Real Word Thesis o L
Real Word Thesis o L
Real Word Thesis o L
Ananta Ghimire
Tribhuvan University
Ananta Ghimire
Tribuvan University
Approval letter
The dissertation entitled Effect of partial incorporation of malted millet in Jand based on
sensory and physico-chemical attribute and its quality evaluation presented by Ananta
Ghimire has been accepted as the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of B.
Tech. degree in Food Technology.
Dissertation committee
1. Chairperson ______________________________________
(Mr. Madhab P. Tiwari, Asst. Lecture)
2. Principal ______________________________________
(Mr. Chabbi Lal Kandel)
5. Supervisor ______________________________________
(Mr. Madhab P. Tiwari, Asst. Lecture)
I would like to express deep gratitude to my supervisor, respected Madhab PD. Tiwari (Co-
ordinator, Nagarik College of Food Technology) for his effective guidance, encouragement,
inspiration and his valuable time throughout this dissertation work.
I am greatly thankful to principal of Nagarik College, Mr. Chhabilal Kandel for providing the
necessary amenities, support, and encouragement for the work on time. I would also like to express
my humble gratitude respected sir Mr. Hukum chalise, for sharing his extra ideas needed for my
work and all the staff of Nagarik College for creating a friendly environment throughout the
dissertation. I greatly appreciate Ms. Sofi poudel, and Mr. Shiva paudel for their cooperation in
the laboratory work, and Mr. Anil Chaudhary, Mr. Suman sapkota and Mr. Bishal bhandari for
their generous support during my work. Also, I am thankful to all my friends for their
encouragement and precious advice during the work period.
Last but not the least, I express sincere thanks to all those names which have not mentioned
individually but helped me directly and indirectly in this work.
Finger millet (Eluesine coracana) was collected from Bullingtar (VDC in Nawalpur district,
Gandaki province). A study was conducted to optimize partial incorporation of malted millet in
jand. Malted millet was prepared by soaking in water for 24h, germination 4 days at about 24℃
followed by cabinet drying which was done in three steps: 1st step at about 50°C up to moisture
content 23%, 2nd step at about 65°C up to moisture content 12%, and 3rd step at about 85°C up to
moisture content 4-6% then acrospires are removed and sound malt is taken for grinding. Malted
millet incorporated jand was prepared in lab with the incorporation of different proportion 0%,
5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% respectively with normal millet. The sensory evaluation of malted
millet incorporated jand of different concentration was carried out for consumer acceptability. The
obtained data were statistically analyzed by using one way ANOVA at 5% level of significance.
The proximate analysis for moisture (db), crude protein (db), crude fat (db), crude fiber (db), total
ash (db) and carbohydrate (db) of malted millet was done and the values were found to be 6.10±
0.08, 7.20±0.20, 2.43±0.10, 5.15±0.09, 2.04±0.11 and 83.18±0.12 respectively. Similarly, the malt
extract analysis for pH of wort, extract% (db.), color of wort, saccharification time (min) and
degree plato (0Bx) was done and the values were found to be 5.94±0.10, 5.83±0.08, 75.27±0.69,
5.62±0.09, 12.67±0.58 and 8.31±0.09.The stastical analysis showed that 10% malted millet
incorporated Jand was superior to all jand formulation in terms of sensory characteristics.
List of tables.................................................................................................................................. ix
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
2.7 Benefit of malting............................................................................................................ 14
2.8 Traditional alcoholic beverage of Nepal ......................................................................... 15
2.8.1 Jand ........................................................................................................................... 15
2.8.2 Nigar ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.8.3 Raksi ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.9 Murcha: Indigenous starter culture of jand ..................................................................... 17
2.10 Flavoring compounds produced in alcoholic beverages ............................................... 18
2.9.1 Esters ........................................................................................................................ 18
2.10.2 Aldehydes ............................................................................................................... 18
2.10.3 Organic acids .......................................................................................................... 19
Material and methods ................................................................................................................. 21
4.5 Selection of best jand ...................................................................................................... 40
4.6 Chemical analysis of jand of normal and best optimized malted jand ............................ 40
4.6.1 pH of jand ................................................................................................................. 40
4.6.2 Protein of jand .......................................................................................................... 41
4.6.3 Alcohol content of jand ............................................................................................ 42
4.6.4 TSS of jand ............................................................................................................... 43
4.6.5 Acidity of jand .......................................................................................................... 44
4.6.6 Reducing sugar of jand ............................................................................................. 45
4.6.7 Aldehyde content of jand .......................................................................................... 46
4.6.8 Ester content of jand ................................................................................................. 47
Conclusion and recommendations ............................................................................................ 48
Refrences ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 61
List of tables
Table No. Title Page No.
List of Figures
Fig No Title page No.
List of Appendices
Annex No. Title Page No.
E.7 T-test for aldehyde content of Jand 71
List of Abbreviations
S.No. Abbreviation Full Form
5 BX Degree Brix
6 H Hours
1.1 General introduction
In Nepal, the primary occupation of many people is agriculture. As cereal production is considered
as major crops which is used both as cash crop as well as food crops. Varieties of the cereal-based
fermented beverage are consume worldwide (Blandino et al., 2003) which are used for nutritional
and medicinal purpose (as antiseptic and analgesic). The millet based alcoholic beverages are also
known to have provided several health-promoting benefits (Amadou, 2011 refrence). Chyang,
Raksi, Sake, Bouza, Pito, and Burukutu are some of the cereal-based alcoholic beverages
consumed around the world (Bamforth, 2004; Blandino et al., 2003; Karki,1986) Among them
jand is one which is also considered as an indigenous alcoholic beverage on Nepal.
Fermentation is one of the oldest biotechnologies for the production of food products with
desirable properties such as extended shelf-life and good organoleptic properties (Smid &
Hugenholtz, 2010). Finished fermented foods usually have an improved microbial stability and
safety and some can be stored even at ambient temperatures. Furthermore, there are several
examples of fermentation processes which lead to an increase in nutritional value or digestibility
(Jägerstad et al., 2005)of food raw materials. Finally, food fermentation processes also deliver
products with increased palatability for consumers. All these arguments have boosted the interest
to explore natural food fermentation processes and more precisely to link the diversity of the
community of fermenting microbes and their properties to the energetics of the process and to
product quality.
In Nepal, the term jand is generic name for all cereal-based alcoholic beveragess; Tibetan
call it ‘minchha chhyaang’ and the Lepcha call it ‘mong chee’(Thapa & Tamang, 2004). It is
prepared by solid-state fermentation of starchy raw material like rice, finger millet, Wheat, barley,
sorghum etc. The basic step followed in the traditional cereals fermentation are: cooking of the
prepared cereals, cooling of cooked mass to room temperature, mixing with murcha powder,
leaving for 1 to 2 days for biomass build up and alcoholic fermentation. The common cereal of
choice for jand preparation is finger millet but other cereals like maize, wheat and rice are also
used (S. R. Rai, 2006). Finger millet is the most preferred substrate for jand preparation and is
considered to yield an unmatched quality product. The basic reason behind it is the uniqueness in
flavor and taste of the product.
Millet is the group of small seeded cereal crops. Major millets grown in Nepal are finger
millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.], proso millet [Panicum miliaceum L.,] and foxtail millet
[Setaria italica (L.) P.Beauv.].Besides, barn yard millet [Echinochloa frumentacea Link],
sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], pearl millet [Pennisetum typhoides (Burm.f.) Stapf &
C.E.Hubb.] etc are also grown. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. and Eleusine africanaa Kenn.-
O'Byrne are the two wild forms that have been reported their existence in Nepal. Millets are
under-utilized but important food crops for rural poor farming communities living under
subsistence and marginal environments in the Hills of Nepal. They are also known as Himalayan
super-foods due to their nutrient dense nature (Bhandari et al., 2017)
Murcha is used as starter culture in preparation of alcoholic beverage like jand. The term
Murcha is a Nepali word and the different ethnic communities of the region call it by their own
dialect such as Khesung by Limbu, Bharama by Tamang, Bopkha by Rai and Buth/Thanbum by
Lepcha (Karki, D. B., & Kharel, 2007).It contains saccharifying molds, Lactic acid bacteria and
fermenting yeast and is therefore the result of concerted action of these microorganism on the
cooked cereals (KC et. al.,2004)
1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General objective
The general objective of this dissertation work is to incorporate malted millet in jand in various
proportion and its quality evaluation.
To prepare jand from partial incorporation of malted millet replacing the normal millet in
formulation process.
To find best proportion of malted millet in incorporated jand.
To perform physicochemical analysis of prepare jand.
To perform sensory analysis.
Part II
Literature review
2.1 Historical background of alcoholic beverage
Humans have been controlling the fermentation process for thousands of years, primarily in the
form of fermented beverages in the earliest days. Evidence of a fermented alcoholic beverage made
from fruit, honey, and rice found in Neolithic China dates back to 7000-6600 BCE. Wine-making
dates to around 6000 BCE in Georgia, in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. There is also strong
evidence that people were fermenting beverages in Babylon around 3000 BCE. The use of wheat,
rye, millet, rice, oats, barley, potatoes or grapes in early fermentation processes paved the way to
the technologies that are in existence currently (Jones, 1985)
Alcoholic drinks have long been incorporated into ceremonies and celebration throughout
Nepal also. Chyaang, raksi, tongba are some alcoholic beverage which are considered as ethnic
food in Nepal. Ethnic foods are defined as foods originating from a heritage and culture of an
ethnic group who use their knowledge of local ingredients of plants and/or animal sources.
Moreover, Jand and raksi are common drink traditionally prepared by almost all Mangarantis
(Mangarantis being one of the ethnic groups of the Nepalese that include Magar, Gurung, Rai,
Limbu, Sherpa, Bhote, and Lepcha Castes).The word Jand, derived from the Mangaranti language,
is known by many synonyms (Chiang by Tibetans; Ou by Thai, which is especially drunk with a
straw(Teramoto et al., 2011); Chii by the Rong and Toongba by the Nepalese who take jand in
bamboo container) (Misihairabgwi & Cheikhyoussef, 2017).
Kodo ko jand is one of the most nutritious and traditional drinks in the Himalayan region
of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet in China(Targais et al., 2012). Jand is said to be the best remedy
to ward off the severe cold of the mountains. It reputedly has many healing properties for
conditions such as common cold, fevers, allergic rhinitis, and alcoholism among others.
Toxicological data suggests it as non-toxic and safe for human consumption. Among the ethnic
beverages of the region, the mild-alcoholic sweet flavored Chyang because of high calories,
vitamin content, beneficial lactic acid bacteria and yeast is considered more as food than an
alcoholic beverage. It quenches thirst, gives energy and provides nutrition. Jand forms part of
socio cultural life of the people in the region. Drinking and making offerings of Jand are part of
many pan-Tibetan social and religious occasions, including settling disputes, welcoming guests,
and wooing. The traditional method of preparation of Jand may vary from one region to other
using barley chiefly as the substrate; the alternate substrate is ragi (Thapa & Tamang, 2004). In
the face of increasing population and stagnant wheat and rice productions, millets can be a
promising alternative in solving the problem of food insecurity and malnutrition.
Although the term jand is commonly used in the finger millet beer, beers from maize, rice
etc. are also called jand the name of the beer is deriving from the raw material used for fermentation
e.g. makai jand (maize beer),wheat jand (ghau jand), bhate jand (rice beer) (Tamang et al., 1988).
It is generally believed that the technique originated in China, but comparison of the
production processes for sake and Chinese alcoholic beverages shows marked differences,
especially in respect to the microorganisms concerned. According to earliest records, sake was
originally brewed from rice that has been chewed to achieve saccharification, followed by natural
fermentation. Sake brewed in this way was used as a sacred wine in the worship of the Shinto gods
(Humphreys and Stewart, 1978).
2.3.2 Maize
Maize is the largest of all grain varieties with respect to plant height and seed size. Maize (corn)
starch is used as a substitute for malt. However, the starch must be purified beforehand (dry and
wet milling ).Moreover, it is used as the primary source of carbohydrates for some traditional beer-
like alcoholic beverages in Latin America and Africa and as an adjunct for mass-market beer
production throughout most of the world. Today, maize is most commonly germinated (malted) to
produce amylase for starch conversion in chicha production. Maize malt provides ample alpha-
amylase but is low in beta-amylase and has limited quantities of other diastatic enzymes present
in barley (Haggblade & Holzapfel, 2004).
2.3.3 Wheat
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L) is the most extensively grown cereal crop in the world. Wheat malt
is the raw material for the production of wheat beer in Southern Germany, in particular Bavaria.
Belgian wheat beers as well as the spontaneous fermented beers of the lambic type contain raw
wheat. Up to 50% unmalted wheat is added to the throw of these beers. Since wheat has a relatively
low gelatinization temperature, barley malt hydrolases can degrade wheat biopolymers without
prior boiling (Little, 1994). In the case of lambic beers it is even desired that dextrins and starch
are still available for the overlapping distinct fermentations of a wild microflora (e.g.
Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Brettanomyces lambicus, Saccharomyces spp., Kloeckera spp.,
Pedioccocus spp., Lactobacillus spp.)(Hanke et al., 2005)
regions, FM ranks fourth after sorghum, PM and foxtail millet (Shiihii et al., 2011, Upadhyaya et
al., 2011).
In context of Nepal, finger millet occupies an average of 7.9% (268,050 ha) of the total
area covered by cereal crops and accounts for 3.3% (308,488 mt) of total cereal production
(MoAD, 2014) . It has been cultivated from Tarai; Kachorwa (85 masl) of Bara district(Tiwari
et al., 2005) to High Hill: Burounse (3150 masl) of Humla district (Baniya et al., 1992) in
Nepal with cultivation records in all 75 districts. The major production districts of Nepal for this
crop are Khotang, Sindhupalchowk, Baglung, Syangja, Kaski, Gorkha and Sindhuli. It is
considered very important in terms of food and nutrition security in both mid hills and mountains.
A total of 237,862 tons (77%) of finger millet produced was from hill districts followed by
61,417 tons (20%) from mountain districts (Sherchan, 1989)
Fig. 2.1 Structure of finger millet
Source: Ramashia (2018)
The protein content of finger millet is ranged from 6-8% on dry basis. As in other cereal
protein, finger millet protein is also deficit in lysine. However finger millet protein contains
significantly high amount of methionine which is deficit in legume protein. Finger millet diet
combined with legume gives good result. The fat content of finger millet is hardly 1.5%. The
energy or calorie content of 100 g is about 350 kcal. Finger millet contains about 56-65% of starch
of which 17-29% is amylase. The special feature of finger millet carbohydrate is the high
proportion of non-starchy polysaccharides (NSP). These NSP serves as dietary fiber that helps in
prevention of constipation, lowering cholesterol and releasing glucose, after each meal, so that the
blood glucose level does not increase rapidly similar to rice diet. Because of this reason, finger
millet diet is recommended to diabetics. Finger millet contains fairly high level of vitamins also.
Thiamine, riboflavin, choline are important vitamins of finger millet. Finger millet is the excellent
source of calcium (340 mg/100 g) and it also contain good amount of phosphorus (Devi et al.,
(Jideani, 2012). FM contains low amounts fat which contributes to reducing risks of diabetes
mellitus and gastro-intestinal tract disorders (Muthamilarasan et al., 2016). The grains are also rich
in vitamin B complex such as thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid and niacin (Saleh et al., 2013).
Utilization of the plant involves its use as a folk medicine for treatment of liver disease, measles,
pleurisy, pneumonia and small pox. Starch extracted from FM grains are used in the
pharmaceutical industries in the preparation of granules for tablets and capsule dosages (Shiihii et
al., 2011). Application of grains also involves its use in the preparation of baked products,
composite flour, weaning foods, beverage and non-beverage products (Verma & Patel, 2013).
2.5 Malting
Malting is a biotechnological technique which involves the controlled germination of a cereal grain
which aims at activating enzyme systems that catalyse the hydrolysis of polymerised reserved food
materials, notably, proteins, starches and cell-wall substances, thus, extracting fermentable
materials (Rose, 1977; Ogbonna, 2011). It aims to convert or modify the physical structure of the
barley grain and allow synthesis or activation of a series of enzymes such that the final product,
malt, is more readily used in the subsequent stages of brewing, distilling, or food manufacture.
During the malting process, hydrolytic enzyme production and/or release is maximized leading to
cell-wall degradation and protein solubilization with minimal starch breakdown. In order for this
to occur, malting aims to both accelerate germination and retard embryo growth, essentially
conflicting activities. Any shoot or root growth produced during the malting process is physically
removed from the final product prior to storage and delivery, and therefore, minimizing embryo
growth reduces losses incurred in the process (MacLeod & Evans, 2015).
The malting process begins with the steeping process, in which dried grains are imbibed in water
in order to elevate the moisture level to around 42-47% (Schwarz & Li, 2011). Steeping comprises
a series of imbibition in water (2- 4 days) each followed by an air-rest period, during which the
water is drained and carbon dioxide (co2) is evacuated using fans. Sufficient aeration of the steep
vessel with water under controlled temperature (12℃ for partly dormant and 16-18℃ for less
dormant grains) with efficient co2 removal is necessary during steeping process as lack of oxygen
brings about microbial development, anaerobiosis, and souring while excessive aeration results in
unwanted growth and starch loss (D. E. Briggs et al., 2004) .
2.5.2 Germination
The process of germination is marked by embryo development, manifested by the growth of the
rootlets and increment in shoot length, with the concomitant modification of endosperm. In this,
steeped grains are spread on the floor and the grain bed is manually turned over to keep the grains
loose, allow adequate airflow, avoid matting and prevent overheating from respiratory heat of
grains. Currently, this process is conducted using a pneumatic system in the vessels of different
sizes and shapes such as drums with circular germination vessels or rectangular Saladin boxes.
Germination occurs under aerobic and humid conditions at 16-200C for 3-4 days depending
on the process conditions and raw material (Poutanen, 2020). Grain moisture must be about 45-
46% on day 2 and 42-43% on day 5(Palmer, 2018). During the germination stage, GA (Gibberellic
acid) diffuses to the aleurone layer and promotes the biosynthesis of hydrolytic enzymes, which
are released into the inner endosperm for depolymerization of endosperm cell wall polysaccharides
and proteins; the process is referred to as grain modification. This process transforms the hard
endosperm of the grain into the soft (friable). Hydrolyzed products are then translocated to the
embryo via scutellum to provide energy and building blocks for its respiration and growth. It was
recently indicated that GA1 is the most abundant bioactive form synthesized as a glycosyl
conjugate in the scutellum which moves to the aleurone and activates de novo synthesis of GA3
conjugate and GA4 (Betts et al., 2020). Ideal modification is considered when the first shoot
(acrospire) has developed to around three of fourth of the grain length (Schwarz & Li, 2011). The
germinated grain is known as green malt after which it is moved toward the kilning process.
2.5.3 Kilning
The green malt is shifted to the kilning chamber where hot air is blown to kill the embryo and
terminate the germination (Oser, 2015). The kilning process aims to discontinue the internal
modifications, reduce the moisture content of malt below 5%, and to ensure the product stability
for storage, transport, and to prevent enzyme denaturation. Kilning also promotes the formation of
melanoidins via the non-enzymatic Millard reaction between amino acids and sugars (Howe,
2020). During curing phase of kilning, this browning reaction can be utilized to add color to the
malt. Usually, kilning is performed in a double-deck kiln. It is conducted in a stepwise manner
with a gradually rising temperature from 50 to 85℃ for around 21 hr. (Poutanen, 2020).
After kilning process, the dried rootlets or culms are removed owing to their extremely
hygroscopic nature. B. E. Briggs et al.( 1981) observed that about 3 to 5% of the original barley is
retrieved as culms in the traditional malting processes. Before being placed in storage bin, malt is
aged up to at least 3 weeks to allow uniform distribution of residual moisture throughout the grain.
Raw material (Finger millet)
Steeping (18h)
Germination (25-30℃)
Kilning (60-65℃)
Removal of rootlet
Malted cereal
and oxidation of substances during germination. The leakage of material occurs during the steeping
and germination process which results in malting loss.
Better malting performance is associated with lower level of β-glucan and higher level of β-
glucanase in grain (Narzis,2012). The high concentration of β-glucan leads to incomplete
hydrolysis of cell walls, which in turn impede the diffusion of enzymes produced during the
mobilization of kernel reserves and disrupts various quality parameters of finished malt
(Habschied et al., 2020). Therefore, degradation of β-glucan is essential.
During malting, α-and β-amylases are the principal enzymes responsible for hydrolyzing starch
into fermentable sugars. These enzymes are released from the starch granules after the outer layers
have been already hydrolyzed by cell wall hydrolases. The two amylases have different optimum
temperatures, α-amylase has higher optimum temperature at around 73.89℃ and lower pH of 5.2
and while, β-amylase pH of 5.5 and optimum temperature at 62.78℃ (Sammartino, 2015). Alpha
amylases are the most abundant proteins synthesized in response to GA during germination.
A large complex of proteolytic enzymes carries out the breakdown of storage proteins during the
grain germination and subsequently malting. Ungerminated barley contains little proteolytic
activity, but it rises rapidly during the early stages of the germination step (Harris, 1962). During
mashing, proteolytic enzymes hydrolyze cell wall protein resulting in the exposure of the starch to
the hydrolytic enzymes. Unlike other hydrolytic enzymes, proteases are not specific to a particular
substrate (protein) but they are specific to certain structural features of the peptide chain. They are
categorized into two groups depending upon cleavage site in the proteins: exopeptidases and
endopeptidases. During the germination process, proteins are firstly digested by endoproteases and
subsequently by exopeptidases (Benešová et al., 2018).
given to the derived products . In Japan, germination was used to enhance flavor and
nutrients in brown rice apart from softening the texture (Ohtsubo et al., 2005). Relative
nutritive value of sprouted sorghum increases from 54.6 to 63% and protein efficiency
index increases from 1.5 to 1.7(Amadou et al., 2011)
Increase the fiber content of grain: Dietary fiber plays an important role in bringing
health advantages n chickpea and helps in lowering plasma cholesterol. (Vasishtha &
Srivastava, 2013) reported that three days germination increased the contents of cellulose,
hemicelluloses, lignin of grain.
Increases the bioavailability of nutrients: Malted grains are extensively used in weaning
and geriatric foods. A study examined the influence of malting of finger millet, wheat, and
barley on the bio accessibility of iron, zinc, calcium, copper, and manganese. Malting
increased the bio accessibility of iron by >3-folds from the two varieties of finger millet
and by >2-folds from wheat, whereas such beneficial influence was not seen in barley.
The bio accessibility of zinc from wheat and barley increased to an extent of 234 and 100%,
respectively, as a result of malting. However, malting reduced the bio accessibility of zinc
from finger millet. The process marginally increased the bio accessibility of calcium from
white finger millet and wheat. Where as it did not exert any influence on bio accessibility
of copper from finger millet and wheat, and significantly decreased (75%) the same from
barley. For manganese the bio accessibility from brown finger millet(17%) and wheat
(42%) increased. It was reported that malting could be an appropriate food-based strategy
to derive iron and other minerals maximally from food grains (Platel et al., 2010).
2.8.1 Jand
Jand is a generic term that refers to Nepalese traditional sour-sweet cereal beer made from grains
like millet, rice, wheat, etc. by using murcha as the starter culture (C. Subba, 1985) and bears
similarity with many traditional beers of the world. Jand is very popular among the rural mass of
Nepal (B. K. Rai, 1991). The annual production of jand is higher than that of any other indigenous
fermented products and that trade is probably the single-most important economic activity among
most ethinic groups of low income category (Subba et al., 2005). Kodo ko Jand is the most
commonly fermented alcoholic beverages prepared from dry seeds of finger millet locally called
as Kodo in the Eastern Himalayan regions of Darjeeling hills and Sikkim in India, Nepal and
Bhutan (Thapa & Tamang, 2004) . Some aspects of jand have been reviewed by Aidoo et al.
(2005). They have described the role of mucaraceousfungi in producing amylase needed to
saccharify and liquefy starch.
The amylase activity has been reported to reaches its peak on the second day of
fermentation. The authors have also mentioned the presence of mixture of yeasts (Pichia anomala,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida galbrata) and lactic acid bacteria (Pediococcus pentosaceus,
Lactobacillus bifermentans) in numbers exceeding 105 cfu/g in matured jand. Jand is served in
different forms and modes. Strained jand is prepared by leaching out the readily extractable
contents from the mash with luke warm water. The beverage is cloudy in appearance and has a
very short shelf-life, of the order of few hours. The shelf life of strained jand can be extended to a
few months by in-bottle heat treatment (pasteurization) but the time-temperature regime has to be
worked out carefully to take into account the compounded influence of alcohol content, pH,
acidity, total soluble solids, and packed volume of jand (Mongar & Rai, 2005). Table 2.2 show
some physiochemical property of jand made from different cereals.
Parameter Values
Tss (0Bx) 3.27
pH 4.17
Total acidity, as lactic acid (% m/v) 0.33
Alcohol (% v/v) 6.2
Reducing sugar as dextrose, % m/m 1.58
Esters, as ethyl acetate (mg/100ml) 10.6
Aldehyde (g of acetaldehyde/100 lit absolute alcohol) 24.15
Source: Karki et al.,(2007) & Rai (2006)
2.8.2 Nigar
Nigar is the clear liquid that spontaneously accumulates during prolonged anaerobic fermentation
of jand. The product likens sake and is highly praised by the drinkers. Nigar can therefore be
classified as a cereal wine rather than beer (B. K. Rai, 2006)
2.8.3 Raksi
Raksi (also spelt rakshi, rukshi) is an unaged congeneric spirit obtained by pot distillation of the
slurry of jand. The product is somewhat similar with whiskey and has highly varying alcohol
contents (KC et al., 2004), generally between of 15 and 40% (C. Subba, 1985). Several basic
researches have been done on raksi production from different cereals using murcha as well as
isolated pure cultures but there seems to be general lack of attention towards process development
such as preparation of good starter culture, increasing efficiency of traditional distillation apparatus
and separation of feints and foreshots for improving quality of rakshi (B. K. Rai, 2006).
This starter culture is a mixed type which comprises various saccharifying molds,
fermentative yeast, and acidifying lactic acid bacteria where the loads were found to be 106 CFU/g,
108 CFU/g, and 107 CFU/g respectively (Tamang & Sarkar, 1995).
The general method of preparation involves soaking of rice (Oryza sativa) in water for 8-
10 hours and crushing into fine powder. Mixing of different ingredients, like roots, leaves, and
flowers from various murcha plants, ginger, dry red chili and previously prepared murcha is
performed. Water is added to the mixture and kneaded into cakes of different shape and size. Then,
they are kept for fermentation for 1-3 days. The distinctive aroma and swollen structure of cakes
specify the end of fermentation which is sun-dried for next few days. Among the 42 plants known
to be used in the preparation of these starters, Plumbago zeylanica, Buddleja asiatica, Vernonia
cinerea, Polygala arillata, etc. are major murcha plants. The use of plants in marcha is based on
the specific ethnic groups and distribution of plants (KC et al., 2001). Although various groups of
microorganisms are present, selective growth of desirable microflora is crucial that includes
S.cerevisiae, S. fibuligera, C. versatilis, Rhizopus sps and P. pentosaceus (Shrestha et al., 2002).
The two main types of marcha are Mana and Manapu.
2.10 Flavoring compounds produced in alcoholic beverages
The volatile component profiles of alcoholic beverage products consist of a wide range of
compounds, including acids, alcohols, aldehydes, and other trace level flavor compounds (Egan et
al., 1984). Flavour compounds spirits originate from the raw materials used for fermentation and
from alcoholic fermentation by yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and other microorganisms
which metabolize carbohydrate, amino acids, fatty acids and other organic compounds.
2.9.1 Esters
An ester is a compound formed from the reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol. Esters
are numerically the largest group of organoleptic compounds in alcoholic beverages. Lower esters
have pleasant odors that are usually described as fruity (Barnett et al., 1990). Although some ester
formation may occur during the distillation of spirits, the most common esters are produced by the
yeast during fermentation stage. Nout(1992) proposed that esters were produced in the yeast cell
by an enzymatic reaction between acetyl CoA derivatives of fatty acids and free alcohols rather
than by an extra cellular chemical reaction. Experiments involving the addition of individual acids
and alcohols have indicated that the there is competition between different alcohols and acids in
ester formation such that the most abundant esters are derived from the most abundant acids and
alcohols. Since ethanol is the most abundant alcohol the ethyl esters are the most abundant,
followed by isoamyl and propyl esters. Acetate is the most abundant acid formed by yeast during
fermentation, so acetate esters of ethanol and higher alcohols are the most abundant. Ethyl acetate
at up to 50mg/l in beer and 175 mg/l in certain whiskies is the most abundant ester in alcoholic
beverages(Batra & Millner, 1974). It has a characteristic fruity odor (Barnett et al., 1990).
2.10.2 Aldehydes
Aldehydes are synthesized by yeast as intermediates in the formation of alcohols through the
decarboxylation of keto acids. The majorities are further reduced by alcohol dehydrogenase, but a
small amount may be oxidized to acids. During the active phase of fermentation, excess quantities
can be excreted into the fermentation broth. The corresponding aldehydes to most of the alcohols
formed by yeast have been detected in alcoholic fermentation. Acetaldehyde is thus quantitatively
the most significant compound of this group as ethanol is the dominant alcohol formed during
alcoholic fermentation. Generally, aldehydes have flavor threshold two to three orders of
magnitude below the alcohols. The aroma of the lower aldehyde is generally perceived as fruity.
Acetaldehyde has a characteristic pungent odor, but its solution in water, have an agreeable fruity
odor (Batra & Millner, 1974). However, as the chain length increases they become more
unpleasant, being cardboard-like and bitter (Messens & De Vuyst, 2002).Parameters which
increases the initial fermentation rate, such as aeration, readily utilizable sugars and other nutrients,
higher temperature, fast fermenting yeast strains and higher pitching rates result in increased
accumulation of aldehydes. The final concentrations of aldehyde in yeast fermentation are a
balance between those which are formed in the initial stages of fermentation, and those which are
utilized in the later stages. In addition, the presence of antioxidants which form complexes with
aldehydes, such as sulphite ions and sulphur dioxide, can enhance the final concentrations
(MacDonald et al., 1984).
The commercialization of jand is quite weaker in market due to lack of proper modernization in
its packaging and proper research on its quality improvement. It is estimated that 250, 225, and
325MT of cereal grains are used annually for Jand making in Dharan, Dhankuta & Terhathum
respectively. Considering that half this amount is sold in the market places, the total annual income
comes to about US$870.000(as of 2006). With the advent of alcoholic beverages based on new
technology, Jand has earned itself social stigma among the well-offs, simply because it happens to
be a poor man’s beer (D. K. Subba et al., 2005)
3.2 Methods
3.2.1 Preparation of malt
Finger millet grains were cleaned by winnowing and washed with tap water to remove extraneous
matters such as dust & stones, foreign grains etc. The clean grains were then subjected to steeping
in tap water for 18h in ambient condition and drained. The grains were then kept in muslin cloth
and swirled to remove excess water. They were then spread over aluminum tray, covered with
moisten muslin cloth and allowed to germinate. During germination period the grains and muslin
cloth were frequently moistened with help of water sprayer at interval of 12h to prevent them from
drying out. The grains were allowed to germinate at about 240c for 96 hours.
In order to stop germination and further enzymatic activities, drying was carried out in cabinet
drier in 3 different stages as follows;
The first stage, at about 500C up to moisture content 25% for 16h
The second stage, at about 650C up to moisture content 12% for 4h and
The third stage, at about 85°C up to moisture content 4-6% for 2h
After drying, rootlets were removed and the prepared malt was ground in a grinder and the size of
malt was reduced.
Finger Millet
Spreading in a tray
Removal of rootlets
3.2.2 Preparation before fermentation
Required physical and chemical analysis of millet was done then cleaned, washed, and cooked in
steel pot for 25 minutes. Moreover, 1.75 parts (by vol.) of previously boiled water is added to each
part (by wt.) of millet then after cooked for 25 minutes. The gelatinized millet product was then
spreaded in tray for about 30 minutes so that temperature dropped down to below 400 c (to protect
organism present in murcha from high temperature).
Simultaneously, Murcha was ground slightly to get in powder form, which was then sprinkled in
the cooked cooled millet and kneaded through to obtain uniform mixing. Furthermore, the overall
experimental detail is given below:
Cleaning, De-husking and Winnowing of finger millet (6kg each batch)
Addition of 1.75 part of volume of boiled water and cooked for 25 min
Addition of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% of malted millet in powder form
Murcha about 2% by substrate weight is added to cooked substrate and mixed thoroughly
Mixture is sprayed in tray for 4 hours then transferred to sterile plastic jar of 2 liter capacity
After 2 day, the mouth of jar was closed by tight lid and sealed to maintain the anaerobic
Kept for about 15 days at about 280 c for fermentation at anaerobic condition
After completion of 15 days, water extraction of beverage is done by adding lukewarm water
at the rate of 2 ml/g of fermented substrate (each extraction is kept for about 15 min)
Source: (Ray et al., 2016)
3.2.3 Proximate analysis of raw materials Moisture content
The moisture content of sample was determined by heating in hot air oven at 105±20c till constant
weight is achieved as per Ranganna (1986).
Crude fat content was determined by the Soxhlet method as describe in Ranganna (1986).
The crude fiber was determined gravimetrically by acid-alkali treatment as described in Ranganna
Crude protein content in the sample was determined by the kjeldahl method (by estimating
nitrogen content) according to Ranganna (1986).
The total ash content of the samples was determined by ashing in Muffle Furnance at 5500c
according to Ranganna (1986).
The carbohydrate content of the sample was determined by the difference method as per Ranganna
(1986). Carbohydrate (%db.) = 100- (protein +fat+ ash+ crude fiber)
PH was determined by pH meter (Hanna Instrument) and TSS by portable refractometer (Hanna
Instrument). The instrument was standardized by using a buffer solution of pH 7 and 4 at the
temperature required Ranganna (1986).
The determination of acidity in jand was done by the preparation of aqueous or solution of the
whey and titration with standard NaOH using phenolphthalein indicator. The result is expressed
as a percentage of dominant acid. 10 ml of jand pipette out 10 ml in conical flask. Add about 10
ml distilled water and mix well. The pipette was rinsed by drawing in and releasing a small amount
of diluted jand. Titrate with 0.1N NaOH using 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator to a persistent
pink end point. Note the initial and final reading Ranganna (1986).
Alcohol content was determined by pycnometric method(S. R. Rai, 2006) taking 200 gm of jand
and 200 ml of water in a 1-liter distillation flask where 90 ml distillate (raksi) was collected and
volume was made up to 100 ml. Then weight of dry pycnometer, distillate in pyconmeter and water
in pycnometer was taken; and room temperature was noted. The specific gravity of water was
calculated, and alcohol % (v/v) was found by chart.
Method described by Kirk & Sawyer (1991) is used to calculate total ester content, with slight
changes. In a reflux flask, 50 ml of the distillate is neutralized with 0.1 M NaOH and 1 percent
phenolphthalein indicator. The condenser is then attached after 10 ml of 0.1M NaOH was poured.
It is computed using the formula below. 0.0088g of ethyl acetate is comparable to 1 ml of standard
Reagents Preparation method
A Potassium meta bisulphite (15 g) ismixed with 70 mL conc. HCI and
diluted to 1 L with distilled water.
B Na 2 HPO 4 .12H,0 (188 g), 21 g NaoH and 4.5 g EDTA is dissolved in distilled
water and diluted to 1 L with distilled water.
C Conc. HCL (250 ml) is diluted to 1:1 with distilled water.
D Boric acid (100 g) and 170 g NaOH is dissolved in distilled water and diluted to
1 L with distilled water.
300 mL boiling and cooled water and 10 mL solution A are combined in a 1000 mL conical flask.
40 mL distillate is added to this combination, the flask is twisted, and the stopper is put. After then,
it is allowed to stand for 15 minutes. After that, 10 mL of solution B was added, swirled together,
and set aside for another 5 minutes. Then 10 ml of solution C and 10 ml of fresh 0.2 percent starch
solution are added, swirled together, and iodine (0.1 M) is added to eliminate the excess bisulphate
and turn the solution a faint blue hue. Finally, 10 ml of solution D is added, and the released
bisulphate is titrated to the same faint blue end point using 0.05 M iodine solution. Total aldehyde
as g acetaldehyde per 100 L alcohol is calculated using following expression:
Total reducing sugar is determined by Lane and Eynon method as described by Ranganna (1986)
.25 g of neutralized sample is clarified and maintained with distilled water in 250 ml volumetric
flask. 10 ml of such sample is titrated with standard Fehling mix solution, and calculation of total
reducing sugar is carried out as % dextrose.
27 Sensory evaluation of jand
The coded sample of the jand was evaluated for appearance, color, body, taste, aroma and overall
acceptance on 9 points hedonic scale by 8 semi- trained panelist of Nagarik College. They were
instructed to give 9 points to extremely like and 1 point to the extremely disliked sample. The
coded sample were randomly presented before the panelist. The specimen card for sensory
evaluation is shown in appendix. A. Differences in the quality were determined by statistical
analysis according to Ranganna (1986).
The 1000 kernel weight of raw material and final products were determined by measuring the
weight of 1000 kernels of millet grains after selecting appropriate sample size by quartering
method. The grain samples were weighed using digital electronic balance with 0.01 g accuracy
(Sangamithra et al., 2016).
The bulk density was measured as mentioned in (Clementson et al., 2010) by pouring the grains
into the funnel shaped hopper, the hopper was centered over the measuring bushel, the hopper
valve was opened quickly, and the grains were allowed to flow freely into the measuring bushel.
After the bushel was filled, the excess material was leveled off with gentle zigzag strokes using
the standard Seedburo striking stick. The filled measuring bushel was then weighed, and the mass
of grains in the bushel was determined by subtracting the mass of the measuring bushel itself. The
bulk density (ρ) of grain was then calculated using the following expression:
The arithmetic mean diameter (mm) of the sample was obtained using the methods of (Ramashia
et al., 2018). Arithmetic mean diameter was calculated from the dimensional values using below
AMD= (L+B+T)/3
L = length (Longest dimension)
The analysis was conducted in triplicates. For significance analysis, data were analyzed by one-
way ANOVA and means were compare using Lsd and Tukey at 5% level of significance.
Result and discussion
Finger millet was taken from Bulingtar which was planted in early June in warm climates and
harvested after 11 months of plantation. Proximate and physical analysis of raw material was
performed. Millet was then cleaned and were cooked for about 25 min until they were thoroughly
cooked and were soft in texture. Millet jand was prepared in the laboratory following the traditional
methods used in the common household of various jand consuming ethnic communities of Nepal.
Murcha is used as starter culture which was inoculated in jand and allowed to ferment in small
plastic jars. Every jar was subjected to same environmental conditions in order to ensure the
uniformity in fermentation process. One jar at a time was withdrawn as a sample which prevented
the contamination and thus spoilage of the product. This part presents the results and discussions
regarding proximate and ultimate analysis, sensorial analysis of raw materials and final products.
The following sub- heading deal in detail about these all.
The proximate composition of malted and non- malted finger millet were carried out and the results
are tabulated in table 4.1
Table 4.1 proximate analysis of raw and malted millet
The average mean scores of proximate analysis are shown in table 4.1. Statistical analysis
showed normal and malted rice are significant effected (p<0.05) to each other. The mean scores
of normal millet along with standard deviations for moisture content, crude protein, crude fat,
crude fiber, ash content and carbohydrate are 11.26±0.12, 7.96±0.14, 3.30±0.13, 4.14±0.07,
2.29±0.13 respectively and also the mean score of malted rice with standard deviation for moisture
content, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash content and carbohydrate are 6.10±0.08, 7.20±20,
2.43±0.10, 6.30±0.07, 5.15±0.09, 2.04±0.11, respectively as shown in table **.The proximate
composition of raw finger millet obtained in the laboratory is somehow comparable to the data
provided by (Devi et al., 2014). Slight differences might have occurrence in various parameter due
to differences in analytical methods or due to difference in variety of millet used.
The moisture content of malted millet is decrease significantly at p (≤0.05) which is due to
enzyme inactivation process during malting i.e. kilning. The hydration process during germination
activated a wide array of enzyme which hydrolyzed and solubilized food reserves. There crude
protein content of the malted millet sample decreased significantly at p (≤0.05). The slight change
in protein content may attributed to the fact that water soluble nitrogen was lost during soaking of
seeds and also, during seed germination, part of the protein was utilized for the growth and
development of the embryo. During germination, starch and protein were degraded to soluble
sugars and amino acids, respectively. Their degradations indicated the metabolic system
interference to reserve starch and protein by amylases and proteases(Elbaloula et al., 2014) . The
crude fat content of the malted rice slightly increased which may be due to its proportional increase
as a result of decrease in other food reserves like non-reducing carbohydrate.
The crude fiber content of the malted sample increased significantly p (≤0.05). This increased
could be attributed to increased bran matter and the building of dry matter during the growth and
development (germination) of plant. Narsih reported the increase in ash content of rice malt which
is similar to the results of our study. Germination would increase the mineral content due to an
increase in fitase enzyme activity during germination. The enzyme will hydrolyze the bond
between the protein-enzyme minerals become free, therefore increasing the availability of minerals
(Narsih, 2012). The carbohydrate content was also found to be decreased in malted rice this
significant decrease may be due to the activity of enzymes. The carbohydrate may have been
digested to simple sugar by amylolytic enzymes as a result there is significant increase of reducing
sugar on the malted sample at p (≤0.05).
Table 4.2 Malt extract analysis of finger millet
(Khatoniar & Das, 2020) reported the value of 1000 kernel weight, bulk density and diameter as
3.12±0.06 g, 71±0.02 kg/HL and 1.76±0.02mm of millet grain which is a bit similar to the mean
value of unmalted finger millet of our study.
The thousand kernel wt. and bulk density got decreased while diameter was increased on
malting. The decrease may be due to synthesis of amylases, proteases and other endogenous
hydrolytic enzymes during germination. During the process, the hydrolytic enzymes migrate from
the germ into the endosperm where starch and protein are hydrolyzed to sugars and amino acids,
respectively. These are then transported into the germ where they are further metabolized by the
growing seedling(Baranwal, 2017).Thus, decrease in weight may result due to dry matter loss
during malting and utilization of nutrient by growing roots. The removal of this rootlet and
decrease in moisture content after kilning process is also responsible for it.
6 b
3 D
2 E
1 F
Fig. 4.1 Mean sensory scores for color and appearance of jand
*Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of scores
given by 10 panelists. Different letters indicate significant differences among sample means
(P<0.05) of different formulations (where A is control, B, C, D, E and F contain 5%, 10%, 15%,
20% and 25% malted millet respectively).
The mean sensory scores of colors are shown in Fig 4.1. Statistical analysis showed that
partial substitution of malted jand with normal jand had significant effected (p<0.05) on the color
and appearance. The mean scores along with standard deviations for color of samples A, B, C, D,
E and F were found to be 7.90±0.57, 7.70±0.48, 7.80±0.63, 7.40±0.52, 7±0.47 and 6.80±0.42
respectively as shown in Fig 4.1. The maximum sensory perception was found to be highest for
sample A.
The higher sensory perception for sample A was possibly due to light yellow color then
after sample C got higher perception due to pale yellow color developed by the addition of 10%
malted millet however sample with more than 10% malt simultaneously got lower perception
because of highly yellowish color and haziness due to higher proportion of malt. The yellowish
color may be because of the greater amount of Millard reaction between reducing sugars and
proteins(Roumelioti et al., 2018) .
4.4.2 Flavor
9 c bc
b bc
a a
Sensory score
*Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of scores
given by 10 panelists. Different letters indicate significant differences among sample means
(P<0.05) of different formulations (where A is control, B, C, D, E and F contain 5%, 10%, 15%,
20% and 25% malted millet respectively).
The mean sensory scores of flavor are shown in Fig 4.2. Statistical analysis showed that
partial substitution of malted jand with normal jand had significant effected (p<0.05) on flavor of
jand. The mean scores along with standard deviations for flavor of samples A, B, C, D, E and F
were found to be 7.40±0.52, 7.50±0.53, 8.20±0.57, 7.50±0.85, 6.20±0.63 and 5.90±0.57
respectively as shown in figure 4.1.The maximum sensory perception was found to be highest for
sample C.
Sample C has got highest score as compared to other because of acceptable malt flavor as well as
sweetness. Flavoring compound such aldehyde and ketones may be increased during malting. A
similar increase in malt flavor with the supplement of malted rice was noticed by Briggs (1998). .
Kilning also promotes the formation of melanoidins via the non-enzymatic Millard reaction
between amino acids and sugars which is also responsible factor for flavor in malt (Smart, 2019).
Similarly, decomposition of high molecular weight polymers cause generation of bio-functional
substances and improvement of organoleptic qualities due to softening of texture and increase of
flavor in grains which leads to particular flavour given to the derived products (Holopainen et al.,
4.4.3 Aroma
9 b b b
8 a a
Sensory score
6 B
4 C
3 D
2 E
1 F
*Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of scores
given by 10 panelists. Different letters indicate significant differences among sample means
(P<0.05) of different formulations (where A is control, B, C, D, E and F contain 5%, 10%, 15%,
20% and 25% malted millet respectively).
The mean sensory scores for flavor of jand sample of different formulations are shown in
Fig 4.3. Statistical analysis showed that partial substitution of malted jand with normal jand had
significant effected (p<0.05) on flavor of jand. The mean scores along with standard deviations for
aroma of samples A, B, C, D, E and F were found to be 7.40±0.70, 7.60±0.52, 8±0.47, 7.30±0.48,
6.40±0.70 and 6.30±0.67 respectively as shown in Fig 4.3. The maximum sensory perception was
found to be highest for sample C.
The aroma of samples C was found to be aromatic with a malty flavor. Kilning and roasting
is the main reason for generating flavor and aroma in malts. Due to kilning and mashing, the
enzymatic activity occurs and the starches and proteins are hydrolyzed into fermentable sugars and
amino acids. The free sugars and amino acids are the sources for Millard reactions. The aroma and
flavors in malts are due to the production of Millard products during kilning and mashing (Beal &
Mottram, 1993). The different aroma and flavors such as burnt, smoky, caramel, chocolaty, burnt
coffee, and malty are associated with specific malt types. Malty flavor in malts is due to the
formation of caramel-like compounds 4hydroxy-2,5dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone (HDMF) and 4-
hydroxy-2(or 5)-ethyl-5(or 2)-methyl3(2H) furananone (HEMF) (Blank & Fay, 1996).
4.4.4 Mouthfeel
9 bc
b b
8 a a
Sensory score
6 B
4 C
3 D
2 E
The mean sensory scores for mouthfeel of jand sample of different formulations are shown
in Fig 4.4. Statistical analysis showed that partial substitution of malted jand with normal jand had
significant effected (p<0.05) on flavor of jand. The mean scores along with standard deviations for
mouthfeel of samples A, B, C, D, E and F were found to be 7.30±0.48, 7.40±0.52, 8.10±0.57,
7.20±0.63, 6.30±0.67 and 6±0.67 respectively as shown in Fig 4.3.
The maximum sensory perception was found to be highest for sample C. In alcoholic
beverages, mouth feel has to do mostly with the body (gravity), which depends on the degree of
attenuation.(Berry & Chamberlain, 1986) observed that alcohol and esters content may improve
the mouthfeel of alcoholic beverages mostly. But, too much lower and higher level of esters will
also impair sensory quality of product.
4.4.5 Overall acceptance
bc c
b b
8 a a
Sensory score
6 B
4 C
0 F
*Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of scores
given by 10 panelists. Different letters indicate significant differences among sample means
(P<0.05) of different formulations (where A is control, B, C, D, E and F contain 5%, 10%, 15%,
20% and 25% malted millet respectively).
The average means sensory scores of overall acceptances are shown in Fig 4.5. Statistical
analysis (one-way ANOVA) showed that overall acceptability scores were significantly (p<0.05)
higher for sample C as compared to others. The mean scores along with standard deviations for
overall acceptance of samples A, B, C, D, E and F were found to be 7.30±0.48, 7.40±0.52, 8±0.47,
7.20±0.63, 6.30±0.48 and 6.10±0.57 respectively as shown in Fig 4.6.
Sample C scored highest in overall acceptability of the sensory conducted among the
panelists while in term of color, most of panelist prefer a bit more control sample than sample C
due to light yellow color in sample A. Statistical analysis from the experimental data showed that
the partial substitution of malted millet in samples showed significant difference (p<0.05) in
overall acceptability of samples. Sample F showed lowest score in overall acceptability which
could be as a result of higher amount of malted millet incorporated in it. On the other hand, sample
C scored highest in overall acceptability which maybe as a result of optimum malted millet
incorporated in it. The overall experimental analysis showed that optimum malt is essential while
with increase of malt than optimum amount, the quality of jand simultaneously degrade in various
parameter as shown in figure above.
4.6 Chemical analysis of jand of normal and best optimized malted jand
The chemical composition of jand includes pH, protein, acidity, TSS, reducing sugar, alcohol%,
ester and aldehyde. These parameter help in assessing the quality of jand. The chemical analysis
of jand was done between control sample and best sample (i.e. 10%malted sample) using
Independent-Samples T-test analysis.
4.6.1 pH of jand
2.0 A
1.5 B
* Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of the
value of different sample. Different letters indicate significant differences among sample means
(p<0.05) of different formulations (where A is control sample and B is 10% malted millet sample)
The pH of the jand of different sample was shown in Fig. 4.6. The pH of jand of sample A
and B was found to be 3.94±0.09 & 4.11±0.03 respectively. Sample B has maximum mean score,
than sample A due to incorporation of malted millet on it. The pH of the malt affects the activity
of enzymes and is critical for the amylases responsible for saccharification (conversion of malt
starch into fermentable sugars, particularly maltose) and liquefaction (Fox & Henry, 1993). In
solid state fermentation of finger millet jand, pH was founded about 4.17(Bahadur Karki & Prasad
Kharel, 2007).The too high and too low pH may create unacceptable i.e. astringent off-flavor.
4 A
3 B
The protein content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.7. The protein
content of jand of sample A & B was found to be 8.58±0.11 & 8.47±0.04 respectively.
Control sample has greater protein content in compare to partially malted one. Protein get
simultaneously decrease with increase in amount of malt incorporation. This may be due to the
fact that storage nitrogen reserves may have been mobilized during sprouting after hydrolysis by
proteolytic enzymes (which digest the macromolecular proteins into the more easily assimilable
peptides and amino acids) to play a role in the synthesis of its cellular materials for the rapidly
growing roots and shoots during germination (Ogbonna et al., 2012)
* Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of the
value of different sample. Different letters indicate different formulations (where A is control
sample and B is 10% malted millet sample).
The alcohol content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.8. The alcohol
content of jand of sample A & B was found to be 8.94±0.12 & 9.09±0.07. Alcohol content was
found greater in 10% malted millet jand than control one. As malt provides the fermentable sugar.
Beta and alpha amylase activity acts on starch and the conversion of a dark color to yellowish
occurs i.e., non-fermentable sugar converted into fermentable sugar which represents amylase
activity of malt that directly related to the extraction of fermentable sugar (Muoria, Linden, &
Bechtel, 1998). In brewing, the majority of enzymes such as a-amylase, B-amylase, and
limitdextrinase act on starch and cleave into fermentable sugar. The increase in enzyme activity
results increases in alcohol content. (Evans et al., 2005).
3 A
TSS mean amount of total soluble solid present in the unit volume of solution. The TSS
content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.9. The TSS content of jand of sample
A & B was found to be 4.50±0.10 & 6.70±0.17 respectively .TSS is found significantly increased
with increase in malt proportion. This may be due to enzymes produced during germination that
lead to the hydrolysis of starch and proteins with release of sugar and amino acids directly available
(Baranwal, 2017).
4.6.5 Acidity of jand
The acidity content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.10. The acidity content of
jand of sample A & B was found to be 1.06±0.06 & 0.93±0.04 respectively. Higher acidity on
control sample may be due to the oxidation of aldehyde to form acetic acid. So, it can be said that
aldehyde present in the samples were converted into acetic acid. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol to
acetic acid may be reason for increase in acidity as well.
4.6.6 Reducing sugar of jand
Reducing sugar
* Each bar in the plot is the average and vertical error bars represent ± standard deviations of the
value of different sample. Different letters indicate different formulations (where A is control
sample and B is 10% malted millet sample).
The reducing content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.11. The reducing
content of jand of sample A & B was found to be 0.98±0.06 & 1.08±0.06 respectively. It would
be due to the hydrolysis of starch into reducing sugars by activity of amylase enzyme produced
during malting. Similar increase in reducing sugar content with increase in germination time was
observed in millet(Latha & Muralikrishna, 2009).
4.6.7 Aldehyde content of jand
0.15 B
The aldehyde content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.12. The aldehyde content
of jand of sample A & B was found to be 0.21±0.06 and 0.26±0.08 respectively. Aldehyde is
formed during glycolysis which is synthesized by yeast as intermediates in the formation of
alcohols through the decarboxylation of ketoacids and is released under two conditions; when
ethanol formation is blocked due to absence of alcohol dehydrogenase, or when NADH is being
used for some other purpose and does not need to be recycled duringend product production.
Thus, the excess quantities of acetaldehydes are produced when the reduction, catalyzed by alcohol
dehydrogenase is rate limiting(Swiegers & Pretorius, 2005).
4.6.8 Ester content of jand
0.4 A
0.3 B
The ester content of the jand of different samples was shown in Fig 4.13. The ester content of jand
of sample A & B was found to be 0.61±0.07 & 0.69±0.03 respectively. The compound like fatty
acid, co- enzymes (CoASH) and higher alcohol usually involve in ester production. Moreover, It
has been shown that presence of high level of unsaturated fatty acids namely oleic, linoleic and
linolenic acids into wort results in a decrease in ester synthesis(Peddie, 1990).
Part V
1. Finger millet malt was prepared from local variety. Proximate composition of raw and
malted millet were analyzed. The proximate composition of malted millet is significantly
different from the unmalted millet at 5% level of significance. The malted millet is superior
in term of crude fiber as compared to the unmalted millet. Diameter is also increased in
malted millet.
2. Preparation of malted millet incorporated jand can be carried out successfully. The
statistical analysis showed that formulation with 10% malted millet was significantly
superior in terms of flavor, texture, taste and overall acceptability among formulations.
3. Chemical analysis (pH, acidity, protein, alcohol, tss, reducing sugar, aldehyde and ester)
were carried out in lab in order to further assessments of quality of product.
5.2 Recommendation
On the basis of study following recommendations are presented which may guide or show the
direction to the other researchers planning to work in Jand.
1. Further analysis can be made to determine micronutrients like vitamins and minerals in
jand. Especially B vitamins can be determined in Jand.
2. Microbial analysis could be done in various media.
3. Further research on antioxidant activity can be done.
Jand is a traditional undistilled alcoholic beverage prepared from solid-state fermentation of
starchy cereals like corn, rice, wheat and millet, by using locally made starter culture known as
murcha. It is very popular among the rural mass of Nepal. It is regarded as poor man’s wine. It
contain high calories, vitamin content, beneficial lactic acid bacteria and yeast which is considered
more as food than an alcoholic beverage. Further value of jand can be added by partial
incorporation of malted millet. Incorporation of normal millet with malted millet to make jand
provides a good opportunity to improve the nutritional quality of the fiber, TSS and minerals
consumed by jand consumer. A study was carried out to know about the effects of incorporation
of malted millet on jand quality. Finger millet collected from Nawalpur district was used for
malting. Grains were steeped for 18 h at 24℃. After steeping the grains were germinated for 4
days at normal room temperature and 85%RH. Then after that kilning was done in three steps: 1st
step at about 50℃ up to moisture content 23%, 2nd step at about 65℃ up to moisture content 12%,
and 3rd step at about 85℃ up to moisture content 4-6%.The dried malt samples were then taken
for analysis. Analysis of physical, chemical and functional properties of both grain and malt
samples were performed.
The diameter of millet grain increased from 1.68 mm to 1.72 mm while 1000 kernel weight
and bulk density were found to decrease after malting from 2.54 g to 2.39 g and 74.62 kg/HL to
68.06 kg/HL respectively. Six different jand formulations were prepared by traditional process
with the incorporation of murcha. The proximate analysis for moisture (db.), crude protein (db.),
crude fat (db.), crude fiber (db.), total ash (db.), carbohydrate (db.) and reducing sugar (db.) of
normal millet and malted millet was done and the values were found to be
All the prepared products were subjected to sensory evaluation in terms of appearance and clarity,
color, aroma, flavor, body, and overall acceptance as their sensory qualities and all the
experimental jand were evaluated on a nine-point hedonic rating (1=dislike extremely, 9=like
extremely) by different semi-trained panelists. The obtained data was analyzed statistically by
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance. The Statistical analysis showed that
10% malted millet incorporated jand was superior to all jand formulations. Mean sensory score of
formulation of sample C regarding color, aroma, flavor, body and overall acceptance was
significantly better from other formulations. So product C was selected as the best product.
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Appendix A
Annex A.2 List of chemicals used
Chemicals Manafacturer
Boric Acid Qualike 741m Fine Chemical Pvt. Ltd
Sulphuric Acid Merck Specialties Pvt. Ltd, India
Hydrochloric acid Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd
Potassium metabisulphite Qualikem Fine Chemical Pvt. Ltd
Potassium Chloride Qualikem Fine Chemical Pvt. Ltd
Sodium Hydroxide Merck Specialities Pvt. Ltd, India
Methylene Red Solution S d fine chem. Limited
Phenolphthalein Qualikem Fine Chemical Pvt. Ltd
Acetic acid S d fine chem. Limited
Selenium Dioxide Hi Media laboratories Pvt. Ltd
Nutrient Agar Hi Media laboratories Pvt. Ltd
Sodium Benzoate Thermo Fisher Scientific India Pvt. Ltd
Carrez solution ( I & II)
Fehling’s Solution (A & B)
Appendix B
Hedonic Rating
Dear panelist, you are provided with 6 samples of Jand. Please taste samples and score the
products according to the characteristics given below in the table. Panelists are requested to give
ranks on their Individual’s choice. An honest expression of your personal’s feelings will help me.
Comments if any:
Description of scale
9=like extremely 4=Dislike slightly
8=like very much 3= dislike moderately
7=like moderately 2=Dislike very much
6=like slightly 1= dislike extremely
5=neither like nor dislike
Appendix C
Total 39.873 5
Total .989 5
Total 1.196 5
Annex C.4 One way ANOVA for Crude Fiber
Total 1.536 5
Total .157 5
Appendix D
Sensory of Jand
Annex D.1 One way ANOVA for Color and appearance of sample
sample Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F Sig.
Total 24.733 59
Total 58.183 59
Total 42.333 59
Annex D.4 One way ANOVA for Mouthfeel of sample
sample Sum of Squares DF Mean Square F Sig.
Total 48.850 59
Total 40.850 59
Appendix E
Chemical analysis of Jand
Annex E.3 Independent Samples T-test for alcohol of jand
Levene's Test for
Equality of
Variances T-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Equal 1.566 0.279 -1.866 4 0.135 -0.14667 0.07860 -0.36489 0.07156
Equal -1.866 3.107 0.156 -0.14667 0.07860 -0.39198 0.09865
Annex E.5 Independent Samples T-test for acidity of jand
Levene's Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
Equal 1.058 0.362 3.542 4 0.024 0.13667 0.03859 0.02953 0.24380
Equal 3.542 3.332 0.032 0.13667 0.03859 0.02051 0.25283
Annex E.7 Independent Samples T-test for aldehyde of jand
Photo plate