Bio Diesel

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree in


Submitted by

K. Satish Chandra (19031A0321) B. Satish Kumar (20035A0303)

V. Tarun Teja (19031A0351) B. Bharath (19031A0305)

Under the esteemed guidance of







This is to certify that the thesis entitled “PERFORMANCE OF 4-STROKE CI

ENGINE WITH HYBRID BIODIESEL” that is being submitted by K. Satish
Chandra (19031A0321), B. Satish Kumar (20035A0303), V. Tarun Teja
(19031A0351), B. Bharath (19031A0305) in partial fulfilment for the award of
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering to the University College of
Engineering Narasaraopet, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada is
a record of bonafide work carried out by them under my guidance and supervision.

The results embedded in this thesis have not been submitted to any other
University/institute for the award of any degree/diploma.

Project Guide Head of Department

Dr. G.Sulochana Mrs. I. Sri Phani Sushma

Assistant Professor (C) Assistant Professor,

Mechanical Engineering Department HMED


Signature of the External Examiner


We hereby declare that the work described in this project work, entitled


BIODIESEL” which is submitted by us in partial fulfilment for the award of

Bachelor of Technology (B .Tech) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering

to the University College of Engineering Narasaraopet, Jawaharlal Nehru

Technological University Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, is the result of work done by

us under the guidance of Dr G. SULOCHANA, Assistant Professor(c)

The work is original and has not been submitted for any Degree/Diploma of

this or any other university.

1) K. SATISH CHANDRA 19031A0321

2) B. SATISH KUMAR 20035A0303

3) V. TARUN TEJA 19031A0351

4) B. BHARATH 19031A0305


Place Narasaraopet

The completion of any project brings with a sense of satisfaction, but it never
completes, without thanking those people who made it possible and whose constant
support has crowned our efforts with success.

I would like to thank Dr G. SULOCHANA Assistant professor(c) of Mechanical

Engineering for her valuable guidance, significant suggestion and help in every
aspect to accomplish the project work. Her novel association of ideas,
encouragement, appreciation, and her intellectual zeal has motivated us to ensure
this work successfully.

Besides, I would like to express our thankfulness to Mrs. I. SRI. PHANI

SUSHMA (In-charge head of the department) for providing me with a good
environment and facilities to complete this project and constant motivation and
valuable help throughout the project work.

Also, I was highly privileged to thank for the opportunity to thank our Principal.

Dr. CH. SRINIVASA RAO for permitting and providing me the facilities in
laboratory for doing this project.

Finally, I would be grateful to my family for their constant encouragement

throughout my project work and my friends who helped us in one way or the other
in completing the project.

Contents Page No

1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 2

1.1 ALTERNATE FUELS .............................................................................. 2

1.1.1 METHANOL .................................................................................... 3

1.1.2 ETHANOL ........................................................................................ 3

1.1.3 HYDROGEN .................................................................................... 4

1.1.4 NATURAL GAS ............................................................................... 4

1.1.5 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LPG) ......................................... 4

1.1.6 BIOGAS ............................................................................................ 5

1.1.7 PRODUCER GAS ............................................................................ 5

1.1.8 BLAST FURNACE GAS ................................................................. 5

1.1.9 COKE OVEN GAS ........................................................................... 5

1.1.10 BENZOL ........................................................................................... 5

1.1.11 BIODIESEL ...................................................................................... 6

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................. 8

3 BIODIESEL ................................................................................................11

3.1 WHAT IS BIODIESEL ...........................................................................11

3.2 HISTORY OF BIODIESEL ................................................................... 12

3.3 NON-RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY ................................... 14

3.3.1 FOSSIL FUELS .............................................................................. 14

3.3.2 DISADVANTAGES OF FOSSIL FUELS ...................................... 15

3.4 RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY ............................................. 15

3.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF BIODIESEL ........................................................ 15


3.6.1 ADVANTAGES OF BIODIESEL .................................................. 16

3.6.2 DISADVANTAGES OF BIODIESEL ............................................ 17

3.7 BIODIESEL PRODUCERS IN INDIA ................................................. 17

4 PREPARATION OF BIODIESEL ............................................................. 20

4.1 SOURCE OF RAPESEED OIL ............................................................. 20

4.2 SOURCE OF JATROPHA OIL .............................................................. 21

4.3 PROCESS VARIABLES ........................................................................ 22

4.3.1 FEEDSTOCK .................................................................................. 22

4.3.2 CATALYST ..................................................................................... 22

4.3.3 ALCOHOL ...................................................................................... 22

4.3.4 REACTION CONDITIONS ........................................................... 22

4.3.5 WATER CONTENT ........................................................................ 23

4.3.6 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION ........................................... 23

4.3.7 QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................... 23

4.4 PROCEDURE FOR PRODUCTION OF BIODIESEL ......................... 23

4.4.1 RAW MATERIALS REQUIRED ................................................... 23

4.5 STEPS FOR PRODUCTION OF BIODIESEL ..................................... 25

4.5.1 OIL PREPARATION ...................................................................... 25

4.5.2 TRANSESTERIFICATION ............................................................ 25

4.5.3 SEPARATION AND WASHING .................................................... 26

4.5.4 DRYING ......................................................................................... 26

4.5.5 QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................... 26

4.6 PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 27

4.7 WATER WASHING OF BIO DIESEL................................................... 28


BIODIESEL ...................................................................................................... 29

5 EXPERIMWNTAL WORK ....................................................................... 31

5.1 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP..................................................................... 31

5.2 ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................. 31

5.3 PROPERTIES OF OILS ......................................................................... 31

5.4 TEST PROCEDURE .............................................................................. 32

5.5 FORMULAE .......................................................................................... 34

5.6 OBSERVATION TABLES ..................................................................... 35

5.6.1 DIESEL ........................................................................................... 35

5.6.2 B10 (90%diesel + 5% JOME+ 5% ROME).................................... 36

5.6.3 B20 (80%diesel + 10% JOME+ 10% ROME)................................ 36

5.6.4 B30 (70%diesel + 15% JOME+ 15% ROME)................................ 37

5.6.5 B40 (60%diesel + 20% JOME + 20% ROME)............................... 37

5.6.6 B50 (50%diesel + 25% JOME+ 25% ROME)................................ 38

5.7 MODEL CALCULATIONS ................................................................... 38

5.8 RESULT TABLES .................................................................................. 39

5.8.1 DIESEL ........................................................................................... 39

5.8.2 B10 (90%diesel + 5% JOME+ 5% ROME).................................... 40

5.8.3 B20 (80%diesel + 10% JOME+ 10% ROME)................................ 40

5.8.4 B30 (70%diesel + 15% JOME+ 15% ROME)................................ 41

5.8.5 B40 (60%diesel + 20% JOME+ 20% ROME)................................ 41

5.8.6 B50 (50%diesel + 25% JOME + 25% ROME)............................... 42

6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................. 44

6.1 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION ............................... 44

6.2 BRAKE POWER Vs TOTAL FUEL CONSUMPTION ........................ 44

6.3 BRAKE POWER Vs BRAKE THERMAL EFFICIENCY ................... 45


6.5 BRAKE POWER Vs MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY .......................... 46

7 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... 49

8 REFERENCES........................................................................................... 51

Figure 4-1.Jatropha oil .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 4-2.Rapeseed Oil........................................................................................ 23
Figure 4-3.Methanol .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 4-4.Potassium Hydroxide .......................................................................... 24
Figure 4-5.Pouring of Oil ...................................................................................... 25
Figure 4-6. Preparation of Oil ............................................................................... 25
Figure 4-7.Pre-Heating of Oil ............................................................................... 27
Figure 4-8.Formation of Methyl Ester .................................................................. 28
Figure 5-1.Experimental Setup of Diesel Engine ................................................. 31
Figure 5-2.Inspection of Fuel Level ...................................................................... 33
Figure 5-3.Flash and Fire Point Test ..................................................................... 34
Figure 5-4.Mixing of Blends ................................................................................. 34


Table 5-1.Engine Specifications............................................................................ 31

Table 5-2.Properties of Biodiesel With Various Blends ........................................ 32
Table 5-3.Observation Table for Diesel ................................................................ 35
Table 5-4.Observation Table for B10 .................................................................... 36
Table 5-5.Observation Table for B20 .................................................................... 36
Table 5-6.Observation Table for B30 .................................................................... 37
Table 5-7.Observation Table for B40 .................................................................... 37
Table 5-8.Observation Table for B50 .................................................................... 38
Table 5-9.Result Table for Diesel .......................................................................... 39
Table 5-10.Result Table for Diesel ........................................................................ 40
Table 5-11.Result Table for B20 ........................................................................... 40
Table 5-12..Result Table for B30 .......................................................................... 41
Table 5-13..Result Table for B40 .......................................................................... 41
Table 5-14..Result Table for B50 .......................................................................... 42

Graph 6-1.Brake Power Vs Brake Specific Fuel Consumption ............................ 44
Graph 6-2. Brake Power Vs Brake Thermal Efficiency ........................................ 45
Graph 6-3. Brake Power Vs Indicated Thermal Efficiency .................................. 46
Graph 6-4.Brake Power Vs Mechanical Efficiency .............................................. 46

Biodiesel is a renewable and environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels that
is produced from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled cooking oils through a
chemical process called transesterification. The process involves reacting the oil or
fat with an alcohol, typically methanol or ethanol, in the presence of a catalyst to
produce fatty acid methyl or ethyl esters, commonly known as biodiesel, and

Biodiesel has several advantages over petroleum diesel. It is biodegradable, non-

toxic, and produces less greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide and
particulate matter, which are harmful to human health and the environment. It also
has a higher cetane number, which reduces the emission of NOX, a major
contributor to acid rain.

One advantage of biodiesel is its potential to provide economic benefits to farmers

and rural communities. Biodiesel production can provide a new source of income
for farmers who grow crops that can be used for biodiesel production, such as
rapeseed, jatropha, canola, and sunflowers. The development of local biodiesel
production facilities can also create jobs and support local economies.

Furthermore, the quality and consistency of biodiesel can vary depending on the
feedstock and production process used. This can affect engine performance and
emissions, and it is important to ensure that biodiesel meets the necessary quality
standards and specifications.

In this project, biodiesel is prepared from rapeseed and jatropha oil. Performance
of this biodiesel and its blends were compared with diesel in a 4-stroke single
cylinder diesel engine. Biodiesel is characterized by its physical and fuel properties
including density, viscosity, flashpoint, fire point, and calorific value, brake specific
fuel consumption, Brake thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency of hybrid
biodiesel blends at all loads is more when compared to conventional diesel at full
load condition brake thermal efficiency is found to be maximum at B20.

B10 90%Diesel+ 5% ROME + 5% JOME
B20 80%Diesel + 10% ROME + 10% JOME
B30 70% Diesel + 15% ROME + 15% JOME
B40 60% Diesel + 20% ROME + 20% JOME
B50 50% Diesel + 25% ROME + 25% JOME
ROME Rapeseed oil methyl ester
JOME Jatropha oil methyl ester
KOH Potassium Hydroxide
B.P Brake Power
I.P Indicated Power
CV Calorific Value
Tfc Total Fuel Consumption
Sfc Specific Fuel Consumption
Mfc Mass Fuel Consumption
BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
Bmep Brake Mean Effective Pressure
Ŋbth Brake Thermal Efficiency
Ŋmech Mechanical Efficiency
Ŋith Indicated Thermal Efficiency



Today in the world, particularly in India the Diesel engines dominate the
fields of commercial transportation and agricultural machinery on account of its
superior fuel efficiency. Another important field of diesel consumption is in Diesel
power plants. The tremendous growth of vehicular pollution and industrialization
of the world has led to steep rise in the demand for petroleum products. This has
given rise to frequent disturbance and uncertainties and uncertainties in the supply
of petroleum and its prices. This situation is likely in the long run a lead to diesel
scarcity and ultimately its depletion. The diesel fuels with their combustion
produces pollute the air to great extent.

The high consumption of diesel fuels and limited sources of the others are
reasons for an enormous rise in prices of petroleum fuels. The above facts have led
to a search for alternative fuels based on renewable sources as land resources are
more plentifully available and more uniformly distributed than diesel products. It
has been found that biodiesel hold special promise in this regard, since it can be
produced from plants like palm olein trees, Jatropha, Mahua, Neem, Cotton seed,
Rape seed etc.

Hybrid biodiesel is a completely natural, clean burning, renewable, non-

toxic, biodegradable, and eco friendly fuel. Even though Diesel is a part of its name,
there is no petroleum or other fossil fuels in Hybrid biodiesel. Hybrid biodiesel is
100% vegetable oil based. Hybrid biodiesel is one of the renewable alternative fuels
that reduce major greenhouse gas components in the atmosphere. Any substance
that can be used as fuel other than conventional fuel is called alternate fuel. The
alternate fuels are available in three forms i.e., solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid fuels
are obsolete for IC engines. Liquid fuels are preferred for IC engines because they
are easy to store and have reasonably good calorific value.


CI engine is the most efficient and versatile prime mover when compared
with SI engine, therefore manufacturers have come out with CI engines in personal
transportation. CI engines are used both for mobile and stationary electric
generating plants of varying capacities. Any substance that can be used as fuel other

than conventional fuel is called alternate fuel. The following are some of the
alternative fuels that can be used for IC engines.

• Methanol

• Ethanol

• Hydrogen

• Natural gas

• Liquefied petroleum gas

• Biogas

• Producer gas

• Blast furnace gas

• Coke oven gas

• Benzyl

• Hybrid biodiesel

Some of the above are currently using for CI engine and others are in research labs
to test their applicability for CI engine.

In all the fuels considered as an alternate to gasoline methanol is one of the
most promising and has experienced major research and development. Methanol
can be obtained from both fossil and renewable sources such as coal, petroleum
natural gas, biomass, wood. Methanol by itself is not a good C.I fuel because of its
high-octane number but it can be used with good results if a small amount of diesel
is added. The problems with methanol as a fuel are the tendency to combine with
any water present, requires extensive processing which raises the price of the fuel.

Ethanol is an alternate fuel fermented from corn, grains, sugar beets, sugar
cane and cellulose. It can be chemically extracted from ethylene by hydration. Pure
ethanol is not sold as a stand-alone fuel, it is commonly mixed with gasoline in

varying percentages. The present cost of the fuel is high due to manufacturing and
processing required. Ethanol has less HC emissions than gasoline but more than

Methanol and ethanol are kinds of alcohols that seem most promising. The
advantages of alcohol as a fuel are.

1. It is a high-octane fuel and has higher flame speed.

2. It produces fewer overall emissions when compared with gasoline.

3. Alcohols have low sulphur content in the fuel.

Hydrogen can be extracted from natural gas and can also be made by passing
electricity through water by electrolysis. The most attractive features of hydrogen
as an I.C engine fuel are that it can be produced from a potentially available raw
material, water, and the main product of its combustion again is water. A number of
automobile manufacturers have built modified engines which operate on hydrogen
fuel. Research on feasibility of hydrogen as a fuel is still under way and the outcome
is uncertain.


Natural gas is a by-product of oil drilling and coal mining, but in can also
be harvested independently from natural gas fields. It can be used as a motor fuel
in two forms compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas.

The natural gas will be compressed and then it is called compressed natural gas
(CNG). CNG is used to run an automobile vehicle just like liquefied petroleum gas.
CNG conversion kits are used to convert petrol driving cars into CNG driven cars.
The CO and HC emission values are very less for CNG driven vehicles when
compared with (LPG) petrol driven vehicles.


Liquefied petroleum gas has higher potential as an alternative fuel for an I.C
engines. For automobile engines two types of LPG are used. One is propane and
the other is butane. Sometimes, a mixture of propane and butane is used as LPG in

automobile engines. Liquid petroleum gas is compressed and is cooled to form
liquid. Compared to natural gas it has more positive points. It has high antiknock
characteristics and mixes with air at all temperatures.

1.1.6 BIOGAS
Biogas can be produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matter. The raw
materials for biogas are cow dung, municipal waste and plants specially grown for
this purpose such as water hyacinth, algae, and certain types of grasses. The main
advantage of biogas is that it can be produced in rural areas from readily available
materials. Biogas consists mainly methane and carbon dioxide are low, but its knock
resistance is high.


Producer gas is made by flowing air and streaming through a thick coal or
coke bed which ranges in temperature from red hot to low temperature. Producer
gas has a high percentage of nitrogen, since air is used and thus it has a low heat


Blast furnace gas is a by-product of melting iron ore in steel plants. Its
analysis varies considerably with the fuel used and the method of operating the blast
furnace. It consists of principally CO and nitrogen. It is like producer gas and has a
low heat value. BF gas contains lot of dust particles and therefore should be cleaned


Coke oven gas is obtained as a by-product when making coke. Its analysis
depends upon the coal used and upon the method of operating the oven. The volatile
portion of coal is driven off by the application of heat and the heavier hydrocarbons
are cracked, which results in a gas high in hydrogen and methane.

1.1.10 BENZOL
Benzol is a coal tar distillate. It contains about 70 percent benzene, 20
percent toluene, 10 percent xylene and a trace of sulphur bearing compounds. It has
a high anti-knock characteristic but a lower heating value than gasoline. The initial

boiling point is also higher and that leads to starting problems. It has a freezing
point of 6o C, which eliminates it as a fuel in cold climates. When added to gasoline
it improves the antiknock effect. About 20% of Benzol addition is found to stop
knocking in most gasoline engines.

Biodiesel is a clean burning recycled fuel made from vegetable oils. It is
chemically called free fatty acid alkyl ester. Even though "diesel" is part of its name,
there is no petroleum or other fossil fuels in biodiesel. Hybrid biodiesel is 100%
vegetable oil based. Burning fuels derived from vegetable oils does not contribute
any additional CO2 to the atmosphere, as the carbon released is the same as the
carbon absorbed by the plants as they grow. Using vegetable oils is therefore
beneficial to the environment, economy and to the atmosphere.

Biodiesel also has some potential drawbacks, including a higher cost of

production than traditional diesel, the need for large areas of land to produce the
feedstock, and the potential for increased deforestation if land is cleared for
biodiesel production. However, compared to conventional diesel improved
efficiency and sustainability of biodiesel production.



Kumar, N [1]. The authors discuss the different sources of biodiesel and their
advantages and disadvantages, as well as the production methods and the challenges
associated with biodiesel production. The paper also examines the performance and
emission characteristics of hybrid biodiesel in diesel engines, along with the
prospects of hybrid biodiesel.

Bhatti, S.K[2]. he authors investigate the effect of blending nano-tubes with
waste fry oil methyl ester on engine performance and emissions, and report that the
blended fuel showed better performance and lower emissions compared to diesel

Dhungana, R. R[3] The authors discuss the different types of biodiesel blends
and their effects on engine performance and emissions. The paper also examines
the challenges associated with biodiesel production and the potential solutions to
overcome them.

Agarwal, A. K [4] The authors discuss the different types of biodiesels, their
properties, and their production methods. The paper also examines the challenges
associated with biodiesel production and the potential solutions to overcome them.

Antizar-Ladislao, B. [5] The authors discuss the current status of biodiesel
production in the GCC countries, as well as the potential for future growth. The
paper also examines the challenges associated with biodiesel production and the
potential solutions to overcome them.

Bansal, S. [6] The authors investigate the effect of blending different
percentages of biodiesel with diesel fuel on engine performance and emissions, and

report that the blended fuel showed improved performance and lower emissions
compared to diesel fuel.

Punnet Varma, [7] The article discusses the performance and emission
characteristics of diesel engines fuelled with biodiesel. It highlights the benefits of
using biodiesel, such as reduced emissions and improved engine performance, and
examines the challenges associated with its use. The study also investigates the
effects of different biodiesel blends on engine performance and emissions and
provides recommendations for future research in this area.




biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar to conventional or fossil fuels. Hybrid

biodiesel is composed of long chain fatty acids with an alcohol attached, often
derived from edible oils. Hybrid biodiesel is produced through the reaction of edible
oil with methyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. Nonedible oils
of animal fats are another potential source. Commonly used catalyst is potassium
hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (Na OH). The chemical process is called
transesterification which produces Hybrid biodiesel and glycerine. Chemically
Hybrid biodiesel is called a methyl ester if the alcohol used is methanol. If ethanol
is used, it is called an ethyl ester. They are similar and currently, methyl ester is
cheaper due to the lower cost for methanol. Hybrid biodiesel can be used in the pure
form or blended in any amount with diesel fuel for use in compression ignition

Hybrid biodiesel is a renewable fuel for diesel engines, and it refer to a family
of CI engines fuels that are produced from natural sources such as oils of sunflower,
jatropha, neem, palm, mustard. It is also more practical that these alternate fuels are
introduced gradually as blends with diesel so that the production facilities are able
to grow, and markets are able to Hybrid biodiesel. Hybrid biodiesel is used in any
concentration with diesel fuel in existing diesel engine with little or no
modification. Basically, it is a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl of long chain fatty
acids. A liquid transesterification process is used to convert the base oil to the
desired esters by removing excess free fatty acids. After this processing, unlike
straight edible oil, biodiesel has very similar combustion properties to diesel, and
can replace it in current uses. However, it is most often used as an additive to diesel.

Hybrid biodiesel is typically prepared by a reaction of edible oil or non-

edible oil animal fats with an alcohol such as methanol or ethanol in the presence
of catalyst (acidic or basic) KOH or NAOH to yield mono-alkyl esters and
glycerine, which is removed further in the water wash to get pure Hybrid biodiesel.


Prior to Hybrid biodiesel, biofuel was developed by Rudolph Diesel, the

inventor of compression ignition (CI) engine in 1900. Peanut oil was used as a fuel
to run the diesel engine. At that time, crude oil was available in plenty and was just
refined to run the diesel engines. Hence, edible oils got neglected as a source of
fuel. But, in recent times, due to realization that fossil fuels are limited and poses
threat to wellbeing of mankind from emissions of exhaust gases, edible oil has been
revisited for its scope as a fuel in CI engines. However, due to high viscosity and
low volatility, its long-term use posed different problems such as deposition, ring
sticking and injector choking in engine. Hence, improvement in the edible oils was
foreseen to improve the quality of the fuel. To lower the viscosity of edible oils,
chemical and thermal processes were tried to make vegetable oil compatible with
CI engines. Processes like blending and micro emulsification of edible oils reduced
the viscosity but still posed few problems. These problems were namely carbon
deposition and lubricating oil contamination. Hence, the most suitable process for
reducing the viscosity found was the chemical process, transesterification, where
triglycerides from edible oils react with a lower alcohol to produce fatty acids and
mono- alkyl esters possessing properties similar to diesel fuel. It is very common
for articles on Hybrid biodiesel to start by claiming that Rudolph Diesel fuelled one
of his early engines with peanut oil at the Paris Exhibition in 1900. For an excellent
discussion of the history as it involved Rudolph Diesel, the authors suggest Knothe,
who has prepared a comprehensive review of the literature available from the Diesel
era. Knothe states that Diesel did not actually use peanut oil himself but was
describing a test conducted by another company. In any case, the edible oils testing
was considered to be a success and offered the potential for remote colonies to be
self-sufficient in fuel.

Knothe, Quick, and others report that in a 1912 speech, Rudolf Diesel said
“...the use of edible oils for engine fuels may seem insignificant today, but such oils
may become prominent in the course of time, as important as petroleum and the
coal-tar products of the present time.” It is difficult to determine to what extent
Rudolph Diesel believed that edible oils would someday be a major source of fuel

for engines. It would have been impossible for him to foresee the massive use of
diesel usage as we know it today. Who Coined the Word “Biodiesel”?

The term “biodiesel” was in common use at the time of the establishment of
the National Soy diesel Development Board (NSDB) in 1992. In the beginning, the
NSDB called their fuel “Soy diesel” because their efforts were primarily sponsored
by soybean farmers though the check-off system. In 1993, Midwest Biofuels, Inc.
submitted a final report to the National Biodiesel Board entitled “Biodiesel Cetane
Number Engine Testing Comparison to Calculated Cetane Index Number,”
indicating that the National Soy diesel Development Board had by then changed
their name and that “biodiesel” was becoming common terminology. As Knothe
(2005) has observed, after 1991 the use of the word “biodiesel” expanded
exponentially, who actually used it first.

Another historical point of interest is the origin of the term “biodiesel.” It

was not used in the proceedings of the 1982 ASAE conference, thus we can assume
that it came about after that conference. In the conference proceedings, the closest
terms are “Bio-Oils” used by Graeme Quick in the Preface and “Diesel” used in an
undated reference to Cochran et al. We have in our possession a flyer from
Bioenergy (Australia) Pty. Ltd. that promotes equipment to produce “Low-Cost
Diesel Fuel” called “Biodiesel.” Unfortunately, this flyer is not dated. The flyer was
found attached to a letter to Graeme Quick that uses the word “Biodiesel.” The letter
is also not dated. However, three other documents that were found with these two
are dated 1984.

Transesterification of sesame oil was conducted as early as 1853, by

scientists E. Duffy and J. Patrick, many years before the first diesel engine became
functional. Rudolf diesel’s prime model, a single 10 ft (3 m) iron cylinder with a
flywheel at its base, ran on its own power for the first time in Augsburg, Germany.
This engine stood as an example of Diesel’s vision because it was powered by
peanut oil a biofuel, though not strictly biodiesel, since it was not Tran esterifies.
He believed that the utilization of a biomass fuel was the real future of his engine.
During the 1920s, diesel engine manufacturers altered the engines to vegetable oil,
a biomass fuel. The petroleum industries were able to produce than the biomass

alternatives. The result was, for production infrastructure. Only recently have
environmental impact concerns and a decreasing cost differential made biomass
fuels such as biodiesel a growing alternative.

In the 1900s, France launched the local production of biodiesel fuel obtained
by the transesterification of rapeseed oil. It is mixed to proportion of 5% into regular
diesel fuel, and to the proportion of 30% into the diesel fuel used by some captive
fleets (public transportation). Renault, Peugeot, and other manufacturers have
certified truck engines for use with up to this partial biodiesel. Experiments with
50% biodiesel are underway. From 1978 to 1996, the U.S. National Renewable
Energy Laboratory experimented with using algae as a bio-fuel source in the
“Aquatic Species Program”.



Oil is formed in the deep interiors of earth. When carbonaceous material

accumulated at the bottom of the earth’s surface gets compacted due to the high
pressures, it gets converted to oil. Oil is non-renewable. The resources in earth are
finite and there could be a point where we can no longer depend on oil. The
staggering fact remains that the increase in population in turn triggers an increase
in the demand and consumption of oil. We are, theoretically, closing in one halfway
stage in the extraction of oil from earth. The total estimate of oil in earth is around
1802 billion barrels. As of 1997, 807 billion barrels of oil had been extracted from
earth and 995 billion barrels remained. If the worldwide rate of consumption of oil
remained constant at the current amount of 25 billion barrels of oil a year, we could
run out of oil by2040. But the fact remains that the consumption is also increasing
exponentially. Hence scientists and analysis feel that there could be a point between
2010 and 2025 where we could run out of oil and the price of oil could become so
high that it would not be economically viable for countries to import oil. Hence
countries like India, whose oil import-export ratio is on the higher side, will suffer.


Fossil fuels are non-renewable. Once exhausted they take millions of years
to form again. Hence, they cannot be replenished and need to be used
conservatively. Another disadvantage of burning of fossil fuels is pollution. This
pollution occurs in many forms. It can be categorized into air, water, and land
pollution. Pollution can be controlled at times, but majority of them are irreversible
in nature. Once polluted, we must bear the brunt of the consequences.


Renewable sources of energy are those that can be produced continuously.

There is no point of exhaustion, and they can be produced on a day-to-day basis.
These sources are among a wide range of sustainable rural energy options. Some of
these are methane (biogas) digester than livestock and crop wastes into cooking and
heating gas, solar energy, wind power and waterpower.

Biodiesel can also be categorized as a renewable source of energy. This is

because the primary constituent of biodiesel, namely, oil, is renewable through
cultivation of oil seeds. Moreover, these oil seeds can be sown in wastelands and
fallow lands. These seeds need to be crushed in order to produce the oil. The other
components of reactants, namely, alcohol and catalyst, can also be produced in large
quantities without concern over its regeneration. Methanol is a petrol-based product
and hence it is non-renewable. On the other hand, ethanol, which can be produced
from molasses by the process of fermentation, is renewable. Hence by suitable
production of alcohol, we can achieve production of biodiesel in a large manner.


Fossil fuels contain complex, toxic compounds, but Hybrid biodiesel, refined
from pure vegetable oil, contains only simple organic compounds that are non-toxic
and biodegradable, making it safe to store and handle. Using Hybrid biodiesel in
place of petroleum diesel decreases carbon dioxide emissions (greenhouse gases)

by nearly 85%. Burning Hybrid biodiesel helps reduce National dependence on
foreign petroleum and moves us toward a more economically sustainable and
environmentally responsible future. With production based upon waste cooking oils
and from agricultural products which are high in natural oils like soybeans and palm
oils, increased consumption of Hybrid biodiesel creates economic development and
additional markets for agricultural products.

In-turn, this creates new jobs in rural communities and keeps money
circulating throughout the domestic economy. Producing a percentage of our fuel
at home increases our nation’s energy independence. Petroleum reserves required
millions of years to form, but annual plants act like seasonal batteries, providing a
constant supply of energy with each new growing season.

The inherent lubricity of Hybrid biodiesel increases the performance of an

internal combustion engine. Hybrid biodiesel is a "premium" diesel fuel that cleans
your fuel system, improves engine lubricity, and reduces particulate emissions, all
of which help to extend the life of your diesel equipment.



There are numerous advantages of biodiesels. Some of the most important are

1. Bio diesel runs in any conventional, unmodified diesel engine. No engine

modifications are necessary to use biodiesel and there is no “engine
conversion”. In other words, “you just pour it into the fuel tank”.
2. Biodiesel can be stored anywhere that petroleum and diesel fuel is stored.
All diesel fueling infrastructure including pumps, tanks and transport trucks
can use biodiesel without any major modifications.
3. Biodiesel reduces Carbon Dioxide emissions, the primary cause of the
greenhouse effect, by up to 100%. Since biodiesel comes from plants and
plants breathe carbon dioxide, there is no net gain in carbon dioxide from
using biodiesel.

4. Biodiesel can be used alone or mixed in any amount with petroleum diesel
fuel. A 20% blend of biodiesel with diesel fuel is called “B20”; a 5% blend
is called “B5” and so on
5. Biodiesel is more lubricating than diesel fuel, it increases the engine life,
and it can be used to replace Sulphur, a lubricating agent than, when burned,
produces Sulphur dioxide – the primary component in acid rain.
6. Biodiesel is safe to handle because it is biodegradable and non-toxic,
according to the National Biodiesel Board, “neat biodiesel is as
biodegradable as sugar and less toxic than salt.”
7. Biodiesel is safe to transport. Biodiesel has a high flash point, or ignition
temperature, of about 150°C compared to petroleum diesel fuel, which has
a flash point of 52°C.
8. Engines running on biodiesel run normally and have similar fuel mileage to
engines running on diesel fuel. Auto ignition, fuel consumption, power
output, and engine torque are relatively unaffected by biodiesel.
9. Biodiesel has a pleasant aroma similar to popcorn popping in comparison to
the all-too familiar stench of petroleum diesel fuel.


The NOx emission is somewhat higher than the conventional diesel.

engines. Since biodiesel contains O2 the specific fuel consumption would

be higher than that of pure diesel oils.


1. Indian Oil Corporation Indian Oil is the largest commercial biodiesel

producer in India, with a capacity of 110,000 tons per year. The company
produces biodiesel from used cooking oil, which is collected from hotels,
restaurants, and other food service establishments.
2. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Bharat Petroleum is another major
biodiesel producer in India, with a capacity of 30,000 tons per year. The

company produces biodiesel from non-edible oil seeds, such as jatropha and
3. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Hindustan Petroleum has a
biodiesel production capacity of 15,000 tonnes per year. The company
produces biodiesel from used cooking oil and non-edible oil seeds.
4. My Eco Energy My Eco Energy is a private biodiesel producer in India,
with a capacity of 45,000 tonnes per year. The company produces biodiesel
from used cooking oil and other waste oils.
5. Nandan Biomatrix Nandan Biomatrix is another private biodiesel producer
in India, with a capacity of 30,000 tonnes per year. The company produces
biodiesel from non-edible oil seeds, such as pongamia and mahua.
6. BioD Energy BioD Energy is a private biodiesel producer in India, with a
capacity of 75,000 tonnes per year. The company produces biodiesel from
used cooking oil and non-edible oil seeds.
7. Southern Online Bio Technologies Southern Online Bio Technologies is a
private biodiesel producer in India, with a capacity of 75,000 tonnes per
year. The company produces biodiesel from non-edible oil seeds, such as
pongamia and jatropha.
8. Biodiesel Technologies India Biodiesel Technologies India is a private
biodiesel producer in India, with a capacity of 30,000 tonnes per year. The
company produces biodiesel from used cooking oil and non-edible oil seeds.
9. Green Fuels Green Fuels is a UK-based company that has set up a biodiesel
production facility in India, with a capacity of 15,000 tonnes per year. The
company produces biodiesel from used cooking oil and non-edible oil seeds,
and also provides biodiesel production equipment and services.
10. Emami Agrotech Emami Agrotech is a private biodiesel producer in India,
with a capacity of 30,000 tonnes per year. The company produces biodiesel
from non-edible oil seeds, such as jatropha and Karanja.




Rapeseed, also known as canola, is one of the most commonly used

feedstocks for biodiesel production. The oil extracted from rapeseed contains high
levels of mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, making it an ideal
candidate for biodiesel production. The production process for rapeseed biodiesel
involves crushing the seeds to extract the oil, which is then chemically converted
into biodiesel through a process known as transesterification. The resulting
biodiesel can be used as a renewable, low-emission fuel in diesel engines without
the need for any modifications to the engine. One of the advantages of rapeseed as
a biodiesel feedstock is that it is a well-established crop with high yields, and it can
be grown in a variety of soil and climatic conditions. Additionally, rapeseed
biodiesel has a lower carbon footprint than fossil fuels, as it emits less greenhouse
gases during combustion. There are also some concerns associated with rapeseed
biodiesel production. The cultivation of rapeseed can require large amounts of water
and fertilizers, which can contribute to soil degradation and water pollution if not
managed properly. Additionally, the production of rapeseed biodiesel can have
indirect land use change effects, as the cultivation of the crop can lead to the
conversion of natural habitats to agricultural land.

Rapeseed oil is extracted from the seeds of the rapeseed plant, which is a
member of the Brassicaceae family. Rapeseed is mainly grown in Canada, China,
India, and European countries like France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. In
fact, Canada is the largest producer and exporter of rapeseed oil in the world,
followed by China and India. Other countries that produce rapeseed oil include
Australia, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, and the United States. The quality and
composition of rapeseed oil can vary depending on the location and climate where
it is grown.


Jatropha curcas, also known as physic nut, is a perennial shrub or small tree
that can grow up to 5-7 meters tall. It is a drought-resistant plant that can grow in
poor soil conditions, making it a popular crop for areas with limited resources. The
plant produces small green or yellow flowers, which develop into round fruits that
contain the jatropha seeds. The seeds are black or brown and are covered by a hard,
shell-like outer layer. Jatropha oil has a high viscosity, which makes it a suitable
feedstock for biodiesel production. Biodiesel is a renewable, low-emission
alternative to fossil fuels, and it can be produced from a variety of sources, including
vegetable oils like jatropha oil. The use of jatropha oil for biodiesel production has
become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly in developing countries
where the plant is grown aside from its use in biodiesel production, jatropha oil has
other industrial applications. It can be used as a lubricant for machinery and
equipment, as well as a feedstock for the production of soaps, detergents, and other
chemical products. Jatropha oil also has medicinal properties and is used in
traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including constipation, diarrhea,
and skin disorders. Jatropha is considered a promising feedstock for biodiesel
production due to its high oil content, low input requirements, and ability to grow
in poor soil conditions. The oil extracted from jatropha seeds contains high levels
of mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, making it an ideal candidate
for biodiesel production. The production process for jatropha biodiesel involves
crushing the seeds to extract the oil, which is then chemically converted into
biodiesel through a process known as transesterification. The resulting biodiesel
can be used as a renewable, low-emission fuel in diesel engines without the need
for any modifications to the engine. One of the major advantages of jatropha as a
biodiesel feedstock is its ability to grow in marginal lands that are unsuitable for
food crop cultivation, reducing the risk of competition for land between food and
fuel production. Additionally, the cultivation of jatropha can provide economic
benefits to smallholder farmers in developing countries, who can grow the crop as
an additional source of income.

There are also some challenges associated with jatropha biodiesel production.
For instance, the crop can be affected by pests and diseases, and the yields can be
variable depending on the soil and climatic conditions. Additionally, the production
costs of jatropha biodiesel can be higher than those of conventional fossil fuels in
some regions, which can make it less economically viable.


The base catalysed production of biodiesel generally occurs using the following

1. Feedstock
2. Catalyst
3. Alcohol
4. Reaction conditions
5. Water content
6. Separation and purification
7. Quality control

The type and quality of the feedstock, such as soybean oil, rapeseed oil, or
used cooking oil, can affect the reaction kinetics, yield, and properties of the
biodiesel produced.

The type and concentration of catalyst used in the transesterification process
can affect the reaction rate, conversion efficiency, and biodiesel properties.
Common catalysts include sodium or potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, or

The type and purity of alcohol used in the reaction, such as methanol or
ethanol, can affect the reaction kinetics, yield, and properties of the biodiesel.


The reaction temperature, pressure, and reaction time can affect the
transesterification reaction kinetics and the quality of the biodiesel produced.

The presence of water in the reaction mixture can affect the reaction rate,
efficiency, and the properties of the biodiesel. The water content should be
controlled to avoid side reactions and to improve the quality of the biodiesel.


The separation and purification processes, such as washing, drying, and
distillation, can affect the yield and quality of the biodiesel produced. Proper
separation and purification processes are necessary to remove impurities and to
obtain high-quality biodiesel.


The quality of the biodiesel should be monitored and controlled throughout
the production process to ensure that it meets the required specifications and
standards. Common quality control tests include density, viscosity, and flash point
fire point.



1. Jatropha Oil
2. Rapeseed Oil
3. KOH (Catalyst)
4. Methanol (alcohol)

Figure 4-2.Rapeseed Oil Figure 4-1.Jatropha oil

KOH (potassium hydroxide) can be used as a catalyst in the
transesterification reaction. Transesterification is a chemical reaction that involves
the exchange of an ester group from one molecule to another, resulting in the
formation of a different ester. In the context of biodiesel production,
transesterification is used to convert vegetable oil or animal fat into biodiesel. The
reaction involves the exchange of the ester group in the oil or fat molecule with an
alcohol molecule, typically methanol or ethanol, in the presence of a catalyst such

Figure 4-4.Potassium Hydroxide Figure 4-3.Methanol

as KOH. The resulting product is a mixture of fatty acid methyl or ethyl esters,
commonly known as biodiesel, and glycerol. METHANOL(ALCOHOL)
Methanol is commonly used as an alcohol in the transesterification process
to produce biodiesel from rapeseed oil, jatropha oil or animal fats. The
transesterification process involves the reaction of the oil or fat with an alcohol,
typically methanol or ethanol, in the presence of a catalyst such as KOH or NaOH.
This reaction results in the production of fatty acid methyl esters, which are the
main component of biodiesel. Methanol is a preferred alcohol in the
transesterification process for several reasons. Firstly, it is readily available and
relatively inexpensive compared to other alcohols such as ethanol or propanol.
Secondly, it has a high reactivity, meaning that it can react quickly with the oil or
fat molecules to form fatty acid methyl esters. Additionally, methanol has a lower

boiling point than other alcohols, which makes it easier to remove from the reaction
mixture during the purification process.



The first step is to prepare the oil, which can be vegetable oil, jatropha oil
or rapeseed oil. The oil is filtered to remove impurities and water.

The choice of feedstock depends on various factors, such as availability,

cost, and the type of biodiesel that needs to be produced. The feedstock is filtered
to remove any solid particles or impurities that may clog the production process. If
the feedstock is high in free fatty acids, it is treated with an acid catalyst to convert
the free fatty acids to esters. This process is called acid esterification, and it lowers
the amount of free fatty acids in the feedstock, making it suitable for the
transesterification process.

Figure 4-5.Pouring of Oil Figure 4-6. Preparation of Oil

The next step is to convert the oils into biodiesel through a chemical process
called transesterification. This involves mixing the feedstock with an alcohol
(usually methanol) and a catalyst (usually sodium hydroxide or potassium
hydroxide) and heating the mixture to a specific temperature for a specific amount

of time. The reaction results in the separation of glycerin and the production of
methyl esters (biodiesel).

This is the process that converts the feedstock into biodiesel. In this process,
the feedstock is mixed with an alcohol, such as methanol or ethanol, and a catalyst,
such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. The mixture is then heated and
stirred, allowing the chemical reaction to occur. The result of this reaction is two
products - biodiesel (methyl esters) and glycerin. The glycerin is separated from the
biodiesel by allowing the mixture to settle or using a centrifuge.


After the transesterification reaction is complete, the mixture is allowed to
settle, and the glycerine layer is removed. The biodiesel layer is then washed several
times with water to remove any remaining catalyst, soap, or impurities.

Once the reaction is complete, the glycerin and biodiesel separate naturally
because they have different densities. The glycerin, which is heavier, sinks to the
bottom of the container, while the lighter biodiesel floats on top. The glycerin is
then drained off, and the remaining biodiesel is washed with water to remove any
remaining impurities.

4.5.4 DRYING
The washed biodiesel is dried to remove any remaining water.

The washed biodiesel is then dried to remove any water that may have been
left behind during the washing process. Water in the biodiesel can cause engine
problems, such as corrosion, and can reduce the fuel's efficiency. The drying
process involves heating the biodiesel to a temperature between 100-120 degrees
Celsius and circulating dry air over it until it reaches a water content of less than


The final step is to test the quality of the biodiesel to ensure that it meets the required
specifications and standards. This may include tests for acid value, ester content,
viscosity, and flash point.

Before the biodiesel can be used as a fuel, it must be tested to ensure it meets
the required standards. The tests include measuring the viscosity, flash point, and
cold weather properties of the biodiesel. The viscosity test determines how easily
the biodiesel flows through the fuel system, while the flash point test measures the
temperature at which the fuel vaporizes and can ignite. The cold weather properties
test determines how the fuel behaves at low temperatures and whether it will clog
the fuel system.


1. •Weight 1000ml of jatropha oil or rapeseed oil and pour it into the reactor
for preliminary heating to temperature of about 60-70°C.

Figure 4-7.Pre-Heating of Oil

2. In separate container, dissolve 3 to 5 grams of KOH (3.8grams per liter of

oil, got by 3.5grams stochiometric equivalent and 0.3grams for
neutralizing FFA) in 200 to 250 ml per liter of methanol add the KOH
slowly. This combined mixture makes potassium methoxide.
3. Add this to the oil (either jatropha or rape seed). Provide rigorous mixing
with the use of a stirrer.
4. The cloudy looking free fatty acids, called glycerin, will sink to the bottom
and the methyl ester- a translucent liquid, will remain on top.
5. When the separation appears not to be advancing any more, stop mixing.
Let the mixture settle overnight.

6. The liquid on top is methyl ester, but before using it any remaining soaps
or salts which could cause engine damage have to be removed.
7. The glycerin which has sunk to the bottom can be used in the production
of cosmetics.

Figure 4-8.Formation of Methyl Ester


Water washing is a common technique used in the purification process of

methyl ester, which is the main component of biodiesel. Methyl ester is produced
through the transesterification reaction of vegetable oils or animal fats with
methanol in the presence of a catalyst. The resulting mixture contains both methyl
ester and glycerol, as well as small amounts of catalyst and other impurities. Water
washing is typically used to remove residual catalyst, glycerol, and other impurities
from the methyl ester. The process involves mixing the methyl ester with water and
stirring the mixture to allow the impurities to dissolve into the water phase. The
water phase is then separated from the methyl ester phase, and the methyl ester is
dried to remove any remaining water. Water washing works by exploiting the
difference in solubility between the impurities and the methyl ester. Glycerol and
residual catalyst are more soluble in water than in the methyl ester, so they dissolve

into the water phase during mixing. The water phase can then be removed, taking
the dissolved impurities with it. The process of water washing can be repeated
several times to ensure that the methyl ester is as pure as possible. The purified
methyl ester can then be used as a fuel in diesel engines or blended with petroleum
diesel to produce a biodiesel blend.



1. The optimum condition for the reaction was found to be the following for
every litre of oil.
2. The optimum temperature for the reaction was identified to be in the range
of 60°C to 70°C for oil.
3. Vigorous stirring and heating are of paramount importance for better
conversion Efficiency.
4. The ideal time for the completion of reaction is around 3-4hrs.
5. Reaction with ethanol is difficult unless 2 conditions are met –
a) Requirement of anhydrous ethanol and
b) Requirement of closed system to prevent ethanol from absorbing




Figure 5-1.Experimental Setup of Diesel Engine


Table 5-1.Engine Specifications

1. Engine National horizontal engine
2. Bore 140mm
3. Stroke 229mm
4. Rated speed 600RPM
5. Max B.P 9.7 KW (13 H.P)
6. Compression ratio 16 5 1
7. Brake drum diameter 44.5cm
8 Rope diameter 2.54cm


Different properties like density, kinematic viscosity, flash point, fire point, and
calorific value of pure diesel, rapeseed oil and jatropha oil are noted at specific

temperatures. properties of different blends are also noted accordingly to pure oils
those blends are.

• B10 (90%diesel + 5% JOME+ 5% ROME),

• B20 (80%diesel + 10% JOME + 10% ROME),
• B30 (70%diesel + 15% JOME+ 15% ROME),
• B40 (60%diesel + 20% JOME+ 20% ROME).and
• B50 (50%diesel + 25% JOME+ 25% ROME)

Table 5-2.Properties of Biodiesel with Various Blends

S.NO. Oils Density Viscosity Flash Fire Calorific

(kg/m3) (m2/s) point point Value
(0c) (0c) (kJ/kg)
1 Conventional 840 7.35 56.3 69 43000
2 Rapeseed oil 900 9.25 68 77 38500
3 Jatropha oil 800 8.16 124 131.4 39500
4 B10 841 7.49 63.7 72.5 42605
5 B20 843 7.64 67 76 42210
6 B30 845 7.79 71.5 79.5 41810
7 B40 847 7.94 75.6 83 41300
8 B50 847 8.09 78.4 86.6 41000


The engine performance test was conducted on a national horizontal single
cylinder, four-stroke, naturally aspirated, open chamber (direct injection) water-
cooled,13 bp diesel engine test-rig.

The engine was directly coupled to a mechanical dynamometer that

permitted engine loading either fully or partially. The schematic diagram of the
experimental setup is depicted in Figure and the engine characteristics are cited in
specifications of engine.

The fuel is supplied to the test engine by an external tank of five litters
capacity, which could easily be drained with the help of three way stop valve for
Change of fuel. A glass burette of 10 CC was also attached in parallel to this tank
and was used for fuel flow rate measurement. For every fuel change the fuel line
was purged out of the residual fuel. The engine was made to run under full load for
at least 30 minutes to stabilize on new fuel conditions. Test-rig was provided with
necessary equipment and instruments for recording the load values and also the fuel
consumption values the setup facilitates, the study of engine performance for brake
power, indicated power, frictional power, BMEP, IMEP, brake thermal efficiency,
indicated thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, and
specific fuel consumption.

Figure 5-2.Inspection of Fuel Level

1. The engine was started in neat diesel mode at no load condition.

2. The engine speed, time for 10 cc diesel consumption Are noted.
3. The above steps were repeated for 0 kg, 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg, 60kg
that are full load conditions.
4. The hybrid biodiesel and diesel fuel substitutions are entered into the fuel
5. substitution percentages are 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%

6. First enter the hybrid biodiesel of 10% blended with diesel.
7. The engine speed, time for 10cc of diesel consumption are noted.
8. The process was repeated at no load, 10kg, 20kg and so on.
9. The similar procedure was followed for 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% blends.
10. All the observations for the various kgs of substitutions and for the various
loads were tabulated and the efficiency obtained in each case are calculated.
11. The values of efficiency, total fuel consumption was compared for bio-
diesel and diesel fuels 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% blends of diesel

Figure 5-4.Mixing of Blends Figure 5-3.Flash and Fire Point Test


1. Mass of fuel consumed (mf) = (c.c /t) x (ρ) x 3600 kg / hr.

Where, ρ= mass density of fuel in kg/m3
t = time taken for 10c.c of fuel consumption in sec
2. Brake power (BP) = 2πnt / (60 x 1000) kW.
Where N = speed of the engine in r.p.m.
T = torque in N-m.
T = R ×W x 9.81 N-m

R= distance from the centre of dynamometer shaft to
centre of the spring balance
W= spring balance reading in kg-f
3. Friction power (FP) = from graph bp Vs mf.
4. Indicated power (IP) = BP + FP
5. Specific fuel consumption (SFC) = mf / bp kg / kW-hr.
6. Mechanical efficiency (ŋ mech) = (bp / ip) x 100
7. Brake thermal efficiency (ŋ Bth) = (bp / (mf x C.V)) x 3600 x 100

Where CV = calorific value of the fuel.

C.V = [(percentage of diesel substitution × diesel C.V) + (Percentage of

blend substitution × biodiesel C.V)]

Density = [(percentage of diesel substitution × diesel density) + (Percentage

of blend substitution × biodiesel density)]

8. Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) = 60*bp/ L*A*n*K

Where, bp=brake power
L= stroke length
A= cylinder bore area
N= rpm
For four stroke engine n=N/2
For 2 stroke n=N
K=no of cylinders


At different load conditions, speed and time required for 10cc fuel
consumption is noted for diesel and blends (B10, B20, B30, B40, and B50).

5.6.1 DIESEL
Table 5-3.Observation Table for Diesel

S NO Load at the brake drum Speed Time required

W1(kg) W2(kg) W=W1-W2 (RPM) for 10cc fuel
(kg) (sec)

1. 0 0 0 600 30.39
2. 10 0 10 600 26.11
3. 25 5 20 600 20.05
4. 45 15 30 600 16.19
5. 60 20 40 600 14.88
6 80 30 50 600 12.41
7 100 40 60 600 9.5

5.6.2 B10 (90%diesel + 5% JOME+ 5% ROME)

Table 5-4.Observation Table for B10

S NO Load at the brake drum Speed Time required

W1(kg) W2(kg) W=W1-W2 (RPM) for 10cc fuel
(kg) (sec)
1. 0 0 0 600 31.79
2. 10 0 10 600 25.39
3. 25 5 20 600 22.45
4. 45 15 30 600 17.02
5. 60 20 40 600 13.17
6 80 30 50 600 11.22
7 100 40 60 600 10.56

5.6.3 B20 (80%diesel + 10% JOME+ 10% ROME)

Table 5-5.Observation Table for B20

S NO Load at the brake drum Speed Time required

W1(kg) W2(kg) W=W1-W2 (RPM) for 10cc fuel
(kg) (sec)
1. 0 0 0 600 33.02
2. 10 0 10 600 27.29
3. 25 5 20 600 23.62
4. 45 15 30 600 16.45

5. 60 20 40 600 11.66
6 80 30 50 600 10.05
7 100 40 60 600 8.26

5.6.4 B30 (70%diesel + 15% JOME+ 15% ROME)

Table 5-6.Observation Table for B30

S NO Load at the brake drum Speed Time required

W1(kg) W2(kg) W=W1-W2 (RPM) for 10cc fuel
(kg) (sec)
1. 0 0 0 600 30.45
2. 10 0 10 600 25.62
3. 25 5 20 600 19.27
4. 45 15 30 600 14.56
5. 60 20 40 600 11.85
6 80 30 50 600 8.75
7 100 40 60 600 7.62

5.6.5 B40 (60%diesel + 20% JOME + 20% ROME)

Table 5-7.Observation Table for B40

S NO Load at the brake drum Speed Time required

W1(kg) W2(kg) W=W1-W2 (RPM) for 10cc fuel
(kg) (sec)
1. 0 0 0 600 28.2
2. 10 0 10 600 25.22
3. 25 5 20 600 17.63
4. 45 15 30 600 12.92
5. 60 20 40 600 10.03
6 80 30 50 600 7.99

7 100 40 60 600 6.62

5.6.6 B50 (50%diesel + 25% JOME+ 25% ROME)

Table 5-8.Observation Table for B50

S NO Load at the brake drum Speed Time required

W1(kg) W2(kg) W=W1-W2 (RPM) for 10cc fuel
(kg) (sec)
1. 0 0 0 600 27.91
2. 10 0 10 600 23.38
3. 25 5 20 600 17.48
4. 45 15 30 600 12.67
5. 60 20 40 600 10.56
6 80 30 50 600 7.08
7 100 40 60 600 6.56


B10 at 10 kg Load
The following values were found by measurement.
Calorific value of diesel (C.V) = 43000 kJ/kg.
Speed, N = 600 rpm,
Time taken for 10 cc of fuel consumption = 25.39 sec.
Mass of fuel consumption (mf) = C.C/time *(ρ) *3600
= 10-5/25.39*841*3600
Torque T = R*W*9.81 N-m
=23.07 N-m
Brake power B.P= 2π NT/ (60*1000) KW
= 2 *3.14*600*23.07/ (60*1000)

=1.4495 KW
=1449.5/746 HP
Friction power (F.P) from graph B.P vs mf
F.P= 4.95 hp
Indicated power (I.P) =B.P+F.P
=6.89 hp
Specific fuel consumption (SFC) of petrol with methanol
= Mf /B.P kg/hp-h
= 1.19/1.943
= 0.612 kg/hp-h
Mechanical efficiency (ηm) = B.P/I.P*100.
Brake thermal efficiency (η bt) = BP/ (SFC*CV)*3600
=1449.5/ (0.612*42600)
Brake Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) = 60*bp/ L*A*n*K
BMEP = 60*1449.5*4/0.299*3.14*(1.4)2 *300*1
0.0062996 bar
5.8.1 DIESEL
Table 5-9.Result Table for Diesel

Load Speed rate BSFC BP IP
s.n for 10cc
(kg) (rpm) per (Kg/ (hp) (hp) ŋ
of fuel (*10^- Ŋ bth ŋ ith
hour mech
(sec) 3 bar) % %
(kg/hr) %
1 0 600 30.39 0.99 0 0 6.16 0 0 39.5 0
2 10 600 26.11 0.15 0.59 1.9 8.1 6.29 10.18 43.9 31.4
3 20 600 20.05 1.5 0.38 3.8 10.4 12.5 19.7 42.48 38.6
4 30 600 16.19 1.86 0.32 5.8 11.9 18.8 20.57 40.72 48.63

5 40 600 14.88 2.03 0.26 7.8 13.9 25.1 21.12 39 55.8
6 50 600 12.41 2.43 0.25 9.7 15.8 31.4 22.56 41.09 61.8
7 60 600 9.5 3.18 0.27 12 17.8 37.7 25.46 42 65.42
5.8.2 B10 (90%diesel + 5% JOME+ 5% ROME)
Table 5-10.Result Table for Diesel

Load Speed rate BSFC BP IP
s.n for 10cc
(kg) (rpm) per (kg/ (hp) (hp) ŋ
of fuel (*10^- Ŋ bth ŋ ith
hour mech
(sec) 3 bar) % %
(kg/hr) %
1 0 600 31.79 0.95 0 0 5.49 0 0 36.9 0
2 10 600 25.39 1.19 0.61 1.9 7.43 6.29 10.2 39.4 35.39
3 20 600 22.45 1.34 0.34 3.8 9.37 12.5 18.2 44.3 41.3
4 30 600 17.02 1.77 0.3 5.8 11.3 18.8 20.7 40.4 49.9
5 40 600 13.17 2.29 0.29 7.8 13.3 25.1 21.32 36.8 56.3
6 50 600 11.22 2.69 0.27 9.7 15.2 31.4 22.7 35.96 62.1
7 60 600 10.56 2.86 0.24 12 17.1 37.7 25.7 37.99 67.9

5.8.3 B20 (80%diesel + 10% JOME+ 10% ROME)

Table 5-11.Result Table for B20

Load Speed rate BSFC BP IP
s.n for 10cc
(kg) (rpm) per (kg/ (hp) (hp) ŋ
of fuel (*10^- Ŋ bth ŋ ith
hour mech
(sec) 3 bar) % %
(kg/hr) %
1 0 600 33.02 0.91 0 0 4.95 0 0 34.99 0
2 10 600 27.29 1.11 0.57 1.9 6.89 6.29 16.45 40.4 37.3
3 20 600 23.62 1.28 0.33 3.8 3.83 12.5 20.22 44.5 43.9
4 30 600 16.45 1.84 0.31 5.82 10.7 18.8 21.37 39.3 54.03
5 40 600 11.66 2.6 0.33 7.8 12.7 25.1 22.40 34.5 57.8
6 50 600 10.05 3.01 0.31 9.7 14.6 31.4 22.95 32.6 66.2
7 60 600 8.26 3.67 0.31 12 16.6 37.7 26.01 38.21 69.26

5.8.4 B30 (70%diesel + 15% JOME+ 15% ROME)
Table 5-12..Result Table for B30

Time Mass
required flow
Load Speed BSFC BP IP
s.n for 10cc rate per
(kg) (rpm) (kg/ (hp) (hp) ŋ ŋ
of fuel hour (*10^- Ŋ bth
(sec) (kg/hr)) ith mech
3 bar) %
% %
1 0 600 30.45 0.99 0 0 5.22 0 0 34.5 0
2 10 600 25.62 1.18 0.61 1.9 7.96 6.29 10.5 39.9 26.7
3 20 600 19.27 1.57 0.4 3.8 9.1 12.5 15.82 37.7 42.6
4 30 600 14.56 2.08 0.35 5.8 11 18.8 16.93 33.9 52.7
5 40 600 11.85 2.56 0.33 7.8 13 25.1 18.45 31.2 59.8
6 50 600 8.79 3.46 0.35 9.7 14.9 31.4 19.03 27.7 65.3
7 60 600 7.62 3.99 0.34 12 16.9 37.7 20.7 27.3 69

5.8.5 B40 (60%diesel + 20% JOME+ 20% ROME)

Table 5-13..Result Table for B40

Time Mass
required flow
Load Speed BSFC BP IP
s.n for 10cc rate per
(kg) (rpm) (kg/ (hp) (hp) ŋ ŋ
of fuel hour (*10^- Ŋ bth
(sec) (kg/hr)) ith mech
3 bar) %
% %
1 0 600 28.2 1.08 0 0 5.4 0 0 33 0
2 10 600 25.22 1.2 0.62 1.9 7.4 6.29 10.45 38.2 25.8
3 20 600 17.63 1.72 0.44 3.8 9.3 12.5 14.61 35.2 41.4
4 30 600 12.92 2.36 0.4 5.8 11.3 18.8 16.06 31.4 51.4
5 40 600 10.03 3.04 0.39 7.8 13.3 25.1 16.62 28.4 56.3
6 50 600 7.99 3.51 0.39 9.7 15.2 31.4 16.55 25.4 63.8
7 60 600 6.62 4.6 0.39 12 17.1 37.7 16.48 24.3 67.9

5.8.6 B50 (50%diesel + 25% JOME + 25% ROME)
Table 5-14..Result Table for B50

Load Speed rate BSFC BP IP
s.n for 10cc
(kg) (rpm) per (kg/ (hp) (hp) ŋ ŋ
of fuel (*10^- Ŋ bth
hour ith mech
(sec) 3 bar) %
(kg/hr) % %
1 0 600 28.2 1.08 0 0 5.4 0 0 33 0
2 10 600 25.22 1.2 0.62 1.9 7.4 6.29 10.45 38.2 25.8
3 20 600 17.63 1.72 0.44 3.8 9.3 12.5 14.61 35.2 41.4
4 30 600 12.92 2.36 0.4 5.8 11.3 18.8 16.06 31.4 51.4
5 40 600 10.03 3.04 0.39 7.8 13.3 25.1 16.62 28.4 56.3
6 50 600 7.99 3.51 0.39 9.7 15.2 31.4 16.55 25.4 63.8
7 60 600 6.62 4.6 0.39 12 17.1 37.7 16.48 24.3 67.9



Performance properties are slightly lesser for biodiesel compared to diesel.
Accordingly, they improve injection process and ensure better atomization of the
fuel in the combustion chamber. Biodiesel can be blended in any ratio for better
performance and the increased lubricity makes for a better running of vehicle. We
analysed the performance properties of rapeseed and jatropha oil methyl esters.
Results of the experiments in the form of brake power, brake thermal efficiency,
total fuel consumption for different load conditions for various blends of rapeseed
and jatropha oil methyl esters compare with the petroleum diesel in the form of


Graph 6-1.Brake Power Vs Brake Specific Fuel Consumption

The comparison of variation of specific fuel consumption with brake power

for diesel, with different blends of methyl esters are shown in above Graph 6-1. It
is observed that the methyl esters show lower total fuel consumption compared to
diesel as calorific value is less. It was observed that 20% blend is having

comparable closer values with diesel. However, TFC is higher for all the other
blends. The TFC increases with the increasing loads.


Graph 6-2. Brake Power Vs Brake Thermal Efficiency

The brake thermal efficiency is based on Brake Power of the engine. This efficiency
gives an idea of the output generated by the engine with respect to heat supplied in
the form of fuel. For CI engine brake thermal efficiency gradually increases with
increase in BP. The results are shown in Graph 6-2, we can clearly observe that the
brake thermal efficiency of blend B20 is higher than other blends and higher than
conventional diesel.


The indicated thermal efficiency is based on Brake Power of the engine. This
efficiency gives an ideal power generated in the engine cylinder with respect to heat
supplied in the form of fuel. For CI engine indicated thermal efficiency gradually
increases with increase in BP. The results are shown in Graph 6-3, we can clearly

observe that the indicated thermal efficiency of blend B20 is higher than other
blends but less than conventional diesel.

Graph 6-3. Brake Power Vs Indicated Thermal Efficiency


Graph 6-4.Brake Power Vs Mechanical Efficiency

The mechanical efficiency is based on BP and IP of the engine. This efficiency
gives an idea of power transferred from cylinder head to crank shaft in the engine
it is calculated by the ratio of brake power to indicated power. For CI engine
mechanical efficiency gradually increases with increase in BP. The results are
shown in Graph 6-4, we can clearly observe that the mechanical efficiency is almost
same foe all blends but B20 has higher mechanical efficiency than other blends and
also conventional diesel.



1. In this work we conducted tests on four stroke single cylinder, water cooled,
rated speed (600 RPM) engine fueled with rapeseed and jatropha oil methyl
esters blended with diesel in various proportions like B10, B20, B30, B40,
and B50 at various loads ranging from 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 It is
founded that blends of diesel – rapeseed and jatropha oil could be
successfully used with acceptable performance than pure diesel up to certain
2. At B20 brake thermal efficiency values are higher at all loads compared to
conventional diesel.
3. The parameters like total fuel consumption, specific fuel consumption
reduced, and brake power and mechanical efficiency are found to be higher
at B20 than diesel and other blends.
4. Brake thermal efficiency of diesel at full load is 25.46% but for B20 brake
thermal efficiency at full load is 26.01%. So, we can conclude that B20 (80
% diesel + 10% rapeseed methyl ester +10% jatropha methyl ester) of
rapeseed and jatropha seeds oil blended with diesel can be replaced with no
modification of normal engine.



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