Unit Rationale: Grade:1 Unit: My Community Critical Inquiry Question: How Do I Belong To My Community?
Unit Rationale: Grade:1 Unit: My Community Critical Inquiry Question: How Do I Belong To My Community?
Unit Rationale: Grade:1 Unit: My Community Critical Inquiry Question: How Do I Belong To My Community?
The following My Community unit addresses the critical inquiry question How
do I belong to my community? Grade one students will examine how where they live
affects how they live within their community. A unit addressing this critical inquiry
question provides students the opportunity to reflect on how the various places they
community. This unit will be taught after the Who am I? unit and before the
Community Helpers unit. Students will therefore have knowledge and understanding
of the concepts of family and identity. In the Who Am I? unit students have the
opportunity to evaluate who they are and what their individual values and interests are.
The My Community unit is a logical unit to teach after Who Am I? This unit is
important to teach before the Community Helpers unit so students can acquire the
knowledge about their own community and be able to distinguish it from others.
Students need to know what a community is and how it functions before they can
The My Community unit is a four week unit. The information provided in this
unit plan is only a one week segment of the larger unit. Over the course of the Grade
one, students develop their understanding of citizenship and identity. Students learn
how their community has changed over time and how this affects their lives today. This
is essential because learning about how an individuals community has developed,
they come from. This unit also allows students to develop understanding of how their
individual identity contributes to the community to which they live. Students therefore
perspective about individual and group identities within their communities. Students will
connect how their unique individual identity contributes to the community and in values.
Students will have a hands on experience that adds to their connection to their
the world around them using their five senses. Students will be encouraged to pause
and engage in their surroundings. Students will therefore make connections as to what
makes their community unique. By having a hands on experience to create their own
community story, students are able to reflect on their own identity which is strongly
reflected within the program of studies in social studies and language arts.
In this unit I have provided several different learning opportunities and activities
to engage students. Students are given hands on experiences to evaluate the concept
possible to deepen students understanding about change from the past to the present.
I believe this will make the social studies unit more engaging and activate excitement
student understanding about the key concept of community. I have strategically given
students various opportunities to have learning experiences with the concept of
community. Students will need to apply their learning about what makes them unique to
make this unit truly meaningful. I will need to check for understanding for students to be
mindful that students will develop their understanding at different rates. I will need to be
considerate that some students may need learning to be at slower pace, while others
The teacher understands the purposes of the Guide to Education and programs
teach. They know how to use these documents to inform and direct their
I have researched the program of studies for social studies, math, science, art,
music, and language arts. I have considered how to incorporate these subjects
Know (include when and how to engage others) to identify ways students learn
multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups, including those with special
learning needs
Throughout this one week unit plan I have provided differentiation examples for
individual uniqueness.
unit plan. I have unpacked the concept of community for students so they can
have a comprehensive understanding of this term. The activities that have been
utilized throughout this unit demonstrate my ability to create purposeful plans with
Know how to engage students in creating effective classroom routines. Know how
class with a picture book everyday allows students to establish their own
specialization and subject discipline taught, and know which strategies are
Throughout this unit plan I have applied various learning and instructional
think pair share, large group work, and individual group work. Including various
Know how to use and engage students in using these technologies to present and
deliver content, communicate effectively with other, find and secure information,
The use of technology is used to enhance learning for students. For example,
students are able to use Ipads in math lessons to complete shape sorts.
Know how to assess the range of learning objectives by selecting and developing
They know how to analyze the results of classroom and large scale assessment
instruments and how to use the results for the benefit of students.
thumbs down, fist to five, peer to peer feedback, and classroom discussion.
Know how to develop and implement strategies that create and enhance
Unit Planning Organizer
Grade: 1
Social Studies, Language Arts, Art, Science, Music, Physical Education
Unit/Topic: What is my role in my Community? Unit Duration: 5 weeks
What is a community?
What is a neighbourhood?
Who am I?
Who is in my community?
Where do I live?
What is my favorite thing about my community?
Who is part of my family?
What is a school?
Where do I fit in the world?
What do I want to be when I grow up?
What does my house look like?
1.1.4 determine what makes their communities thrive by exploring and reflecting
upon the following questions for inquiry:
In what ways do people cooperate in order to live together peacefully?
How do groups make decisions?
In what ways do people help one another at home, at school and in groups to
ensure the vitality of their community?
How do our actions and decisions contribute to the well-being of groups and
How does caring for the natural environment contribute to the well-being of our
Language Arts:
General Outcome 1:
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts,
ideas, feelings and experiences.
General Outcome 5:
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support
and collaborate
with others.
Work in groups
ask questions and contribute ideas related to class
investigations on topics of interest
take turns sharing ideas and information
Building Things:
General Learner Expectations
Students will:
General Learner Expectations
Students will:
19 Use the senses to make general and specific observations, and
communicate observations orally and by producing captioned pictures.
110 Describe the role of the human senses and the senses of other living
things, in enabling perception and action.
Shape and Space (3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes)
General Outcome:
Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the
relationships among them. Specific Outcomes
2. Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the sorting
rule. composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects. 4. Compare 2-D shapes to parts of
3-D objects in the environment.
Essential Resources:
A House Is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman
A Life Like Mine: How Children Live Around the World by DK
Assessment Consortium http://www.aac.ab.ca/assessment-materials/welcome-
DK Readers L1: Homes Around the World Paperback by Max Moore
Exploring Our World: Neighborhoods & Communities by Kathleen M.
Franklins Neighbourhood by Paulette Bourgeois & Brenda Clark
Google Maps: https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Canada/@54.5718155,-
Houses and Homes (Around the World Series) by Ann Morris
I Went Walking by Sue Williams
If I Built a House by Chris Van Dusen
If You Lived Here: Houses of the World by Giles Laroche
Making Music Fun for the Little Ones! Christie Web and Tracy Stener
Multicultural Fables & Fairytales by Tara McCarthy
The More We Get Together - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lldmkrJXQ-E
Unit Planning: How do I belong to my community?
Grade: 1
Subjects: Social Studies, Language Arts, Art, Music, Physical Education, Science
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Language Language Language Language Language Arts
Arts/Social Arts/Social Arts/Social Arts/Social Studies
Studies Studies/Science Studies/Science
Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: Lesson: What story
What is a Community? Community Walk My Community This is My Community does our picture tell?
Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective:
Students will Students will observe Students will read and Students will identify what Students will develop
understand the and understand what interpret their own makes their home skills of oral language.
concept of community their community looks observations to create different and unique when
like around them. a community booklet. compared to others from
around the world
Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:
Define community a - Read I Went Walking - Do a re-read of - Literature Share A Students will practice
place where people by Sue Williams Franklins Book Tasting telling their stories about
live, work, and play. Neighbourhood their community with
Discuss What did the Non-fiction and fiction peers.
On smartboard have little girl see? - Class Discussion - books will be used that
map of Lethbridge Where do most people identify homes from
instruct students that What did you see on live in Franklins around the world.
this is our community. your way to school in community?
Our community is a your community? Students will work in pairs
place where people - What evidence did to identify how homes are
live, work, and play. What did you hear? you use? different.
What did you smell?
Concept Sort What did you touch? - What did we see on Resources:
Complete a concept What did you taste? our community walk?
sort of places in our - If You Lived Here:
community (pictures of - Community walk - Where do people Houses of the World by
Lethbridge cut out) live? Giles Laroche
include places that do - Complete walk around - A House Is a House for
not belong in community have - How did Franklin get Me by Mary Ann
Lethbridge to students make around his Hoberman
challenge students to observations as they community? - Multicultural Fables &
use critical thinking walk Fairytales by Tara
skills. - observe - How did you get to McCarthy
Discuss where are nature/vegetation/colors school? -Exploring Our World:
these places/have you Neighborhoods &
been to these places - include 5 senses in - Students will use Communities by
before/are these observations booklet their I went Walking Kathleen M. Hollenbeck
places important (what do we observational booklet - DK Readers L1: Homes
see/smell/touch/hear/tas to create their own I Around the
What places are not in te) Went Walking World Paperback
Lethbridge How booklet. by Max Moore
could you tell? What Discussion debrief - Houses and Homes
clues did you use as observations - Students will finish (Around the World Series)
evidence? the writing prompt I by Ann Morris
went walking and
Brainstorm on anchor - Create Anchor charts saw/smelled/heard/tast - A Life Like Mine: How
chart other important of five senses about ed/felt Children Live Around the
places in the what was observed in World by DK
community. our community - Students will draw
pictures to accompany - Students will create
Read Franklins sentences poster about what a
Neighbourhood - by house in a different
Paulette Bourgeois & - Students will share community looks like.
Brenda Clark their booklet with - what does the house
class. look like/what is it made
Discussion Why did out of/who lives
Franklin have a difficult there/where is it
time picking his
favorite place in his
Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes:
Social Studies: Language Arts: Language Arts: Language Arts: Language Arts:
GLO 1.1: My World: General Outcome 1: General Outcome 1: General Outcome 1: 1.1 Discover and
Home, School, & Students will listen, Students will listen, Students will listen, Explore
Community speak, read, write, view speak, read, write, speak, read, write, view
General Outcome and represent to explore view and represent to and represent to explore Express ideas and
Students will thoughts, ideas, feelings explore thoughts, thoughts, ideas, feelings develop understanding
demonstrate an and experiences. ideas, feelings and and experiences. share personal
understanding and experiences. experiences that are
appreciation of how 1.1 Discover and 1.1 Discover and Explore clearly related to oral,
identity and self- Explore 1.1 Discover and print and other media
esteem are enhanced Explore Express ideas and texts
by their sense of Express ideas and develop understanding talk with others about
belonging in their develop understanding Express ideas and share personal something recently
world and how active develop understanding experiences that are learned
members in a share personal share personal clearly related to oral, make observations
community contribute experiences that are experiences that are print and other media about activities,
to the well-being, clearly related to oral, clearly related to oral, texts experiences with oral,
growth and vitality of print and other media print and other media talk with others about print and other media
their groups and texts texts something recently texts
communities. talk with others about talk with others about learned
SLO 1.1.1 something recently something recently make observations Experiment with
- Students will value learned learned about activities, language and forms
self and others as make observations make observations experiences with oral, experiment with
unique individuals in about activities, about activities, print and other media different ways of
relation to their world: experiences with oral, experiences with oral, texts exploring and
- appreciate how print and other media print and other media developing stories,
belonging to groups texts texts Experiment with language ideas and experiences
and communities and forms Express preferences
enriches an experiment with different express preferences
individuals identity Social Studies: Social Studies: ways of exploring and for a variety of oral, print
GLO 1.1: My World: GLO 1.1: My World: developing stories, ideas and other media texts
Language Arts: Home, School, & Home, School, & and experiences Set goals
General Outcome 1: Community Community Express preferences choose to read and
Students will listen, General Outcome General Outcome express preferences for write for and with others
speak, read, write, Students will Students will a variety of oral, print and
view and represent to demonstrate an demonstrate an other media texts 1.2 Clarify and Extend
explore thoughts, understanding and understanding and Set goals Consider the ideas of
ideas, feelings and appreciation of how appreciation of how choose to read and write others
experiences. identity and self-esteem identity and self- for and with others listen and respond
are enhanced by their esteem are enhanced appropriately to
1.1 Discover and sense of belonging in by their sense of 1.2 Clarify and Extend experiences and
Explore their world and how belonging in their Consider the ideas of feelings shared by
active members in a world and how active others others
Express ideas and community contribute to members in a listen and respond Combine ideas
develop understanding the well-being, growth community contribute appropriately to group ideas and
- share personal and vitality of their to the well-being, experiences and feelings information into
experiences that are groups and growth and vitality of shared by others categories determined
clearly related to oral, communities. their groups and Combine ideas by an adult
print and other media SLO 1.1.1 communities. group ideas and Extend understanding
texts - Students will value self SLO 1.1.1 information into ask questions to get
- talk with others about and others as unique - Students will value categories determined by additional ideas and
something recently individuals in relation to self and others as an adult information on topics of
learned their world: unique individuals in Extend understanding interest
- make observations - appreciate how relation to their world: ask questions to get
about activities, belonging to groups and - appreciate how additional ideas and 5.2 Work within a Group
experiences with oral, communities enriches belonging to groups information on topics of Cooperate with others
print and other media an individuals identity and communities interest work in partnerships
texts enriches an and groups
Science: individuals identity 5.2 Work within a Group help others and ask
Senses: Cooperate with others others for help
General Learner Science: work in partnerships and
Expectations Senses: groups Work in groups
Students will: General Learner help others and ask ask questions and
19 Use the senses to Expectations others for help contribute ideas related
make general and Students will: to class
specific observations, 19 Use the senses to Work in groups investigations on topics
and communicate make general and ask questions and of interest
observations orally and specific observations, contribute ideas related to take turns sharing
by producing captioned and communicate class ideas and information
pictures. observations orally
and by producing investigations on topics of Evaluate group process
Specific Learner captioned pictures. interest recognize personal
Expectations take turns sharing ideas contributions to group
Students will: Specific Learner and information process
1. Identify each of the Expectations
senses, and explain how Students will: Evaluate group process
we use our senses in 1. Identify each of the recognize personal
interpreting the world. senses, and explain contributions to group
2. Identify ways that our how we use our process
senses contribute to our senses in interpreting
safety and quality of life. the world. Social Studies:
3. Apply particular 2. Identify ways that Values and Attitudes:
senses to identify and our senses contribute Students will:
describe objects or to our safety and 1.1.1 value self and
materials provided and quality of life. others as unique
to describe living things 3. Apply particular individuals in relation to
and environments. senses to identify and their world:
Students meeting this describe objects or appreciate how
expectation will be able materials provided and belonging to groups and
to describe to describe living communities enriches an
characteristics, such as things and individuals
colour, shape, size, environments. identity
texture, smell and Students meeting this appreciate multiple
sound. expectation will be points of view, languages,
able to describe cultures and experiences
characteristics, such within
as colour, shape, size, their groups and
texture, smell and communities
sound. demonstrate respect for
their individual rights and
the rights of others
recognize and respect
how the needs of others
may be different from their
Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objectives: Lesson Objective:
Students will identify Students will identify Students will Identify and describe Students will explore the
the features of a 2D and name shapes they manipulate 2D shapes attributes & properties of use of oral language
shape observed in their to create objects. two-dimensional shapes. through sharing their
community. personal narratives
Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes:
Math: Shape and Space (3-D Shape and Space (3-D Shape and Space (3-D 1.1 Discover and
Shape and Space (3-D Objects and 2-D Objects and 2-D Objects and 2-D Shapes) Explore
Objects and 2-D Shapes) General Shapes) General Outcome:
Shapes) General Outcome: General Outcome: Describe the Express ideas and
Outcome: Describe the Describe the characteristics of 3-D develop understanding
Describe the characteristics of 3-D characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, share personal
characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, objects and 2-D and analyze the experiences that are
objects and 2-D and analyze the shapes, and analyze relationships among clearly related to oral,
shapes, and analyze relationships among the relationships them. print and other media
the relationships them. Specific among them. Specific Outcomes: texts
among them. Specific Outcomes Specific Outcomes 2. Sort 3-D objects and 2- talk with others about
Outcomes 2. Sort 3-D objects and 2. Sort 3-D objects and D shapes, using one something recently
2. Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, using one 2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the learned
2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the attribute, and explain sorting rule. composite 2- make observations
attribute, and explain sorting rule. composite the sorting rule. D shapes and 3-D about activities,
the sorting rule. 2-D shapes and 3-D composite 2-D shapes objects. 4. Compare 2-D experiences with oral,
composite 2-D shapes objects. 4. Compare 2-D and 3-D objects. 4. shapes to parts of 3-D print and other media
and 3-D objects. 4. shapes to parts of 3-D Compare 2-D shapes objects in the environment texts
Compare 2-D shapes objects in the to parts of 3-D objects
environment. in the environment
to parts of 3-D objects
in the environment
Social Science Social Art
Lesson: My Favorite Lesson: Using our 5 Lesson: What is a Lesson: What is my
Place in my senses in our map? favorite place?
Community? Community
Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective: Lesson Objective:
After completing the Students will identify Students will construct Students will explore
concept sort, students how their 5 senses were a map using the book water color and oil pastels
will complete a writing used on their community Franklins to observe how the two
activity/drawing activity walk. Neighbourhood and materials do not mix.
that identifies their identify map features.
favorite place in their
General Outcome
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how
identity and self-esteem are enhanced by their sense of belonging in
their world and how active members in a community contribute to the
well-being, growth and vitality of their groups and communities.
SLO 1.1.1
- Students will value self and others as unique individuals in relation to
their world:
- appreciate how belonging to groups and communities enriches an
individuals identity
Language Arts:
General Outcome 1:
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore
thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
Identify a Represents an
important place appropriate place
in the in the community.
Explain Creates a caption
importance to that specifically
community explains why the
( place is
Bulletin Boards:
The following bulletin boards are exemplars of bulletin board that could be used during
the community unit.
In order to effectively communicate with parents I will send a weekly update home in a
newsletter form to remind parents of what is going on in our classroom. I envision this
being a classroom newsletter where students contribute. Students will have some
ownership in what goes into the class newsletter. Pictures, work submissions,
community news will be incorporated.