Who We Are (Relationships) 2018 - 2019 PDF

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Class/grade: K2 Age group: 5 to 6

School: RBK International Academy School code: 003527

Title: Who we are (Relationships) 2018- 2019
Krina Chauhan, Meenaa Sampat, Jacob Lumumba, Bandana Dubey, Deepali Shah, Balakrishna Kadam,
Rekha manglani, Joan Mascarenhas, Manishaa Sharma
Date: W3 July PYP planner
Proposed duration: 5 weeks

1. What is our purpose?

To inquire into the following:
• Transdisciplinary theme:
Who we are:
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human
relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.
• Central idea:
People's relationships with each other can have an impact on their well being.
Summative assessment task(s):
What are the possible ways of assessing students’ understanding of the central idea? What evidence, including student-
initiated actions, will we look for?
Picture presentation –Children were asked to get their favorite picture with their family and will be sharing their attachment with the
picture and reason out why that was their favorite picture.

2. What do we want to learn?

What are the key concepts (form, function, causation, change, connection, perspective, responsibility, reflection) to be
emphasised within this inquiry?
Key Concepts: Function, Connection, Responsibility
Related Concepts:
Art : Learners have learnt the relationship of primary colours.
They made friendship day card with paper taring and sticking.
They made butterfly with tri-colour.
Music : Family songs ,
P.E. : collaborative games with peers.

• Systems, relationships, networks, homeostasis, interdependence.

What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea?
• How we develop relationships
• the way relationships can affect us
• roles and behaviors within relationships
What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries?
• Why do we develop relationships within family and society? 1
• Why is it important to take care of our relationships? 2
• How our behavior affects relationships in our daily life?
Learners will be given an activity wherein cutout of basic shapes will be given to them randomly and each one will try to create their own
creative art through pasting the shapes on art sheet and then present it in front of the class. Through this activity students will share

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shapes and borrow shapes from their peers . At the end each student will express their feeling on completing their task, which is related
to sharing and caring with peers.

3. How might we know what we have learned?

What are the possible ways of assessing students’ prior knowledge and skills? What evidence will we look for?
• Mind map
• Class discussion
• Learners will be given an activity wherein cutout of basic shapes will be given to them randomly and each one will try to create their
own creative art through pasting the shapes on art sheet and then present it in front of the class. Through this activity students will share
shapes and borrow shapes from their peers . At the end each student will express their feeling on completing their task, which is related
to sharing and caring with peers. Social skill & Communication skill
What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we
look for?
• How we develop relationships
• the way relationships can affect us
Role Play F Roles of different relationships
Learners will be given various situations and they will show what are the roles in that relationship and what is
the impact of the same.

Role Play F Roles of different relationships

Learners will be given various situations and they will show what are the roles in that relationship and what is
the impact of the same.

• roles and behaviors within relationships

Additional Notes:

4. How best might we learn?

What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or students to encourage the students to engage with
the inquiries and address the driving questions?
Function :
• Mind map on different types of relationships that we have in our life. • Sharing personal stories about their families,
friends, special events,\
Class discussion on ‘My family
understand the importance of relationships and feelings.
celebrating friendship day
Children exchanged friendship band with each other as a token of love •
Connection -
Learning through role plays students got the understanding on how ones' behavior and attitudes affects each others feelings .Each
child was given
various situations and asked how would they react to it..

• Video – Barney & friends (the concepts of caring, helping,

Sharing their experiences on how they built relationship in a healthy way.through positive attitude .
Making a new student comfortable in class by welcoming and introducing themselves...
Picture presentation of their family in class.
Celebrated Teacher’s day
• Class discussion: -
Their roles and behaviors in relationship, how families in India and abroad are different, difference and

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similarities between families in India and abroad, how we should be connected with our family members who live abroad. •
Games -Team building games – concentric circle game, Playing team games exhibiting following -
Social Skills: Accepting Responsibility, Respecting others, Cooperating,
Resolving conflict, Group decision making, Adopting a variety of group roles.)
Social Skills: Accepting Responsibility, Respecting others, Cooperating, Resolving conflict, Group decision making, Adopting a variety
of group roles.

Math concept – Tall & short, big & small. , More & less & few & many Comparing with their family to joint and nuclear family, Big and
small family , More and less members in family, few and many members in a family.
English- Learning word wall , stories on family related to caring , open-minded , empathy , tolerance, polite
Open-minded: We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring: We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference
in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Students started accepting responsibility towards their family member by caring ,respecting , empathy ,tolerance and being polite to
every one they come into contact with in their daily lives..

Selected Learner Profile Items

• Open-minded: We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
• Caring: We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference
in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Empathy, Respect, Tolerance.
Transdisciplinary Skills
• Research Skills: Collecting Data, Presenting Research.
• Self-Management Skills: Codes of Behaviour.
• Thinking Skills: Acquisition of knowledge.
• Social Skills: Accepting Responsibility, Respecting others, Cooperating, Group decision making, Adopting a variety of group
• Communication Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing, Presenting.

5. What resources need to be gathered?

What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software, etc, will be available?
How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to facilitate the inquiry?
Added by Bandana Dubey on August 29, 2018





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6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose?
Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing evidence of students’ understanding of the central idea. The reflections of
all teachers involved in the planning and teaching of the inquiry should be included.
Learners through various strategies got an opportunity to learn how one can develop healthy relationships and maintain them with
positive attitudes. Simar : She has expressed through drawing how she has changed her attitude towards her friends ,classroom and
environment being kind , caring , open-minded ,loving and tolerant. Rhea: I care for my parents as I don't bother them when they come
home from work and i offer them water give them space for some time. She drew the the picture on the art sheet.Students even
reflected on their learning by being polite and good to everyone they came into contact daily Parents also gave reflection on their
children's positive attitudes towards relationships in family .
How could you improve on the assessment task(s) so that you would have a more accurate picture of each student’s
understanding of the central idea.
We could have planned more opportunities where we could see the reflection of the student clearly and recognize how his or her choices
and behaviors affect learning in the classroom explain how one personal actions can impact others. Students could have demonstrate
ability to apply existing rules and routines to work and play with others.
What was the evidence that connections were made between the central idea and the transdisciplinary theme?
Learners have got understanding that ones behavior and attitude affects the person in which way they respond .

7. To what extent did we include the elements of the PYP?

What were the learning experiences that enabled students to develop an understanding of the concepts identified in
“What do we want to learn?”
Home assignments helped learners to find out facts about relationships in family and people around them.They could related
incidences-of their real life to the unit very well.They made rules for classroom to maintain good relations with peers and teacher.
What were the learning experiences that enabled students to demonstrate the learning and application of particular
transdisciplinary skills?
Research skill: Students got home research on their family in detail and could compare between joint & nuclear family. They found the
relationships between neighboring country and shared with their peers in the class. Communication skill: They stated communicating
with their family and friends positively. Thinking skill : They shared their opinions in right way by approaching people around them .
Social skill: They now have a better understanding on how one should take responsibility in family through caring, loving and open-
minded . Self -management skill: Through stories and role plays students displayed how one should behave with their families and
What were the learning experiences that enabled students to develop particular attributes of the learner profile and/or
Learners got the broad understanding about being open-minded and caring through sharing ideas & toys with people around them. They
demonstrate empathy with their peers and family when they are unwell and hurt. They respect all elders in their family and help them.
They have become tolerant in their attitude and when are in social surrounding and in certain circumstances.

8. What student-initiated inquiries arose from the learning?

Record a range of student-initiated inquiries and student questions and highlight any that were incorporated into the
teaching and learning.
Student question 1. What are relationships and why do we have to maintain them? 2. What are the ways we can make family , friends
and people in our surrounding happy?
At this point teachers should go back to box 2 “What do we want to learn?” and highlight the teacher questions/
provocations that were most effective in driving the inquiries.
Learners enjoyed learning through stories experienced from daily life on developing relations with people around us. Through role plays
they enacted situations wherein they demonstrated with positive attitudes. Through moral based stories on trust, love share & care.
What student-initiated actions arose from the learning?
Record student-initiated actions taken by individuals or groups showing their ability to reflect, to choose and to act.
Learners took opportunities to be kind and polite to people in their society . They shared incidences were they helped people in need
also by being polite and humble.

9. Teacher Notes

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Scope and Sequence
Visual Arts – Responding (Phase 1)
Overall Expectations
• show an understanding that the different forms of arts are forms of expression to be enjoyed. They know that dance, drama,
music and visual arts use symbols and representations to convey meaning. They have a concept of being an audience of different
art forms and display awareness of sharing art with others. They are able to interpret and respond to different art forms, including
their own work and that of others.
Conceptual Understandings
• People share art with others.
• The art is a means of communication and expression.
Learning Outcomes
• analyse the relationships within an artwork and construct meanings
• make personal connections to artworks

Music – Responding (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• show an understanding that the different forms of arts are forms of expression to be enjoyed. They know that dance, drama,
music and visual arts use symbols and representations to convey meaning. They have a concept of being an audience of different
art forms and display awareness of sharing art with others. They are able to interpret and respond to different art forms, including
their own work and that of others.
Conceptual Understandings
• The art is a means of communication and expression.
Learning Outcomes
• recognize different sources of music in daily life
• describe how music makes them feel

Music – Creating (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• show an understanding that they can express themselves by creating artworks in dance, drama, music and visual arts. They
know that creating in arts can be done on their own or with others. They are aware that inspiration to create in arts comes from
their own experiences and imagination. They recognize that they use symbols and representations to convey meaning in their
Conceptual Understandings
• In creating art, people make choices to construct meaning about the world around them.
Learning Outcomes
• recreate sounds from familiar experiences

English – Oral language - listening and speaking (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• show an understanding of the value of speaking and listening to communicate. They recognize that sounds are associated with
objects, or with symbolic representations of them. They are using language to name their environment, to get to know each other,
to initiate and explore relationships, to question and inquire.
Conceptual Understandings
• Spoken words connect us with others.
Learning Outcomes
• join in with poems, rhymes, songs and repeated phrases in shared books
• follow classroom directions and routines, using context cues
• realize that people speak different languages
• use the mother tongue (with translation, if necessary) to express needs and explain ideas

English – Visual language - viewing and presenting (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• show an understanding that the world around them is full of visual language that conveys meaning. They are able to interpret
and respond to visual texts. Although much of their own visual language is spontaneous, they are extending and using visual
language in more purposeful ways.
Conceptual Understandings
• The pictures, images, and symbols in our environment have meaning.

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Learning Outcomes
• use body language to communicate and to convey understanding, for example, pointing, gesturing, facial expressions
• show appreciation of illustrations in picture books by selecting and rereading familiar books, focusing on favourite pages

English – Written language - reading (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• show an understanding that print represents the real or the imagined world. They know that reading gives them knowledge and
pleasure; that it can be a social activity or an individual activity. They have a concept of a "book", and an awareness of some of its
structural elements. They use visual cues to recall sounds and the words they are "reading" to construct meaning.
Conceptual Understandings
• Printed information can tell about the real world.
Learning Outcomes
• listen attentively and respond to stories read aloud
• make connections to their own experience when listening to or "reading" texts

English – Written language - writing (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• show an understanding that writing is a form of expression to be enjoyed. They know that how you write and what you write
conveys meaning; that writing is a purposeful act, with both individual and collaborative aspects.
Conceptual Understandings
• Everyone can express themselves in writing.
Learning Outcomes
• use their own experience as a stimulus when drawing and "writing"
• show curiosity and ask questions about written language

Mathematics – Data Handling (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• will develop an understanding of how the collection and organization of information helps to make sense of the world. They will
sort, describe and label objects by attributes and represent information in graphs including pictographs and tally marks. The
learners will discuss chance in daily events.
Conceptual Understandings
• We collect information to make sense of the world around us.
• Events in daily life involve chance.
Learning Outcomes
• understand that sets can be organized by different attributes
• sort and label real objects by attributes.

Mathematics – Measurement (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• will develop an understanding of how measurement involves the comparison of objects and the ordering and sequencing of
events. They will be able to identify, compare and describe attributes of real objects as well as describe and sequence familiar
events in their daily routine.
Conceptual Understandings
• Measurement involves comparing objects and events.
• Objects have attributes that can be measured using non-standard units.
Learning Outcomes
• understand that events in daily routines can be described and sequenced, for example, before, after, bedtime, storytime, today,
• compare the length, mass and capacity of objects using non- standard units
• describe observations about events and objects in real-life situations

Mathematics – Shape and Space (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• will understand that shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared. They will understand and use common
language to describe paths, regions and boundaries of their immediate environment.
Conceptual Understandings
• Shapes can be described and organized according to their properties.

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Learning Outcomes
• understand that 2D and 3D shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared
• sort, describe and compare 3D shapes
• describe position and direction, for example, inside, outside, above, below, next to, behind, in front of, up, down.

Mathematics – Pattern and Function (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• will understand that patterns and sequences occur in everyday situations. They will be able to identify, describe, extend and
create patterns in various ways.
Conceptual Understandings
• Patterns and sequences occur in everyday situations.
• Patterns repeat and grow.
Learning Outcomes
• extend and create patterns.
• understand that patterns can be found in everyday situations, for example, sounds, actions, objects, nature.

Mathematics – Number (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• will understand that numbers are used for many different purposes in the real world. They will develop an understanding of
one-to-one correspondence and conservation of number, and be able to count and use number words and numerals to represent
Conceptual Understandings
• Numbers are a naming system.
• Numbers can be used in many ways for different purposes in the real world.
• Numbers are connected to each other through a variety of relationships.
• Making connections between our experiences with number can help us to develop number sense.
Learning Outcomes
• count to determine the number of objects in a set
• use number words and numerals to represent quantities in real-life situations
• use the language of mathematics to compare quantities in real-life situations, for example, more, less, first, second
• use simple fraction names in real-life situations.
• understand one-to-one correspondence
• understand whole-part relationships

Social Studies – Human systems and economic activities (Age 3-5)

Overall Expectations
• will explore their understanding of people and their lives, focusing on themselves, their friends and families, and their
immediate environment. They will practise applying rules and routines to work and play. They will gain an increasing awareness of
themselves in relation to the various groups to which they belong and be conscious of systems by which they organize
Conceptual Understandings
• Orientate in relation to place and time
Learning Outcomes
• recognize how his or her choices and behaviours affect learning in the classroom (for example, respond to various picture and
story prompts to explain how one person’s actions can impact others).
• demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning
a. Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society.

Physical Education/Personal Social Education – Identity (Phase 1)

Overall Expectations
• have an awareness of themselves and how they are similar and different to others. They can describe how they have grown
and changed, and they can talk about the new understandings and abilities that have accompanied these changes. They
demonstrate a sense of competence with developmentally appropriate daily tasks and can identify and explore strategies that
help them cope with change. Learners reflect on their experiences in order to inform future learning and to understand themselves
Conceptual Understandings
• Emotions, attitudes and beliefs influence the way we act.
• Positive thoughts help us to develop a positive attitude.

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Learning Outcomes
• identify themselves in relation to others (for example, family, peers, school class, ethnicity, gender)
• talk about similarities and differences between themselves and others

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