Course Outline For Business Research Methods
Course Outline For Business Research Methods
Course Outline For Business Research Methods
The overarching aim of this course is to acquaint students with different scientific
research paradigms and methods. Further, the aim is to develop the student’s ability to
first, conduct and report a scientific study, and second, to evaluate and use scientific
reports. To this end, the course is designed to cover both the science of research
methods and their application in business researches. Specifically, it covers topics
such as scientific research process, research problem formulation, theory building
process, research paradigms and designs, different methods of data gathering and
analysis, report writing and ethical issues in research.
At the end of the course students should be able to conduct scientific business
researchesindependently. Specifically, they should be able to:
Argue on various perspectives and discern how these perspectives influence
the research method choices
describe and apply the systematic research process
identify research topics and formulate research problems
select and justify research methods for their business research
effectively communicate the results of a research project in an oral
presentation and as a written paper.
critically examine a report from different perspectives
Lecture & Discussions
Threeassignment works (one case assignment, one article reviewing and another one is
proposal writing)
Presentation (if sufficient time is available)
Chapter 1.Research Methods: An Introduction
1.1 Meaning of research
1.2 Research and scientific method
1.3 Research process
1.4 Types of research
1.5 Determining when to conduct business research
1.6 Research in the 21st research
1.7 Criteria of good research
Chapter 2. Defining Research Problem and TheoryDevelopment
2.1 What is research problem?
2.2 Approaches to research problem
2.3 Meaning and components of theory
2.4 Theory building process
2.5Developing conceptual framework
2.6 Hypothesis formulation
2.7 Operationalization
Chapter 3. Research Design (Planning of Research Project)
4.1 Meaning of research design
4.2 Important concepts regarding research design
4.3 Need for research Design
4.4 Features of research design
4.5 Key Attributes of Research Design
4.6 Improving internal validity and External Validity
4.7 Research Paradigms
4.8 Popular Research Designs
4.9 Selecting Research Designs
Chapter 4. Research Proposal
3.1 Meaning of research proposal
3.2 Functions of research proposal
3.3 General format of research proposal
Chapter 5. Sources and Methods of Data Collection
5.1Primary data
5.1.1 Sources of data
5.1.2 Data collection methods
5.2 Secondary data
5.2.1 Sources of data
5.2.2 Data Collection methods
Chapter 6. Sample Design and Procedure
6.1 Some fundamental definitions
6.2 Sampling techniques
6.2 Sampling procedures
6.4 Sample size
Chapter 7. Data presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
7.1 Data coding and editing
7.2 Data analysis
7.2.1 Qualitative analysis
7.2.2 Quantitative analysis
7.3 Data analysis software
7.4Data presentation techniques
7.5 Interpretation
Chapter 8. Communicating Research Results: Report writing
8.1 Report writing
8.2 Ethical issues in research
8.3 Referencing
Mode of Examination:
Examination will be based on written examinations and paper writings. The weight
allocated is presented as follows:
Thesis review (15%), group of students will be provided with a sample thesis
and analyze and critique the nature and quality of the thesis based on its
design and methods.
Case Assignment (10%), students are required to attempt the case assignment
prepared by the instructor for practice purpose.
Proposal (35%). Group of studentsmust identify a research topicthey wish to
work onand can begin preparing a short proposal as soon as the lecture for
chapter3 is completed. The topic may come from accounting, economics,
finance, management,marketing or any other area of business. Students may
be allowed to work on topics outside the realm of business upon approval the
instructor. In general they are encouraged to write proposal on topics which
they tend to work for their Masters thesis. (Due dates of submission for both
papers will be announced shortly)
Written Exam (40%)
Grading Scale
The following system will apply to grade your marks for the course
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C F
Marks (90,100) (85, 90) (80, 85) (75,80) (70,75) (65,70) (60,65) (50,60) <50
Text books
Bhattacherjee, Anol (2012) Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and
Techniques, 2nd ed. Free Text book, University of South Florida, USA
Creswell, John (2005), Research Designs: Quantitative, qualitative and mixed
approaches, 2nded.
Kothari, C.R (2004), Research Methodology:Methods and Techniques, 2nd ed. India
Green, E. Paul, D.S. Tull& Gerald Albaum. (1998). Research for Marketing
Decisions. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. New Delhi.
Joseph Gibaldi. (1995). MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers,
4thed. The Modern Language Association of America
Hussey J. & Hussey R. (1997). Business Research, A practical Guide for
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. Mc Millan Press LTD. Great
Kenneth R. Hoover. (1998). The Elements of Social Science Thinking, 4th ed.
St. Martine Press. New York.
C.R Kothari (1990). Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques. Wiley
Eastern Limited. New Delhi.
Lawrence F. Locke, WaneenWyrickSpirdurso& Stephen J. Silverman. (1993).
Proposal that Work: A Guide for Planning Dissertation and Grant. Saga
Publications Inc. Newbury Park: California.
Vatsyayan. (1998). Methods and Techniques of Social Survey and Research
(in Questions and Answers). KedarNath Ram Nath. New Delhi.
Robert K. Yin. (1994). Case Study Research, Designs and Methods, 2nd ed.
Sage Production Editor.