RM0102 - Research Methodology - Syllabus

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Indus Institute of Technology and Engineering,

Indus Institute of Information and Communication Technology,

Indus Institute of Sciences Humanities and Liberal Studies,
Indus Institute of Management Studies

Scheme & Syllabus

Ph.D. Course Work

Research Methodology

W.E.F: 01-07-2021

Rancharda, Via: Shilaj, Ahmedabad – 382115
Gujarat, India
Subject: Research Methodology

Program: Ph.D. Subject Code: RM0102 Semester: 1

Teaching Scheme (Hours per week) Examination Evaluation Scheme (Marks)

Continuous University
Internal Theory
Lecture Tutorial Practical Credits Total
Evaluation Examination
4 0 0 4 33/60 22/40 55/100

Course Overview:

The course work for the doctoral research has been made mandatory by the UGC. The course
work is designed in such a way as to support, motivate and encourage quality research. Research
Methodology is a hands‐on course designed to impart education in the foundational methods and
techniques of academic research in engineering and science and management context. Research
scholars would examine and be practically exposed to the main components of a research
framework i.e., problem definition, research design, data collection, ethical issues in research,
report writing, and presentation. Once equipped with this knowledge, scholars would be well‐
placed to conduct disciplined research under supervision in an area of their choosing. In addition
to their application in an academic setting, many of the methodologies discussed in this course
would be similar to those deployed in professional research environments.

Course Objectives:

The primary objective of this course is to develop a research orientation among the scholars and
to acquaint them with fundamentals of research methods. Specifically, the course aims at
introducing them to the basic concepts used in research and to scientific social research methods
and their approach. It includes discussions on sampling techniques, research designs and
techniques of analysis.

Some other objectives of the course are:

1. To develop understanding of the basic framework of research process.
2. To develop an understanding of various research designs and techniques.
3. To identify various sources of information for literature review and data collection.
4. To develop an understanding of the ethical dimensions of conducting applied
Course Content


An Introduction to Research Methodology: (4 Hours)

Meaning of Research, Objectives of Research, Motivation in Research, Types of Research,
Research Approaches, Significance of Research, Research Methods versus, Methodology,
Research and Scientific Method, Importance of Knowing How Research is Done, Research
Process, Criteria of Good Research, Problems Encountered by Researchers in India

Defining the Research Problem: (2 Hours)

What is a Research Problem? Selecting the Problem, Necessity of Defining the Problem,
Technique Involved in Defining a Problem Literature survey, Guidelines for Literature Review

Research Design: (4 Hours)

Meaning of Research Design, Need for Research Design, Features of Good Design, Important
Concepts Relating to Research Design, Different types of Research Designs, Basic Principles of
Experimental Design, Developing a Research Plan

Sampling Design: (2 Hours)
Census and Sample Survey, Implications of a Sample Design, Steps in Sampling Design, Criteria
of Selecting a Sampling Procedure, Characteristics of a Good Sample Design, Different Types of
Sample Designs, How to Select a Random Sample? Random Sample from an Infinite Universe,
Complex Random Sampling Designs

Measurement & Scaling Techniques: (4 Hours)

Measurement in Research, Measurement Scales, Sources of Error in Measurement, Tests of
Sound Measurement, Technique of Developing Measurement Tools, Meaning of Scaling, Scale
Classification Bases, Important Scaling, Techniques, Scale Construction Techniques

Methods of Data Collection: (4 Hours)
Introduction, Collection of Primary Data, Observation Method, Interview Method, Collection of
Data through Questionnaires, Collection of Data through Schedules, Difference between
Questionnaires and Schedules, Various Methods of Data Collection, Collection of Secondary
Data, Selection of Appropriate Method for Data Collection, Case Study Method, Difference
between Survey and Experiment

Processing and Analysis of Data: (4 Hours)

Processing Operations, Some Problems in Processing, Elements/Types of Analysis, Statistics in
Research, Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Asymmetry
(Skewness), Measures of Relationship, Simple Regression Analysis, Multiple Correlation and
Regression, Partial Correlation, Association in Case of Attributes, Other Measures

Fundamentals of Sampling: (4 Hours)
Need for Sampling, Some Fundamental Definitions, Important Sampling Distributions, Central
Limit Theorem, Sampling Theory, Sandler’s A-test, Concept of Standard Error, Estimation,
Estimating the Population Mean (µ), Estimating Population Proportion, Sample Size and its
Determination, Determination of Sample Size through the, Approach Based on Precision Rate
and Confidence Level, Determination of Sample Size through the Approach Based on Bayesian

Testing of Hypotheses (Parametric or Standard Tests of Hypotheses): (4 Hours)

What is a Hypothesis? Basic Concepts Concerning Testing of Hypotheses, Procedure for
Hypothesis Testing, Flow Diagram for Hypothesis Testing, Measuring the Power of a
Hypothesis Test, Tests of Hypotheses, Important Parametric Tests, Hypothesis Testing of Means,
Hypothesis Testing for Differences between Means, Hypothesis Testing for Comparing Two
Related Samples, Hypothesis Testing of Proportions, Hypothesis Testing for Difference between
Proportions, Hypothesis Testing for Comparing a Variance to Some Hypothesized Population
Variance, Testing the Equality of Variances of Two Normal Populations, Hypothesis Testing of
Correlation Coefficients, Limitations of the Tests of Hypotheses

Analysis of Variance and Covariance: (2 Hours)
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), What is ANOVA, The Basic Principle of ANOVA, ANOVA
Technique, Setting up Analysis of Variance Table, Short-cut Method for One-way, ANOVA,
Coding Method, Two-way ANOVA, ANOVA in Latin-Square Design, Analysis of Co-variance
(ANOCOVA), ANOCOVA Technique, Assumptions in ANOCOVA

Chi-square Test: (2 Hours)

Chi-square as a Test for Comparing Variance, Chi-square as a Non-parametric Test, Conditions
for the Application of X2 Test, Steps Involved in Applying Chi-square Test, Alternative Formula,
Yates’ Correction, Conversion of X2 into Phi Coefficient, Conversion of X2 into Coefficient by
Contingency, Important Characteristics of X2 Test, Caution in Using X2 Test

Multivariate Analysis Techniques: (4 Hours)

Growth of Multivariate Techniques, Characteristics and Applications, Classification of
Multivariate Techniques, Variables in Multivariate Analysis, Important Multivariate Techniques,
Important Methods of Factor Analysis, Rotation in Factor Analysis, R-type and Q-type Factor
Analyses, Path Analysis
Reference Books:

1. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques by C. R. Kothari, New Age International

2. Statistical Methods for Research Workers by Fisher R. A., Cosmo Publications, New Delhi
3. Design and Analysis of Experiments by Montgomery D.C. (2001), John Wiley
4. Research Methodology a step-by-step guide for beginners by Ranjit Kumar, SAGE
Publications Ltd
5. Research Methodology for Engineers – R. Ganesan, MJP Publishers
6. Business Research Methods- Naval Bajpai Pearson Publication
7. Research Methodology by Deepak Chawla & Neena Sodhi S. Chand Publication
8. Statistical Methods, Gupta S. P. 37th ed." Sultan Chand, New Delhi
9. Research Methodology for Business: A Skill Based Approach by Kumar, Shekaran (2009),
New York, John Wiley Publishers
10. Research Methodology: Concepts and cases by Chawla and Sondhi, Vikas Publication
11. Marketing Research, by Malhotra Naresh K., Pearson Education Business Research Methods
by Cooper & Schindler, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Outcomes (COs):

At the end of this course Scholars will be able to
1. Demonstrate knowledge of research processes (reading, evaluating, and developing).
2. Define and develop a possible research interest area using specific research designs.
3. Identify, explain, compare, and prepare the key elements of a research proposal/report.
4. Perform literature reviews using print and online databases by applying different types of
reference styles.
5. Explain the rationale for research ethics, and the importance of and local processes for

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