Research Cozautline April 2024

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Module Code: GSU 07405

Module Name: Research Methodology

The aim of the course is to enable, involves and provide support to students to develop their
understandingon conducting meaningful inquiry and original research/consultancy project. The
emphasis will be placed on the process of scientific research, including formulation of a
research/consultancy plan, data collection, assessment of data quality, and interpretation based on
available data. Using one or a variety of methods, students will be able to collect original data and
contribute to problem solving in the society/organization.
Unit I: Introduction to Research
- What is research?
- Types of research
- Research, philosophy and theory
- Reasons for doing research
- Features of a good research
Unit II: Research Process
Stage 1 - Defining the research problem and background
Source of a research problem
- Formulate of the research problem,title and
- Techniques of generate research idea/topic
- Develop research objectives
- Develop research question and hypothesis
Stage 2 - Literatures Review
- Literature reviews and its sources
- Developing literature review
- Understand concepts and key terms
- Theoretical and empirical literature review
- Conceptual framework/model
- Importance of the literature review
Stage 3 - Formulate research questions/Hypothesis
- Variables
- Citation and referencing
Stage 4 - Research design
- Budget
- Study area
- Time frame
- Sampling design
Probability sampling techniques
Non probability sampling techniques
- Factors determine sampling techniques
- Research approaches
Stage 5 - Methods/techniques of data collection
- Data sources
Secondary data sources
Interview advantages and disadvantages
Questionnaire advantages and disadvantages
Focus Group Discussion advantages and disadvantages
Participant’s observation advantages and disadvantages
Survey advantages and disadvantages

Reading Literatures is Mandatory and Paramount in Research

Stage 6 - Data analysis
- Validity and reliability
- The concept of ethical consideration
- Key ethical issues
- Benefits of considering ethical issues
Stage 6 - Data interpretation
- Relate analysed data and empirical data
- Write research report and submit
Stage 7 Unit III: Research Proposal and Report
- What is research proposal
- Contents of research proposal
- Writing of research proposal
- Common mistakes in proposals writing
- Ways to avoid mistakes in proposals writing
- Budget and execution
- Contents of research report
- Standard format and time framework
- Methods/techniques of presenting findings
Unit IV: Consultancy
- What is consultancy services
- Types of consultancy services
- Importance of consultancy services
- Procedure in undertaking consultancy services
- ToR
- Generate report
Dr. Clashon O. Cell: +255 657 443 144
1. Thiel D. V (2014) Research Methods for Engineers. Cambridge University Press
2. Yin, K.R. (2011) Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. New York: The Guilford Press
3. Kumar, R. (2011) Research Methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners
4. Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., Sorensen, C., and Razavieh, A. (2010). Introduction to Research in Education. USA:
5. Bailey, K. (2007). Methods of Social Research (4thed). New York: Free Press
6. Booth, W.C. et al. (2003). The Craft of Research, Chicago Guides (2nded), Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press.
7. Kombo, D.K & Tromp, D.L.A. (2006). Proposal and Thesis Writing: An Introduction, Nairobi: Paulines
Publication Africa.
8. Wellington, J. and Szczerbinski, M. (2007).Research Methods for the Social Sciences. London: Continuum.
9. Kothari, C. R. (2004) Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, 2 nd Edition, WISHWA PRASHANI.
10. Sumathi, S. and Psavavanavei (2005) Marketing Research, Consumer Behaviour VIKAS.
11. Churchill, G. A. Jnr and Iacobucci, Down (2002) Market Research: Methodological Foundations, 8 th
Edition, Thomson South Western.
12. Wilkinson and Bhandarkar (2002) Methodology and Techniques of Social Research, 6 th Revised Edition,
Himalaya Publishing House.
13. Pervez, G. and Gronleng, K. (2002) Research Methods in Business Studies: A Practical Guide, Financial
Times /Prentice Hall.
14. Jaber, T. et al (2002) Handbook of Interview Research: contents and Methods, Stage Publication.
15. Saunders, M. et al (2003) Research Methods for Business Students, 3 rd Edition, Prentice Hall.
16. Les Kirkup. Experimental Methods: An Introduction to the Analysis and Presentation of Data (1994)
17. John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane. 216 p. ISBN 0-471-33579-7
18. Bryman, Alan & Bell, Emma (2011). Business Research Methods (Third Edition), Oxford University Press.
19. Kerlinger, F.N., & Lee, H.B. (2000). Foundations of Behavioural Research (Fourth Edition), Harcourt Inc

Reading Literatures is Mandatory and Paramount in Research

20. Chawla, Deepak &Sondhi, Neena (2011). Research methodology: Concepts and cases, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd. Delhi.
21. Pawar, B.S. (2009). Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies, Response
Books, New Delhi.
22. Neuman, W.L. (2008). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, Pearson
23. Wellington, J. and Szczerbinski, M. (2007) Research Methods for the Social Sciences. London: Continuum.
24. Creswell, J.W. (2009) Research Design (3rd edition) London: SAGE publishers
25. Research and the Research Problem

Reading Literatures is Mandatory and Paramount in Research

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