yield- chemical v/s Enzyme
30 Lipase mediated
Fig 4.35: Comparison of yield via enzyme method and chemical method of Trans-
esterification of different oils with high FFA content
Observations from above data suggests that in chemical method, the FFA content of
the oil affects the biodiesel yield while in the case of microbial enzyme method, FFA
content of the oil doesn‘t depend on the yield of biodiesel. To get the desirable yield
in chemical method, the FFA content of the oil must be reduced to less than 4% which
is a tedious process. However, in the case of microbial method albeit yield is average,
it is economical in large scale production.
After incubation for 6h, Biodiesel was produced along with glycerol and Lipase
enzyme was recovered as shown in figure 4.36 and 4.37. The Biodiesel obtained was
screened by method mentioned in the methodology section; accordingly the pink
colour in the biodiesel vial and standard petroleum diesel vanishes after 10-
15seconds. The yield of algal biodiesel is 64.32% as shown in table 4.6.
Fig 4.36: Biodiesel from algal oil Fig 4.37: Lipase enzyme recovered
Additionally to measure the quality of the algal biodiesel obtained from Lipase
mediated Trans-esterification, we have tested 3 properties namely Kinematic
Viscosity, Flash point and density. Totally 18 samples tests were performed on the
biodiesel obtained from Pongamia oil, Groundnut oil, Rice bran oil via both chemical
and enzymatic method trans-esterification and finally algal Biodiesel from enzyme
trans-esterification. The readings of the experiments performed on Biodiesel obtained
through chemical trans-esterification are tabulated in table 4.7 and the readings of the
experiments performed on Biodiesel obtained through Lipase-mediated trans-
esterification are tabulated in table 4.8
870 – 900 865 873 917
The above values indicate that fuel properties of Biodiesel obtained from microbial
trans-esterification are consistent with range of ASTM standard values [56] alike
Biodiesel obtained from chemical trans-esterification.
This chapter presents the conclusion drawn about the microbial lipases, B.braunii as
the potential biodiesel feedstock and microbial trans-esterification process when
compared to chemical trans-esterification, and the future scope of this project.
From the observations made in results sections we can conclude that Lipase
mediatedTrans-esterification is advantageous over chemical trans-esterification as
1) Algal oil yield was around 49.21% which is higher than other plant seed oil yield.
The algal biodiesel yield was 64.32%.
3) Fuel obtained from enzyme trans-esterification has fuel properties similar to that
of chemical trans-esterification.
6) The two step FFA reduction is waivered in microbial lipase method as it does not
have any effect on FFA content of oil.
9) These facts show that microbial trans-esterification is more economical for mass
production than chemical method with zero-chemical residue.
1. Since, algae culture uses the atmospheric CO2 for its growth, so it helps to reduce
green gas effect
2. Few algal species (Botryococcus spp.) can be grown in sewage water; therefore it is
useful for sewage treatment, where algal growth can take up some toxic metals for
its growth.
3. Algal biomass obtained after oil extraction is rich with proteins and carbohydrates,
so biomass can be used as cattle and poultry feedstock.
4. Anaerobic fermentation of biomass can yield alcohol, so alcohol obtained can assist
the trans-esterification process.
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Absorbance, 30, 45
Algae, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 31, 33, 34, 35, 47, 50, 63, 65
Algal Fuel, 6
Alkaline copper reagent, 30, 46
Ammonium sulphate, 13
ASTM standards, 35, 36, 60, 61, 62
Biochemical tests, 7
Biofuel, 4
Biomass, 11, 13, 34, 63, 64
Botryococcus braunii, 4, 12, 18
Cannon-Fenske Capillary Viscometer Tube, 23, 36
Groundnut oil, 4, 23, 37, 60
Cultures, 4, 24
Density, 36, 37, 60, 61
Dialysis, 4, 14, 16, 22, 29, 30, 44
EDTA, 29, 33
EMB agar medium, 7, 25
Enzyme, 4, 5, 8, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 28, 29, 30, 37, 43, 54, 58, 59, 60, 62, 65
Extracellular lipase, 21
FC reagent, 30
Feedstocks, 14, 15
FFA content, 4, 35, 55, 57, 58, 62
Flash Point, 36, 37, 60, 61
Fuel properties, 8, 35, 36, 61
Glycerine, 10
Gram-negative bacteria, 21
Gram-positive, 21
Inoculation, 7, 25, 26, 27, 38, 39, 40
Kinematic Viscosity, 36, 60, 61
King‘s B agar medium, 7, 39
Kuhl‘s basal medium, 4
LB agar medium, 7, 24, 38
Lipase, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 35, 37, 42, 43,
44, 45, 55, 59, 62, 65, 66
Lowry‘s method, 30
Mac-conkey agar, 7, 27, 41
Methanol, 23, 55, 59
Microalgae, 6, 10, 11, 18, 64, 65, 66
Microbial, 4, 5, 8, 15, 23, 35, 38, 53, 55, 58, 61, 62, 63
NaOH, 23, 35, 55, 62
P.aeruginosa, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 37, 38, 42, 43
Pellet, 16, 28, 29
Penske-martens flash point cup, 37
Petroleum diesel, 9, 10, 21
Pongamia oil, 4, 23, 35, 37, 38, 53, 55, 56, 60
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 13, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 38, 40, 41
Rice bran oil, 4, 23, 37, 60
Screening, 7, 16, 22, 27, 59, 65
Serial dilution, 7, 24, 38
Soxhlet, 4, 22, 34
Spirit Blue Agar, 27, 28, 43
Trans-esterification, 4, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 37, 38, 54, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
Yield, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 37, 53, 57, 58, 62, 63