Syllabus MSO 601

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[Established under the Central Universities Act 2009]

PO Box: 21, Dharamshala, District Kangra - 176215 (HP)

Course Code: MSO 601

Course Name: Business Research Methods
Credits Equivalent: 2 Credits (One credit is equivalent to 10 hours of lectures / organized
classroom activity / contact hours; 5 hours of laboratory work / practical / field work /
Tutorial / teacher-led activity and 15 hours of other workload such as independent
individual/ group work; obligatory/ optional work placement; literature survey/ library work;
data collection/ field work; writing of papers/ projects/dissertation/thesis; seminars, etc.)
Course Objectives: The course is designed to:
 Enable the students to understand basic concepts of Research.
 Enable the students to understand about data collection instruments, sampling and
data preparation for analysis.
 Enable the students to understand the use of research techniques– where to use which
technique and why
Attendance Requirement:
Students are expected to attend all lectures in order to be able to fully benefit from the
course. A minimum of 75% attendance is a must failing which a student may not be
permitted to appear in the examination.
Evaluation Criteria:
1. Mid Term Examination: 25%
2. End Semester Examination: 50%
3. Continuous Internal Assessment : 25%
 Class participation: 10%
 Assignment: 15%
Course Contents
UNIT – I: Basics of Research (4 Hours)
 Research : Definition and Types and Approaches
 Research Process
 Formulation of Research Problem
UNIT – II: Research Design and Data Collection Methods
(4 Hours)
 Nature of Research Design, Formulation of Research Design
 Classification of Research Design
 Sources of Secondary Data
 Primary Data collection Methods
UNIT – III: Measurement and Scaling (4 Hours)
 Types of Scaling
 Validity and Reliability in Measurement
 Questionnaire Designing

UNIT – IV: Sampling and Sampling Methods (4 Hours)

 sampling Design
 Sampling Process
 Random Sampling Methods
 Non random Sampling Methods
 Sampling and non-Sampling errors
UNIT – V: Data preparation and reporting (4 Hours)
 Data Processing-Coding, entering and entering the data in software
 Significance of Report Writing
 Type of Research Report
 Layout of Research Report

Prescribed Text Books:

1. Chawla D. & SondhI N, (2011), Research Methodology Concepts and Cases, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
2. Kothari CR(2006), Research Methodology Method and techniques, New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Krishnaswamy K N; Sivakumar Appa Iyer & Mathirajan M (2006), Management
Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques, Pearson,
New Delhi.
Suggested Additional Readings:

1. Cooper, Donald R & Schindler, Pamela S (2010), Business Research Methods, 9 th

Edition, McGraw-Hill Companies, New Delhi
2. Chawla D. & SondhI N, (2011), Research Methodology Concepts and Cases, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Bajpai N., (2013), Business Research Methods, Fourth Impression, Dorling
Kindersley(India) Pvt. Ltd of Pearsons Education, New Delhi.
4. Ramamurthy G.C., (2012), Research Methodology, Dreamtech Press, New Delhi.
5. Sachdeva JK (2009), Business Research Methodology, Himalyan Publishing House Pvt
Ltd, New Delhi.

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